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Platform: iOS 8+ Language: Swift 4 CocoaPods compatible License: MIR



SwiftyArk is a simple, lightweight framework for the Ark Ecosystem. SwiftyArk provides a simple wrapper for accessing Ark accounts, delegates, block, and transaction information.

SwiftyArk's networking component is fully asynchronous and have extensive error handling. SwiftyArk data structures are type-safe and favor immutability.


  • iOS 8.0+
  • mac OSX 10.10+
  • Swift 3.0


SwiftyArk is 100% documented and available here

Getting Started:

The Ark APi is accessed with the ArkManager:

let manager = ArkManager()

ArkManager handles all network calls and returns results asynchronous in a closure:

manager.delegates { (error, delegates) in
   if let arkError = error {

    if let currentDelegates = delegates {
    	// List of delegates

With the manager instance, you can access an account:

manager.account(address: "AUexKjGtgsSpVzPLs6jNMM6vJ6znEVTQWK") { (error, arkAccount) in
  if let account = arkAccount {
       // Account(address: "AUexKjGtgsSpVzPLs6jNMM6vJ6znEVTQWK",
       // unconfirmedBalance: 16118512.398923151,
       // balance: 16118512.398923151,
       // publicKey: "02ff171adaef486b7db9fc160b28433d20cf43163d56fd28fee72145f0d5219a4b",
       // unconfirmedSignature: Optional(0),
       // secondSignature: Optional(0),
       // multisignatures: Optional([]),
       // secondPublicKey: nil,
       // unconfirmedMultisignatures: Optional([]))

The manager instance can store a session for easy accessing of an address/delegate:

manager.delegate("jarunik") { (error, delegate) in
   if let arkDelegate = delegate {
		// Delegate(username: "jarunik", 
		// address: "Aasu14aTs9ipZdy1FMv7ay1Vqn3jPskA8t", 
		// publicKey: "02c7455bebeadde04728441e0f57f82f972155c088252bf7c1365eb0dc84fbf5de",
		// votes: 1246983.70585494,
		// producedblocks: 
		// 28670, 
		// missedblocks: 61, 
		// rate: 47, 
		// approval: 0.970000029, 
		// productivity: 99.7900009)
       // Update the session settings with delegate
       manager.updateSettings(delegate: arkDelegate)

With the stored session credentials, you can easily access acccount information:

 manager.lastBlock { (error, block) in
    if let lastBlock = block {
    	 // Block(id: "3725283905614253778",
    	 // version: 0,
    	 // timestamp: 2017-09-19 00:48:48 +0000,
    	 // height: 1948928,
    	 // previousBlock: "17490567348134875423",
    	 // numberOfTransactions: 0,
    	 // totalAmount: 0.0,
    	 // totalFee: 0.0,
    	 // reward: 2.0,
    	 // payloadLength: 0,
    	 // payloadHash: "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
    	 // generatorPublicKey: "#{key}",
    	 // generatorId: "ARAq9nhjCxwpWnGKDgxveAJSijNG8Y6dFQ",
    	 // blockSignature: "#{signature}",
    	 // confirmations: 27,
    	 // totalForged: 2.0)

SwiftyArk supports creating and sending new transactions:

 manager.sendTransaction("recipientAddress", amount: 100.0, passphrase: "passphrase", secondPassphrase: "secondPassphrase", vendorField: "my message") { (error, response) in
     // response

With SwiftyArk, you can also vote/unvote for a delegate:

manager.delegate("jarunik") { (error, delegate) in
    if let jarunik = delegate {
        manager.sendVote(jarunik, passphrase: "passphrase", secondPassphrase: "optionalSecondPassphrase") { (error, response) in
        	// response

SwiftyArk also has a built in Ark Ticker provided by CoinMarketCap with support for 31 currencies:

manager.ticker(currency: .cad) { (error, ticker) in
   if let canadianTicker = ticker {
        // Ticker(currency: SwiftyArk.Currency.cad,
        // id: "ark",
        // name: "Ark",
        // symbol: "ARK",
        // rank: 20,
        // price: 4.3638476501000003,
        // bitcoinPrice: 0.00088648999999999998,
        // volume24Hour: 5406421.2865599999,
        // marketCap: 426120847.0,
        // availableSupply: 97647966.0,
        // totalSupply: 128897966.0,
        // percentChange1h: -3.7999999999999998,
        // percentChange24h: 1.8700000000000001,
        // percentChange7d: -1.1100000000000001)



SwiftyArk is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SwiftyArk"

In your project, be sure to import SwiftyArk in your project header:

import SwiftyArk

Manual Installation:

Simply copy the contents of the Source folder into your project.


SwiftyArk is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


If you have any questions, requests, or enhancements, feel free to submit a pull request, create an issue, or contact me in person:

Andrew Walz [email protected]


SwiftyArk is 100% open source and made with ❤️. If you would like to contribute:

Ark Address: AYdHH5TsZF796pv7gxVU1tK6DLkUxMK1VL

Bitcoin Address: 16HPSJkzaQWWYyATrAnzCiLCQ2GSJETJbL


Delegate Sponsor - Jarunik