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Hello, World!

After learning a bit about the values of the project, let’s get a taste of the codebase and some of the tools.

First get setup with Calypso locally if you haven't already.

Load http://calypso.localhost:3000 in your browser.

For this example to work, you need to have signed into WordPress and have already set up at least one site.

All good? Cool, now let’s build our Hello, World!.

Adding a new section

Sections are usually bigger areas of the application that have their own chunk of code, loaded asynchronously when its URLs are hit.

Creating a new section is composed of five steps:

  1. Add your feature config/development.json.
  2. Setup your section folder client/my-sites/my-section.
  3. Create a controller client/my-sites/my-section/controller.js.
  4. Setup the entry routes in client/my-sites/my-section/index.js.
  5. Register section in client/sections.js.

1. Add a feature

First thing is to enable your new feature in Calypso. We'll do that by opening config/development.json and adding a new feature entry in features {}:

"hello-world": true

Feature flags are a great way to enable/disable certain features in specific environments. For example, we can merge our "Hello, World!" code in trunk, but hide it behind a feature flag. We have more documentation on feature flags.

2. Set up folder structure

For the sake of this tutorial, we are creating a Hello World page within the my-sites section. Create a directory called hello-world in client/my-sites.

You can run this command on your terminal within your local Calypso project:

mkdir client/my-sites/hello-world

3. Create a controller file

The controller.js file is where you can find the various functions that get called at each specific route. Let's add our own!

touch client/my-sites/hello-world/controller.js

There you'll write your controller with a function called helloWorld:

export const helloWorld = ( context, next ) => {
	console.log( 'Hello, world?' );

4. Set up the route

The next step is to create the main file for your section, called index.js within hello-world. Run the following command to create the file:

touch client/my-sites/hello-world/index.js

Here we'll import the page module, the My Sites controller and our own controller, and write our main route handler:

import { isEnabled } from '@automattic/calypso-config';
import page from '@automattic/calypso-router';
import { makeLayout, render as clientRender } from 'calypso/controller';
import { navigation, siteSelection } from 'calypso/my-sites/controller';
import { helloWorld } from './controller';

export default () => {
	if ( isEnabled( 'hello-world' ) ) {
		page( '/hello-world/:site?', siteSelection, navigation, helloWorld, makeLayout, clientRender );
	} else {
		page.redirect( '/' );
  • First we check to make sure our hello-world feature flag is enabled. If not, we skip setting up the route and redirect to the homepage.
  • page() will set up the route /hello-world and run some functions when it's matched.
  • The :site? is because we want to support site specific pages for our hello-world route.
  • Each function is invoked with context and next arguments.
  • We are passing the siteSelection function from the main "My Sites" controller, which handles the site selection process.
  • Next, we are passing the navigation function, also from the main "My Sites" controller, which inserts the sidebar navigation into context.secondary.
  • helloWorld is our newly created controller handler.
  • makeLayout creates Layout element which contains elements from context.primary and context.secondary.
  • clientRender renders Layout element into DOM.

You can read more about ES6 modules from Axel Rauschmayer's "ECMAScript 6 modules: the final syntax" as well from MDN web docs: export & import.

5. Register section

Now it's time to configure our section. Open client/sections.js and add the following code to the end of the sections array:

const sections = [
	// ** lots of sections here **
	// add new section:
		name: 'hello-world',
		paths: [ '/hello-world' ],
		module: 'calypso/my-sites/hello-world',

We always add our section to the list, even if the feature flag is disabled. In the event that our feature flag is turned off, our route won't be registered (per the code in Step 4).

Run the server!

Restart the server doing:

  • yarn start

We are ready to load http://calypso.localhost:3000/hello-world! Your console should respond with Hello, world? if everything is working and you should see Calypso's sidebar for "My Sites".

The View

Now let's build our main view using a React component. For this task we have two steps:

  1. Create a JSX file called main.jsx in client/my-sites/hello-world.
  2. Create component's style.scss file.
  3. Hook up controller.

1. Create main view

Create an empty file main.jsx by running the following command:

touch client/my-sites/hello-world/main.jsx

Start by importing React as an external dependency at the top, then import the internal "Main" UI component from components/main. We'll use it to set up our view tree. Finally, create and export a new React Component.

import { Component } from 'react';
import Main from 'calypso/components/main';

export default class HelloWorld extends Component {}

Cool. Let's make the React component render something for us. We'll do that by adding a render() method that uses the "Main" component and outputs some markup. Let's add the render() method inside of the React.Component extension like so:

import { Component } from 'react';

export default class HelloWorld extends Component {
	render() {
		return (
				<h1>Hello, World!</h1>

If you want to learn more about our approach to writing React components, check out the Components page.

2. Create style.scss file

According to Components guidelines, there is only one style file per component, it's named style.scss and lives in the same component folder.

We'll create an empty style.scss file with the following command:

touch client/my-sites/hello-world/style.scss

Then add some styles for our HelloWorld component:

.hello-world {
	background-color: #fafafa;

.hello-world__title {
	color: #37a000;
	font-size: 3rem;

Let's update the component we wrote above to include our new styles:

import { Component } from 'react';

export default class HelloWorld extends Component {
	render() {
		return (
			<Main className="hello-world">
				<h1 className="hello-world__title">Hello, World!</h1>

We need to do one more step to import the component's style file in the component's JavaScript source file. It's done by adding an import statement block to the main.jsx file:

import './style.scss';

That's it. Please check out the CSS/Sass Coding Guidelines to learn more about working with stylesheets in the project.

3. Hook up controller

Time to hook this up with our controller function. Open /hello-world/controller.js. Import React and your new component at the top of the file:

import HelloWorld from 'calypso/my-sites/hello-world/main';

Then remove the console.log call and enter the following instead:

export const helloWorld = ( context, next ) => {
	context.primary = <HelloWorld />;

In the Main constant we are getting our main jsx file for our section. We then place HelloWorld element in context.primary property, which will be eventually get placed in DOM inside #primary div element in Layout element.

(If you want to see where context.primary is used open client/layout/index.jsx.)

Ok, ready?

Run yarn start if it wasn't already running, and load http://calypso.localhost:3000/hello-world in your browser. You should see "Hello, World!" on the page next to the sidebar. And since we added siteSelection in our initial route setup, changing a site in the sidebar should also work for your hello-world section. Happy calypsoing!

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