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Jetpack HTTP API

Jetpack's HTTP API is built as an extension to the WordPress core REST API. Thus, you may find additional information on approaching the API in the REST API Handbook.

How to use

All of the extensions that Jetpack adds to the core's REST API infrastructure demand authentication and, of course knowledge of the endpoints (you can find about them under API Reference).

Requesting with jQuery from the browser's console.

If you go to the Jetpack wp-admin page (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack) on you WordPress site, you can open the console there and write an AJAX request using jQuery.ajax. This comes in handy when testing as every request demands a nonce generated for the REST API specifically. More details about this nonce in API Authentication and authorization.

Example GET request

jQuery.ajax( {
    url: '/wp-json/jetpack/v4/settings/',
    method: 'get',
    beforeSend: function ( xhr ) {
        xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', Initial_State.WP_API_nonce );
    contentType: "application/json",
    dataType: "json"
} ).done( function ( response ) {
    console.log( response );
} ).error( function ( error ) {
    console.log( error.responseText );
} );

Example POST request

jQuery.ajax( {
    url: '/wp-json/jetpack/v4/settings/',
    method: 'post',
    beforeSend: function ( xhr ) {
        xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', Initial_State.WP_API_nonce );
    data: JSON.stringify( {
        'carousel_display_exif': false
    } ),
    contentType: "application/json",
    dataType: "json"
} ).done( function ( response ) {
    console.log( response );
} ).error( function ( error ) {
    console.log( error.responseText );
} );

Requesting with the fetch API from the browser's console.

Example GET request

fetch( '/wp-json/jetpack/v4/settings', {
	credentials: 'same-origin',
	headers: {
		'X-WP-Nonce': Initial_State.WP_API_nonce,
		'Content-type': 'application/json' }
} )
	.then( response => response.json() )
	.then( response => console.log( response) )
	.catch( error => console.log( error.responseText ) );

Example POST request

fetch( '/wp-json/jetpack/v4/settings', {
	method: 'post',
	body: JSON.stringify( { masterbar: true } ),
	headers: {
		'X-WP-Nonce': Initial_State.WP_API_nonce,
		'Content-type': 'application/json' }
} )
	.then( response => response.json() )
	.then( response => console.log( response) )
	.catch( error => console.log( error.responseText ) );

API Authentication and authorization

The API requests rely on cookie-based authentication and a specific nonce for requests to be authorized.

API Request Authorization via nonces

The WP REST API infrastructure requires a nonce for authorizing of the request itself.

Ensure to use the X-WP-Nonce header on your request.

X-WP-Nonce: e1cff122e1

The nonce is being served on the Jetpack admin page by usage of the wp_localize_script mechanism for passing values from PHP code to the JS scope. It's created for the action wp_rest and made available in the Jetpack Admin Page as:


The root URL for the the API is found on the same page as:


API Reference

All endpoints return and accept JSON. Make sure you add the proper content-type header to your PUT/POST requests sending JSON objects.

'Content-type': 'application/json'

Discovery endpoint

Core REST API-compatible capabilities document for the endpoints registered by Jetpack.

GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4

Jetpack settings

Jetpack settings are all of the options provided by Jetpack modules. That is, any configurable aspect of the features provided by Jetpack. In addition, this endpoint, allows you to enable or disable modules too. You can pass a module slug as key and set it to true or false for activating or deactivating the module.

This endpoint returns a JSON object with multiple key and current values for them. When POSTing to this endpoint, you need to send a JSON object in the body with the new values for each key.

GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/settings

Fetch a list of Jetpack settings.

Example response

	"Bias Language":false,
	"Complex Expression":false,
	"Diacritical Marks":false,
	"Double Negative":false,
	"Hidden Verbs":true,
	"Jargon Language":false,
	"Passive voice":false,
	"Phrases to Avoid":false,
	"Redundant Expression":true,

POST /wp-json/jetpack/v4/settings

Update multiple settings at once.

Body parameters

  • Accepts a simple object with the key/values of the settings to update. If one of the keys you send matches a module slug and the value for it is true, the module we be activated. Setting it to false will deactivate the module.

This endpoint is quite permissive, so you will be able to try to update settings for a module that is not yet active. You can also try to activate a module an set any of its options on the same request.

Accepts a JSON object in the body like:

	"carousel_display_exif": false,
	"carousel": true

Jetpack connection

Operations related to Jetpack's connection to

GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/connection

Fetch Jetpack's current connection status.

Example Response

	"isActive": true,
	"offlineMode": {

GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/connection/url

Fetch a fresh URL for connecting the Jetpack installation.

Note: The response is not a JSON object, but a string enclosed in double quotes.

Example response


GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/connection/data

Fetch the data of the current's user account.

Example response

    "currentUser": {
        "isConnected": true,
        "isMaster": true,
        "username": "admin",
        "wpcomUser": {
            "ID": 9123841,
            "login": "wondell",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "display_name": "Wondell",
            "text_direction": "ltr",
            "site_count": 12,
            "jetpack_connect": "",
            "avatar": ""
        "gravatar": "<img alt='' src=';d=mm&#038;r=g' srcset=';d=mm&amp;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-40 photo' height='40' width='40' />",
        "permissions": {
            "admin_page": true,
            "connect": true,
            "disconnect": true,
            "manage_modules": true,
            "network_admin": false,
            "network_sites_page": false,
            "edit_posts": true,
            "publish_posts": true,
            "manage_options": true,
            "view_stats": true,
            "manage_plugins": true

POST /wp-json/jetpack/v4/connection

Disconnect the Jetpack installation from servers.

Accepts a JSON object in the body like:

	"isActive": false

POSTing with isActive as false will disconnect the site. Sending isActive: true has no effect.

POST /wp-json/jetpack/v4/connection/user

Unlink current user from the related account.

Accepts a JSON object in the body like:

	"linked": false

POSTing with linked as false will disconnect the site. Sending linked: true has no effect.

Jetpack modules

GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/module/all

Get a list of all Jetpack's modules, its description, other properties and the module's options

Note. The response has a big payload in the body. Use it carefully.

Example response

The response is huge. Try it on your browser's console for discovery. Here's a cut down version of it:

	"protect": {
	        "name": "Protect",
		"description": "Block suspicious-looking sign in activity",
		"sort": 1,
		"recommendation_order": 4,
		"introduced": "3.4",
		"changed": "",
		"deactivate": true,
		"free": true,
		"requires_connection": true,
		"auto_activate": "Yes",
		"module_tags": [
		"feature": [
		"additional_search_queries": "security, secure, protection, botnet, brute force, protect, login",
		"module": "protect",
		"activated": true,
		"options": { ... },
	"wordads": { ... },
	"stats": { ... },
	"manage": { ... },


GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/module/:module-slug

Get a single module description and properties by its slug.

Example response for /module/likes

    "name": "Likes",
    "description": "Give visitors an easy way to show they appreciate your content.",
    "sort": 23,
    "recommendation_order": 20,
    "introduced": "2.2",
    "changed": "",
    "deactivate": true,
    "free": true,
    "requires_connection": true,
    "auto_activate": "No",
    "module_tags": [
    "feature": [
    "additional_search_queries": "like, likes,",
    "options": {
        "wpl_default": {
            "description": " Likes are",
            "type": "string",
            "default": "on",
            "enum": [
            "enum_labels": {
                "on": "On for all posts",
                "off": "Turned on per post"
            "jp_group": "likes",
            "current_value": "on"
        "social_notifications_like": {
            "description": "Send email notification when someone likes a post",
            "type": "boolean",
            "default": 1,
            "jp_group": "likes",
            "current_value": true
    "short_description": "Give visitors an easy way to show they appreciate your content."

POST /wp-json/jetpack/v4/module/:module-slug/active

Activate or deactivate a module by its slug

Accepts a JSON object in the body like:

	"active": true

Body parameters

  • active: {Boolean} Send false to deactivate the module.

POST /wp-json/jetpack/v4/module/activate

Activate several modules at a time by their slug

Note: Try to not rely hard on this endpoint. Activation and deactivation of modules is also possible via the settings endpoint. And it may come in handy to use the settings endpoint instead as you can turn on a module and update settings related to that module at the same time in a single request.

Body parameters

  • modules: {Array} An array of strings of identifiers of the modules to activate
	"modules": [ "protect", "monitor", "likes" ]

POST /wp-json/jetpack/v4/module/:module-slug

Update an option's value for a module

Note: Try to not rely hard on this endpoint. We started giving the name settings to the modules options and you can update them via the settings endpoint now.

URL parameters

  • module-slug: {String} The identifier of the module on which to act.

Body parameters

  • Accepts a simple object with the key of the option to update and the new value.

Accepts a JSON object in the body like:

	"option-key": "new-option-value"

POST /wp-json/jetpack/v4/reset/:options_or_modules

Reset Jetpack module options or Jetpack modules activation state to default values.

URL parameters

  • options_or_modules: {String} Available values:

    • "options": all the modules' options will be re-set to their default values.
    • "modules": the modules activation state will be reset to their defaults.

    This endpoint does not take Body parameters

Jetpack notices

POST /wp-json/jetpack/v4/notice/:notice/dismiss

Dismiss a Jetpack notice by Id.

URL parameters

  • notice: {String} The identifier of the notice to dismiss. Possible values:
    • "feedback_dash_request"
    • "welcome".

Site information

Operations related to information about the site.

GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/site

Get current site data. The string value in data is a stringified JSON object with data coming from the API about the site.

Example response

    "code": "success",
    "message": "Site data correctly received.",
    "data": "{}"

Protect module related operations

GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/module/protect/data

Get count of blocked attacks by Protect.

Example response

Note: The response is not an object but a plain string with the number of blocked login attempts.


Plugins related endpoints

GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/plugins

Get a list of the currently installed plugins on the site.

Example response

    "hello.php": {
        "Name": "Hello Dolly",
        "PluginURI": "",
        "Version": "1.6",
        "Description": "This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from <cite>Hello, Dolly</cite> in the upper right of your admin screen on every page.",
        "Author": "Matt Mullenweg",
        "AuthorURI": "",
        "TextDomain": "",
        "DomainPath": "",
        "Network": false,
        "Title": "Hello Dolly",
        "AuthorName": "Matt Mullenweg",
        "active": false
    "jetpack/jetpack.php": {
        "Name": "Jetpack by",
        "PluginURI": "",
        "Version": "5.3",
        "Description": "Get everything you need to <strong>design, secure, and grow your WordPress site</strong>. Jetpack gives you free themes, image tools, related content, and site security, all in one convenient bundle.",
        "Author": "Automattic",
        "AuthorURI": "",
        "TextDomain": "jetpack",
        "DomainPath": "/languages/",
        "Network": false,
        "Title": "Jetpack by",
        "AuthorName": "Automattic",
        "active": true

GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/updates/plugins

Get number of updated available for currently installed WordPress plugins.

Example response when all plugins are up to date

	"code": "success",
	"message": "All plugins are up-to-date. Keep up the good work!",

Example response when some plugins need to be updated

	"code": "updates-available",
	"message": "2 plugins need updating.",
	"count": 2

Akismet data

GET /wp-json/jetpack/v4/module/akismet/data

Get stats from Akismet filtered spam.

Example response

    "6-months": {
        "spam": 0,
        "ham": 0,
        "missed_spam": 0,
        "false_positives": 0,
        "accuracy": 0,
        "breakdown": {
            "2017-03": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2017-03-01"
            "2017-04": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2017-04-01"
            "2017-05": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2017-05-01"
            "2017-06": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2017-06-01"
            "2017-07": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2017-07-01"
            "2017-08": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2017-08-01"
            "2017-09": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2017-09-01"
        "time_saved": 0
    "all": {
        "spam": 0,
        "ham": 0,
        "missed_spam": 0,
        "false_positives": 0,
        "accuracy": 0,
        "breakdown": {
            "2011": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2011-01-01"
            "2012": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2012-01-01"
            "2013": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2013-01-01"
            "2014": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2014-01-01"
            "2015": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2015-01-01"
            "2016": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2016-01-01"
            "2017": {
                "spam": 0,
                "ham": 0,
                "missed_spam": 0,
                "false_positives": 0,
                "da": "2017-01-01"
        "time_saved": 0