Adapted from the Redux project contributing guidelines.
We are open to, and grateful for, any contributions made by the community. By contributing to Composr, you agree to abide by the code of conduct.
Before opening an issue, please search the issue tracker to make sure your issue hasn't already been reported.
We use the issue tracker to keep track of bugs and improvements to Composr itself, its examples, and the documentation. We encourage you to open issues to discuss improvements, architecture, theory, internal implementation, etc. If a topic has been discussed before, we will ask you to join the previous discussion.
Running the build
task will create a static build of the project to /dist
$ npm run build
Help with documentation is more than welcome. It can come in a way of guides, tutorials, examples and code documentation.
A great guide for contributing to git projects from Mr.doob: A Contributor's Guide to the Git Galaxy
Help would always be wanted in new Geometry and Deformer types! Any other suggestions for features would be accepted as well.
Thanks you for contributing!