This is an electric wheelchair control demo by Katsushun89.
WHILL Model CR is the control target, M5Stack is used for the controller, and toio is used for the control input device.
Move to a Pose Control — PythonRobotics documentation is used for its control algorithm (code link).
If you found users who are using PythonRobotics for education, please make an issue to let me know.
You can check stargazer's locations of this project from:
This is a list of related projects.
Dear AtsushiSakai,
thank you for building this cool repo for robotics.
I am still learning robotics and this will give me a good starting point.
I hope this note gets to you.
--David Senicic
Dear AtsushiSakai,
WE found your project from google when first searching for a rosbag to csv converter. We are a small team in MCity working on Connected (and Automated) vehicles. We are working with an opensource platform that serve as the AI to control the vehicle. Your code and documentation helped us a lot!
Thank you! Have a nice day!
--Hanlin(Julia) Chen, MCity Apollo team
Dear Atsushi Sakai,
With your simplistic descriptions in text and as gifs, i was able to help my students understand easily and effectively, I would be honored to help, in anyway towards this, As a hobbyist have been developing lidar based slam navigation systems from 2011 and its only right to acknowledge and thank you for your contributions.
Dear Atsushi Sakai
I first came across your Matlab repository on ICP and SLAM. The repository for both python and Matlab helped me in understanding the essential concepts of robotics.I am really grateful to you for helping me develop my understanding of the concepts of robotics.
--Sparsh Garg
Dear AtsushiSakai,
Thank you very much for all the example programs related to Robotics
Dear AtsushiSakai,
Thanks for Python Robotics
--Rebecca Li
Thanks alot.
Dear AtsushiSakai,
thank you for you code!
—- Anonymous
--a friend
Thanks for the awesome collection of codes!
Thank you!
--huang pingzhong
Dear AtsushiSakai,
Thanks a lot for the wonderful collection of projects.It was really useful. I really appreciate your time in maintaing and building this repository.It will be really great if I get a chance to meet you in person sometime.I got really inspired looking at your work.
All the very best for all your future endeavors!
Thanks once again,
---Ezhil Bharathi
Dear Atsushi Sakai,
Thank you so much for gathering all the useful stuff and good examples of robotics things ! :)
I am very new in this area and want to know more about robotics and SLAM things.
and again, thank you so much :)
Dear AtsushiSakai,
Very excellent work. Thank you for your share.
--Thomas Yang
Dear Atsushi Saka Arigato 🤗🤗
--Badal Kumar
Dear AtsushiSakai,
Thanks for teaching how to implement path planning algorithms in robotics.
Your Github page is very useful. I will apply it with cooperative robot.
help me very much thankyou
Dear AtsushiSakai,
U R so niubility!
thankyou AtsushiSakai!
--ou minghua
Dear AtsushiSakai
Thank You
--Dogukan Altay
so kind of you can you make videos of it.
Dear AtshshiSakai,
You are very wise and smart that you created this library for students wanting to learn Probabilistic Robotics and actually perform robot control.
Hats off to you and your work.
I am also reading your book titled : Python Robotics
Dear AtsushiSakai,
Thank you so much !
Hi AtsushiSakai,
Thanks for creating the pythonrobotics repo! It's an awesome repo that has been of great help to me. I've referenced your extended kalman filter algorithm while creating my own for localization using a 2D lidar, camera, and IMU. Our robot is destined to compete soon, so fingers crossed that all works out! Thanks again.
You rock!
Dear AtsushiSakai,
You are the best. This is by far the best tutorial for learning and implementing robotics.
Thanks a lot for your time and efforts to do this!
--Adi B
Dear Atushi, thank you for this amazing repository. It is a pleasure to have access to python algorithms without the burden of ROS. While I'm no longer working on such robotics projects, it's wonderful to know its available when I need it and it was amazing to see all the beautiful animations for each algorithm.
--Shreeyak Sajjan
Dear AtsushiSakai
Thank you for your contributions!
Dear AtsushiSakai, Your visualizations are awesome, and I am going to have this link bookmarked for future references. Thank you!
--Srinivasa Varadhan Agaram Chakravarthy
Dear AtsushiSakai,
Thank you for this great resource! I very much appreciate all your hard work and effort.
--Mridul Aanjaneya
Thank you for the python robotics sample code and visualizations!! This is my new favorite thing on the internet.
Mr AtsushiSakai ..
Your work and teaching is light for me
thank you very much for giving time and effort to make it public for us
--Karim Anass
Thank You
I've learned the robotics from the traditional way of solving problem through finding packages and reading papers. This amazing project is unbelievably helpful for new-comers to learn and get familiar with the algorithms. Gods know how many hours you've taken to sort all the materials and written everything into one single coherent project. I'm truly amazed and deepest appreciation.
--Ewing Kang
Hey, I'm a student and I just recently got into robotics, and visited your repository multiple times. Today I was super happy to find the link to Patreon! I am impressed by didactic quality of the repo, keep up the good work!
--Carolina Bianchi
Dear AtsushiSakai, thanks a lot for the PythonRobotics git repository. I'm a college student who is trying to make a mini autonomous robot for my final project submission, I still haven't started using your code but by the look of it I'm sure it will be of greater use. Will let you know how my project is coming up.
Hello AtsushiSakai,
Thank you very much for sharing your work!
--Uma K
Hey Atsushi
We are working on a multiagent simulation game and this project gave us really good insights.
In future, I would like to contribute to this project with our multiagent task allocation among robots and multi robot map merging( Which is a big hurdle as we found).
Thanks for what you are doing for open source.
Thanks a lot for this amazing set of very useful librarires!
--Razvan Viorel Mihai
Dear Atsushi Sakai,
This is probably one of the best open-source robotics based Algorithms I have seen so far. Thank you for posting this knowledge with other engineers. It will definitely help soon to become engineers like myself.
hanks frnd, for ur contibusion
Thank you for python robotics!!
--Manuel Miguez
Great job
Dear Atsushi Sakai
Thank you for the Python Robotics
--Alex Liberzon
Thanks for your robotics repo!
You made such a nice work. Congratulations :)
thank you for python path finding repo
Dear AtsushiSakai,
Thank you so much for making the concept of robotics approachable for the general mass. Keep up the good work :)
--Harsh Munshi
Benefit a lot for your GitHub repository of PythonRobotics. Thanks so much.
Thanks for writing these algorithms. They are very helpful for learning robotics.
--Arihant Lunawat
Dear AtsushiSakai,
Thank you for providing us this great repository for playing and look around:)!
Thanks for PythonRobotics!
--Nick V
Dear AtsushiSakai, thank you so much for this material, it's so useful to me, i'm really glad with it =D
Dear Atsushi Thanks for compiling such a vast resource for robotics motion planning.
--Kartik Prakash
Thanks for your job!
I have learned a lot from it!
Dear Atsushi Sakai,
Thank you so much for creating PythonRobotics and documenting it so well. I am a senior in high school trying to learn and better myself in these concepts.
--Rohan Mathur
B. Blaga, M. Deac, R. W. Y. Al-doori, M. Negru and R. Dǎnescu, "Miniature Autonomous Vehicle Development on Raspberry Pi," 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2018, pp. 229-236. doi: 10.1109/ICCP.2018.8516589 keywords: {Automobiles;Task analysis;Autonomous vehicles;Path planning;Global Positioning System;Cameras;miniature autonomous vehicle;path planning;navigation;parking assist;lane detection and tracking;traffic sign recognition}, URL:
Peggy (Yuchun) Wang and Caitlin Hogan, "Path Planning with Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance for a Jumping-Enabled Robot", AA228/CS238 class report, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, URL:
Welburn, E, Hakim Khalili, H, Gupta, A, Watson, S & Carrasco, J 2019, A Navigational System for Quadcopter Remote Inspection of Offshore Substations. in The Fifteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems 2019. URL:
E. Horváth, C. Hajdu, C. Radu and Á. Ballagi, "Range Sensor-based Occupancy Grid Mapping with Signatures," 2019 20th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), Krakow-Wieliczka, Poland, 2019, pp. 1-5. URL:
Josie Hughes, Masaru Shimizu, and Arnoud Visser, "A Review of Robot Rescue Simulation Platforms for Robotics Education" URL:
Hughes, Josie, Masaru Shimizu, and Arnoud Visser. "A review of robot rescue simulation platforms for robotics education." (2019). URL:
Ghosh, Ritwika, et al. "CyPhyHouse: A Programming, Simulation, and Deployment Toolchain for Heterogeneous Distributed Coordination." arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.01557 (2019). URL:
Hahn, Carsten, et al. "Dynamic Path Planning with Stable Growing Neural Gas." (2019). URL:
Brijen Thananjeyan, et al. "ABC-LMPC: Safe Sample-Based Learning MPC for Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Adjustable Boundary Conditions" URL:
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