- View Cars: Users can view the details of all the cars present in the store.
- View Records: Users can view their personal details and records, including:
- The cars they have rented
- Customer/Employee record value
- Maximum number of cars rentable at a time
- Due Fine
- Rent a Car: Users can rent available cars.
- Add and Delete Records: Manager can add and delete customer, employee, and car records.
- Update Details: Manager can update details of customers and employees, such as name and password. Manager is responsible for changing the due fine and record value on a customer/employee’s profile whenever they return a car.
- View and Update Car Details: Manager can view and update all the details of any car in the database.
- Manager’s code: 148235
- IDs for Customers, Employees, Cars are the same as their index.
- Initial record value for new accounts is 10 for customers and 15 for employees.
- Return Car is done by the manager to note the conditions of the car.
- Password for customer/employee ‘i’ is passwordi (e.g., password0 for the customer/employee at index 0).
- The parameter
stores the sum of all the fines as well as the amount payable (i.e., rent). - Initial database is of 10 employees, 10 customers, 10 cars, 1 manager.
- Initially rented cars in the database:
- Customer6 => Car with ID = 6
- Customer8 => Car with ID = 8
- Employee1 => Car with ID = 1
- Employee3 => Car with ID = 3
- Customer6 and Employee1 cannot rent any more cars according to their initial record value.
- Maximum number of days, a car can be rent for is 12.
- Fine per day is assumed to be 500.
- Today’s date is assumed to be 04/03/2024 for renting cars.