NanoINSight is a repeat annotation tool for insertions called by NanoVar.
Installing NanoVar v1.6 from PyPI will automatically install NanoINSight, Please visit here for instructions to install NanoVar.
pip install nanoinsight
git clone
cd NanoINSight
pip install .
conda install -c bioconda mafft
Please visit here to download the "without_extensions" source package and visit here for instructions to install.
- Please note that MAFFT source package with extnesions is not needed as it supports RNA structural alignments.
- Path of executable binary is needed. You can get it by typing "which mafft" in the terminal window.
conda install -c bioconda repeatmasker
Please visit here for instructions to install.
nanovar [Options] --annotate_ins human sample.fq/sample.bam ref.fa working_dir
For more details: see NanoVar wiki
nanoinsight [-h] [-v] [-q] [-t int] [-i path] [-u path] [-m path] [-r path]
[-s species] [VCF] [working_directory]
nanoinsight -t 4 -s human sample.nanovar.pass.vcf ./working_dir
Required parameters:
Parameter | Description |
-s | Specify species for repeatmasker (e.g. human) |
[VCF] | Path to VCF input file |
[working_directory] | Path to working directory |
Additional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
-h | Show help message |
-v | Show version |
-q | hide verbose |
-t | Number of threads to be used [1] |
-i | Path to ins_seq.fa file (NanoVar output) |
-u | Path to sv_support_reads.tsv file (NanoVar output) |
-m | Path to mafft executable file |
-r | Path to RepeatMasker executable file |
Output | Description |
.ins.con.fasta | fasta file of consensus sequences of insertions found in the VCF input file |
rm_output | output directory of RepeatMasker |
- Asmaa Samy - asmmahmoud.
- Tham Cheng Yong - cytham.
- Touati Benoukraf - benoukraflab.