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Apache Superset on ECS Fargate

This isn't complicated

After stumpling upon the aws-ia reference architecture for Superset which is arguably one of the worst reference architectures I have ever seen, I took it upon myself to hammer out a very basic setup on AWS which is truly serverless, scalable, and all the good buzzwords.

The main goal was to remain as automated as possible with serverless/managed solutions. You will probably need to adjust this for your needs, don't run this OOB in production unless you want to have a bad time.

Cloudfront is configured to respect Cache headers but should be tuned as necessary along with caching, memory, and all the usual things a competent engineer is capable of figuring out.


High-level architecture showing the different services used. A cloudfront distribution serves traffic via an ALB which routes to a ECS Fargate which connects to Aurora and ElastiCache Postgres


Superset Stack

Name Defaults Type Description
envName - String The environment name (e.g., development, staging, production)
redisInstanceType cache.t4g.medium String The instance type for Redis
auroraInstanceType t4g.large String The instance type for Aurora, without db. prefix
supersetMemoryLimit 2048 Number Memory Limit for Superset Service
supersetCPU 1024 Number CPU allocation for Superset Service
supersetMinCapacity 1 Number Minimum number of tasks for the service
supersetMaxCapacity 2 Number Maximum number of tasks for the service
supersetDesiredCount 1 Number Desired number of tasks for the service
r53DomainName none String (Optional) The Route53 DomainName to use for the CloudFront distribution
ACMCertArn none String (Optional) The ACM certificate arn to use for the CloudFront distribution
vpcIdParameter /base/network/vpcId String The Parameter with VPC ID to use for the stack
ContainerImage - String The container image to use for the Superset service
FirstRun false Boolean If true, create the admin user and initialize the database

ACM Stack

Name Defaults Type Description
r53DomainName - String The hosted zone name for the domain


Build the superset container under src and push it to a (ECR) repository and provide the arn including tag in ContainerImage.
There is the assumption that you have the VPCId stored in parameter store and so provide the parameter name. Set envName appropriately then diff, deploy, and pray. Using the construct cdk-rds-sql, a dedicated user for superset is created with the necessary permissions.


The FirstRun parameters controls if the following is done when set to True:

  • Adjusts the task command to create the admin user with the password admin.

After first launch, change this setting to false.


We're doing some cross-region magic
to create the ACM certificate for Cloudfront, the key piece to set is r53DomainName and the record is constructed with it.

If for whatever reason you can't do automatic ACM certificate creation with r53 dns validation, rip out the acmStack and do it the hard way.


There are several Alarms with somewhat decent defaults, they do not go anywhere so configure the alarm target with a SNS topic with destinations (slack, opsgenie, etc.).

A couple Log Insights queries are created with the prefix superset/ which simply excludes the http request logs for easier troubleshooting.


While this is a single task deployment, you likely need to scale for query performance. To do so, you will need to add dedicated celery workers to support asynchronous queries which are long running. You can effectively reuse the existing task definition but change the task command to the following:

celery --app=superset.tasks.celery_app:app worker --pool=prefork -O fair -c 4

If you need to have a dedicated scheduler, use the following task command:

celery --app=superset.tasks.celery_app:app beat

However review the linked documentation as CeleryConfig should be adjusted per your requirements (if you want to stick with one image build, consider adding additional config files that can be improted based off a type variable to override config).

Shout Outs

  • Anil Augustine Chalissery for his AWS in Plain English post that got me started.