diff --git a/include/cpp14/BoardGame.hpp b/include/cpp14/BoardGame.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ceb6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/cpp14/BoardGame.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+//     Dungeon Template Library     //
+//          Made by Gaccho.          //
+// This code is licensed under CC0.  //
+//       wanotaitei@gmail.com       //
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <array>
+#include <limits>
+//Dungeon Template Library Namespace
+namespace dtl {
+	//指定した場所に駒を置く
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	std::size_t putPieceReversi(STL_& stl_, const std::size_t  x_, const std::size_t y_, const Int_ turn_, const bool is_put_) noexcept {
+		if (stl_.size() == 0) return 0;
+		std::size_t piece_turn_num{};
+		if (stl_[y_][x_] > 0) return 0;
+		std::unique_ptr<std::int_fast32_t[]> stl_tmp_x(new std::int_fast32_t[stl_[0].size()]);
+		std::unique_ptr<std::int_fast32_t[]> stl_tmp_y(new std::int_fast32_t[stl_.size()]);
+		for (std::int_fast32_t y{ -1 }; y <= 1; ++y)
+			for (std::int_fast32_t x{ -1 }; x <= 1; ++x) {
+				for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_[0].size(); ++i) stl_tmp_x[i] = 0;
+				for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i) stl_tmp_y[i] = 0;
+				for (std::size_t turn_tmp_id{};; ++turn_tmp_id) {
+					std::int_fast32_t turn_x{ static_cast<std::int_fast32_t>(x_) + x * (static_cast<std::int_fast32_t>(turn_tmp_id) + 1) };
+					std::int_fast32_t turn_y{ static_cast<std::int_fast32_t>(y_) + y * (static_cast<std::int_fast32_t>(turn_tmp_id) + 1) };
+					if (turn_x < 0 || turn_x >= stl_[0].size() || turn_y < 0 || turn_y >= stl_.size() || stl_[turn_y][turn_x] == 0) break;
+					if (stl_[turn_y][turn_x] == turn_) {
+						if (is_put_)
+							for (std::size_t i{}; i < turn_tmp_id; ++i)
+								stl_[static_cast<std::size_t>(stl_tmp_y[i])][static_cast<std::size_t>(stl_tmp_x[i])] = turn_;
+						piece_turn_num += turn_tmp_id;
+						break;
+					}
+					stl_tmp_x[turn_tmp_id] = turn_x; stl_tmp_y[turn_tmp_id] = turn_y;
+				}
+			}
+		if (piece_turn_num > 0 && is_put_) stl_[y_][x_] = turn_;
+		return piece_turn_num;
+	}
+	//パスの有無
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr bool isPassReversi(STL_& stl_, const Int_ turn_) noexcept {
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i)
+			for (std::size_t j{}; j < stl_[i].size(); ++j)
+				if (putPieceReversi(stl_, j, i, turn_, false)) return false;
+		return true;
+	}
+	//最初に見つけた置ける場所を選ぶ
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr bool reversiAI_Simple(STL_& stl_, const Int_ turn_) noexcept {
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i)
+			for (std::size_t j{}; j < stl_[i].size(); ++j)
+				if (putPieceReversi(stl_, j, i, turn_, true)) return true;
+		return true;
+	}
+	//最も多くの駒が取れる場所を選ぶ
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr bool reversiAI_Greed(STL_& stl_, const Int_ turn_) noexcept {
+		std::size_t piece_turn_max{};
+		std::size_t put_piece_x{}, put_piece_y{};
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i)
+			for (std::size_t j{}; j < stl_[i].size(); ++j) {
+				const auto& num{ putPieceReversi(stl_, j,i, turn_, false) };
+				if (piece_turn_max < num || (piece_turn_max == num && dtl::rnd.randBool())) {
+					piece_turn_max = num;
+					put_piece_x = j;
+					put_piece_y = i;
+				}
+			}
+		putPieceReversi(stl_, put_piece_x, put_piece_y, turn_, true);
+		return true;
+	}
+	//最も少なく駒が取れる場所を選ぶ
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr bool reversiAI_Unselfishness(STL_& stl_, const Int_ turn_) noexcept {
+		std::size_t piece_turn_min{ std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max() };
+		std::size_t put_piece_x{}, put_piece_y{};
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i)
+			for (std::size_t j{}; j < stl_[i].size(); ++j) {
+				const auto& num{ putPieceReversi(stl_, j,i, turn_, false) };
+				if (num > 0 && (piece_turn_min > num || (piece_turn_min == num && dtl::rnd.randBool()))) {
+					piece_turn_min = num;
+					put_piece_x = j;
+					put_piece_y = i;
+				}
+			}
+		putPieceReversi(stl_, put_piece_x, put_piece_y, turn_, true);
+		return true;
+	}
+	//優先順位
+	constexpr std::int_fast32_t checkPriorityReversi(std::int_fast32_t x_, std::int_fast32_t y_, const std::int_fast32_t x_max_, const std::int_fast32_t y_max_) noexcept {
+		if (x_ == x_max_) x_ = 0;
+		else if (x_ == x_max_ - 1) x_ = 1;
+		else if (x_ == x_max_ - 2) x_ = 2;
+		if (y_ == y_max_) y_ = 0;
+		else if (y_ == y_max_ - 1) y_ = 1;
+		else if (y_ == y_max_ - 2) y_ = 2;
+		switch (x_)
+		{
+		case 0:
+			switch (y_)
+			{
+			case 0:return 0;
+			case 1:return 6;
+			case 2:return 2;
+			default:return 1;
+			}
+		case 1:
+			switch (y_)
+			{
+			case 0:return 6;
+			case 1:return 6;
+			case 2:return 6;
+			default:return 4;
+			}
+		case 2:
+			switch (y_)
+			{
+			case 0:return 2;
+			case 1:return 5;
+			case 2:return 2;
+			default:return 3;
+			}
+		}
+		switch (y_)
+		{
+		case 0:return 1;
+		case 1:return 4;
+		case 2:return 3;
+		default:return 3;
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	//優先順位の高い場所を選ぶ
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr bool reversiAI_Priority(STL_& stl_, const Int_ turn_) noexcept {
+		std::size_t piece_turn_max{};
+		std::size_t put_piece_x{}, put_piece_y{};
+		for (std::uint_fast8_t piece_priority{}; piece_priority < 7 && piece_turn_max == 0; ++piece_priority)
+			for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i)
+				for (std::size_t j{}; j < stl_[i].size(); ++j) {
+					if (checkPriorityReversi(static_cast<std::int_fast32_t>(j), static_cast<std::int_fast32_t>(i), static_cast<std::int_fast32_t>(stl_[i].size()) - 1, static_cast<std::int_fast32_t>(stl_.size()) - 1) != piece_priority) continue;
+					const auto& num{ putPieceReversi(stl_, j, i, turn_, false) };
+					if (piece_turn_max < num || (piece_turn_max == num && dtl::rnd.randBool())) {
+						piece_turn_max = num;
+						put_piece_x = j;
+						put_piece_y = i;
+					}
+				}
+		putPieceReversi(stl_, put_piece_x, put_piece_y, turn_, true);
+		return true;
+	}
+	//AI同士をまとめる関数
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr bool reversiAI(STL_& stl_, const Int_ turn_, bool(*black_ai_)(STL_&, const Int_), bool(*white_ai_)(STL_&, const Int_), const bool is_black_ai_) noexcept {
+		return (is_black_ai_) ? black_ai_(stl_, turn_) : white_ai_(stl_, turn_);
+	}
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr std::int_fast32_t checkResultReversi(STL_& stl_) noexcept {
+		std::array<std::int_fast32_t, 2> piece_num{ {} };
+		std::int_fast32_t result{};
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i)
+			for (std::size_t j{}; j < stl_[i].size(); ++j)
+				if (stl_[i][j] > 0) ++piece_num[stl_[i][j] - 1];
+		if (isPassReversi(stl_, (Int_)1) && isPassReversi(stl_, (Int_)2)) {
+			if (piece_num[0] > piece_num[1]) result = 1;
+			else if (piece_num[0] < piece_num[1]) result = 2;
+			else result = 3;
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+	enum :std::size_t {
+		reversi_empty,
+		reversi_white,
+		reversi_black
+	};
+	//リバーシを初期化する
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr void createReversi(STL_& stl_, const Int_ black_ = 2, const Int_ white_ = 1) noexcept {
+		if (stl_.size() < 2 || stl_[0].size() < 2) return;
+		const std::size_t& set_y{ stl_.size() / 2 };
+		const std::size_t& set_x{ stl_[0].size() / 2 };
+		stl_[set_y - 1][set_x - 1] = white_;
+		stl_[set_y - 1][set_x] = black_;
+		stl_[set_y][set_x - 1] = black_;
+		stl_[set_y][set_x] = white_;
+	}
+	template<typename Int_>
+	class Reversi {
+	public:
+		//コンストラクタ
+		constexpr Reversi() noexcept = default;
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr explicit Reversi(STL_& stl_, const Int_ black_ = 2, const Int_ white_ = 1) noexcept {
+			create(stl_, black_, white_);
+		}
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr void create(STL_& stl_, const Int_ black_ = 2, const Int_ white_ = 1) noexcept {
+			createReversi(stl_, black_, white_);
+		}
+	};
+	enum :std::size_t {
+		shogi_empty,
+		shogi_next_place1,
+		shogi_next_place2,
+		//王将&玉将
+		shogi_osho,
+		shogi_gyokusho,
+		//金将
+		shogi_kinsho1,
+		shogi_kinsho2,
+		//ここより先は成る。----------------------------------------
+		//飛車
+		shogi_hisha1,
+		shogi_ryuo1,
+		shogi_hisha2,
+		shogi_ryuo2,
+		//角行
+		shogi_kakugyo1,
+		shogi_ryuma1,
+		shogi_kakugyo2,
+		shogi_ryuma2,
+		//ここより先は成ると金と同じ動きになる。--------------------
+		//銀将
+		shogi_ginsho1,
+		shogi_narigin1,
+		shogi_ginsho2,
+		shogi_narigin2,
+		//桂馬
+		shogi_keima1,
+		shogi_narikei1,
+		shogi_keima2,
+		shogi_narikei2,
+		//香車
+		shogi_kyosha1,
+		shogi_narikyo1,
+		shogi_kyosha2,
+		shogi_narikyo2,
+		//æ­©å…µ
+		shogi_fuhyo1,
+		shogi_tokin1,
+		shogi_fuhyo2,
+		shogi_tokin2
+	};
+	template<typename Int_>
+	constexpr bool isShogiNarikin(const Int_ koma_) noexcept {
+		if (koma_ >= shogi_ginsho1 && shogi_narigin1 % 2 == koma_ % 2) return true;
+		return false;
+	}
+#endif //Included Dungeon Template Library
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/cpp14/DTL.hpp b/include/cpp14/DTL.hpp
index 6c26380..21b396a 100644
--- a/include/cpp14/DTL.hpp
+++ b/include/cpp14/DTL.hpp
@@ -7,18 +7,23 @@
 //       wanotaitei@gmail.com       //
 #include "DungeonBinarization.hpp"
 #include "DungeonNoise.hpp"
 #include "DungeonOutput.hpp"
 #include "DungeonRandom.hpp"
 #include "DungeonStandard.hpp"
 #include "FractalIsland.hpp"
 #include "MazeDig.hpp"
 #include "RogueLike.hpp"
 #include "SimpleRogueLike.hpp"
 #include "SimpleTerrain1.hpp"
 #include "SimpleVoronoiIsland.hpp"
+#include "BoardGame.hpp"
+#include "DungeonPaint.hpp"
 #endif //Included Dungeon Template Library
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/cpp14/DungeonPaint.hpp b/include/cpp14/DungeonPaint.hpp
index e2eb1aa..00d451b 100644
--- a/include/cpp14/DungeonPaint.hpp
+++ b/include/cpp14/DungeonPaint.hpp
@@ -21,6 +21,22 @@ namespace dtl {
 		std::int_fast32_t y{};
+	//
+	template<typename Int_>
+	class Pen {
+	public:
+		//コンストラクタ
+		constexpr Pen() noexcept = default;
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr explicit Pen(STL_& stl_, const std::int_fast32_t x_, const std::int_fast32_t y_, const Int_ paint_value_) noexcept {
+			paint(stl_, x_, y_, paint_value_);
+		}
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr void paint(STL_& stl_, const std::int_fast32_t x_, const std::int_fast32_t y_, const Int_ paint_value_) const noexcept {
+			stl_[y_][x_] = paint_value_;
+		}
+	};
 	template<typename Int_>
 	class Bucket {
diff --git a/include/cpp14/DungeonStandard.hpp b/include/cpp14/DungeonStandard.hpp
index f314d12..6a6223f 100644
--- a/include/cpp14/DungeonStandard.hpp
+++ b/include/cpp14/DungeonStandard.hpp
@@ -12,6 +12,156 @@
 //Dungeon Template Library Namespace
 namespace dtl {
+	//
+	template<typename STL_>
+	constexpr void createPointGrid(STL_& stl_) noexcept {
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); i += 2)
+			for (std::size_t j{}; j < stl_[i].size(); j += 2)
+				stl_[i][j] = 1;
+	}
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr void createPointGrid(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_) noexcept {
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); i += 2)
+			for (std::size_t j{}; j < stl_[i].size(); j += 2)
+				stl_[i][j] = value_;
+	}
+	//クラス版
+	template<typename Int_>
+	class PointGrid {
+	public:
+		//コンストラクタ
+		constexpr PointGrid() noexcept = default;
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr explicit PointGrid(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_ = 1) noexcept {
+			create(stl_, value_);
+		}
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr void create(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_ = 1) noexcept {
+			createPointGrid(stl_, value_);
+		}
+	};
+	//外枠(内部を奇数マスにする)
+	template<typename STL_>
+	constexpr void createBorderOdd(STL_& stl_) noexcept {
+		if (stl_.size() < 2) return;
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_[0].size(); ++i)
+			stl_[0][i] = 1;
+		if (stl_.size() % 2 == 1) {
+			for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_[stl_.size() - 1].size(); ++i)
+				stl_[stl_.size() - 1][i] = 1;
+		}
+		else for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_[stl_.size() - 1].size(); ++i) {
+			stl_[stl_.size() - 2][i] = 1;
+			stl_[stl_.size() - 1][i] = 1;
+		}
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i) {
+			if (stl_[i].size() < 2) continue;
+			stl_[i][0] = 1;
+			if (stl_[i].size() % 2 == 0) stl_[i][stl_[i].size() - 2] = 1;
+			stl_[i][stl_[i].size() - 1] = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr void createBorderOdd(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_) noexcept {
+		if (stl_.size() < 2) return;
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_[0].size(); ++i)
+			stl_[0][i] = value_;
+		if (stl_.size() % 2 == 1) {
+			for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_[stl_.size() - 1].size(); ++i)
+				stl_[stl_.size() - 1][i] = value_;
+		}
+		else for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_[stl_.size() - 1].size(); ++i) {
+			stl_[stl_.size() - 2][i] = value_;
+			stl_[stl_.size() - 1][i] = value_;
+		}
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i) {
+			if (stl_[i].size() < 2) continue;
+			stl_[i][0] = value_;
+			if (stl_[i].size() % 2 == 0) stl_[i][stl_[i].size() - 2] = value_;
+			stl_[i][stl_[i].size() - 1] = value_;
+		}
+	}
+	//クラス版
+	template<typename Int_>
+	class BorderOdd {
+	public:
+		//コンストラクタ
+		constexpr BorderOdd() noexcept = default;
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr explicit BorderOdd(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_ = 1) noexcept {
+			create(stl_, value_);
+		}
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr void create(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_ = 1) noexcept {
+			createBorderOdd(stl_, value_);
+		}
+	};
+	//クラス版
+	template<typename Int_>
+	class PointGridField {
+	public:
+		//コンストラクタ
+		constexpr PointGridField() noexcept = default;
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr explicit PointGridField(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_ = 1) noexcept {
+			create(stl_, value_);
+		}
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr void create(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_ = 1) noexcept {
+			createPointGrid(stl_, value_);
+			createBorderOdd(stl_, value_);
+		}
+	};
+	//Border
+	template<typename STL_>
+	constexpr void createBorder(STL_& stl_) noexcept {
+		if (stl_.size() == 0) return;
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.front().size(); ++i)
+			stl_.front()[i] = 1;
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.back().size(); ++i)
+			stl_.back()[i] = 1;
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i) {
+			if (stl_[i].size() == 0) continue;
+			stl_[i].front() = 1;
+			stl_[i].back() = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	template<typename Int_, typename STL_>
+	constexpr void createBorder(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_) noexcept {
+		if (stl_.size() == 0) return;
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.front().size(); ++i)
+			stl_.front()[i] = value_;
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.back().size(); ++i)
+			stl_.back()[i] = value_;
+		for (std::size_t i{}; i < stl_.size(); ++i) {
+			if (stl_[i].size() == 0) continue;
+			stl_[i].front() = value_;
+			stl_[i].back() = value_;
+		}
+	}
+	//クラス版
+	template<typename Int_>
+	class Border {
+	public:
+		//コンストラクタ
+		constexpr Border() noexcept = default;
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr explicit Border(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_ = 1) noexcept {
+			create(stl_, value_);
+		}
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr void create(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_ = 1) noexcept {
+			createBorder(stl_, value_);
+		}
+	};
+	//----------*----------*----------*----------*----------*
+	//初期化系
+	//----------*----------*----------*----------*----------*
 	template<typename STL_>
 	constexpr void dungeonInit(STL_& stl_) noexcept {
@@ -26,6 +176,22 @@ namespace dtl {
 			for (std::size_t j{}; j < stl_[i].size(); ++j)
 				stl_[i][j] = value_;
+	//クラス版
+	template<typename Int_>
+	class DungeonInit {
+	public:
+		//コンストラクタ
+		constexpr DungeonInit() noexcept = default;
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr explicit DungeonInit(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_ = 0) noexcept {
+			create(stl_, value_);
+		}
+		template<typename STL_>
+		constexpr void create(STL_& stl_, const Int_ value_ = 0) noexcept {
+			dungeonInit(stl_, value_);
+		}
+	};
 	template<typename STL_>
 	constexpr void dungeonInit_RangeBasedFor(STL_& stl_) noexcept {
@@ -41,6 +207,10 @@ namespace dtl {
 				j = value_;
+	//----------*----------*----------*----------*----------*
+	//初期化系
+	//----------*----------*----------*----------*----------*
 	template<typename STL_>
 	constexpr bool dungeonArrayCheckBitset(const STL_& stl_) noexcept {
 		if (stl_.size() < 1 || stl_[0].size() < 1) return false;
diff --git a/include/cpp14/RogueLike.hpp b/include/cpp14/RogueLike.hpp
index d2068d8..0a232e1 100644
--- a/include/cpp14/RogueLike.hpp
+++ b/include/cpp14/RogueLike.hpp
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 namespace dtl {
 	template<typename Int_>
-	struct Rect {
-		Rect() = default;
+	struct RogueLikeRect {
+		RogueLikeRect() = default;
 		Int_ x{}, y{};
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ namespace dtl {
 		constexpr RogueLike() noexcept = default;
 		template<typename STL_>
-		constexpr explicit RogueLike(STL_& stl_, const std::size_t way_max_) noexcept {
+		constexpr explicit RogueLike(STL_& stl_, const std::size_t way_max_ = 20) noexcept {
 			create(stl_, way_max_);
 		template<typename STL_>
-		constexpr void create(STL_& stl_, const std::size_t way_max_) noexcept {
+		constexpr void create(STL_& stl_, const std::size_t way_max_ = 20) noexcept {
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ namespace dtl {
-		std::vector<Rect<std::int_fast32_t>> room_rect;
+		std::vector<RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>> room_rect;
-		std::vector<Rect<std::int_fast32_t>> branch_point;
+		std::vector<RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>> branch_point;
 		template<typename STL_>
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ namespace dtl {
 			constexpr std::int_fast32_t minRoomSize{ 3 };
 			constexpr std::int_fast32_t maxRoomSize{ 6 };
-			Rect<std::int_fast32_t> room;
+			RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t> room;
 			room.w = rnd(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
 			room.h = rnd(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ namespace dtl {
 			if (placeRect(stl_, room, room_id)) {
 				if (dir_ != direction_south || firstRoom_) //上
-					branch_point.emplace_back(Rect<std::int_fast32_t>{ room.x, room.y - 1, room.w, 1 });
+					branch_point.emplace_back(RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>{ room.x, room.y - 1, room.w, 1 });
 				if (dir_ != direction_north || firstRoom_) //下
-					branch_point.emplace_back(Rect<std::int_fast32_t>{ room.x, room.y + room.h, room.w, 1 });
+					branch_point.emplace_back(RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>{ room.x, room.y + room.h, room.w, 1 });
 				if (dir_ != direction_east || firstRoom_) //å·¦
-					branch_point.emplace_back(Rect<std::int_fast32_t>{ room.x - 1, room.y, 1, room.h });
+					branch_point.emplace_back(RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>{ room.x - 1, room.y, 1, room.h });
 				if (dir_ != direction_west || firstRoom_) //右
-					branch_point.emplace_back(Rect<std::int_fast32_t>{ room.x + room.w, room.y, 1, room.h });
+					branch_point.emplace_back(RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>{ room.x + room.w, room.y, 1, room.h });
 				return true;
 			return false;
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ namespace dtl {
 			constexpr std::int_fast32_t minWayLength{ 3 };
 			constexpr std::int_fast32_t maxWayLength{ 15 };
-			Rect<std::int_fast32_t> way;
+			RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t> way;
 			way.x = x_;
 			way.y = y_;
@@ -220,17 +220,17 @@ namespace dtl {
 			if (!placeRect(stl_, way, way_id)) return false;
 			if (dir_ != direction_south && way.w != 1)//上
-				branch_point.emplace_back(Rect<std::int_fast32_t>{ way.x, way.y - 1, way.w, 1 });
+				branch_point.emplace_back(RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>{ way.x, way.y - 1, way.w, 1 });
 			if (dir_ != direction_north && way.w != 1)//下
-				branch_point.emplace_back(Rect<std::int_fast32_t>{ way.x, way.y + way.h, way.w, 1 });
+				branch_point.emplace_back(RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>{ way.x, way.y + way.h, way.w, 1 });
 			if (dir_ != direction_east && way.h != 1)//å·¦
-				branch_point.emplace_back(Rect<std::int_fast32_t>{ way.x - 1, way.y, 1, way.h });
+				branch_point.emplace_back(RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>{ way.x - 1, way.y, 1, way.h });
 			if (dir_ != direction_west && way.h != 1)//右
-				branch_point.emplace_back(Rect<std::int_fast32_t>{ way.x + way.w, way.y, 1, way.h });
+				branch_point.emplace_back(RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>{ way.x + way.w, way.y, 1, way.h });
 			return true;
 		template<typename STL_>
-		constexpr bool placeRect(STL_& stl_, const Rect<std::int_fast32_t>& rect, const Int_ tile_) noexcept {
+		constexpr bool placeRect(STL_& stl_, const RogueLikeRect<std::int_fast32_t>& rect, const Int_ tile_) noexcept {
 			if (rect.x < 1 || rect.y < 1 || rect.x + rect.w >(std::int_fast32_t)((stl_.empty()) ? 0 : stl_.front().size()) - 1 || rect.y + rect.h >(std::int_fast32_t)(stl_.size()) - 1)
 				return false;
 			for (std::int_fast32_t y = rect.y; y < rect.y + rect.h; ++y)