- ba (rigged world objects):
- ba0001 - grey metal bridge that can be raised
- ba0002 - grey crane part
- ba0003 - lever
- ba0004 - white chest
- ba0005 - broken wall part
- ba0007 - mortar used to shoot sea monster
- ba0011 - roller coaster
- ba0012 - hanging light
- ba0013 - ceiling lamp you crash through when entering songstress/Simone boss fight
- ba0014 - amusement park theatre curtain
- ba0015 - amusement park gates leading to theatre
- ba0016 - wooden doors (amusement park probably)
- ba0020 - half circle shutter
- ba0021 - futuristic metal door (maybe leading to alien room underground)
- ba0030 - futuristic metal door (maybe leading to alien room underground)
- ba0101 - metal bridge/path
- ba0102 - conveyer belt (short)
- ba0103 - conveyer belt (long)
- ba0104 - underground factory crusher/press
- ba0109 - debris
- ba010a - ? machine with box on oily floor
- ba010b - machine sword hidden under debris
- ba0112 - goliath biped crouched/compact
- ba0113 - bucker (probably from beginning of route B)
- ba0150 - bolt/drill?
- ba0151 - rusty half cylinder that fits ba0150
- ba0152 - metal part
- ba0201 - elevator walls
- ba0210 - movable elevator with 3 levels
- ba0211 - rusty elevator doors
- ba0220 - rusty elevator doors
- ba0305 - door protected by hackable lock (maybe from pascals village)
- ba0310 - wooden bridge in (or leading to) pascals village
- ba0400 - building wall part
- ba0401 - building wall part
- ba0402 - building wall part
- ba0403 - building wall part
- ba0404 - building wall part
- ba0405 - building wall part
- ba0406 - collapsed building (maybe in desert)
- ba0407 - collapsed building (maybe in desert)
- ba0408 - escape route out of desert pit (where you fight adam in the beginning)
- ba0409 - building wall part
- ba0410 - drill machine with saw blade
- ba0411 - medium biped with gun
- ba0412 - small biped
- ba0413 - Kierkegaard without head
- ba0414 - factory small biped
- ba0415 - dead small machines (maybe at end of pascals story in factory)
- ba0416 - dead small stubby (maybe at end of pascals story in factory)
- ba0417 - dead multi tier machine (maybe at end of pascals story in factory)
- ba0418 - medium biped with gun
- ba0420 - building wall part
- ba0421 - building wall part
- ba0422 - village small biped
- ba0423 - goliath biped (slightly reddish)
- ba0424 - village flyer
- ba0425 - dead/bloody side quest character
- ba0427 - photograph/picture
- ba0430 - baby cradle (desert?)
- ba0431 - baby cradle (forest?)
- ba0432 - tall white door (from white tower)
- ba0433 - tall wide wooden door (forest castle)
- ba0434 - smaller version of ba0433
- ba0435 - tree
- ba0440 - village machine with makeup
- ba0441 - baby village machine
- ba0442 - baby/child village machine
- ba0443 - village father machine
- ba0444 - village (sister?) machine with ping skirt
- ba0445 - village half-wit investor/scientist machine
- ba0500 - very tall white door
- ba0501 - tall white door
- ba0600 - white open elevator (white tower)
- ba0601 - white blocks
- ba0610 - inside white tower with lots of purple stuff
- ba0611 - white tower path upwards with purple stuff
- ba0612 - white tower part with rails?
- ba0620 - white tower circular platform/arena ?
- ba0630 - white circle
- ba0700 - skyscraper with big tree+root wrapping around in city ruins center (high detail)
- ba0711 - Marx/Engels arm part?
- ba0712 - Engels/Marx arm
- ba0800 - brown old book (rigged)
- ba0801 - brown old book (rigged)
- ba0810 - apple with missing bite
- ba1000 - access point/transport used in bunker & resistance camp
- ba1001 - bunker doors white
- ba1002 - bunker doors black with yorha logo
- ba1003 - white hatch/door (bunker?)
- ba1004 - bunker control room elevator/moving platform
- ba1005 - bunker elevator support cylinder?
- ba1006 - bunker door
- ba1110 - Pod
- ba1200 - bunker
- ba1210 - flight unit black
- ba1500 - eye patch hanging from stick?
- ba1600 - rusty factory outside door/gate
- ba1610 - door (private room in resistance camp?)
- ba2000 - tilted skyscraper (maybe submerged in flooded city)
- ba2001 - tilted skyscraper (maybe submerged in flooded city)
- ba2002 - tilted skyscraper (maybe submerged in flooded city)
- ba2003 - tilted skyscraper (maybe submerged in flooded city)
- ba2017 - metal beam barricade (maybe separating pascals village from city ruins)
- ba2018 - metal beams chained + hackable lock
- ba2019 - metals beams chained together with hackable lock
- ba201a - metals beams chained together with hackable lock
- ba201b - metals beams chained together with hackable lock
- ba201c - spike/spear trap
- ba201d - guillotine
- ba2020 - elevator door protected by hackable lock
- ba2021 - elevator door protected by hackable lock
- ba2100 - building debris on floor
- ba3000 - resource recovery unit
- ba3010 - resource recovery unit
- ba3100 - metal circle arena (maybe inside resource recovery unit)
- ba4000 - very tall door
- ba4001 - tall door
- ba4002 - small wall (maybe from factory air duct)
- ba4220 - factory air duct
- ba4221 - factory air duct openable door
- ba5000 - small tall pentagon?
- ba5001 - small tall hexagon?
- ba5002 - small tall square?
- ba5004 - white cubes with checkerboard texture
- ba5500 - door (white tower)
- ba5501 - door (white tower)
- ba5502 - door (white tower)
- ba5503 - door (white tower)
- ba6000 - vey long water path (when flying with flight unit)
- ba6001 - test object
- ba6002 - small staircase in white tower
- ba6003 - circular room in white tower
- ba6004 - door (white tower)
- baff00 - cube made out of 8 smaller cubes
- baff01 - lots of cubes stacked together
- baff02 - lots and lots of cubes stacked together
- baff03 - red/orange cube made out of 8 smaller cubes
- baff04 - lots of red/orange cubes stacked toger
- baff05 - lots of red/orange cubes stacked toger
- baffd0 - 3 cubes
- bg - World meshes without rigs
- bg: (sorted by size descending, size > 15MB)
- bg2030 - city Ruins first building (you land on and later fight the Goliath)
- bg0400 - dead/broken sea monster/dark colossus/Grün
- bg4300 - inside the white tower; spiral, circular room
- bg1710 - lots of dead machine piles
- bg1100 - circular room (in factory probably)
- bg3030 - eve machine ball
- bg2031 - ? low LOD small river, grass, highway pillars
- bg3000 - desert housing complex building
- bg0003 - ground with grass (maybe when exiting the highway and going to factory?)
- bg1600 - many dead yorha members (maybe in copied city)
- bg0501 - flat City Ruins building with many low LOD sky scrapers (maybe where mortar canon is during missile resupply mission)
- bg0087 - tall factory tower with ladders and paths
- bg2020 - tree stump
- bg1421 - low LOD amusement park theater
- bg4440 - white tower segment
- bg4222 - 9S intro fight air ducts
- bg1720 - lots of dead machines big and small
- bg4220 - 9S intro air duct/pipe
- bgdf51 - big tree (forest)
- bgff51 - big tree (forest)
- bg0041 - big tree (forest)
- bg3001 - Desert ruins small structure
- bg0210 - broken So-Shi
- bg4243 - city ruins highway low LOD
- bg3003 - desert structure
- bg0040 - tree
- bgff50 - big tree (forest)
- bg3002 - desert structure (arch with stairs)
- bg4431 - city ruins flight path (when entering from orbit)
- bg003a - grass
- bg0038 - grass/leaf
- bg1420 - amusement park main building/dome
- bg2012 - city ruins road blocking wall
- bg4430 - city ruins buildings when entering via flight unit from orbit
- bgfe16 - very very low LOD city ruins center
- bg2080 - kneeling goliath biped (maybe Ernst)
- bg2082 - big tree (forest)
- bg0004 - goliath biped looking down
- bg4242 - very very low LOD city ruins when exiting highway to factory
- bg2018 - rubble pile
- bg2019 - rubble pile
- bgd042 - big tree
- bgff54 - big tree
- bgff52 - medium big tree
- bg0042 - medium big tree
- bg0080 - white metal tower (chimney)
- bg1431 - destroyed resource recovery unit core (after 9S pod fire)
- bg0001 - goliath biped standing
- bg: (All .dtt files 5MB-15MB)
- bg0000 - white circular room
- bg0002 - birds flying (not rigged)
- bg0021 - bush row
- bg0023 - big broken tree log
- bg0024 - big broken tree log
- bg0025 - fern
- bg0027 - fern large
- bg0028 - green flower
- bg0029 - blue flower
- bg0000 - (deserty) flower
- bg002e - red flower
- bg0032 - more red flowers
- bg0033 - flower mix
- bg0034 - bunch of grass
- bg0035 - grass mix
- bg0036 - grass
- bg0037 - cliff grass
- bg003b - cliff grass
- bg003d - red leaf plant
- bg003f - tree stump with roots on rock
- bg0044 - big forest tree
- bg0047 - tree root
- bg004b - tree root
- bg004f - big tree
- bg0050 - small tree
- bg0051 - tree
- bg0060 - desert cliff/mountain
- bg0088 - tall factory structure
- bg0089 - tall factory structure
- bg008d - factory structure
- bg0140 - Kierkegaard throne (BECOME AS GODS!!!)
- bg0160 - dead android pile
- bg0170 - big metal torch (used in cave underneath city ruins)
- bg0288 - small broken city building
- bg0500 - very large ocean/sea/water
- bg0700 - tent with tools, maybe workshop, maybe resistance camp
- bg1001 - truck (resistance camp)
- bg1006 - building debris
- bg1200 - bunker/space station
- bg1300 - big cannon/gun (maybe mortar cannon)
- bg1403 - movable/pushable box
- bg1430 - resource recovery unit core
- bg1500 - dead Ernst (forest king)
- bg1510 - holy medium biped (not rigged, T pose) (BECOME AS GODS!!!)
- bg1610 - dead armored yorha
- bg1700 - rusty box structure (maybe AC unit on building roof)
- bg2001 - air duct
- bg2002 - broken school bus
- bg2005 - rusty box (maybe AC unit on building roof)
- bg2008 - rusty trash bin
- bg200e - rusty water tank (maybe on building roof)
- bg2010 - rusty box tank (maybe on building roof)
- bg2011 - rusty box (maybe on building roof)
- bg2017 - metal beam barricade
- bg2021 - tree stump
- bg2022 - big rocks
- bg2042 - tree
- bg2050 - long table (Adam & Eve)
- bg2051 - chair (probably for long table (Adam & Eve))
- bg2052 - candles
- bg2070 - metal beam
- bg2071 - metal beam
- bg2081 - dead Ernst (forest king)
- bg2083 - big door (forest castle)
- bg2090 - surrounded by metal containers
- bg3006 - playground slide
- bg3007 - playground swing
- bg3130 - concrete/building debris/rubble
- bg3131 - concrete/building debris/rubble
- bg3132 - concrete/building debris/rubble
- bg3135 - crossed androids on ground (aftermath of Simone/songstress fight)
- bg4001 - long metal path (maybe underground factory)
- bg4002 - long metal path (maybe underground factory)
- bg4010 - hacking point (round cylinder)
- bg4020 - tall city ruins build
- bg4021 - aircraft carrier
- bg4229 - big factory wall with big pipe
- bg4230 - clouds
- bg4241 - sunken buildings (probably when entering city from orbit via flight unit)
- bg4420 - flat planet earth from space
- bg5510 - copied city (?) voxel structure
- bg6000 - huge crystal white tower (from route C)
- bga001 - sky sphere
- bga102 - Empty object with interaction prompt
- bgd013 - road blocking wall (city ruins)
- bgd023 - rusty broken old car
- bgd024 - road blocking wall (city ruins)
- bgd025 - road blocking wall (city ruins)
- bgd027 - road blocking wall (city ruins)
- bgd043 - tree without leaves
- bgd055 - tree
- bgd082 - big tree (forest)
- bgd130 - building/concrete debris/rubble
- bgd131 - building/concrete debris/rubble
- bgd132 - building/concrete debris/rubble
- bgfe0d - sky sphere with city
- bgfe12 - power/electricity pole/pylon
- bgfe31 - factory structure with 3 large tanks
- bgff90 - desert cliff/mountain