- 16 Regions
- 44 AZs
- +6 regions +17 more AZs for 2018
- не тестируют сколько регионов и зон.
- Регион включает 2 и более AZs
- AZ is DC
Edge locations
- Для кеширования ресурсов (Cloudforint CDN)
- 96 edge locations
- Helsinki, Stockholm, Munich
Regional Edge caches
- Frankfurt
- London
Regional Edge Caches, in addition to improving performance, also help reduce the load on your origin resources, minimizing operational burden associated with scaling your origin and reducing your origin costs. Regional Edge Caches are turned on by default for your CloudFront distributions; you do not need to make any changes to your distributions to take advantage of this feature. There are also no additional charges to use this feature. These locations sit between your origin webserver and the 68 global edge locations that serve traffic directly to your viewers Regional Edge Caches have larger cache-width than any individual edge location, so your objects remain in cache longer at these locations For instance, our edge locations in Europe now go to the regional edge cache in Frankfurt to fetch an object before going back to your origin webserver.
Elasctic Compute Cloud
EC2 Container Service
Blackbox for developers
Blackbox for provisioning servers
Batch computing
Simple Storage Service, object based storage
Elastic File System, NAS, NFS volumes
Data archival
Data transfer, DC -> Amazon DC on physical device
33 Storage Gateway
VM on local DC, replicate data to S3
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL, Aurora, Oracle
Redis, memcached
Data warehouse, Business intelligence
tracking service
Track dependencies for apps
on-site DB -> RDS
on-site VM -> EC2
Data transfer, DC -> Amazon DC on physical device
Virtual Private Cloud
Amazon CDN (content delivery network)
Amazon DNS service
way of creating APIs for other services
Way of running dedicated line between local DC and Amazon DC
way of getting group of devs to collaborate, project managing
place to store code, SCM, git repos
pipeline for building code
automates code deployment to EC2/on-premises/lambda
CD service, visualise, automate steps to release software
Debugging/Analyzing, request traces, route cause of issues
IDE in cloud
Monitoring, alerts
Collecting logs about actions for API calls
Monitors config on entire AWS env. PIT snapshots for env
Elastic Beanstalk like, Chef/Puppet, automating environment
Catalog of IT services, VMs, OSes, DBs, etc. Service catalog
EC2, for patching. Resource grouping
Шняга, которая показывает всякие полезные штуки, что можно улучшить, открытые группы, как сэкономить денег и т.д.
Manage cloud for you
For example converts videos for different devices
Deep learning for devs (neural networks)
Some analysis?
AI camera, recognizes objects (with no backend required)
Way of communicating with customers (AI, machine learning)
Dataset -> analyze -> results
text to speech service
Images/Video -> tells what happens in files
Machine translation service
распознавание речи
SQL queries on S3 buckets, serverless
processing large amounts of data
Ingesting large amounts of data into AWS
BI tool
moving data between services
data ETL service
Identity and access management
Device auth, mobile apps (facebook, gmail, etc). Device store data in AWS resources
Monitors for malicius activity
Agent on VM to testing security things, schedule, reporting
Scan S3 buckets for personal information
Free SSL certificates
hardware security module to store keys
on-premises AD integrating with AWS services
Web App Firewall
Enabled by default for LBs, cloudfront. Prevents DDOS attacks. Advanced versions available
Compliance reports, PCI reports
mgmt console
Push notifications?
Updates state of web and mobile apps?
testing apps on real devices
- Sumerian
- Step functions
- Amazon MQ
- SNS (2006)
- notification service
- simple queue service
- Simple workflow service
- Used in amazon warehouses
- includes human actors
Contanct center as a service
video conferencing, record meetings
Dropbox for AWS
Amazon Office365 version
DE in cloud
Streaming apps to device (аля Citrix)
Free OS for microcontrollers