diff --git a/docs/src/06_runtime_view.adoc b/docs/src/06_runtime_view.adoc index a87c5aa7..bf3c31d7 100644 --- a/docs/src/06_runtime_view.adoc +++ b/docs/src/06_runtime_view.adoc @@ -11,31 +11,8 @@ Then, the app does a login request to the users microservice, which redirect the If the login is succesfully, the app shows the different options of the game. In case the login isn't succesfully, a warning message is shown. -[plantuml,"sequencediagram-login",png] ----- -actor User as u -participant "Web App" as w -participant "User Microservice" as um -activate w -w -> w: Show Login View -u -> w: Chooses Identity -w -> um: Requests login -deactivate w -activate um -um -> um: Redirects to the provider login form -um --> u: Asks for credentials -deactivate um -activate u -u -> um: Logs in -deactivate u -activate um -um --> um: Provides session information -um --> w: Provides session ID -deactivate um -activate w -w -> w: Show Game View -deactivate um ----- +image::login.png["Login"] + === Game When the user starts a game, the app generates a question and request the correct answer to the WikiData API. When the user choose a posible answer, the app checks if it is the correct answer. Then, this process is repeated until the end of the game.