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237 lines (236 loc) · 6.89 KB


File metadata and controls

237 lines (236 loc) · 6.89 KB

macOS Setup

  • System Update
    • El Capitan: App Store...
    • Others: System Preferences -> Software Update
  • Safari
    • Settings/Preferences
      • Search
        • Search engine: DuckDuckGo
  • System Settings/Preferences
    • General
      • Appearance: Auto
      • Older: Use dark menu bar and Dock: enabled
      • AirDrop & Handoff
        • Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices: disabled
    • Desktop & Screen Saver
      • Screen Saver
        • Show screen saver after: 2 Minutes
        • Flurry
          • Options
            • Colour: Slow cycle
            • Streams: A little more than few
            • Thickness: Thin
            • Speed: Slow
    • Dock & Menu Bar
      • Automatically hide and show the Dock: enabled
      • Show recent applications in Dock: disabled
    • Mission Control
      • Hot Corners…
        • Top Left: Start Screen Saver
        • Top Right: Mission Control
    • Language & Region
      • English as Primary
      • Region: Germany
    • Accessibility
      • Zoom
        • Enable Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom
    • El Capitan: Keyboard
      • Shortcuts
        • App Shortcuts
          • Terminal
            • Show Previous Tab: Control+Shift+Tab
            • Show Next Tab: Control+Tab
    • Keyboard
      • Modifier Keys…
        • Caps Lock Key: Escape
    • Trackpad
      • Point & Click
        • Tap to click: enabled
      • More Gestures
        • Swipe between full-screen apps: with four fingers
    • Displays
      • Night Shift
        • From 18:00 to 8:00
        • More Warm
    • Sharing
      • Set Computer Name
      • edit local hostname
    • Time Machine
      • Options…
        • ~/.cache
        • ~/.docker
        • ~/.gluon/
        • ~/.local/share/containers/podman/machine
        • ~/.m2/repository
        • ~/.npm/_cacache
        • ~/.p2/pool
        • ~/.rbenv
        • ~/.sdkman
        • ~/.vagrant.d/boxes
        • ~/Developer
        • ~/Downloads
        • ~/Library/Caches <-- Excluded differently
        • ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker <-- Excluded differently
        • ~/Library/Containers/Docker <-- Excluded differently
        • ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator <-- Excluded differently
  • Dock
    • add Applications List
    • add Import to iTunes
    • remove everything except Safari, Mail, iTunes, Calendar & Notes
  • Finder
    • Preferences
      • General
        • New Finder windows show: ${HOME}
      • Sidebar
        • Disable: All My Files, iCloud Drive, AirDrop, Shared and Tags
        • Enable: ${HOME}
    • Change display to columns for all favorites
    • View
      • Show Status Bar
  • Terminal
    • Settings/Preferences
      • New tabs open with: Default Profile
      • Profiles
        • Solarized Light as Default
  • Touch ID for sudo
    • sudo nano /etc/pam.d/sudo
    • auth sufficient
  • Xcode
  • sudo hostname -s ${name}
  • git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
  • git clone ~/.dotfiles
  • ~/.dotfiles/
  • git push to setup github credentials
  • Mail
    • Settings/Preferences
      • iCloud
        • Mailbox Behaviours
          • Erase deleted messages: never
      • K5D
        • Mailbox Behaviours
          • Erase deleted messages: never
  • El Capitan: Add "USERTrust RSA Certification Authority" root certificate
  • MacPorts
  • Homebrew
  • No Night Shift?
    • brew install homebrew/cask/flux
    • Sunset: Tungsten
    • Bedtime: Candle
  • Source Code Pro
    • brew install homebrew/cask-fonts/font-source-code-pro
    • Terminal
      • Settings/Preferences
        • Profiles
          • All
            • Text: Source Code Pro 16pt
  • Visual Studio Code
    • brew install visual-studio-code
    • code
    • ~/.dotfiles/
  • Firefox
    • brew install firefox
    • see firefox.markdown
  • BetterTouchTool
    • brew install bettertouchtool
    • install license
    • import preset
    • Settings/Preferences
      • Basic
        • General
          • Launch BetterTouchTool on startup
      • BTT Remote
        • Enable BTT Remote support
      • Advanced Settings
        • Scripting BTT
          • Allow external BetterTouchTool Scripting: disabled
  • Inkscape
    • brew install inkscape
  • Tunnelblick
    • brew install tunnelblick
    • Open
  • DBeaver
    • brew install dbeaver-community
  • KeePassXC
    • brew install keepassxc
  • Arq
    • brew install arq
    • Open
  • Drawio
    • brew install drawio
  • Keka
    • brew install keka
  • Signal
    • brew install signal
    • Open
    • Link with Phone
  • Chromium
    • brew install chromium
  • SourceTree
    • brew install sourcetree
  • Coconut Battery
    • brew install coconutbattery
  • VLC
    • brew install vlc
  • Disk Inventory X
    • brew install disk-inventory-x
  • Hidden Bar
    • brew install hiddenbar
    • Open
  • KeepingYouAwake
    • brew install keepingyouawake
    • Open
    • Preferences
      • General
        • Start at Login: disabled
      • Activation Duration
        • 5 hours
        • Set Default
      • Battery
        • Deactivate when battery capacity is below: enabled
          • 40%
      • Advanced
        • Allow the display to sleep: enabled
  • LibreOffice
    • brew install libreoffice
  • Skype
    • brew install skype
  • The Unarchiver
    • brew install the-unarchiver
    • Archive Formats
      • Select all
    • Extraction
      • Move the archive to the trash: enabled
  • Microsoft Teams
    • Try Screen Share
      • System Preferences
        • Security & Privacy
          • Screen Recording
            • Microsoft Teams: enabled
  • rbenv
    • brew install rbenv
    • rbenv install ${version}
    • rbenv global ${version}
    • reload
    • gem install bundler
  • Java Development?
    • brew install maven openjdk
  • JavaScript Development?
    • brew install nodejs yarn
  • Android SDK
    • brew cask install android-sdk
    • brew cask install android-ndk
    • brew cask install intel-haxm
    • sdkmanager
      • if error: mkdir -p .android && touch ~/.android/repositories.cfg
    • sdkmanager "build-tools;28.0.3" "emulator" "patcher;v4" "platform-tools" "platforms;android-28" "tools" "extras;intel;Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager"
  • update-everything