Add the following functions to your ~/.zshrc
file. This will enable you to type bm
and tm
to launch fresh instances of Bearmint and Tendermint.
function bm() {
rm -rf ~/.bearmint/data
node ~/Work/bearmint/examples/bear/genesis-node.mjs
node ~/Work/bearmint/examples/bear/app.mjs
function tm() {
tendermint unsafe-reset-all
tendermint start
# Delete existing configurations
rm -rf ~/.bearmint
rm -rf ~/.tendermint
# Generate new configurations
node examples/bear/genesis-node.mjs
# Launch Bearmint (separate CLI instance)
node examples/bear/app.mjs
# Launch Tendermint (separate CLI instance)
tendermint start
cd packages/bep55
pnpm run test:e2e