diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4075aa --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "jupyter.jupyterServerType": "local", + "[python]": { + "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.black-formatter" + }, + "python.formatting.provider": "none" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/frhodo_environment.yml b/frhodo_environment.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 7462719..0000000 --- a/frhodo_environment.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -name: frhodo -channels: - - numba - - cantera - - conda-forge - - defaults -dependencies: - - cantera=2.5.1 - - ipopt=3.14.9 - - matplotlib=3.5.1 - - nlopt=2.7.1 - - numba=0.56.3 - - numpy=1.23.3 - - pip - - pygmo=2.18.0 - - pyqt=5.12.3 - - qt=5.12.9 - - qtpy=1.11.2 - - requests=2.28.1 - - scipy=1.9.1 - - tabulate=0.9.0 - - pip: - - dtcwt==0.12.0 - - rbfopt==4.2.4 diff --git a/frhodo_environment_pinned.yml b/frhodo_environment_pinned.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ff341a --- /dev/null +++ b/frhodo_environment_pinned.yml @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +name: frhodo +channels: + - numba + - cantera + - conda-forge + - defaults +dependencies: + - cantera=3.0.0 + - ipopt=3.14.12 + - matplotlib=3.7.2 + - nlopt=2.7.1 + - numba=0.57.1 + - numpy=1.24.4 + - pygmo=2.19.5 + - pyqt=5.15.9 + - qt=5.15.8 + - qtpy=2.4.0 + - requests=2.31.0 + - scipy=1.11.2 + - tabulate=0.9.0 + - pip: + - dtcwt==0.12.0 + - rbfopt==4.2.6 diff --git a/frhodo_environment_pinned_all.yml b/frhodo_environment_pinned_all.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..137c3fc --- /dev/null +++ b/frhodo_environment_pinned_all.yml @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +name: frhodo +channels: + - numba + - cantera + - conda-forge + - defaults +dependencies: + - asttokens=2.4.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - backcall=0.2.0=pyh9f0ad1d_0 + - backports=1.0=pyhd8ed1ab_3 + - backports.functools_lru_cache=1.6.5=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - boost-cpp=1.78.0=h9f4b32c_4 + - brotli=1.1.0=hcfcfb64_0 + - brotli-bin=1.1.0=hcfcfb64_0 + - brotli-python=1.1.0=py311h12c1d0e_0 + - bzip2=1.0.8=h8ffe710_4 + - ca-certificates=2023.7.22=h56e8100_0 + - cantera=3.0.0=py311h859585b_1 + - certifi=2023.7.22=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - charset-normalizer=3.2.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - cloudpickle=2.2.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - colorama=0.4.6=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - comm=0.1.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - contourpy=1.1.1=py311h005e61a_0 + - cycler=0.11.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - debugpy=1.8.0=py311h12c1d0e_0 + - decorator=5.1.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - entrypoints=0.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - exceptiongroup=1.1.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - executing=1.2.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - fonttools=4.42.1=py311ha68e1ae_0 + - freetype=2.12.1=hdaf720e_2 + - gettext=0.21.1=h5728263_0 + - glib=2.78.0=h12be248_0 + - glib-tools=2.78.0=h12be248_0 + - gst-plugins-base=1.22.5=h001b923_1 + - gstreamer=1.22.5=hb4038d2_1 + - hdf5=1.12.1=nompi_h57737ce_104 + - icu=72.1=h63175ca_0 + - idna=3.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - importlib-metadata=6.8.0=pyha770c72_0 + - importlib_metadata=6.8.0=hd8ed1ab_0 + - intel-openmp=2023.2.0=h57928b3_49496 + - ipopt=3.14.12=ha9547d1_1 + - ipykernel=6.25.2=pyh60829e3_0 + - ipyparallel=8.6.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - ipython=8.15.0=pyh5737063_0 + - jedi=0.19.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - jupyter_client=8.3.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - jupyter_core=5.3.1=py311h1ea47a8_0 + - kiwisolver=1.4.5=py311h005e61a_0 + - krb5=1.20.1=heb0366b_0 + - lcms2=2.15=he9d350c_2 + - lerc=4.0.0=h63175ca_0 + - libblas=3.9.0=18_win64_mkl + - libbrotlicommon=1.1.0=hcfcfb64_0 + - libbrotlidec=1.1.0=hcfcfb64_0 + - libbrotlienc=1.1.0=hcfcfb64_0 + - libcantera=3.0.0=h82bb817_1 + - libcblas=3.9.0=18_win64_mkl + - libclang=16.0.3=default_h8b4101f_1 + - libclang13=16.0.3=default_h45d3cf4_1 + - libcurl=8.1.2=h68f0423_0 + - libdeflate=1.19=hcfcfb64_0 + - libexpat=2.5.0=h63175ca_1 + - libffi=3.4.2=h8ffe710_5 + - libflang=5.0.0=h6538335_20180525 + - libglib=2.78.0=he8f3873_0 + - libhwloc=2.9.1=h51c2c0f_0 + - libiconv=1.17=h8ffe710_0 + - libjpeg-turbo= + - liblapack=3.9.0=18_win64_mkl + - libogg=1.3.4=h8ffe710_1 + - libpng=1.6.39=h19919ed_0 + - libsodium=1.0.18=h8d14728_1 + - libsqlite=3.43.0=hcfcfb64_0 + - libssh2=1.11.0=h7dfc565_0 + - libtiff=4.6.0=h4554b19_1 + - libvorbis=1.3.7=h0e60522_0 + - libwebp=1.3.2=hcfcfb64_0 + - 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pillow=10.0.1=py311hd926f49_0 + - pip=23.2.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - platformdirs=3.10.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - ply=3.11=py_1 + - prompt-toolkit=3.0.39=pyha770c72_0 + - prompt_toolkit=3.0.39=hd8ed1ab_0 + - psutil=5.9.5=py311ha68e1ae_0 + - pthread-stubs=0.4=hcd874cb_1001 + - pthreads-win32=2.9.1=hfa6e2cd_3 + - pure_eval=0.2.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - pybind11-abi=4=hd8ed1ab_3 + - pygments=2.16.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - pygmo=2.19.5=py311h153afbf_1 + - pyparsing=3.0.9=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - pyqt=5.15.9=py311h125bc19_4 + - pyqt5-sip=12.12.2=py311h12c1d0e_4 + - pysocks=1.7.1=pyh0701188_6 + - python=3.11.5=h2628c8c_0_cpython + - python-dateutil=2.8.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - python_abi=3.11=3_cp311 + - pywin32=304=py311h12c1d0e_2 + - pyzmq=25.1.1=py311h7b3f143_0 + - qt=5.15.8=h91493d7_0 + - qt-main=5.15.8=h2c8576c_11 + - qt-webengine=5.15.8=h5b1ea0b_0 + - qtpy=2.4.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - requests=2.31.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - ruamel.yaml=0.17.32=py311ha68e1ae_0 + - ruamel.yaml.clib=0.2.7=py311ha68e1ae_1 + - scipy=1.11.2=py311h37ff6ca_1 + - setuptools=68.2.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - sip=6.7.11=py311h12c1d0e_0 + - six=1.16.0=pyh6c4a22f_0 + - stack_data=0.6.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - tabulate=0.9.0=pyhd8ed1ab_1 + - tbb=2021.9.0=h91493d7_0 + - tk=8.6.12=h8ffe710_0 + - toml=0.10.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - tomli=2.0.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - tornado=6.3.3=py311ha68e1ae_0 + - tqdm=4.66.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - traitlets=5.10.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - typing-extensions=4.7.1=hd8ed1ab_0 + - typing_extensions=4.7.1=pyha770c72_0 + - tzdata=2023c=h71feb2d_0 + - ucrt=10.0.22621.0=h57928b3_0 + - urllib3=2.0.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - vc=14.3=h64f974e_17 + - vc14_runtime=14.36.32532=hdcecf7f_17 + - vs2015_runtime=14.36.32532=h05e6639_17 + - wcwidth=0.2.6=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - wheel=0.41.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - win_inet_pton=1.1.0=pyhd8ed1ab_6 + - xorg-libxau=1.0.11=hcd874cb_0 + - xorg-libxdmcp=1.1.3=hcd874cb_0 + - xz=5.2.6=h8d14728_0 + - zeromq=4.3.4=h0e60522_1 + - zipp=3.16.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 + - zlib=1.2.13=hcfcfb64_5 + - zstd=1.5.5=h12be248_0 + - pip: + - dtcwt==0.12.0 + - pyomo==6.6.2 + - rbfopt==4.2.6 +prefix: C:\Users\Travis\miniconda3\envs\frhodo diff --git a/frhodo_environment_unpinned.yml b/frhodo_environment_unpinned.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dc174a --- /dev/null +++ b/frhodo_environment_unpinned.yml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +name: frhodo +channels: + - cantera + - numba + - conda-forge + - defaults +dependencies: + - cantera + - ipopt + - matplotlib + - nlopt + - numba=0.57 + - numpy + - pip + - pygmo + - pyqt + - qt + - qtpy + - requests + - scipy + - tabulate + - pip: + - dtcwt + - rbfopt diff --git a/src/calculate/convert_units.py b/src/calculate/convert_units.py index 3c5a2b0..9a558b1 100644 --- a/src/calculate/convert_units.py +++ b/src/calculate/convert_units.py @@ -2,20 +2,71 @@ # and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level # directory for license and copyright information. +import sys import numpy as np import cantera as ct -import sys +import numba + conv2ct = {'torr': 101325/760, 'kPa': 1E3, 'atm': 101325, 'bar': 100000, 'psi': 4.4482216152605/0.00064516, 'cm/s': 1E-2, 'mm/μs': 1000, 'ft/s': 1/3.28084, 'in/s': 1/39.37007874, 'mph': 1609.344/60**2, 'kcal': 1/4184, 'cal': 1/4.184} + +@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True) +def OoM_numba(x, method="round"): + """ + This function calculates the order of magnitude (OoM) of each element in the input array 'x' using the specified method. + + Parameters: + x (numpy array): The input array for which the OoM is to be calculated. + method (str): The method to be used for calculating the OoM. It can be one of the following: + "round" - round to the nearest integer (default) + "floor" - round down to the nearest integer + "ceil" - round up to the nearest integer + "exact" - return the exact OoM without rounding + + Returns: + x_OoM (numpy array): The array of the same shape as 'x' containing the OoM of each element in 'x'. + """ + + x_OoM = np.empty_like(x) + for i, xi in enumerate(x): + if xi == 0.0: + x_OoM[i] = 1.0 + + elif method.lower() == "floor": + x_OoM[i] = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(xi))) + + elif method.lower() == "ceil": + x_OoM[i] = np.ceil(np.log10(np.abs(xi))) + + elif method.lower() == "round": + x_OoM[i] = np.round(np.log10(np.abs(xi))) + + else: # "exact" + x_OoM[i] = np.log10(np.abs(xi)) + + return x_OoM + + def OoM(x): + is_array = True + if any([isinstance(x, _type) for _type in [int, float]]): + is_array = False + x = np.array([x]) + if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = np.array(x) + x[x==0] = 1 # if zero, make OoM 0 - return np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(x))) + + if is_array: + return OoM_numba(x, method="floor") + else: + return OoM_numba(x, method="floor")[0] + def RoundToSigFigs(x, p): x = np.asarray(x) diff --git a/src/calculate/mech_fcns.py b/src/calculate/mech_fcns.py index 65e731b..3ad8c6e 100644 --- a/src/calculate/mech_fcns.py +++ b/src/calculate/mech_fcns.py @@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ import os, io, stat, contextlib, pathlib, time from copy import deepcopy import cantera as ct -from cantera import interrupts, cti2yaml#, ck2yaml, ctml2yaml +from cantera import cti2yaml, ck2yaml import numpy as np from calculate import reactors, shock_fcns, integrate -import ck2yaml from timeit import default_timer as timer +arrhenius_coefNames = ['activation_energy', 'pre_exponential_factor', 'temperature_exponent'] + + class Chemical_Mechanism: def __init__(self): self.isLoaded = False @@ -20,17 +22,17 @@ def __init__(self): def load_mechanism(self, path, silent=False): def chemkin2cantera(path): if path['thermo'] is not None: - surfaces = ck2yaml.convert_mech(path['mech'], thermo_file=path['thermo'], transport_file=None, surface_file=None, + gas = ck2yaml.convert_mech(path['mech'], thermo_file=path['thermo'], transport_file=None, surface_file=None, phase_name='gas', out_name=path['Cantera_Mech'], quiet=False, permissive=True) else: - surfaces = ck2yaml.convert_mech(path['mech'], thermo_file=None, transport_file=None, surface_file=None, + gas = ck2yaml.convert_mech(path['mech'], thermo_file=None, transport_file=None, surface_file=None, phase_name='gas', out_name=path['Cantera_Mech'], quiet=False, permissive=True) - return surfaces + return gas def loader(self, path): # path is assumed to be the path dictionary - surfaces = [] + gas = [] if path['mech'].suffix in ['.yaml', '.yml']: # check if it's a yaml cantera file mech_path = str(path['mech']) else: # if not convert into yaml cantera file @@ -42,14 +44,14 @@ def loader(self, path): raise Exception('not implemented') #ctml2yaml.convert(path['mech'], path['Cantera_Mech']) else: # if not a cantera file, assume chemkin - surfaces = chemkin2cantera(path) + gas = chemkin2cantera(path) - print('Validating mechanism...', end='') + print('Validating mechanism...', end='') try: # This test taken from ck2cti yaml_txt = path['Cantera_Mech'].read_text() self.gas = ct.Solution(yaml=yaml_txt) - for surfname in surfaces: - phase = ct.Interface(mech_path, surfname, [self.gas]) + for gas_name in gas: + phase = ct.Interface(mech_path, gas_name, [self.gas]) print('PASSED.') except RuntimeError as e: print('FAILED.') @@ -79,12 +81,15 @@ def loader(self, path): elif 'PASSED' in ct_out: output['success'] = True self.isLoaded = True + + n_species = self.gas.n_species + n_rxn = self.gas.n_reactions + + output['message'].append(f'Wrote YAML mechanism file to {path["Cantera_Mech"]}.') + output['message'].append(f'Mechanism contains {n_species} species and {n_rxn} reactions.') for log_str in [ct_out, ct_err]: if log_str != '' and not silent: - if (path['Cantera_Mech'], pathlib.WindowsPath): # reformat string to remove \\ making it unable to be copy paste - cantera_path = str(path['Cantera_Mech']).replace('\\', '\\\\') - log_str = log_str.replace(cantera_path, str(path['Cantera_Mech'])) output['message'].append(log_str) output['message'].append('\n') @@ -118,65 +123,75 @@ def get_Arrhenius_parameters(entry): # Set kinetics data rxns = [] for rxnIdx in range(len(mech_dict)): - if 'ElementaryReaction' == mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: - rxn = ct.ElementaryReaction(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reactants'], mech_dict[rxnIdx]['products']) - rxn.allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor = True - + if 'Arrhenius Reaction' == mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: A, b, Ea = get_Arrhenius_parameters(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs'][0]) - rxn.rate = ct.Arrhenius(A, b, Ea) + rate = ct.ArrheniusRate(A, b, Ea) - elif 'ThreeBodyReaction' == mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: - rxn = ct.ThreeBodyReaction(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reactants'], mech_dict[rxnIdx]['products']) + rxn = ct.Reaction(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reactants'], mech_dict[rxnIdx]['products'], rate) + elif 'Three Body Reaction' == mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: A, b, Ea = get_Arrhenius_parameters(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs'][0]) - rxn.rate = ct.Arrhenius(A, b, Ea) + rate = ct.ArrheniusRate(A, b, Ea) + + rxn = ct.ThreeBodyReaction(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reactants'], mech_dict[rxnIdx]['products'], rate) rxn.efficiencies = mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs'][0]['efficiencies'] - elif 'PlogReaction' == mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: - rxn = ct.PlogReaction(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reactants'], mech_dict[rxnIdx]['products']) - + elif 'Plog Reaction' == mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: rates = [] for plog in mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs']: pressure = plog['Pressure'] A, b, Ea = get_Arrhenius_parameters(plog) rates.append((pressure, ct.Arrhenius(A, b, Ea))) - rxn.rates = rates - - elif 'FalloffReaction' == mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: - rxn = ct.FalloffReaction(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reactants'], mech_dict[rxnIdx]['products']) + rate = ct.PlogRate(rates) + rxn = ct.Reaction(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reactants'], mech_dict[rxnIdx]['products'], rate) + elif 'Falloff Reaction' == mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: # high pressure limit A, b, Ea = get_Arrhenius_parameters(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs']['high_rate']) - rxn.high_rate = ct.Arrhenius(A, b, Ea) + high_rate = ct.Arrhenius(A, b, Ea) # low pressure limit A, b, Ea = get_Arrhenius_parameters(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs']['low_rate']) - rxn.low_rate = ct.Arrhenius(A, b, Ea) + low_rate = ct.Arrhenius(A, b, Ea) # falloff parameters - if mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs']['falloff_type'] == 'Troe': - falloff_param = mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs']['falloff_parameters'] - if falloff_param[-1] == 0.0: - falloff_param = falloff_param[0:-1] + falloff_type = mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs']['falloff_type'] + falloff_coeffs = mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs']['falloff_parameters'] - rxn.falloff = ct.TroeFalloff(falloff_param) - else: - rxn.falloff = ct.SriFalloff(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs']['falloff_parameters']) + if falloff_type == 'Lindemann': + rate = ct.LindemannRate(low_rate, high_rate, falloff_coeffs) + + elif falloff_type == 'Tsang': + rate = ct.TsangRate(low_rate, high_rate, falloff_coeffs) + + elif falloff_type == 'Troe': + if falloff_coeffs[-1] == 0.0: + falloff_coeffs = falloff_coeffs[0:-1] + + rate = ct.TroeRate(low_rate, high_rate, falloff_coeffs) + elif falloff_type == 'SRI': + rate = ct.SriRate(low_rate, high_rate, falloff_coeffs) + + rxn = ct.FalloffReaction(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reactants'], mech_dict[rxnIdx]['products'], rate) rxn.efficiencies = mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs']['efficiencies'] - elif 'ChebyshevReaction' == mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: - rxn = ct.ChebyshevReaction(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reactants'], mech_dict[rxnIdx]['products']) - rxn.set_parameters(Tmin=mech_dict['Tmin'], Tmax=mech_dict['Tmax'], - Pmin=mech_dict['Pmin'], Pmax=mech_dict['Pmax'], - coeffs=mech_dict['coeffs']) + elif 'Chebyshev Reaction' == mech_dict[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: + rxn = ct.ChebyshevRate([mech_dict['Tmin'], mech_dict['Tmax']], + [mech_dict['Pmin'], mech_dict['Pmax']], + mech_dict['coeffs']) + + rxn = ct.Reaction(mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reactants'], mech_dict[rxnIdx]['products'], rate) rxn.duplicate = mech_dict[rxnIdx]['duplicate'] rxn.reversible = mech_dict[rxnIdx]['reversible'] rxn.allow_negative_orders = True rxn.allow_nonreactant_orders = True + if hasattr(rxn, "allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor"): + rxn.allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor = True + rxns.append(rxn) self.gas = ct.Solution(thermo='IdealGas', kinetics='GasKinetics', @@ -185,7 +200,24 @@ def get_Arrhenius_parameters(entry): self.set_rate_expression_coeffs(bnds) # set copy of coeffs self.set_thermo_expression_coeffs() # set copy of thermo coeffs - def gas(self): return self.gas + def gas(self): return self.gas + + + def reaction_type(self, rxn): + if type(rxn.rate) is ct.ArrheniusRate: + if rxn.reaction_type == "three-body": + return "Three Body Reaction" + else: + return "Arrhenius Reaction" + elif type(rxn.rate) is ct.PlogRate: + return "Plog Reaction" + elif type(rxn.rate) in [ct.FalloffRate, ct.LindemannRate, ct.TsangRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: + return "Falloff Reaction" + elif type(rxn.rate) is ct.ChebyshevRate: + return "Chebyshev Reaction" + else: + return str(type(rxn.rate)) + def set_rate_expression_coeffs(self, bnds=[]): def copy_bnds(new_bnds, bnds, rxnIdx, bnds_type, keys=[]): @@ -211,94 +243,96 @@ def copy_bnds(new_bnds, bnds, rxnIdx, bnds_type, keys=[]): for rxnIdx, rxn in enumerate(self.gas.reactions()): rate_bnds.append({'value': np.nan, 'limits': Uncertainty('rate', rxnIdx, rate_bnds=rate_bnds), 'type': 'F', 'opt': False}) rate_bnds = copy_bnds(rate_bnds, bnds, rxnIdx, 'rate') - if type(rxn) in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.ThreeBodyReaction]: - attrs = [p for p in dir(rxn.rate) if not p.startswith('_')] # attributes not including __ - coeffs.append([{attr: getattr(rxn.rate, attr) for attr in attrs}]) - if type(rxn) is ct.ThreeBodyReaction: - coeffs[-1][0]['efficiencies'] = rxn.efficiencies + + rxn_type = self.reaction_type(rxn) + + if rxn_type in ["Arrhenius Reaction", "Three Body Reaction"]: + coeffs.append([{attr: getattr(rxn.rate, attr) for attr in arrhenius_coefNames}]) + if rxn_type == "Three Body Reaction": + coeffs[-1][0]['efficiencies'] = rxn.third_body.efficiencies coeffs_bnds.append({'rate': {attr: {'resetVal': coeffs[-1][0][attr], 'value': np.nan, 'limits': Uncertainty('coef', rxnIdx, key='rate', coef_name=attr, coeffs_bnds=coeffs_bnds), - 'type': 'F', 'opt': False} for attr in attrs}}) + 'type': 'F', 'opt': False} for attr in arrhenius_coefNames}}) - coeffs_bnds = copy_bnds(coeffs_bnds, bnds, rxnIdx, 'coeffs', ['rate', attrs]) + coeffs_bnds = copy_bnds(coeffs_bnds, bnds, rxnIdx, 'coeffs', ['rate', arrhenius_coefNames]) - reset_mech.append({'reactants': rxn.reactants, 'products': rxn.products, 'rxnType': rxn.__class__.__name__, + reset_mech.append({'reactants': rxn.reactants, 'products': rxn.products, 'rxnType': rxn_type, 'duplicate': rxn.duplicate, 'reversible': rxn.reversible, 'orders': rxn.orders, 'rxnCoeffs': deepcopy(coeffs[-1])}) - elif type(rxn) is ct.PlogReaction: + elif rxn_type == "Plog Reaction": coeffs.append([]) coeffs_bnds.append({}) - for n, rate in enumerate(rxn.rates): - attrs = [p for p in dir(rate[1]) if not p.startswith('_')] # attributes not including __ + for n, rate in enumerate(rxn.rate.rates): coeffs[-1].append({'Pressure': rate[0]}) - coeffs[-1][-1].update({attr: getattr(rate[1], attr) for attr in attrs}) - if n == 0 or n == len(rxn.rates)-1: # only going to allow coefficient uncertainties to be placed on upper and lower pressures + coeffs[-1][-1].update({attr: getattr(rate[1], attr) for attr in arrhenius_coefNames}) + if n == 0 or n == len(rxn.rate.rates)-1: # only going to allow coefficient uncertainties to be placed on upper and lower pressures if n == 0: key = 'low_rate' else: key = 'high_rate' coeffs_bnds[-1][key] = {attr: {'resetVal': coeffs[-1][-1][attr], 'value': np.nan, 'limits': Uncertainty('coef', rxnIdx, key=key, coef_name=attr, coeffs_bnds=coeffs_bnds), - 'type': 'F', 'opt': False} for attr in attrs} + 'type': 'F', 'opt': False} for attr in arrhenius_coefNames} - coeffs_bnds = copy_bnds(coeffs_bnds, bnds, rxnIdx, 'coeffs', [key, attrs]) + coeffs_bnds = copy_bnds(coeffs_bnds, bnds, rxnIdx, 'coeffs', [key, arrhenius_coefNames]) - reset_mech.append({'reactants': rxn.reactants, 'products': rxn.products, 'rxnType': rxn.__class__.__name__, + reset_mech.append({'reactants': rxn.reactants, 'products': rxn.products, 'rxnType': rxn_type, 'duplicate': rxn.duplicate, 'reversible': rxn.reversible, 'orders': rxn.orders, 'rxnCoeffs': deepcopy(coeffs[-1])}) - elif type(rxn) is ct.FalloffReaction: + elif rxn_type == "Falloff Reaction": coeffs_bnds.append({}) - coeffs.append({'falloff_type': rxn.falloff.type, 'high_rate': [], 'low_rate': [], 'falloff_parameters': list(rxn.falloff.parameters), - 'default_efficiency': rxn.default_efficiency, 'efficiencies': rxn.efficiencies}) + fallof_type = rxn.reaction_type.split('-')[1] + + coeffs.append({'falloff_type': fallof_type, 'high_rate': [], 'low_rate': [], 'falloff_parameters': list(rxn.rate.falloff_coeffs), + 'default_efficiency': rxn.third_body.default_efficiency, 'efficiencies': rxn.third_body.efficiencies}) for key in ['low_rate', 'high_rate']: - rate = getattr(rxn, key) - attrs = [p for p in dir(rate) if not p.startswith('_')] # attributes not including __ - coeffs[-1][key] = {attr: getattr(rate, attr) for attr in attrs} + rate = getattr(rxn.rate, key) + coeffs[-1][key] = {attr: getattr(rate, attr) for attr in arrhenius_coefNames} coeffs_bnds[-1][key] = {attr: {'resetVal': coeffs[-1][key][attr], 'value': np.nan, 'limits': Uncertainty('coef', rxnIdx, key=key, coef_name=attr, coeffs_bnds=coeffs_bnds), - 'type': 'F', 'opt': False} for attr in attrs} + 'type': 'F', 'opt': False} for attr in arrhenius_coefNames} - coeffs_bnds = copy_bnds(coeffs_bnds, bnds, rxnIdx, 'coeffs', [key, attrs]) + coeffs_bnds = copy_bnds(coeffs_bnds, bnds, rxnIdx, 'coeffs', [key, arrhenius_coefNames]) key = 'falloff_parameters' - n_coef = len(rxn.falloff.parameters) + n_coef = len(rxn.rate.falloff_coeffs) coeffs_bnds[-1][key] = {n: {'resetVal': coeffs[-1][key][n], 'value': np.nan, 'limits': Uncertainty('coef', rxnIdx, key=key, coef_name=n, coeffs_bnds=coeffs_bnds), 'type': 'F', 'opt': True} for n in range(0,n_coef)} - reset_mech.append({'reactants': rxn.reactants, 'products': rxn.products, 'rxnType': rxn.__class__.__name__, + reset_mech.append({'reactants': rxn.reactants, 'products': rxn.products, 'rxnType': rxn_type, 'duplicate': rxn.duplicate, 'reversible': rxn.reversible, 'orders': rxn.orders, - 'falloffType': rxn.falloff.type, 'rxnCoeffs': deepcopy(coeffs[-1])}) + 'falloffType': fallof_type, 'rxnCoeffs': deepcopy(coeffs[-1])}) - elif type(rxn) is ct.ChebyshevReaction: + elif rxn_type == "Chebyshev Reaction": coeffs.append({}) coeffs_bnds.append({}) - if len(bnds) == 0: - rate_bnds.append({}) - reset_coeffs = {'Pmin': rxn.Pmin, 'Pmax': rxn.Pmax, 'Tmin': rxn.Tmin, 'Tmax': rxn.Tmax, 'coeffs': rxn.coeffs} - reset_mech.append({'reactants': rxn.reactants, 'products': rxn.products, 'rxnType': rxn.__class__.__name__, + reset_coeffs = {'Pmin': rxn.rate.pressure_range[0], 'Pmax': rxn.rate.pressure_range[1], + 'Tmin': rxn.rate.temperature_range[0], 'Tmax': rxn.rate.temperature_range[1], + 'coeffs': rxn.rate.data} + reset_mech.append({'reactants': rxn.reactants, 'products': rxn.products, 'rxnType': rxn_type, 'duplicate': rxn.duplicate, 'reversible': rxn.reversible, 'orders': rxn.orders, 'rxnCoeffs': reset_coeffs}) else: coeffs.append({}) coeffs_bnds.append({}) - if len(bnds) == 0: - rate_bnds.append({}) - reset_mech.append({'reactants': rxn.reactants, 'products': rxn.products, 'rxnType': rxn.__class__.__name__}) - raise(f'{rxn} is a {rxn.__class__.__name__} and is currently unsupported in Frhodo, but this error should never be seen') + reset_mech.append({'reactants': rxn.reactants, 'products': rxn.products, 'rxnType': rxn_type}) + msg = f'{rxn} is a {rxn_type} and is currently unsupported in Frhodo' + raise(Exception(msg)) + def get_coeffs_keys(self, rxn, coefAbbr, rxnIdx=None): - if type(rxn) in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.ThreeBodyReaction]: + if type(rxn.rate) is ct.ArrheniusRate: bnds_key = 'rate' coef_key = 0 - elif type(rxn) is ct.PlogReaction: + elif type(rxn.rate) is ct.PlogRate: if 'high' in coefAbbr: if rxnIdx is None: # get reaction index if not provided for rxnIdx, mechRxn in enumerate(self.gas.reactions()): @@ -311,7 +345,7 @@ def get_coeffs_keys(self, rxn, coefAbbr, rxnIdx=None): bnds_key = 'low_rate' coef_key = 0 - elif type(rxn) is ct.FalloffReaction: + elif type(rxn.rate) in [ct.FalloffRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: if 'high' in coefAbbr: coef_key = bnds_key = 'high_rate' elif 'low' in coefAbbr: @@ -343,7 +377,8 @@ def modify_reactions(self, coeffs, rxnIdxs=[]): # Only works for Arrhenius e for rxnIdx in rxnIdxs: rxn = self.gas.reaction(rxnIdx) rxnChanged = False - if type(rxn) in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.ThreeBodyReaction]: + + if type(rxn.rate) is ct.ArrheniusRate: for coefName in ['activation_energy', 'pre_exponential_factor', 'temperature_exponent']: if coeffs[rxnIdx][0][coefName] != eval(f'rxn.rate.{coefName}'): rxnChanged = True @@ -352,34 +387,42 @@ def modify_reactions(self, coeffs, rxnIdxs=[]): # Only works for Arrhenius e A = coeffs[rxnIdx][0]['pre_exponential_factor'] b = coeffs[rxnIdx][0]['temperature_exponent'] Ea = coeffs[rxnIdx][0]['activation_energy'] - rxn.rate = ct.Arrhenius(A, b, Ea) + rxn.rate = ct.ArrheniusRate(A, b, Ea) - elif type(rxn) is ct.FalloffReaction: - for key in ['low_rate', 'high_rate', 'falloff_parameters']: + elif type(rxn.rate) in [ct.FalloffRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: + rate_dict = {'low_rate': None, 'high_rate': None, 'falloff_parameters': None} + for key in rate_dict.keys(): if 'rate' in key: for coefName in ['activation_energy', 'pre_exponential_factor', 'temperature_exponent']: - if coeffs[rxnIdx][key][coefName] != eval(f'rxn.{key}.{coefName}'): + if coeffs[rxnIdx][key][coefName] != eval(f'rxn.rate.{key}.{coefName}'): rxnChanged = True A = coeffs[rxnIdx][key]['pre_exponential_factor'] b = coeffs[rxnIdx][key]['temperature_exponent'] Ea = coeffs[rxnIdx][key]['activation_energy'] - setattr(rxn, key, ct.Arrhenius(A, b, Ea)) + rate_dict[key] = ct.Arrhenius(A, b, Ea) break else: - length_different = len(coeffs[rxnIdx][key]) != len(rxn.falloff.parameters) - if length_different or (coeffs[rxnIdx][key] != rxn.falloff.parameters).any(): + length_different = len(coeffs[rxnIdx][key]) != len(rxn.rate.falloff_coeffs) + if length_different or (coeffs[rxnIdx][key] != rxn.rate.falloff_coeffs).any(): rxnChanged = True if coeffs[rxnIdx]['falloff_type'] == 'Troe': if coeffs[rxnIdx][key][-1] == 0.0: - rxn.falloff = ct.TroeFalloff(coeffs[rxnIdx][key][:-1]) + rate_dict[key] = coeffs[rxnIdx][key][:-1] else: - rxn.falloff = ct.TroeFalloff(coeffs[rxnIdx][key]) + rate_dict[key] = coeffs[rxnIdx][key] else: # could also be SRI. For optimization this would need to be cast as Troe - rxn.falloff = ct.SriFalloff(coeffs[rxnIdx][key]) + rate_dict[key] = ct.SriFalloff(coeffs[rxnIdx][key]) + + if coeffs[rxnIdx]['falloff_type'] == 'Troe': + rate = ct.TroeRate(rate_dict['low_rate'], rate_dict['high_rate'], rate_dict['falloff_parameters']) + else: + rate = ct.SriRate(rate_dict['low_rate'], rate_dict['high_rate'], rate_dict['falloff_parameters']) + + rxn.rate = rate - elif type(rxn) is ct.ChebyshevReaction: + elif type(rxn.rate) is ct.ChebyshevRate: pass else: continue @@ -393,7 +436,7 @@ def modify_reactions(self, coeffs, rxnIdxs=[]): # Only works for Arrhenius e def rxn2Troe(self, rxnIdx, HPL, LPL, eff={}): reactants = self.gas.reaction(rxnIdx).reactants products = self.gas.reaction(rxnIdx).products - r = ct.FalloffReaction(reactants, products) + r = ct.FalloffRate(reactants, products) print(r) #r.high_rate = ct.Arrhenius(7.4e10, -0.37, 0.0) #r.low_rate = ct.Arrhenius(2.3e12, -0.9, -1700*1000*4.184) @@ -455,18 +498,18 @@ def reset(self, rxnIdxs=None, coefNames=None): if coefNames is None: # resets all coefficients in rxn self.coeffs[rxnIdx] = self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs'] - elif self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnType'] in ['ElementaryReaction', 'ThreeBodyReaction']: + elif self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnType'] in ['Arrhenius Reaction', 'Three Body Reaction']: for coefName in coefNames: self.coeffs[rxnIdx][coefName] = self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs'][coefName] - elif 'PlogReaction' == self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: + elif 'Plog Reaction' == self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: for [limit_type, coefName] in coefNames: if limit_type == 'low_rate': self.coeffs[rxnIdx][0][coefName] = self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs'][0][coefName] elif limit_type == 'high_rate': self.coeffs[rxnIdx][-1][coefName] = self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs'][-1][coefName] - elif 'FalloffReaction' == self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: + elif 'Falloff Reaction' == self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnType']: self.coeffs[rxnIdx]['falloff_type'] = self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['falloffType'] for [limit_type, coefName] in coefNames: self.coeffs[rxnIdx][limit_type][coefName] = self.reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs'][limit_type][coefName] @@ -502,11 +545,11 @@ def set_TPX(self, T, P, X=[]): def M(self, rxn, TPX=[]): # kmol/m^3 def get_M(rxn): M = self.gas.density_mole - if hasattr(rxn, 'efficiencies') and rxn.efficiencies: - M *= rxn.default_efficiency + if rxn.third_body is not None: + M *= rxn.third_body.default_efficiency for (s, conc) in zip(self.gas.species_names, self.gas.concentrations): - if s in rxn.efficiencies: - M += conc*(rxn.efficiencies[s] - 1.0) + if s in rxn.third_body.efficiencies: + M += conc*(rxn.third_body.efficiencies[s] - 1.0) else: M += conc return M diff --git a/src/calculate/optimize/adaptive_loss.py b/src/calculate/optimize/adaptive_loss.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..faea5ea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/calculate/optimize/adaptive_loss.py @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +import numpy as np +from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar +from scipy.interpolate import BSpline +import numba + +from .adaptive_loss_tck import tck +from calculate.convert_units import OoM_numba + + +numba_cache = False +loss_alpha_min = -100.0 + + +@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=numba_cache) +def weighted_quantile( + values, quantiles, weights=np.array([]), values_presorted=False, old_style=False +): + """https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21844024/weighted-percentile-using-numpy + Very close to numpy.percentile, but supports weights. + NOTE: quantiles should be in [0, 1]! + :param values: numpy.array with data + :param quantiles: array-like with many quantiles needed + :param sample_weight: array-like of the same length as `array` + :param values_presorted: bool, if True, then will avoid sorting of + initial array + :param old_style: if True, will correct output to be consistent + with numpy.quantile. + :return: numpy.array with computed quantiles. + """ + finite_idx = np.where(np.isfinite(values)) + values = values[finite_idx] + if len(weights) == 0: + weights = np.ones_like(values) + else: + weights = weights[finite_idx] + + assert np.all(quantiles >= 0) and np.all( + quantiles <= 1 + ), "quantiles should be in [0, 1]" + + if not values_presorted: + sorter = np.argsort(values) + values = values[sorter] + weights = weights[sorter] + + res = np.cumsum(weights) - 0.5 * weights + if old_style: # To be convenient with numpy.quantile + res -= res[0] + res /= res[-1] + else: + res /= np.sum(weights) + + return np.interp(quantiles, res, values) + + +def remove_outliers(data, weights=np.array([]), sigma_threshold=3, quantile=0.25): + outlier_bnds = IQR_outlier(data, weights, sigma_threshold, quantile) + idx_no_outliers = np.argwhere( + (data >= outlier_bnds[0]) & (data <= outlier_bnds[1]) + ).flatten() + data_no_outliers = data[idx_no_outliers] + + return data_no_outliers, idx_no_outliers + + +@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=numba_cache) +def IQR_outlier(data, weights=np.array([]), sigma_threshold=3, quantile=0.25): + # only use finite data + if len(weights) == 0: + q13 = np.quantile(data[np.isfinite(data)], np.array([quantile, 1 - quantile])) + else: # weighted_quantile could be used always, don't know speed + q13 = weighted_quantile( + data[np.isfinite(data)], np.array([quantile, 1 - quantile]), weights=weights + ) + + q13_scalar = ( + 0.7413 * sigma_threshold - 0.5 + ) # this is a pretty good fit to get the scalar for any sigma + iqr = np.diff(q13)[0] * q13_scalar + outlier_threshold = np.array([q13[0] - iqr, q13[1] + iqr]) + + return outlier_threshold + + +# TODO: uncertain if these C functions should use np.min, np.mean, or np.max +@numba.jit(nopython=True, error_model="numpy", cache=numba_cache) +def get_C(resid, mu, sigma, weights=np.array([]), C_scalar=1, quantile=0.25): + q13 = IQR_outlier( + resid - mu, weights=weights, sigma_threshold=sigma, quantile=quantile + ) + C = np.max(np.abs(q13)) + + if C == 0: + C = OoM_numba(np.array([np.max(q13)]), method="floor")[0] + + return C*C_scalar # decreasing outliers increases outlier rejection + + +@numba.jit(nopython=True, error_model="numpy", cache=numba_cache) +def generalized_loss_fcn( + x, a=2, a_min=loss_alpha_min +): # defaults to sum of squared error + x_2 = x**2 + + if a == 2.0: # L2 + loss = 0.5 * x_2 + elif a == 1.0: # smoothed L1 + loss = np.sqrt(x_2 + 1) - 1 + elif a == 0.0: # Charbonnier loss + loss = np.log(0.5 * x_2 + 1) + elif a == -2.0: # Cauchy/Lorentzian loss + loss = 2 * x_2 / (x_2 + 4) + elif a <= a_min: # at -infinity, Welsch/Leclerc loss + loss = 1 - np.exp(-0.5 * x_2) + else: + loss = np.abs(a - 2) / a * ((x_2 / np.abs(a - 2) + 1) ** (a / 2) - 1) + + return loss + + +@numba.jit(nopython=True, error_model="numpy", cache=numba_cache) +def generalized_loss_derivative(x, c=1, a=2): + if a == 2.0: # L2 + dloss_dx = x / c**2 + elif a == 1.0: # smoothed L1 + dloss_dx = x / c**2 / np.sqrt((x / c) ** 2 + 1) + elif a == 0.0: # Charbonnier loss + dloss_dx = 2 * x / (x**2 + 2 * c**2) + elif a == -2.0: # Cauchy/Lorentzian loss + dloss_dx = 16 * c**2 * x / (4 * c**2 + x**2) ** 2 + elif a <= loss_alpha_min: # at -infinity, Welsch/Leclerc loss + dloss_dx = x / c**2 * np.exp(-0.5 * (x / c) ** 2) + else: + dloss_dx = x / c**2 * ((x / c) ** 2 / np.abs(a - 2) + 1) + + return dloss_dx + + +@numba.jit(nopython=True, error_model="numpy", cache=numba_cache) +def generalized_loss_weights(x: np.ndarray, a: float = 2, min_weight: float = 0.00): + w = np.ones(len(x), dtype=numba.float64) + for i, xi in enumerate(x): + if a == 2 or xi <= 0: + w[i] = 1 + elif a == 0: + w[i] = 1 / (0.5 * xi**2 + 1) + elif a <= loss_alpha_min: + w[i] = np.exp(-0.5 * xi**2) + else: + w[i] = (xi**2 / np.abs(a - 2) + 1) ** (0.5 * a - 1) + + return w * (1 - min_weight) + min_weight + + +# approximate partition function for C=1, tau(alpha < 0)=1E5, tau(alpha >= 0)=inf +# error < 4E-7 +ln_Z_fit = BSpline.construct_fast(*tck) +ln_Z_inf = 11.206072645530174 +def ln_Z(alpha, alpha_min=-1E6): + if alpha <= alpha_min: + return ln_Z_inf + + return ln_Z_fit(alpha) + + +# penalize the loss function using approximate partition function +# default to L2 loss +def penalized_loss_fcn(x, a=2, use_penalty=True): + loss = generalized_loss_fcn(x, a) + + if use_penalty: + penalty = ln_Z(a, loss_alpha_min) # approximate partition function for C=1, tau=10 + loss += penalty + + if not np.isfinite(loss).all(): + # print("a: ", a) + # print("x: ", x) + # print("penalty: ", penalty) + raise Exception("non-finite values in 'penalized_loss_fcn'") + + return loss + + +@numba.jit(nopython=True, error_model='numpy', cache=numba_cache) +def alpha_scaled(s, a_max=2): + if a_max == 2: + a = 3 + b = 0.25 + + if s < 0: + s = 0 + + if s > 1: + s = 1 + + s_max = (1 - 2/(1 + 10**a)) + s = (1 - 2/(1 + 10**(a*s**b)))/s_max + + alpha = loss_alpha_min + (2 - loss_alpha_min)*s + + else: + x0 = 1 + k = 1.5 # 1 or 1.5, testing required + + if s >= 1: + return 100 + elif s <= 0: + return -100 + + A = (np.exp((100 - x0)/k) + 1)/(1 - np.exp(200/k)) + K = (1 - A)*np.exp((x0 - 100)/k) + 1 + + alpha = x0 - k*np.log((K - A)/(s - A) - 1) + + return alpha + + +def adaptive_loss_fcn(x, mu=0, c=1, alpha="adaptive", replace_nonfinite=True): + if np.all(mu != 0) or np.all(c != 1): + x = (x - mu) / c # standardized residuals + + if replace_nonfinite: + x[~np.isfinite(x)] = np.max(x) + + loss_alpha_fcn = lambda alpha: penalized_loss_fcn( + x, a=alpha, use_penalty=True + ).sum() + + if alpha == "adaptive": # + res = minimize_scalar( + lambda s: loss_alpha_fcn(alpha_scaled(s)), + bounds=[-1e-5, 1 + 1e-5], + method="bounded", + options={"xtol": 1e-5}, + ) + loss_alpha = alpha_scaled(res.x) + # res = minimize(lambda s: loss_alpha_fcn(alpha_scaled(s[0])), x0=[0.7], bounds=[[0, 1]], method="L-BFGS-B") + # loss_alpha = alpha_scaled(res.x[0]) + loss_fcn_val = res.fun + + else: + loss_alpha = alpha + loss_fcn_val = loss_alpha_fcn(alpha) + + return loss_fcn_val, loss_alpha + + +# Assumes that x has not been standardized +def adaptive_weights( + x, weights=np.array([]), C_scalar=1, alpha="adaptive", + sigma=3, quantile=0.25, min_weight=0.00, replace_nonfinite=True +): + x_no_outlier, _ = remove_outliers(x, sigma_threshold=sigma, quantile=0.25) + + # TODO: Should x be abs or not? + # mu = np.median(np.abs(x_no_outlier)) + mu = np.median(x_no_outlier) + + C = get_C(x, mu, sigma, weights, C_scalar, quantile) + x = (x - mu) / C + + if alpha == "adaptive": + _, alpha = adaptive_loss_fcn( + x, alpha=alpha, replace_nonfinite=replace_nonfinite + ) + + return generalized_loss_weights(x, a=alpha, min_weight=min_weight), C, alpha diff --git a/src/calculate/optimize/adaptive_loss_tck.py b/src/calculate/optimize/adaptive_loss_tck.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d5b1d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/calculate/optimize/adaptive_loss_tck.py @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +import numpy as np + +tck = (np.array([-1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, + -1.00000000e+02, -1.00000000e+02, -9.89361859e+01, -9.78769353e+01, + -9.68222422e+01, -9.57721311e+01, -9.47266052e+01, -9.36856785e+01, + -9.26493549e+01, -9.16176510e+01, -9.05905750e+01, -8.95681338e+01, + -8.85503451e+01, -8.75372137e+01, -8.65287527e+01, -8.55249701e+01, + -8.45258826e+01, -8.35314946e+01, -8.25418228e+01, -8.15568742e+01, + -8.05766627e+01, -7.96012006e+01, -7.86304995e+01, -7.76645697e+01, + -7.67034243e+01, -7.57470661e+01, -7.47955220e+01, -7.38487948e+01, + -7.29069029e+01, -7.19698546e+01, -7.10376588e+01, -7.01103331e+01, + -6.91878955e+01, -6.82703491e+01, -6.73577126e+01, -6.64499973e+01, + -6.55472139e+01, -6.46493825e+01, -6.37565132e+01, -6.28686175e+01, + -6.19857154e+01, -6.11078190e+01, -6.02349388e+01, -5.93670934e+01, + -5.85042947e+01, -5.76465626e+01, -5.67939033e+01, -5.59463397e+01, + -5.51038844e+01, -5.42665479e+01, -5.34343606e+01, -5.26073239e+01, + -5.17854599e+01, -5.09687840e+01, -5.01573151e+01, -4.93510657e+01, + -4.85500572e+01, -4.77543027e+01, -4.69638198e+01, -4.61786326e+01, + -4.53987564e+01, -4.46242021e+01, -4.38549956e+01, -4.30911563e+01, + -4.23327002e+01, -4.15796433e+01, -4.08320136e+01, -4.00898242e+01, + -3.93530985e+01, -3.86218530e+01, -3.78961169e+01, -3.71759034e+01, + -3.64612346e+01, -3.57521353e+01, -3.50486253e+01, -3.43507255e+01, + -3.36584656e+01, -3.29718664e+01, -3.22909472e+01, -3.16157312e+01, + -3.09462522e+01, -3.02825245e+01, -2.96245821e+01, -2.89724443e+01, + -2.83261393e+01, -2.76856938e+01, -2.70511383e+01, -2.64224972e+01, + -2.57997997e+01, -2.51830719e+01, -2.45723506e+01, -2.39676630e+01, + -2.33690331e+01, -2.27765001e+01, -2.21900941e+01, -2.16098480e+01, + -2.10357920e+01, -2.04679677e+01, -1.99064059e+01, -1.93511408e+01, + -1.88022101e+01, -1.82596582e+01, -1.77235133e+01, -1.71938267e+01, + -1.66706289e+01, -1.61539696e+01, -1.56438888e+01, -1.51404339e+01, + -1.46436468e+01, -1.41535762e+01, -1.36702706e+01, -1.31937875e+01, + -1.27241733e+01, -1.22614812e+01, -1.18057714e+01, -1.13571013e+01, + -1.09155320e+01, -1.04811305e+01, -1.00539633e+01, -9.63409624e+00, + -9.22161100e+00, -8.81657996e+00, -8.41909527e+00, -8.02924219e+00, + -7.64712055e+00, -7.27284027e+00, -6.90651906e+00, -6.54828863e+00, + -6.19830350e+00, -5.85673528e+00, -5.52383861e+00, -5.19984603e+00, + -4.88505373e+00, -4.58000136e+00, -4.28507371e+00, -4.00123186e+00, + -3.72891771e+00, -3.46975160e+00, -3.22437193e+00, -2.99393266e+00, + -2.82276138e+00, -2.61883218e+00, -2.43017422e+00, -2.25593926e+00, + -2.09588408e+00, -1.94907151e+00, -1.89820406e+00, -1.89619413e+00, + -1.89581028e+00, -1.89563092e+00, -1.89550466e+00, -1.89539596e+00, + -1.89530799e+00, -1.89523234e+00, -1.89515983e+00, -1.89509618e+00, + -1.89503580e+00, -1.89497709e+00, -1.89491628e+00, -1.89485245e+00, + -1.89478574e+00, -1.89470777e+00, -1.89462133e+00, -1.89452009e+00, + -1.89439581e+00, -1.89423663e+00, -1.89396741e+00, -1.86050313e+00, + -1.73225064e+00, -1.61345288e+00, -1.50404046e+00, -1.40317150e+00, + -1.31002924e+00, -1.22379266e+00, -1.14438410e+00, -1.07042988e+00, + -1.00198483e+00, -9.37982760e-01, -8.78393703e-01, -8.22858167e-01, + -7.70713415e-01, -7.21693169e-01, -6.75489158e-01, -6.31756155e-01, + -5.90145042e-01, -5.50438977e-01, -5.11929011e-01, -4.73779395e-01, + -4.31618583e-01, -3.92781450e-01, -3.65429131e-01, -3.42432936e-01, + -3.22400780e-01, -3.04663604e-01, -2.88563766e-01, -2.73745130e-01, + -2.59977591e-01, -2.47006359e-01, -2.34459092e-01, -2.21779876e-01, + -2.06915915e-01, -1.94314435e-01, -1.84284677e-01, -1.75144063e-01, + -1.66399622e-01, -1.57587843e-01, -1.47896761e-01, -1.35800722e-01, + -1.26229577e-01, -1.17397288e-01, -1.08566317e-01, -9.92690484e-02, + -8.89856367e-02, -7.53791943e-02, -6.13039785e-02, -4.86661484e-02, + -3.58472926e-02, -2.22378397e-02, -7.26184238e-03, -2.05587892e-03, + -1.42203296e-03, -7.09240561e-04, -4.74680027e-04, -3.31830926e-04, + -2.16225378e-04, -1.11938193e-04, -1.13163582e-05, 1.01821936e-04, + 2.37443677e-04, 4.15071062e-04, 1.38705239e-03, 1.30540042e-02, + 3.25012890e-02, 5.68008960e-02, 8.68674209e-02, 1.23110030e-01, + 1.67150300e-01, 2.19844037e-01, 2.82582173e-01, 3.56909933e-01, + 4.44551688e-01, 5.48261555e-01, 6.69373686e-01, 8.10210333e-01, + 9.68835440e-01, 1.13479207e+00, 1.29016927e+00, 1.37579828e+00, + 1.37756953e+00, 1.37792658e+00, 1.37811985e+00, 1.37830625e+00, + 1.37871338e+00, 1.39652311e+00, 1.50223094e+00, 1.60204852e+00, + 1.68444922e+00, 1.75210787e+00, 1.80739646e+00, 1.85184850e+00, + 1.88771768e+00, 1.91598008e+00, 1.93817596e+00, 1.95558092e+00, + 1.96868983e+00, 1.97837027e+00, 1.98544015e+00, 1.99072246e+00, + 1.99423491e+00, 1.99664031e+00, 1.99814454e+00, 1.99904346e+00, + 1.99942427e+00, 1.99958837e+00, 1.99971103e+00, 1.99981950e+00, + 1.99992971e+00, 2.00003967e+00, 2.00014572e+00, 2.00026154e+00, + 2.00040028e+00, 2.00059303e+00, 2.00105431e+00, 2.00211390e+00, + 2.00381552e+00, 2.00661314e+00, 2.01062515e+00, 2.01630706e+00, + 2.02413336e+00, 2.03496582e+00, 2.04922868e+00, 2.06754202e+00, + 2.09116731e+00, 2.12103970e+00, 2.15821246e+00, 2.20394097e+00, + 2.26008195e+00, 2.32805389e+00, 2.40948866e+00, 2.50698102e+00, + 2.62276727e+00, 2.76051403e+00, 2.92292363e+00, 3.11499335e+00, + 3.34113550e+00, 3.60831022e+00, 3.91873624e+00, 4.28145146e+00, + 4.69630296e+00, 5.16146905e+00, 5.66972575e+00, 6.21509727e+00, + 6.79391125e+00, 7.40309939e+00, 8.04104432e+00, 8.70650460e+00, + 9.39861761e+00, 1.01166873e+01, 1.08600969e+01, 1.16283340e+01, + 1.24209373e+01, 1.32374826e+01, 1.40775899e+01, 1.49409044e+01, + 1.58270879e+01, 1.67358346e+01, 1.76668531e+01, 1.86198662e+01, + 1.95946087e+01, 2.05908354e+01, 2.16083077e+01, 2.26468007e+01, + 2.37061000e+01, 2.47859931e+01, 2.58862849e+01, 2.70067835e+01, + 2.81473059e+01, 2.93076770e+01, 3.04877181e+01, 3.16872722e+01, + 3.29061767e+01, 3.41442795e+01, 3.54014286e+01, 3.66774778e+01, + 3.79722954e+01, 3.92857357e+01, 4.06176708e+01, 4.19679742e+01, + 4.33365167e+01, 4.47231769e+01, 4.61278389e+01, 4.75503902e+01, + 4.89907124e+01, 5.04486988e+01, 5.19242426e+01, 5.34172417e+01, + 5.49275879e+01, 5.64551893e+01, 5.79999442e+01, 5.95617557e+01, + 6.11405369e+01, 6.27361932e+01, 6.43486345e+01, 6.59777742e+01, + 6.76235267e+01, 6.92858121e+01, 7.09645466e+01, 7.26596467e+01, + 7.43710380e+01, 7.60986397e+01, 7.78423781e+01, 7.96021751e+01, + 8.13779634e+01, 8.31696671e+01, 8.49772153e+01, 8.68005409e+01, + 8.86395775e+01, 9.04942561e+01, 9.23645061e+01, 9.42502731e+01, + 9.61514847e+01, 9.80680795e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, + 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02]), + np.array([11.18607265, 11.18603009, 11.18594472, 11.18581557, 11.18564097, + 11.18541843, 11.18519199, 11.18496156, 11.18472703, 11.1844883 , + 11.18424527, 11.18399784, 11.18374588, 11.1834893 , 11.18322796, + 11.18296175, 11.18269055, 11.18241421, 11.18213262, 11.18184562, + 11.18155308, 11.18125485, 11.18095078, 11.18064069, 11.18032444, + 11.18000186, 11.17967275, 11.17933695, 11.17899427, 11.1786445 , + 11.17828745, 11.17792291, 11.17755065, 11.17717045, 11.17678209, + 11.1763853 , 11.17597985, 11.17556547, 11.17514188, 11.17470881, + 11.17426595, 11.17381301, 11.17334965, 11.17287556, 11.17239039, + 11.17189377, 11.17138534, 11.1708647 , 11.17033144, 11.16978515, + 11.16922538, 11.16865167, 11.16806353, 11.16746047, 11.16684195, + 11.16620744, 11.16555634, 11.16488807, 11.164202 , 11.16349746, + 11.16277377, 11.16203019, 11.16126599, 11.16048035, 11.15967244, + 11.1588414 , 11.15798629, 11.15710614, 11.15619995, 11.15526664, + 11.15430508, 11.15331408, 11.15229239, 11.15123869, 11.15015158, + 11.1490296 , 11.14787118, 11.14667467, 11.14543835, 11.14416036, + 11.14283876, 11.14147146, 11.14005627, 11.13859086, 11.13707274, + 11.13549928, 11.13386766, 11.13217489, 11.13041779, 11.12859294, + 11.1266967 , 11.12472519, 11.12267423, 11.12053937, 11.11831582, + 11.11599844, 11.11358172, 11.1110597 , 11.108426 , 11.10567371, + 11.10279538, 11.09978295, 11.0966277 , 11.09332019, 11.08985014, + 11.08620641, 11.08237686, 11.07834823, 11.07410609, 11.0696346 , + 11.06491645, 11.05993262, 11.05466219, 11.04908215, 11.04316706, + 11.0368888 , 11.03021621, 11.02311469, 11.01554571, 11.0074663 , + 10.99882841, 10.98957818, 10.9796551 , 10.96899105, 10.95750912, + 10.94512231, 10.93173196, 10.91722604, 10.9014771 , 10.88434051, + 10.86565166, 10.84522366, 10.82284743, 10.79828804, 10.77129148, + 10.74158012, 10.70888132, 10.67292048, 10.63345917, 10.5918398 , + 10.54672614, 10.49807324, 10.44589071, 10.39024504, 10.32740854, + 10.26731613, 10.21672145, 10.17928546, 10.1573275 , 10.15136993, + 10.15105741, 10.15095875, 10.15089447, 10.15084121, 10.15080929, + 10.15057589, 10.15188739, 10.14784724, 10.1529733 , 10.1501711 , + 10.15076255, 10.1506691 , 10.15062691, 10.15057603, 10.15051483, + 10.15043234, 10.14662993, 10.12838294, 10.09542737, 10.04609022, + 9.97678757, 9.88726669, 9.7921636 , 9.6914096 , 9.58462325, + 9.47150253, 9.35156441, 9.2244216 , 9.08940602, 8.94598789, + 8.79326392, 8.63052961, 8.45665465, 8.27013986, 8.06943749, + 7.85211392, 7.61428964, 7.34520491, 7.04057202, 6.71074938, + 6.36283553, 6.00831501, 5.67582072, 5.37708757, 5.09294781, + 4.81939841, 4.55399141, 4.29389247, 4.03558738, 3.76797394, + 3.49808153, 3.23711001, 2.99205349, 2.76983515, 2.58089777, + 2.41385684, 2.25340629, 2.10953542, 1.98586617, 1.88302975, + 1.8000942 , 1.73555286, 1.67996623, 1.63333139, 1.59668127, + 1.56800117, 1.54506361, 1.52645131, 1.51305388, 1.50364658, + 1.49718254, 1.49335652, 1.49215502, 1.49183767, 1.49161071, + 1.49149391, 1.49138601, 1.49130843, 1.49119418, 1.4909377 , + 1.48870087, 1.48330242, 1.47445542, 1.46215848, 1.44676861, + 1.42955875, 1.41109257, 1.39144269, 1.37065853, 1.34872149, + 1.32556352, 1.30110954, 1.27521425, 1.24783094, 1.21923956, + 1.19017537, 1.16326736, 1.14160655, 1.12566496, 1.11598862, + 1.11245385, 1.1123369 , 1.11157651, 1.10658059, 1.09746971, + 1.08468491, 1.06834359, 1.04890462, 1.03077803, 1.01442155, + 0.9996951 , 0.9864913 , 0.97472505, 0.96431784, 0.95524865, + 0.94743729, 0.94079212, 0.93529751, 0.93083517, 0.92728947, + 0.92454583, 0.9225759 , 0.92121771, 0.92035178, 0.91983259, + 0.91954061, 0.91931849, 0.91912384, 0.9188289 , 0.91860187, + 0.91836762, 0.91802886, 0.91742547, 0.91644245, 0.91490881, + 0.91271727, 0.9097741 , 0.90602554, 0.90135895, 0.89576623, + 0.88925476, 0.88182792, 0.87354713, 0.86454034, 0.85494523, + 0.84489503, 0.83457996, 0.82419509, 0.81390411, 0.80386618, + 0.79420722, 0.78504077, 0.77643306, 0.76844007, 0.76108034, + 0.75439037, 0.74835685, 0.74298492, 0.73826691, 0.73418615, + 0.73069615, 0.72773759, 0.72523909, 0.72312866, 0.72133875, + 0.71981133, 0.71849898, 0.71736346, 0.71637434, 0.71550729, + 0.71474277, 0.714065 , 0.71346109, 0.71292051, 0.71243452, + 0.71199585, 0.71159843, 0.71123713, 0.71090759, 0.71060611, + 0.71032953, 0.7100751 , 0.70984046, 0.70962357, 0.70942262, + 0.70923606, 0.70906251, 0.70890075, 0.70874972, 0.70860845, + 0.70847611, 0.70835193, 0.70823525, 0.70812544, 0.70802198, + 0.70792436, 0.70783214, 0.70774493, 0.70766234, 0.70758406, + 0.70750978, 0.70743923, 0.70737215, 0.70730831, 0.7072475 , + 0.70718953, 0.70713421, 0.70708139, 0.70703091, 0.70698263, + 0.70693643, 0.70689217, 0.70684976, 0.70680908, 0.70677004, + 0.70673255, 0.70669652, 0.70666189, 0.70662858, 0.70659651, + 0.70656563, 0.70653587, 0.70650718, 0.70647952, 0.70645282, + 0.70642704, 0.70640215, 0.70637809, 0.70635483, 0.70633234, + 0.70631058, 0.70628952, 0.70627326, 0.70626138, 0.70625358, + 0.70624971, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , + 0. , 0. ]), + 5) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/calculate/optimize/fit_coeffs.py b/src/calculate/optimize/fit_coeffs.py index 4b5af1c..3371169 100644 --- a/src/calculate/optimize/fit_coeffs.py +++ b/src/calculate/optimize/fit_coeffs.py @@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ import itertools from calculate.convert_units import OoM, Bisymlog -from calculate.optimize.misc_fcns import penalized_loss_fcn, set_arrhenius_bnds, min_pos_system_value, max_pos_system_value +from calculate.optimize.misc_fcns import set_arrhenius_bnds, min_pos_system_value, max_pos_system_value +from calculate.optimize.adaptive_loss import adaptive_weights + +from calculate.mech_fcns import arrhenius_coefNames Ru = ct.gas_constant # Ru = 1.98720425864083 @@ -24,10 +27,11 @@ max_log_val = np.log10(max_pos_system_value) ln_k_max = np.log(1E60) # max_log_val -default_arrhenius_coefNames = ['activation_energy', 'pre_exponential_factor', 'temperature_exponent'] -default_Troe_coefNames = ['activation_energy_0', 'pre_exponential_factor_0', 'temperature_exponent_0', - 'activation_energy_inf', 'pre_exponential_factor_inf', 'temperature_exponent_inf', - 'A', 'T3', 'T1', 'T2'] +default_arrhenius_coefNames = arrhenius_coefNames + +falloff_coefNames = ['A', 'T3', 'T1', 'T2'] +default_Troe_coefNames = [f"{coefName}_{suffix}" for suffix in ["0", "inf"] for coefName in arrhenius_coefNames] +default_Troe_coefNames.extend(falloff_coefNames) troe_falloff_0 = [[0.6, 200, 600, 1200], # (0, 0, 0) [0.05, 1000, -2000, 3000], # (0, 1, 0) @@ -127,7 +131,7 @@ def ln_arrhenius_jac(T, *args): loss=loss) except: return - + if A_idx is not None: popt[A_idx] = np.exp(popt[A_idx]) @@ -425,10 +429,14 @@ def objective(self, x_fit, grad=np.array([]), obj_type='obj_sum', aug_lagrangian resid = ln_Troe(T, M, *x) - self.ln_k #resid = self.ln_Troe(T, *x) - self.ln_k - if obj_type == 'obj_sum': - obj_val = penalized_loss_fcn(resid, a=self.loss_alpha, c=self.loss_scale).sum() + resid = resid.flatten() + + if obj_type == 'obj_sum': + loss_weights, C, alpha = adaptive_weights(resid, weights=np.array([]), C_scalar=self.loss_scale, alpha=self.loss_alpha) + obj_val = np.sum(loss_weights*(resid**2)) elif obj_type == 'obj': - obj_val = penalized_loss_fcn(resid, a=self.loss_alpha, c=self.loss_scale) + loss_weights, C, alpha = adaptive_weights(resid, weights=np.array([]), C_scalar=self.loss_scale, alpha=self.loss_alpha) + obj_val = loss_weights*(resid**2) elif obj_type == 'resid': obj_val = resid @@ -927,22 +935,22 @@ def fit_generic(rates, T, P, X, rxnIdx, coefKeys, coefNames, is_falloff_limit, m coefNames = np.array(coefNames) bnds = np.array(bnds).copy() - if type(rxn) in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.ThreeBodyReaction]: + if type(rxn.rate) is ct.ArrheniusRate: # set x0 for all parameters - x0 = [mech.coeffs_bnds[rxnIdx]['rate'][coefName]['resetVal'] for coefName in mech.coeffs_bnds[rxnIdx]['rate']] + x0 = [mech.coeffs_bnds[rxnIdx]['rate'][coefName]['resetVal'] for coefName in default_arrhenius_coefNames] coeffs = fit_arrhenius(rates, T, x0=x0, coefNames=coefNames, bnds=bnds) - if type(rxn) is ct.ThreeBodyReaction and 'pre_exponential_factor' in coefNames: + if (rxn.reaction_type == "three-body") and ('pre_exponential_factor' in coefNames): A_idx = np.argwhere(coefNames == 'pre_exponential_factor')[0] coeffs[A_idx] = coeffs[A_idx]/mech.M(rxn) - elif type(rxn) in [ct.PlogReaction, ct.FalloffReaction]: + elif type(rxn.rate) in [ct.PlogRate, ct.FalloffRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: M = lambda T, P: mech.M(rxn, [T, P, X]) # get x0 for all parameters x0 = [] - for Initial_parameters in mech.coeffs_bnds[rxnIdx].values(): - for coef in Initial_parameters.values(): + for initial_parameters in mech.coeffs_bnds[rxnIdx].values(): + for coef in initial_parameters.values(): x0.append(coef['resetVal']) # set coefNames to be optimized diff --git a/src/calculate/optimize/fit_coeffs_pygmo.py b/src/calculate/optimize/fit_coeffs_pygmo.py index 1fc8716..3f8dd02 100644 --- a/src/calculate/optimize/fit_coeffs_pygmo.py +++ b/src/calculate/optimize/fit_coeffs_pygmo.py @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ from calculate.convert_units import OoM from calculate.optimize.misc_fcns import penalized_loss_fcn, set_arrhenius_bnds +from calculate.mech_fcns import arrhenius_coefNames + Ru = ct.gas_constant # Ru = 1.98720425864083 @@ -26,10 +28,11 @@ max_log_val = np.log10(max_pos_system_value) ln_k_max = np.log(1E60) # max_log_val -default_arrhenius_coefNames = ['activation_energy', 'pre_exponential_factor', 'temperature_exponent'] -default_Troe_coefNames = ['activation_energy_0', 'pre_exponential_factor_0', 'temperature_exponent_0', - 'activation_energy_inf', 'pre_exponential_factor_inf', 'temperature_exponent_inf', - 'A', 'T3', 'T1', 'T2'] +default_arrhenius_coefNames = arrhenius_coefNames + +falloff_coefNames = ['A', 'T3', 'T1', 'T2'] +default_Troe_coefNames = [f"{coefName}_{suffix}" for suffix in ["0", "inf"] for coefName in arrhenius_coefNames] +default_Troe_coefNames.extend(falloff_coefNames) troe_falloff_0 = [[1.0, 1E-30, 1E-30, 1500], # (0, 0, 0) [0.6, 200, 600, 1200], # (0, 0, 0) @@ -885,16 +888,16 @@ def fit_generic(rates, T, P, X, rxnIdx, coefKeys, coefNames, is_falloff_limit, m coefNames = np.array(coefNames) bnds = np.array(bnds).copy() - if type(rxn) in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.ThreeBodyReaction]: + if type(rxn.rate) == ct.ArrheniusRate: # set x0 for all parameters x0 = [mech.coeffs_bnds[rxnIdx]['rate'][coefName]['resetVal'] for coefName in mech.coeffs_bnds[rxnIdx]['rate']] coeffs = fit_arrhenius(rates, T, x0=x0, coefNames=coefNames, bnds=bnds) - if type(rxn) is ct.ThreeBodyReaction and 'pre_exponential_factor' in coefNames: + if (rxn.reaction_type == "three-body") and ('pre_exponential_factor' in coefNames): A_idx = np.argwhere(coefNames == 'pre_exponential_factor')[0] coeffs[A_idx] = coeffs[A_idx]/mech.M(rxn) - elif type(rxn) in [ct.PlogReaction, ct.FalloffReaction]: + elif type(rxn.rate) in [ct.PlogRate, ct.FalloffRate]: M = lambda T, P: mech.M(rxn, [T, P, X]) # get x0 for all parameters diff --git a/src/calculate/optimize/fit_fcn.py b/src/calculate/optimize/fit_fcn.py index e32db8d..50f837e 100644 --- a/src/calculate/optimize/fit_fcn.py +++ b/src/calculate/optimize/fit_fcn.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # This file is part of Frhodo. Copyright © 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC -# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level +# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level # directory for license and copyright information. import io, contextlib @@ -17,18 +17,23 @@ from calculate.optimize.CheKiPEUQ_from_Frhodo import CheKiPEUQ_Frhodo_interface mpMech = {} + + def initialize_parallel_worker(mech_dict, species_dict, coeffs, coeffs_bnds, rate_bnds): - mpMech['obj'] = mech = Chemical_Mechanism() + mpMech["obj"] = mech = Chemical_Mechanism() # hide mechanism loading problems because they will already have been seen with contextlib.redirect_stderr(io.StringIO()): with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()): - mech.set_mechanism(mech_dict, species_dict) # load mechanism from yaml text in memory + mech.set_mechanism( + mech_dict, species_dict + ) # load mechanism from yaml text in memory mech.coeffs = deepcopy(coeffs) mech.coeffs_bnds = deepcopy(coeffs_bnds) mech.rate_bnds = deepcopy(rate_bnds) + def rescale_loss_fcn(x, loss, x_outlier=None, weights=[]): x = x.copy() weights = weights.copy() @@ -48,412 +53,595 @@ def rescale_loss_fcn(x, loss, x_outlier=None, weights=[]): else: x_q1, x_q3 = x.min(), x.max() loss_q1, loss_q3 = loss_trimmed.min(), loss_trimmed.max() - - if x_q1 != x_q3 and loss_q1 != loss_q3: # prevent divide by zero if values end up the same - loss_scaled = (x_q3 - x_q1)/(loss_q3 - loss_q1)*(loss - loss_q1) + x_q1 + + if ( + x_q1 != x_q3 and loss_q1 != loss_q3 + ): # prevent divide by zero if values end up the same + loss_scaled = (x_q3 - x_q1) / (loss_q3 - loss_q1) * (loss - loss_q1) + x_q1 else: loss_scaled = loss return loss_scaled + def update_mech_coef_opt(mech, coef_opt, x): mech_changed = False for i, idxDict in enumerate(coef_opt): - rxnIdx, coefName = idxDict['rxnIdx'], idxDict['coefName'] - coeffs_key = idxDict['key']['coeffs'] - if mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][coeffs_key][coefName] != x[i]: # limits mech changes. Should increase speed a little - if type(mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][coeffs_key]) is tuple: # don't know why but sometimes reverts to tuple - mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][coeffs_key] = list(mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][coeffs_key]) - + rxnIdx, coefName = idxDict["rxnIdx"], idxDict["coefName"] + coeffs_key = idxDict["key"]["coeffs"] + if ( + mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][coeffs_key][coefName] != x[i] + ): # limits mech changes. Should increase speed a little + if ( + type(mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][coeffs_key]) is tuple + ): # don't know why but sometimes reverts to tuple + mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][coeffs_key] = list(mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][coeffs_key]) + mech_changed = True mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][coeffs_key][coefName] = x[i] if mech_changed: mech.modify_reactions(mech.coeffs) # Update mechanism with new coefficients -def calculate_residuals(args_list): - def resid_func(t_offset, t_adjust, t_sim, obs_sim, t_exp, obs_exp, weights, obs_bounds=[], - loss_alpha=2, loss_c=1, loss_penalty=True, scale='Linear', - bisymlog_scaling_factor=1.0, DoF=1, opt_type='Residual', verbose=False): +def calculate_residuals(args_list): + def resid_func( + t_offset, + t_adjust, + t_sim, + obs_sim, + t_exp, + obs_exp, + weights, + obs_bounds=[], + loss_alpha=2, + loss_c=1, + loss_penalty=True, + scale="Linear", + bisymlog_scaling_factor=1.0, + DoF=1, + opt_type="Residual", + verbose=False, + ): def calc_exp_bounds(t_sim, t_exp): - t_bounds = [max([t_sim[0], t_exp[0]])] # Largest initial time in SIM and Exp - t_bounds.append(min([t_sim[-1], t_exp[-1]])) # Smallest final time in SIM and Exp + t_bounds = [ + max([t_sim[0], t_exp[0]]) + ] # Largest initial time in SIM and Exp + t_bounds.append( + min([t_sim[-1], t_exp[-1]]) + ) # Smallest final time in SIM and Exp # Values within t_bounds - exp_bounds = np.where(np.logical_and((t_exp >= t_bounds[0]),(t_exp <= t_bounds[1])))[0] - + exp_bounds = np.where( + np.logical_and((t_exp >= t_bounds[0]), (t_exp <= t_bounds[1])) + )[0] + return exp_bounds # Compare SIM Density Grad vs. Experimental t_sim_shifted = t_sim + t_offset + t_adjust exp_bounds = calc_exp_bounds(t_sim_shifted, t_exp) - t_exp, obs_exp, weights = t_exp[exp_bounds], obs_exp[exp_bounds], weights[exp_bounds] - if opt_type == 'Bayesian': + t_exp, obs_exp, weights = ( + t_exp[exp_bounds], + obs_exp[exp_bounds], + weights[exp_bounds], + ) + if opt_type == "Bayesian": obs_bounds = obs_bounds[exp_bounds] - + f_interp = CubicSpline(t_sim.flatten(), obs_sim.flatten()) t_exp_shifted = t_exp - t_offset - t_adjust obs_sim_interp = f_interp(t_exp_shifted) - - if scale == 'Linear': - resid = np.subtract(obs_exp, obs_sim_interp) - - elif scale == 'Log': - ind = np.argwhere(((obs_exp!=0.0)&(obs_sim_interp!=0.0))) + + if scale == "Linear": + resid = np.subtract(obs_exp, obs_sim_interp) + + elif scale == "Log": + ind = np.argwhere(((obs_exp != 0.0) & (obs_sim_interp != 0.0))) exp_bounds = exp_bounds[ind] weights = weights[ind].flatten() - + m = np.ones_like(obs_exp[ind]) i_g = obs_exp[ind] >= obs_sim_interp[ind] i_l = obs_exp[ind] < obs_sim_interp[ind] m[i_g] = np.divide(obs_exp[ind][i_g], obs_sim_interp[ind][i_g]) m[i_l] = np.divide(obs_sim_interp[ind][i_l], obs_exp[ind][i_l]) resid = np.log10(np.abs(m)).flatten() - if verbose and opt_type == 'Bayesian': - obs_exp = np.log10(np.abs(obs_exp[ind])).squeeze() # squeeze to remove extra dim + if verbose and opt_type == "Bayesian": + obs_exp = np.log10( + np.abs(obs_exp[ind]) + ).squeeze() # squeeze to remove extra dim obs_sim_interp = np.log10(np.abs(obs_sim_interp[ind])).squeeze() - obs_bounds = np.log10(np.abs(obs_bounds[ind])).squeeze() + obs_bounds = np.log10(np.abs(obs_bounds[ind])).squeeze() - elif scale == 'Bisymlog': + elif scale == "Bisymlog": bisymlog = Bisymlog(C=None, scaling_factor=bisymlog_scaling_factor) bisymlog.set_C_heuristically(obs_exp) obs_exp_bisymlog = bisymlog.transform(obs_exp) obs_sim_interp_bisymlog = bisymlog.transform(obs_sim_interp) - resid = np.subtract(obs_exp_bisymlog, obs_sim_interp_bisymlog) - if verbose and opt_type == 'Bayesian': + resid = np.subtract(obs_exp_bisymlog, obs_sim_interp_bisymlog) + if verbose and opt_type == "Bayesian": obs_exp = obs_exp_bisymlog obs_sim_interp = obs_sim_interp_bisymlog obs_bounds = bisymlog.transform(obs_bounds) # THIS NEEDS TO BE CHECKED - + resid_outlier = outlier(resid, c=loss_c, weights=weights) - loss = penalized_loss_fcn(resid, a=loss_alpha, c=resid_outlier, use_penalty=loss_penalty) - - #loss = rescale_loss_fcn(np.abs(resid), loss, resid_outlier, weights) + loss = penalized_loss_fcn( + resid, a=loss_alpha, c=resid_outlier, use_penalty=loss_penalty + ) + + # loss = rescale_loss_fcn(np.abs(resid), loss, resid_outlier, weights) - loss_sqr = (loss**2)*weights + loss_sqr = (loss**2) * weights wgt_sum = weights.sum() N = wgt_sum - DoF if N <= 0: N = wgt_sum - stderr_sqr = loss_sqr.sum()*wgt_sum/N - chi_sqr = loss_sqr/stderr_sqr - std_resid = chi_sqr**(0.5) - #loss_scalar = (chi_sqr*weights).sum() + stderr_sqr = loss_sqr.sum() * wgt_sum / N + chi_sqr = loss_sqr / stderr_sqr + std_resid = chi_sqr ** (0.5) + # loss_scalar = (chi_sqr*weights).sum() loss_scalar = std_resid.sum() - #loss_scalar = np.average(std_resid, weights=weights) - #loss_scalar = weighted_quantile(std_resid, 0.5, weights=weights) # median value - - if verbose: - output = {'chi_sqr': chi_sqr, 'resid': resid, 'resid_outlier': resid_outlier, - 'loss': loss_scalar, 'weights': weights, 'obs_sim_interp': obs_sim_interp, - 'obs_exp': obs_exp} - - if opt_type == 'Bayesian': # need to calculate aggregate weights to reduce outliers in bayesian - SSE = penalized_loss_fcn(resid/resid_outlier, use_penalty=False) - #SSE = penalized_loss_fcn(resid) - #SSE = rescale_loss_fcn(np.abs(resid), SSE, resid_outlier, weights) - loss_weights = loss/SSE # comparison is between selected loss fcn and SSE (L2 loss) - output['aggregate_weights'] = weights*loss_weights - output['obs_bounds'] = obs_bounds + # loss_scalar = np.average(std_resid, weights=weights) + # loss_scalar = weighted_quantile(std_resid, 0.5, weights=weights) # median value + + if verbose: + output = { + "chi_sqr": chi_sqr, + "resid": resid, + "resid_outlier": resid_outlier, + "loss": loss_scalar, + "weights": weights, + "obs_sim_interp": obs_sim_interp, + "obs_exp": obs_exp, + } + + if ( + opt_type == "Bayesian" + ): # need to calculate aggregate weights to reduce outliers in bayesian + SSE = penalized_loss_fcn(resid / resid_outlier, use_penalty=False) + # SSE = penalized_loss_fcn(resid) + # SSE = rescale_loss_fcn(np.abs(resid), SSE, resid_outlier, weights) + loss_weights = ( + loss / SSE + ) # comparison is between selected loss fcn and SSE (L2 loss) + output["aggregate_weights"] = weights * loss_weights + output["obs_bounds"] = obs_bounds return output - - else: # needs to return single value for optimization + + else: # needs to return single value for optimization return loss_scalar - + def calc_density(x, data, dim=1): stdev = np.std(data) [q1, q3] = weighted_quantile(data, [0.25, 0.75]) - iqr = q3 - q1 # interquartile range - A = np.min([stdev, iqr/1.34])/stdev # bandwidth is multiplied by std of sample - bw = 0.9*A*len(data)**(-1./(dim+4)) + iqr = q3 - q1 # interquartile range + A = ( + np.min([stdev, iqr / 1.34]) / stdev + ) # bandwidth is multiplied by std of sample + bw = 0.9 * A * len(data) ** (-1.0 / (dim + 4)) return stats.gaussian_kde(data, bw_method=bw)(x) - + var, coef_opt, x, shock = args_list - mech = mpMech['obj'] - + mech = mpMech["obj"] + # Optimization Begins, update mechanism update_mech_coef_opt(mech, coef_opt, x) - T_reac, P_reac, mix = shock['T_reactor'], shock['P_reactor'], shock['thermo_mix'] - - SIM_kwargs = {'u_reac': shock['u2'], 'rho1': shock['rho1'], 'observable': shock['observable'], - 't_lab_save': None, 'sim_int_f': var['sim_interp_factor'], - 'ODE_solver': var['ode_solver'], 'rtol': var['ode_rtol'], 'atol': var['ode_atol']} - - if '0d Reactor' in var['name']: - SIM_kwargs['solve_energy'] = var['solve_energy'] - SIM_kwargs['frozen_comp'] = var['frozen_comp'] - - - SIM, verbose = mech.run(var['name'], var['t_end'], T_reac, P_reac, mix, **SIM_kwargs) - ind_var, obs_sim = SIM.independent_var[:,None], SIM.observable[:,None] - - weights = shock['weights_trim'] - obs_exp = shock['exp_data_trim'] + T_reac, P_reac, mix = shock["T_reactor"], shock["P_reactor"], shock["thermo_mix"] + + SIM_kwargs = { + "u_reac": shock["u2"], + "rho1": shock["rho1"], + "observable": shock["observable"], + "t_lab_save": None, + "sim_int_f": var["sim_interp_factor"], + "ODE_solver": var["ode_solver"], + "rtol": var["ode_rtol"], + "atol": var["ode_atol"], + } + + if "0d Reactor" in var["name"]: + SIM_kwargs["solve_energy"] = var["solve_energy"] + SIM_kwargs["frozen_comp"] = var["frozen_comp"] + + SIM, verbose = mech.run( + var["name"], var["t_end"], T_reac, P_reac, mix, **SIM_kwargs + ) + ind_var, obs_sim = SIM.independent_var[:, None], SIM.observable[:, None] + + weights = shock["weights_trim"] + obs_exp = shock["exp_data_trim"] obs_bounds = [] - if var['obj_fcn_type'] == 'Bayesian': - obs_bounds = shock['abs_uncertainties_trim'] - - if not np.any(var['t_unc']): + if var["obj_fcn_type"] == "Bayesian": + obs_bounds = shock["abs_uncertainties_trim"] + + if not np.any(var["t_unc"]): t_unc = 0 else: - t_unc_OoM = np.mean(OoM(var['t_unc'])) # Do at higher level in code? (computationally efficient) - # calculate time adjust with mse (loss_alpha = 2, loss_c =1) - time_adj_func = lambda t_adjust: resid_func(shock['opt_time_offset'], t_adjust*10**t_unc_OoM, - ind_var, obs_sim, obs_exp[:,0], obs_exp[:,1], weights, obs_bounds, scale=var['scale'], - bisymlog_scaling_factor= var['bisymlog_scaling_factor'], DoF=len(coef_opt), - opt_type=var['obj_fcn_type']) - - res = minimize_scalar(time_adj_func, bounds=var['t_unc']/10**t_unc_OoM, method='bounded') - t_unc = res.x*10**t_unc_OoM + t_unc_OoM = np.mean( + OoM(var["t_unc"]) + ) # Do at higher level in code? (computationally efficient) + # calculate time adjust with mse (loss_alpha = 2, loss_c =1) + time_adj_func = lambda t_adjust: resid_func( + shock["opt_time_offset"], + t_adjust * 10**t_unc_OoM, + ind_var, + obs_sim, + obs_exp[:, 0], + obs_exp[:, 1], + weights, + obs_bounds, + scale=var["scale"], + bisymlog_scaling_factor=var["bisymlog_scaling_factor"], + DoF=len(coef_opt), + opt_type=var["obj_fcn_type"], + ) + + res = minimize_scalar( + time_adj_func, bounds=var["t_unc"] / 10**t_unc_OoM, method="bounded" + ) + t_unc = res.x * 10**t_unc_OoM # calculate loss shape function (alpha) if it is set to adaptive - loss_alpha = var['loss_alpha'] + loss_alpha = var["loss_alpha"] if loss_alpha == 3.0: - loss_alpha_fcn = lambda alpha: resid_func(shock['opt_time_offset'], t_unc, - ind_var, obs_sim, obs_exp[:,0], obs_exp[:,1], weights, obs_bounds, - loss_alpha=alpha, loss_c=var['loss_c'], loss_penalty=True, scale=var['scale'], - bisymlog_scaling_factor= var['bisymlog_scaling_factor'], DoF=len(coef_opt), - opt_type=var['obj_fcn_type']) - - res = minimize_scalar(loss_alpha_fcn, bounds=[-100, 2], method='bounded') + loss_alpha_fcn = lambda alpha: resid_func( + shock["opt_time_offset"], + t_unc, + ind_var, + obs_sim, + obs_exp[:, 0], + obs_exp[:, 1], + weights, + obs_bounds, + loss_alpha=alpha, + loss_c=var["loss_c"], + loss_penalty=True, + scale=var["scale"], + bisymlog_scaling_factor=var["bisymlog_scaling_factor"], + DoF=len(coef_opt), + opt_type=var["obj_fcn_type"], + ) + + res = minimize_scalar(loss_alpha_fcn, bounds=[-100, 2], method="bounded") loss_alpha = res.x - - if var['obj_fcn_type'] == 'Residual': + + if var["obj_fcn_type"] == "Residual": loss_penalty = True else: loss_penalty = False - output = resid_func(shock['opt_time_offset'], t_unc, ind_var, obs_sim, obs_exp[:,0], obs_exp[:,1], - weights, obs_bounds, loss_alpha=loss_alpha, loss_c=var['loss_c'], - loss_penalty=loss_penalty, scale=var['scale'], - bisymlog_scaling_factor= var['bisymlog_scaling_factor'], - DoF=len(coef_opt), opt_type=var['obj_fcn_type'], verbose=True) - - output['shock'] = shock - output['independent_var'] = ind_var - output['observable'] = obs_sim - output['t_unc'] = t_unc - output['loss_alpha'] = loss_alpha + output = resid_func( + shock["opt_time_offset"], + t_unc, + ind_var, + obs_sim, + obs_exp[:, 0], + obs_exp[:, 1], + weights, + obs_bounds, + loss_alpha=loss_alpha, + loss_c=var["loss_c"], + loss_penalty=loss_penalty, + scale=var["scale"], + bisymlog_scaling_factor=var["bisymlog_scaling_factor"], + DoF=len(coef_opt), + opt_type=var["obj_fcn_type"], + verbose=True, + ) + + output["shock"] = shock + output["independent_var"] = ind_var + output["observable"] = obs_sim + output["t_unc"] = t_unc + output["loss_alpha"] = loss_alpha plot_stats = True if plot_stats: - x = np.linspace(output['resid'].min(), output['resid'].max(), 300) - density = calc_density(x, output['resid'], dim=1) #kernel density estimation - output['KDE'] = np.column_stack((x, density)) + x = np.linspace(output["resid"].min(), output["resid"].max(), 300) + density = calc_density(x, output["resid"], dim=1) # kernel density estimation + output["KDE"] = np.column_stack((x, density)) return output + # Using optimization vs least squares curve fit because y_range's change if time_offset != 0 class Fit_Fun: def __init__(self, input_dict): - self.parent = input_dict['parent'] - self.shocks2run = input_dict['shocks2run'] + self.parent = input_dict["parent"] + self.shocks2run = input_dict["shocks2run"] self.data = self.parent.series.shock - self.coef_opt = input_dict['coef_opt'] - self.rxn_coef_opt = input_dict['rxn_coef_opt'] - self.x0 = input_dict['rxn_rate_opt']['x0'] - self.mech = input_dict['mech'] + self.coef_opt = input_dict["coef_opt"] + self.rxn_coef_opt = input_dict["rxn_coef_opt"] + self.x0 = input_dict["rxn_rate_opt"]["x0"] + self.mech = input_dict["mech"] self.var = self.parent.var - self.t_unc = (-self.var['time_unc'], self.var['time_unc']) - - self.opt_type = 'local' # this is updated outside of the class - + self.t_unc = (-self.var["time_unc"], self.var["time_unc"]) + + self.opt_type = "local" # this is updated outside of the class + self.dist = self.parent.optimize.dist - self.opt_settings = {'obj_fcn_type': self.parent.optimization_settings.get('obj_fcn', 'type'), - 'scale': self.parent.optimization_settings.get('obj_fcn', 'scale'), - 'bisymlog_scaling_factor': self.parent.plot.signal.bisymlog.scaling_factor, - 'loss_alpha': self.parent.optimization_settings.get('obj_fcn', 'alpha'), - 'loss_c': self.parent.optimization_settings.get('obj_fcn', 'c'), - 'bayes_dist_type': self.parent.optimization_settings.get('obj_fcn', 'bayes_dist_type'), - 'bayes_unc_sigma': self.parent.optimization_settings.get('obj_fcn', 'bayes_unc_sigma')} - - if 'multiprocessing' in input_dict: - self.multiprocessing = input_dict['multiprocessing'] - - if 'pool' in input_dict: - self.pool = input_dict['pool'] + self.opt_settings = { + "obj_fcn_type": self.parent.optimization_settings.get("obj_fcn", "type"), + "scale": self.parent.optimization_settings.get("obj_fcn", "scale"), + "bisymlog_scaling_factor": self.parent.plot.signal.bisymlog.scaling_factor, + "loss_alpha": self.parent.optimization_settings.get("obj_fcn", "alpha"), + "loss_c": self.parent.optimization_settings.get("obj_fcn", "c"), + "bayes_dist_type": self.parent.optimization_settings.get( + "obj_fcn", "bayes_dist_type" + ), + "bayes_unc_sigma": self.parent.optimization_settings.get( + "obj_fcn", "bayes_unc_sigma" + ), + } + + if "multiprocessing" in input_dict: + self.multiprocessing = input_dict["multiprocessing"] + + if "pool" in input_dict: + self.pool = input_dict["pool"] else: self.multiprocessing = False - - self.signals = input_dict['signals'] - - self.i = 0 + + self.signals = input_dict["signals"] + + self.i = 0 self.__abort = False - if self.opt_settings['obj_fcn_type'] == 'Bayesian': # initialize Bayesian_dictionary if Bayesian selected - input_dict['opt_settings'] = self.opt_settings + if ( + self.opt_settings["obj_fcn_type"] == "Bayesian" + ): # initialize Bayesian_dictionary if Bayesian selected + input_dict["opt_settings"] = self.opt_settings self.CheKiPEUQ_Frhodo_interface = CheKiPEUQ_Frhodo_interface(input_dict) - - def __call__(self, s, optimizing=True): + + def __call__(self, s, optimizing=True): def append_output(output_dict, calc_resid_output): for key in calc_resid_output: if key not in output_dict: output_dict[key] = [] - + output_dict[key].append(calc_resid_output[key]) - + return output_dict - - if self.__abort: - raise Exception('Optimization terminated by user') - self.signals.log.emit('\nOptimization aborted') + + if self.__abort: + raise Exception("Optimization terminated by user") + self.signals.log.emit("\nOptimization aborted") return np.nan - + # Convert to mech values log_opt_rates = s + self.x0 x = self.fit_all_coeffs(np.exp(log_opt_rates)) - if x is None: + if x is None: return np.inf # Run Simulations output_dict = {} - - var_dict = {key: val for key, val in self.var['reactor'].items()} - var_dict['t_unc'] = self.t_unc + + var_dict = {key: val for key, val in self.var["reactor"].items()} + var_dict["t_unc"] = self.t_unc var_dict.update(self.opt_settings) - + display_ind_var = None display_observable = None - + if self.multiprocessing and len(self.shocks2run) > 1: - args_list = ((var_dict, self.coef_opt, x, shock) for shock in self.shocks2run) + args_list = ( + (var_dict, self.coef_opt, x, shock) for shock in self.shocks2run + ) calc_resid_outputs = self.pool.map(calculate_residuals, args_list) for calc_resid_output, shock in zip(calc_resid_outputs, self.shocks2run): append_output(output_dict, calc_resid_output) if shock is self.parent.display_shock: - display_ind_var = calc_resid_output['independent_var'] - display_observable = calc_resid_output['observable'] + display_ind_var = calc_resid_output["independent_var"] + display_observable = calc_resid_output["observable"] else: - mpMech['obj'] = self.mech - + mpMech["obj"] = self.mech + for shock in self.shocks2run: args_list = (var_dict, self.coef_opt, x, shock) calc_resid_output = calculate_residuals(args_list) append_output(output_dict, calc_resid_output) if shock is self.parent.display_shock: - display_ind_var = calc_resid_output['independent_var'] - display_observable = calc_resid_output['observable'] - - loss_resid = np.array(output_dict['loss']) - exp_loss_alpha = np.array(output_dict['loss_alpha']) + display_ind_var = calc_resid_output["independent_var"] + display_observable = calc_resid_output["observable"] - loss_alpha = self.opt_settings['loss_alpha'] + loss_resid = np.array(output_dict["loss"]) + exp_loss_alpha = np.array(output_dict["loss_alpha"]) + + loss_alpha = self.opt_settings["loss_alpha"] if loss_alpha == 3.0: if np.size(loss_resid) <= 2: # optimizing only a few experiments, use SSE loss_alpha = 2.0 - - else: # alpha is based on residual loss function, not great, but it's super slow otherwise - loss_alpha_fcn = lambda alpha: self.calculate_obj_fcn(x, loss_resid, alpha, log_opt_rates, output_dict, obj_fcn_type='Residual') - - res = minimize_scalar(loss_alpha_fcn, bounds=[-100, 2], method='bounded') + + else: # alpha is based on residual loss function, not great, but it's super slow otherwise + loss_alpha_fcn = lambda alpha: self.calculate_obj_fcn( + x, + loss_resid, + alpha, + log_opt_rates, + output_dict, + obj_fcn_type="Residual", + ) + + res = minimize_scalar( + loss_alpha_fcn, bounds=[-100, 2], method="bounded" + ) loss_alpha = res.x # testing loss alphas # print([loss_alpha, *exp_loss_alpha]) - obj_fcn = self.calculate_obj_fcn(x, loss_resid, loss_alpha, log_opt_rates, output_dict, obj_fcn_type=self.opt_settings['obj_fcn_type']) + obj_fcn = self.calculate_obj_fcn( + x, + loss_resid, + loss_alpha, + log_opt_rates, + output_dict, + obj_fcn_type=self.opt_settings["obj_fcn_type"], + ) # For updating self.i += 1 - if not optimizing or self.i % 1 == 0:#5 == 0: # updates plot every 5 - if obj_fcn == 0 and self.opt_settings['obj_fcn_type'] != 'Bayesian': + if not optimizing or self.i % 1 == 0: # 5 == 0: # updates plot every 5 + if obj_fcn == 0 and self.opt_settings["obj_fcn_type"] != "Bayesian": obj_fcn = np.inf - - stat_plot = {'shocks2run': self.shocks2run, 'resid': output_dict['resid'], - 'resid_outlier': self.loss_outlier, 'weights': output_dict['weights']} - - if 'KDE' in output_dict: - stat_plot['KDE'] = output_dict['KDE'] - allResid = np.concatenate(output_dict['resid'], axis=0) - - stat_plot['fit_result'] = fitres = self.dist.fit(allResid) - stat_plot['QQ'] = [] - for resid in stat_plot['resid']: - QQ = stats.probplot(resid, sparams=fitres, dist=self.dist, fit=False) + + stat_plot = { + "shocks2run": self.shocks2run, + "resid": output_dict["resid"], + "resid_outlier": self.loss_outlier, + "weights": output_dict["weights"], + } + + if "KDE" in output_dict: + stat_plot["KDE"] = output_dict["KDE"] + allResid = np.concatenate(output_dict["resid"], axis=0) + + stat_plot["fit_result"] = fitres = self.dist.fit(allResid) + stat_plot["QQ"] = [] + for resid in stat_plot["resid"]: + QQ = stats.probplot( + resid, sparams=fitres, dist=self.dist, fit=False + ) QQ = np.array(QQ).T - stat_plot['QQ'].append(QQ) - - update = {'type': self.opt_type, 'i': self.i, - 'obj_fcn': obj_fcn, 'stat_plot': stat_plot, - 's': s, 'x': x, 'coef_opt': self.coef_opt, - 'ind_var': display_ind_var, 'observable': display_observable} - + stat_plot["QQ"].append(QQ) + + update = { + "type": self.opt_type, + "i": self.i, + "obj_fcn": obj_fcn, + "stat_plot": stat_plot, + "s": s, + "x": x, + "coef_opt": self.coef_opt, + "ind_var": display_ind_var, + "observable": display_observable, + } + self.signals.update.emit(update) if optimizing: return obj_fcn else: - return obj_fcn, x, output_dict['shock'] - - def calculate_obj_fcn(self, x, loss_resid, alpha, log_opt_rates, output_dict, obj_fcn_type='Residual', loss_outlier=0): + return obj_fcn, x, output_dict["shock"] + + def calculate_obj_fcn( + self, + x, + loss_resid, + alpha, + log_opt_rates, + output_dict, + obj_fcn_type="Residual", + loss_outlier=0, + ): if np.size(loss_resid) == 1: # optimizing single experiment loss_outlier = 0 loss_exp = loss_resid - else: # optimizing multiple experiments + else: # optimizing multiple experiments loss_min = loss_resid.min() - loss_outlier = outlier(loss_resid, c=self.opt_settings['loss_c']) - - if obj_fcn_type == 'Residual': - loss_exp = penalized_loss_fcn(loss_resid-loss_min, a=alpha, c=loss_outlier) - else: # otherwise do not include penalty for Bayesian - loss_exp = penalized_loss_fcn(loss_resid-loss_min, a=alpha, c=loss_outlier, use_penalty=False) - #loss_exp = rescale_loss_fcn(loss_resid, loss_exp) - + loss_outlier = outlier(loss_resid, c=self.opt_settings["loss_c"]) + + if obj_fcn_type == "Residual": + loss_exp = penalized_loss_fcn( + loss_resid - loss_min, a=alpha, c=loss_outlier + ) + else: # otherwise do not include penalty for Bayesian + loss_exp = penalized_loss_fcn( + loss_resid - loss_min, a=alpha, c=loss_outlier, use_penalty=False + ) + # loss_exp = rescale_loss_fcn(loss_resid, loss_exp) + self.loss_outlier = loss_outlier - if obj_fcn_type == 'Residual': + if obj_fcn_type == "Residual": if np.size(loss_resid) == 1: # optimizing single experiment obj_fcn = loss_exp[0] else: loss_exp = loss_exp - loss_exp.min() + loss_min - #obj_fcn = np.median(loss_exp) + # obj_fcn = np.median(loss_exp) obj_fcn = np.average(loss_exp) - elif obj_fcn_type == 'Bayesian': + elif obj_fcn_type == "Bayesian": if np.size(loss_resid) == 1: # optimizing single experiment - Bayesian_weights = np.array(output_dict['aggregate_weights'], dtype=object).flatten() + Bayesian_weights = np.array( + output_dict["aggregate_weights"], dtype=object + ).flatten() else: loss_exp = rescale_loss_fcn(loss_resid, loss_exp) - aggregate_weights = np.array(output_dict['aggregate_weights'], dtype=object) + aggregate_weights = np.array( + output_dict["aggregate_weights"], dtype=object + ) SSE = penalized_loss_fcn(loss_resid, mu=loss_min, use_penalty=False) SSE = rescale_loss_fcn(loss_resid, SSE) - exp_loss_weights = loss_exp/SSE # comparison is between selected loss fcn and SSE (L2 loss) - Bayesian_weights = np.concatenate(aggregate_weights.T*exp_loss_weights, axis=0).flatten() - + exp_loss_weights = ( + loss_exp / SSE + ) # comparison is between selected loss fcn and SSE (L2 loss) + Bayesian_weights = np.concatenate( + aggregate_weights.T * exp_loss_weights, axis=0 + ).flatten() + # need to normalize weight values between iterations - Bayesian_weights = Bayesian_weights/Bayesian_weights.sum() + Bayesian_weights = Bayesian_weights / Bayesian_weights.sum() - CheKiPEUQ_eval_dict = {'log_opt_rates': log_opt_rates, 'x': x, 'output_dict': output_dict, - 'bayesian_weights': Bayesian_weights, 'iteration_num': self.i} + CheKiPEUQ_eval_dict = { + "log_opt_rates": log_opt_rates, + "x": x, + "output_dict": output_dict, + "bayesian_weights": Bayesian_weights, + "iteration_num": self.i, + } obj_fcn = self.CheKiPEUQ_Frhodo_interface.evaluate(CheKiPEUQ_eval_dict) return obj_fcn - def fit_all_coeffs(self, all_rates): + def fit_all_coeffs(self, all_rates): coeffs = [] i = 0 for rxn_coef in self.rxn_coef_opt: - rxnIdx = rxn_coef['rxnIdx'] - T, P, X = rxn_coef['T'], rxn_coef['P'], rxn_coef['X'] - coef_bnds = [rxn_coef['coef_bnds']['lower'], rxn_coef['coef_bnds']['upper']] - rxn_rates = all_rates[i:i+len(T)] + rxnIdx = rxn_coef["rxnIdx"] + T, P, X = rxn_coef["T"], rxn_coef["P"], rxn_coef["X"] + coef_bnds = [rxn_coef["coef_bnds"]["lower"], rxn_coef["coef_bnds"]["upper"]] + rxn_rates = all_rates[i : i + len(T)] if len(coeffs) == 0: - coeffs = fit_coeffs(rxn_rates, T, P, X, rxnIdx, rxn_coef['key'], rxn_coef['coefName'], - rxn_coef['is_falloff_limit'], coef_bnds, self.mech, self.pool) + coeffs = fit_coeffs( + rxn_rates, + T, + P, + X, + rxnIdx, + rxn_coef["key"], + rxn_coef["coefName"], + rxn_coef["is_falloff_limit"], + coef_bnds, + self.mech, + self.pool, + ) if coeffs is None: return else: - coeffs_append = fit_coeffs(rxn_rates, T, P, X, rxnIdx, rxn_coef['key'], rxn_coef['coefName'], - rxn_coef['is_falloff_limit'], coef_bnds, self.mech, self.pool) + coeffs_append = fit_coeffs( + rxn_rates, + T, + P, + X, + rxnIdx, + rxn_coef["key"], + rxn_coef["coefName"], + rxn_coef["is_falloff_limit"], + coef_bnds, + self.mech, + self.pool, + ) if coeffs_append is None: return coeffs = np.append(coeffs, coeffs_append) - + i += len(T) - return coeffs \ No newline at end of file + return coeffs diff --git a/src/calculate/optimize/mech_optimize.py b/src/calculate/optimize/mech_optimize.py index f15a6d0..57847ef 100644 --- a/src/calculate/optimize/mech_optimize.py +++ b/src/calculate/optimize/mech_optimize.py @@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ from calculate.optimize.misc_fcns import rates, set_bnds from calculate.optimize.fit_coeffs import fit_generic as Troe_fit +from calculate.mech_fcns import arrhenius_coefNames + Ru = ct.gas_constant -default_arrhenius_coefNames = ['activation_energy', 'pre_exponential_factor', 'temperature_exponent'] class Multithread_Optimize: def __init__(self, parent): @@ -241,10 +242,10 @@ def _set_rxn_coef_opt(self, min_T_range=500, min_P_range_factor=2): rxn_coef['coef_bnds'] = set_bnds(mech, rxnIdx, rxn_coef['key'], rxn_coef['coefName']) - if type(rxn) in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.ThreeBodyReaction]: + if type(rxn.rate) is ct.ArrheniusRate: P = P_median - elif type(rxn) is ct.PlogReaction: + elif type(rxn.rate) is ct.PlogRate: P = [] for PlogRxn in mech.coeffs[rxnIdx]: P.append(PlogRxn['Pressure']) @@ -252,17 +253,17 @@ def _set_rxn_coef_opt(self, min_T_range=500, min_P_range_factor=2): if len(P) < 4: P = np.geomspace(np.min(P), np.max(P), 4) - if type(rxn) is ct.FalloffReaction: + if type(rxn.rate) in [ct.FalloffRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: P = np.linspace(P_bnds[0], P_bnds[1], 3) # set rxn_coef dict - if type(rxn) in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.ThreeBodyReaction]: + if type(rxn.rate) is ct.ArrheniusRate: n_coef = len(rxn_coef['coefIdx']) rxn_coef['invT'] = np.linspace(*invT_bnds, n_coef) rxn_coef['T'] = np.divide(10000, rxn_coef['invT']) rxn_coef['P'] = np.ones_like(rxn_coef['T'])*P - elif type(rxn) in [ct.PlogReaction, ct.FalloffReaction]: + elif type(rxn.rate) in [ct.PlogRate, ct.FalloffRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: rxn_coef['invT'] = [] rxn_coef['P'] = [] @@ -280,7 +281,7 @@ def _set_rxn_coef_opt(self, min_T_range=500, min_P_range_factor=2): rxn_coef['P'].append(np.ones(n_coef)*P[-1]) # will evaluate HPL if HPL is constrained, else this value # set conditions for middle conditions (coefficients are always unbounded) - if type(rxn) is ct.PlogReaction: + if type(rxn.rate) is ct.PlogRate: invT = np.linspace(*invT_bnds, 3) P, invT = np.meshgrid(P[1:-1], invT) @@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ def _set_rxn_rate_opt(self): rxn = mech.gas.reaction(rxnIdx) rate_bnds_val = mech.rate_bnds[rxnIdx]['value'] rate_bnds_type = mech.rate_bnds[rxnIdx]['type'] - if type(rxn) in [ct.PlogReaction, ct.FalloffReaction]: # if falloff, change arrhenius rates to LPL/HPL if they are not constrained + if type(rxn.rate) in [ct.PlogRate, ct.FalloffRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: # if falloff, change arrhenius rates to LPL/HPL if they are not constrained key_list = np.array([x['coeffs_bnds'] for x in rxn_coef['key']]) key_count = collections.Counter(key_list) @@ -329,9 +330,9 @@ def _set_rxn_rate_opt(self): if np.any(rxn_coef['coef_bnds']['exist'][idx_match]) or key_count[coef_type_key] < 3: rxn_coef['is_falloff_limit'][n] = True - if type(rxn) is ct.FalloffReaction: + if type(rxn.rate) in [ct.FalloffRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: x = [] - for ArrheniusCoefName in default_arrhenius_coefNames: + for ArrheniusCoefName in arrhenius_coefNames: x.append(mech.coeffs_bnds[rxnIdx][coef_type_key][ArrheniusCoefName]['resetVal']) rxn_rate_opt['x0'][i+n] = np.log(x[1]) + x[2]*np.log(T) - x[0]/(Ru*T) @@ -373,17 +374,17 @@ def _update_gas(self): # TODO: What happens if a second optimization is run? for rxn_coef_idx, rxn_coef in enumerate(self.rxn_coef_opt): # TODO: RXN_COEF_OPT INCORRECT FOR CHANGING RXN TYPES rxnIdx = rxn_coef['rxnIdx'] rxn = mech.gas.reaction(rxnIdx) - if type(rxn) in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.ThreeBodyReaction]: + if type(rxn.rate) is ct.ArrheniusRate: continue # arrhenius type equations don't need to be converted T, P, X = rxn_coef['T'], rxn_coef['P'], rxn_coef['X'] M = lambda T, P: mech.M(rxn, [T, P, X]) rates = np.exp(self.rxn_rate_opt['x0'][i:i+len(T)]) - if type(rxn) is ct.FalloffReaction: + if type(rxn.rate) in [ct.FalloffRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: lb = rxn_coef['coef_bnds']['lower'] ub = rxn_coef['coef_bnds']['upper'] - if rxn.falloff.type == 'SRI': + if type(rxn.rate) is not ct.TroeRate: rxns_changed.append(rxn_coef['rxnIdx']) rxn_coef['coef_x0'] = Troe_fit(rates, T, P, X, rxnIdx, rxn_coef['key'], [], rxn_coef['is_falloff_limit'], mech, [lb, ub], accurate_fit=True) @@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ def _update_gas(self): # TODO: What happens if a second optimization is run? n = 0 for key in ['low_rate', 'high_rate']: - for coefName in default_arrhenius_coefNames: + for coefName in arrhenius_coefNames: rxn_coef['key'][n]['coeffs'] = key # change key value to match new reaction type mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][key][coefName] = rxn_coef['coef_x0'][n] # updates new arrhenius values @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ def _update_gas(self): # TODO: What happens if a second optimization is run? # set reset_mech for new mechanism generate_new_mech = True - reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnType'] = 'FalloffReaction' + reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnType'] = 'Falloff Reaction' reset_mech[rxnIdx]['rxnCoeffs'] = mech.coeffs[rxnIdx] i += len(T) diff --git a/src/calculate/optimize/misc_fcns.py b/src/calculate/optimize/misc_fcns.py index 8e38a9d..ed3c640 100644 --- a/src/calculate/optimize/misc_fcns.py +++ b/src/calculate/optimize/misc_fcns.py @@ -3,10 +3,9 @@ # directory for license and copyright information. import numpy as np -from scipy import interpolate -from numba import jit import cantera as ct -import pathlib, sys + +from calculate.mech_fcns import arrhenius_coefNames Ru = ct.gas_constant @@ -16,19 +15,6 @@ T_min = 300 T_max = 6000 -default_arrhenius_coefNames = ['activation_energy', 'pre_exponential_factor', 'temperature_exponent'] - - -# interpolation function for Z from loss function -path = {'main': pathlib.Path(sys.argv[0]).parents[0].resolve()} -path['Z_tck_spline.dat'] = path['main'] / 'data/loss_partition_fcn_tck_spline.dat' - -tck = [] -with open(path['Z_tck_spline.dat']) as f: - for i in range(5): - tck.append(np.array(f.readline().split(','), dtype=float)) - -ln_Z = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline._from_tck(tck) def rates(rxn_coef_opt, mech): output = [] @@ -40,130 +26,13 @@ def rates(rxn_coef_opt, mech): return np.log(output) -def weighted_quantile(values, quantiles, weights=None, values_sorted=False, old_style=False): - """ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21844024/weighted-percentile-using-numpy - Very close to numpy.percentile, but supports weights. - NOTE: quantiles should be in [0, 1]! - :param values: numpy.array with data - :param quantiles: array-like with many quantiles needed - :param sample_weight: array-like of the same length as `array` - :param values_sorted: bool, if True, then will avoid sorting of - initial array - :param old_style: if True, will correct output to be consistent - with numpy.percentile. - :return: numpy.array with computed quantiles. - """ - finite_idx = np.where(np.isfinite(values)) - values = np.array(values)[finite_idx] - quantiles = np.array(quantiles) - if weights is None or len(weights) == 0: - weights = np.ones_like(values) - else: - weights = np.array(weights)[finite_idx] - - assert np.all(quantiles >= 0) and np.all(quantiles <= 1), \ - 'quantiles should be in [0, 1]' - - if not values_sorted: - sorter = np.argsort(values) - values = values[sorter] - weights = weights[sorter] - - weighted_quantiles = np.cumsum(weights) - 0.5 * weights - if old_style: # To be convenient with numpy.percentile - weighted_quantiles -= weighted_quantiles[0] - weighted_quantiles /= weighted_quantiles[-1] - else: - weighted_quantiles /= np.sum(weights) - - return np.interp(quantiles, weighted_quantiles, values) - -def outlier(x, c=1, weights=[], max_iter=25, percentile=0.25): - def diff(x_outlier): - if len(x_outlier) < 2: - return 1 - else: - return np.diff(x_outlier)[0] - - x = np.abs(x.copy()) - percentiles = [percentile, 1-percentile] - x_outlier = [] - # define outlier with 1.5 IQR rule - for n in range(max_iter): - if diff(x_outlier) == 0: # iterate until res_outlier is the same as prior iteration - break - - if len(x_outlier) > 0: - x = x[x < x_outlier[-1]] - - [q1, q3] = weighted_quantile(x, percentiles, weights=weights) - iqr = q3 - q1 # interquartile range - - if len(x_outlier) == 2: - del x_outlier[0] - - x_outlier.append(q3 + iqr*1.5) - - x_outlier = x_outlier[-1] - - return x_outlier*c # decreasing outliers increases outlier rejection - -@jit(nopython=True, error_model='numpy') -def generalized_loss_fcn(x, mu=0, a=2, c=1): # defaults to sum of squared error - x_c_2 = ((x-mu)/c)**2 - - if a == 1: # generalized function reproduces - loss = (x_c_2 + 1)**(0.5) - 1 - if a == 2: - loss = 0.5*x_c_2 - elif a == 0: - loss = np.log(0.5*x_c_2+1) - elif a == -2: # generalized function reproduces - loss = 2*x_c_2/(x_c_2 + 4) - elif a <= -100: # supposed to be negative infinity - loss = 1 - np.exp(-0.5*x_c_2) - else: - loss = np.abs(a-2)/a*((x_c_2/np.abs(a-2) + 1)**(a/2) - 1) - - #loss = np.exp(np.log(loss) + a*np.log(c)) + mu # multiplying by c^a is not necessary, but makes order appropriate - #loss = loss*c**a + mu # multiplying by c^a is not necessary, but makes order appropriate - loss = loss + mu - - return loss - -# penalize the loss function using approximate partition function -tau_min = 1.0 -tau_max = 250.0 -def penalized_loss_fcn(x, mu=0, a=2, c=1, use_penalty=True): # defaults to sum of squared error - loss = generalized_loss_fcn(x, mu, a, c) - - if use_penalty: - tau = 10.0*c - if tau < tau_min: - tau = tau_min - elif tau > tau_max: - tau = tau_max - - penalty = np.log(c) + ln_Z(tau, a)[0][0] # approximate partition function - loss += penalty - - if not np.isfinite(loss).any(): - print(mu, a, c, penalty) - print(x) - - #non_zero_idx = np.where(loss > 0.0) - #ln_loss = np.log(loss[non_zero_idx]) - #loss[non_zero_idx] = np.exp(ln_loss + a*np.log(c)) + mu - - return loss - def set_bnds(mech, rxnIdx, keys, coefNames): rxn = mech.gas.reaction(rxnIdx) coef_bnds = {'lower': [], 'upper': [], 'exist': []} for coefNum, (key, coefName) in enumerate(zip(keys, coefNames)): - if coefName not in default_arrhenius_coefNames: continue # skip anything not Arrhenius. Falloff follows this + if coefName not in arrhenius_coefNames: continue # skip anything not Arrhenius. Falloff follows this coef_x0 = mech.coeffs_bnds[rxnIdx][key['coeffs_bnds']][coefName]['resetVal'] coef_limits = mech.coeffs_bnds[rxnIdx][key['coeffs_bnds']][coefName]['limits']() @@ -198,7 +67,7 @@ def set_bnds(mech, rxnIdx, keys, coefNames): coef_bnds['upper'].append(coef_limits[1]) coef_bnds['exist'].append([True, True]) - if type(rxn) in [ct.FalloffReaction, ct.PlogReaction]: + if type(rxn.rate) in [ct.PlogRate, ct.FalloffRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: for coef in ['A', 'T3', 'T1', 'T2']: coef_bnds['exist'].append([False, False]) coef_bnds['lower'].append(min_neg_system_value) diff --git a/src/calculate/optimize/optimize_worker.py b/src/calculate/optimize/optimize_worker.py index 5fb4019..c96e3f2 100644 --- a/src/calculate/optimize/optimize_worker.py +++ b/src/calculate/optimize/optimize_worker.py @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def trim_shocks(self): # trim shocks from zero weighted data shock['weights_trim'] = weights[exp_bounds] shock['exp_data_trim'] = shock['exp_data'][exp_bounds,:] if 'abs_uncertainties' in shock: - shock['abs_uncertainties_trim'] = shock['abs_uncertainties'][exp_bounds,:] + shock['abs_uncertainties_trim'] = shock['abs_uncertainties'][exp_bounds, :] def optimize_coeffs(self): parent = self.parent @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ def gradient(self, x): num_gen = int(np.ceil(1E20/pop_size)) prob = pygmo.problem(pygmo_objective_fcn(self.obj_fcn, tuple(bnds))) - pop = pygmo.population(prob, pop_size) + pop = pygmo.population(prob, pop_size - 1) pop.push_back(x = x0) # puts initial guess into the initial population # all coefficients/rules should be optimized if they're to be used @@ -394,6 +394,8 @@ def rbfopt(self, x0, bnds, options): # noisy, cheap function option. supports d max_evaluations=max_eval, max_cycles=1E30, max_clock_time=max_time, + init_sample_fraction=np.size(x0) + 1, + max_random_init=np.size(x0) + 2, minlp_solver_path=path['bonmin'], nlp_solver_path=path['ipopt']) algo = rbfopt.RbfoptAlgorithm(settings, bb, init_node_pos=x0) diff --git a/src/calculate/reactors.py b/src/calculate/reactors.py index 2c9bdbe..ab48e20 100644 --- a/src/calculate/reactors.py +++ b/src/calculate/reactors.py @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ # This file is part of Frhodo. Copyright © 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC -# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level +# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level # directory for license and copyright information. import sys, os, io, stat, contextlib, pathlib, time from copy import deepcopy import cantera as ct -from cantera import interrupts, cti2yaml#, ck2yaml, ctml2yaml +from cantera import interrupts, cti2yaml # , ck2yaml, ctml2yaml import numpy as np from calculate import shock_fcns, integrate import ck2yaml @@ -13,102 +13,131 @@ # list of all possible variables -all_var = {'Laboratory Time': {'SIM_name': 't_lab', 'sub_type': None}, - 'Shockwave Time': {'SIM_name': 't_shock', 'sub_type': None}, - 'Gas Velocity': {'SIM_name': 'vel', 'sub_type': None}, - 'Temperature': {'SIM_name': 'T', 'sub_type': None}, - 'Pressure': {'SIM_name': 'P', 'sub_type': None}, - 'Enthalpy': {'SIM_name': 'h', 'sub_type': ['total', 'species']}, - 'Entropy': {'SIM_name': 's', 'sub_type': ['total', 'species']}, - 'Density': {'SIM_name': 'rho', 'sub_type': None}, - 'Density Gradient': {'SIM_name': 'drhodz', 'sub_type': ['total', 'rxn']}, - '% Density Gradient': {'SIM_name': 'perc_drhodz', 'sub_type': ['rxn']}, - '\u00B1 % |Density Gradient|': {'SIM_name': 'perc_abs_drhodz', 'sub_type': ['rxn']}, - 'Mole Fraction': {'SIM_name': 'X', 'sub_type': ['species']}, - 'Mass Fraction': {'SIM_name': 'Y', 'sub_type': ['species']}, - 'Concentration': {'SIM_name': 'conc', 'sub_type': ['species']}, - 'Net Production Rate': {'SIM_name': 'wdot', 'sub_type': ['species']}, - 'Creation Rate': {'SIM_name': 'wdotfor', 'sub_type': ['species']}, - 'Destruction Rate': {'SIM_name': 'wdotrev', 'sub_type': ['species']}, - 'Heat Release Rate': {'SIM_name': 'HRR', 'sub_type': ['total', 'rxn']}, - 'Delta Enthalpy (Heat of Reaction)':{'SIM_name': 'delta_h', 'sub_type': ['rxn']}, - 'Delta Entropy': {'SIM_name': 'delta_s', 'sub_type': ['rxn']}, - 'Equilibrium Constant': {'SIM_name': 'eq_con', 'sub_type': ['rxn']}, - 'Forward Rate Constant': {'SIM_name': 'rate_con', 'sub_type': ['rxn']}, - 'Reverse Rate Constant': {'SIM_name': 'rate_con_rev', 'sub_type': ['rxn']}, - 'Net Rate of Progress': {'SIM_name': 'net_ROP', 'sub_type': ['rxn']}, - 'Forward Rate of Progress': {'SIM_name': 'for_ROP', 'sub_type': ['rxn']}, - 'Reverse Rate of Progress': {'SIM_name': 'rev_ROP', 'sub_type': ['rxn']}} - -rev_all_var = {all_var[key]['SIM_name']: - {'name': key, 'sub_type': all_var[key]['sub_type']} for key in all_var.keys()} +all_var = { + "Laboratory Time": {"SIM_name": "t_lab", "sub_type": None}, + "Shockwave Time": {"SIM_name": "t_shock", "sub_type": None}, + "Gas Velocity": {"SIM_name": "vel", "sub_type": None}, + "Temperature": {"SIM_name": "T", "sub_type": None}, + "Pressure": {"SIM_name": "P", "sub_type": None}, + "Enthalpy": {"SIM_name": "h", "sub_type": ["total", "species"]}, + "Entropy": {"SIM_name": "s", "sub_type": ["total", "species"]}, + "Density": {"SIM_name": "rho", "sub_type": None}, + "Density Gradient": {"SIM_name": "drhodz", "sub_type": ["total", "rxn"]}, + "% Density Gradient": {"SIM_name": "perc_drhodz", "sub_type": ["rxn"]}, + "\u00B1 % |Density Gradient|": {"SIM_name": "perc_abs_drhodz", "sub_type": ["rxn"]}, + "Mole Fraction": {"SIM_name": "X", "sub_type": ["species"]}, + "Mass Fraction": {"SIM_name": "Y", "sub_type": ["species"]}, + "Concentration": {"SIM_name": "conc", "sub_type": ["species"]}, + "Net Production Rate": {"SIM_name": "wdot", "sub_type": ["species"]}, + "Creation Rate": {"SIM_name": "wdotfor", "sub_type": ["species"]}, + "Destruction Rate": {"SIM_name": "wdotrev", "sub_type": ["species"]}, + "Heat Release Rate": {"SIM_name": "HRR", "sub_type": ["total", "rxn"]}, + "Delta Enthalpy (Heat of Reaction)": {"SIM_name": "delta_h", "sub_type": ["rxn"]}, + "Delta Entropy": {"SIM_name": "delta_s", "sub_type": ["rxn"]}, + "Equilibrium Constant": {"SIM_name": "eq_con", "sub_type": ["rxn"]}, + "Forward Rate Constant": {"SIM_name": "rate_con", "sub_type": ["rxn"]}, + "Reverse Rate Constant": {"SIM_name": "rate_con_rev", "sub_type": ["rxn"]}, + "Net Rate of Progress": {"SIM_name": "net_ROP", "sub_type": ["rxn"]}, + "Forward Rate of Progress": {"SIM_name": "for_ROP", "sub_type": ["rxn"]}, + "Reverse Rate of Progress": {"SIM_name": "rev_ROP", "sub_type": ["rxn"]}, +} + +rev_all_var = { + all_var[key]["SIM_name"]: {"name": key, "sub_type": all_var[key]["sub_type"]} + for key in all_var.keys() +} # translation dictionary between SIM name and ct.SolutionArray name -SIM_Dict = {'t_lab': 't', 't_shock': 't_shock', 'z': 'z', 'A': 'A', 'vel': 'vel', 'T': 'T', 'P': 'P', - 'h_tot': 'enthalpy_mole', 'h': 'partial_molar_enthalpies', - 's_tot': 'entropy_mole', 's': 'partial_molar_entropies', - 'rho': 'density', 'drhodz_tot': 'drhodz_tot', 'drhodz': 'drhodz', 'perc_drhodz': 'perc_drhodz', - 'Y': 'Y', 'X': 'X', 'conc': 'concentrations', 'wdot': 'net_production_rates', - 'wdotfor': 'creation_rates', 'wdotrev': 'destruction_rates', - 'HRR_tot': 'heat_release_rate', 'HRR': 'heat_production_rates', - 'delta_h': 'delta_enthalpy', 'delta_s': 'delta_entropy', - 'eq_con': 'equilibrium_constants', 'rate_con': 'forward_rate_constants', - 'rate_con_rev': 'reverse_rate_constants', 'net_ROP': 'net_rates_of_progress', - 'for_ROP': 'forward_rates_of_progress', 'rev_ROP': 'reverse_rates_of_progress'} +SIM_Dict = { + "t_lab": "t", + "t_shock": "t_shock", + "z": "z", + "A": "A", + "vel": "vel", + "T": "T", + "P": "P", + "h_tot": "enthalpy_mole", + "h": "partial_molar_enthalpies", + "s_tot": "entropy_mole", + "s": "partial_molar_entropies", + "rho": "density", + "drhodz_tot": "drhodz_tot", + "drhodz": "drhodz", + "perc_drhodz": "perc_drhodz", + "Y": "Y", + "X": "X", + "conc": "concentrations", + "wdot": "net_production_rates", + "wdotfor": "creation_rates", + "wdotrev": "destruction_rates", + "HRR_tot": "heat_release_rate", + "HRR": "heat_production_rates", + "delta_h": "delta_enthalpy", + "delta_s": "delta_entropy", + "eq_con": "equilibrium_constants", + "rate_con": "forward_rate_constants", + "rate_con_rev": "reverse_rate_constants", + "net_ROP": "net_rates_of_progress", + "for_ROP": "forward_rates_of_progress", + "rev_ROP": "reverse_rates_of_progress", +} + class SIM_Property: def __init__(self, name, parent=None): self.name = name self.parent = parent self.conversion = None # this needs to be assigned per property - self.value = {'SI': np.array([]), 'CGS': np.array([])} - self.ndim = self.value['SI'].ndim + self.value = {"SI": np.array([]), "CGS": np.array([])} + self.ndim = self.value["SI"].ndim def clear(self): - self.value = {'SI': np.array([]), 'CGS': np.array([])} - self.ndim = self.value['SI'].ndim + self.value = {"SI": np.array([]), "CGS": np.array([])} + self.ndim = self.value["SI"].ndim - def __call__(self, idx=None, units='CGS'): # units must be 'CGS' or 'SI' + def __call__(self, idx=None, units="CGS"): # units must be 'CGS' or 'SI' # assumes Sim data comes in as SI and is converted to CGS # values to be calculated post-simulation - if len(self.value['SI']) == 0 or np.isnan(self.value['SI']).all(): + if len(self.value["SI"]) == 0 or np.isnan(self.value["SI"]).all(): parent = self.parent - if self.name == 'drhodz_tot': - self.value['SI'] = shock_fcns.drhodz(parent.states) + if self.name == "drhodz_tot": + self.value["SI"] = shock_fcns.drhodz(parent.states) - elif self.name == 'drhodz': - self.value['SI'] = shock_fcns.drhodz_per_rxn(parent.states) + elif self.name == "drhodz": + self.value["SI"] = shock_fcns.drhodz_per_rxn(parent.states) - elif self.name == 'perc_drhodz': - drhodz_tot = parent.drhodz_tot(units='SI')[:,None] - drhodz = parent.drhodz(units='SI').T + elif self.name == "perc_drhodz": + drhodz_tot = parent.drhodz_tot(units="SI")[:, None] + drhodz = parent.drhodz(units="SI").T if not np.any(drhodz_tot): - self.value['SI'] = np.zeros_like(drhodz) + self.value["SI"] = np.zeros_like(drhodz) else: - self.value['SI'] = drhodz/np.abs(drhodz_tot)*100 + self.value["SI"] = drhodz / np.abs(drhodz_tot) * 100 - elif self.name == 'perc_abs_drhodz': - drhodz_tot = parent.drhodz_tot(units='SI')[:,None] - drhodz = parent.drhodz(units='SI').T + elif self.name == "perc_abs_drhodz": + drhodz_tot = parent.drhodz_tot(units="SI")[:, None] + drhodz = parent.drhodz(units="SI").T if not np.any(drhodz_tot): - self.value['SI'] = np.zeros_like(drhodz) + self.value["SI"] = np.zeros_like(drhodz) else: - self.value['SI'] = drhodz/np.abs(drhodz).sum(axis=1)[:,None]*100 + self.value["SI"] = ( + drhodz / np.abs(drhodz).sum(axis=1)[:, None] * 100 + ) else: - self.value['SI'] = getattr(parent.states, SIM_Dict[self.name]) + self.value["SI"] = getattr(parent.states, SIM_Dict[self.name]) - if self.value['SI'].ndim > 1: # Transpose if matrix - self.value['SI'] = self.value['SI'].T + if self.value["SI"].ndim > 1: # Transpose if matrix + self.value["SI"] = self.value["SI"].T - self.ndim = self.value['SI'].ndim + self.ndim = self.value["SI"].ndim # currently converts entire list of properties rather than by index - if units == 'CGS' and len(self.value['CGS']) == 0: + if units == "CGS" and len(self.value["CGS"]) == 0: if self.conversion is None: - self.value['CGS'] = self.value['SI'] + self.value["CGS"] = self.value["SI"] else: - self.value['CGS'] = self.conversion(self.value['SI']) + self.value["CGS"] = self.conversion(self.value["SI"]) return self.value[units] @@ -121,58 +150,71 @@ def __init__(self, num=None, states=None, reactor_vars=[]): self.reactor_var = {} for var in reactor_vars: if var in self.rev_all_var: - self.reactor_var[self.rev_all_var[var]['name']] = var + self.reactor_var[self.rev_all_var[var]["name"]] = var - if num is None: # if no simulation stop here + if num is None: # if no simulation stop here self.reactor_var = {} return - self.conv = {'conc': 1E-3, 'wdot': 1E-3, 'P': 760/101325, 'vel': 1E2, - 'rho': 1E-3, 'drhodz_tot': 1E-5, 'drhodz': 1E-5, - 'delta_h': 1E-3/4184, 'h_tot': 1E-3/4184, 'h': 1E-3/4184, # to kcal - 'delta_s': 1/4184, 's_tot': 1/4184, 's': 1/4184, - 'eq_con': 1E3**np.array(num['reac'] - num['prod'])[:,None], - 'rate_con': np.power(1E3,num['reac']-1)[:,None], - 'rate_con_rev': np.power(1E3,num['prod']-1)[:,None], - 'net_ROP': 1E-3/3.8, # Don't understand 3.8 value - 'for_ROP': 1E-3/3.8, # Don't understand 3.8 value - 'rev_ROP': 1E-3/3.8} # Don't understand 3.8 value + self.conv = { + "conc": 1e-3, + "wdot": 1e-3, + "P": 760 / 101325, + "vel": 1e2, + "rho": 1e-3, + "drhodz_tot": 1e-5, + "drhodz": 1e-5, + "delta_h": 1e-3 / 4184, + "h_tot": 1e-3 / 4184, + "h": 1e-3 / 4184, # to kcal + "delta_s": 1 / 4184, + "s_tot": 1 / 4184, + "s": 1 / 4184, + "eq_con": 1e3 ** np.array(num["reac"] - num["prod"])[:, None], + "rate_con": np.power(1e3, num["reac"] - 1)[:, None], + "rate_con_rev": np.power(1e3, num["prod"] - 1)[:, None], + "net_ROP": 1e-3 / 3.8, # Don't understand 3.8 value + "for_ROP": 1e-3 / 3.8, # Don't understand 3.8 value + "rev_ROP": 1e-3 / 3.8, + } # Don't understand 3.8 value for name in reactor_vars: property = SIM_Property(name, parent=self) if name in self.conv: - property.conversion = lambda x, s=self.conv[name]: x*s + property.conversion = lambda x, s=self.conv[name]: x * s setattr(self, name, property) - def set_independent_var(self, ind_var, units='CGS'): + def set_independent_var(self, ind_var, units="CGS"): self.independent_var = getattr(self, ind_var)(units=units) - def set_observable(self, observable, units='CGS'): - k = observable['sub'] - if observable['main'] == 'Temperature': + def set_observable(self, observable, units="CGS"): + k = observable["sub"] + if observable["main"] == "Temperature": self.observable = self.T(units=units) - elif observable['main'] == 'Pressure': + elif observable["main"] == "Pressure": self.observable = self.P(units=units) - elif observable['main'] == 'Density Gradient': + elif observable["main"] == "Density Gradient": self.observable = self.drhodz_tot(units=units) - elif observable['main'] == 'Heat Release Rate': + elif observable["main"] == "Heat Release Rate": self.observable = self.HRR_tot(units=units) - elif observable['main'] == 'Mole Fraction': + elif observable["main"] == "Mole Fraction": self.observable = self.X(units=units) - elif observable['main'] == 'Mass Fraction': + elif observable["main"] == "Mass Fraction": self.observable = self.Y(units=units) - elif observable['main'] == 'Concentration': + elif observable["main"] == "Concentration": self.observable = self.conc(units=units) - if self.observable.ndim > 1: # reduce observable down to only plotted information + if ( + self.observable.ndim > 1 + ): # reduce observable down to only plotted information self.observable = self.observable[k] - def finalize(self, success, ind_var, observable, units='CGS'): + def finalize(self, success, ind_var, observable, units="CGS"): self.set_independent_var(ind_var, units) self.set_observable(observable, units) - + self.success = success - + class Reactor: def __init__(self, mech): @@ -180,67 +222,105 @@ def __init__(self, mech): self.ODE_success = False def run(self, reactor_choice, t_end, T_reac, P_reac, mix, **kwargs): - def list2ct_mixture(mix): # list in the form of [[species, mol_frac], [species, mol_frac],...] - return ', '.join("{!s}:{!r}".format(species, mol_frac) for (species, mol_frac) in mix) - - details = {'success': False, 'message': []} - + def list2ct_mixture( + mix, + ): # list in the form of [[species, mol_frac], [species, mol_frac],...] + return ", ".join( + "{!s}:{!r}".format(species, mol_frac) for (species, mol_frac) in mix + ) + + details = {"success": False, "message": []} + if isinstance(mix, list): mix = list2ct_mixture(mix) - + mech_out = self.mech.set_TPX(T_reac, P_reac, mix) - if not mech_out['success']: - details['success'] = False - details['message'] = mech_out['message'] + if not mech_out["success"]: + details["success"] = False + details["message"] = mech_out["message"] return None, mech_out - - #start = timer() - if reactor_choice == 'Incident Shock Reactor': - SIM, details = self.incident_shock_reactor(self.mech.gas, details, t_end, **kwargs) - elif '0d Reactor' in reactor_choice: - if reactor_choice == '0d Reactor - Constant Volume': + + # start = timer() + if reactor_choice == "Incident Shock Reactor": + SIM, details = self.incident_shock_reactor( + self.mech.gas, details, t_end, **kwargs + ) + elif "0d Reactor" in reactor_choice: + if reactor_choice == "0d Reactor - Constant Volume": reactor = ct.IdealGasReactor(self.mech.gas) - elif reactor_choice == '0d Reactor - Constant Pressure': + elif reactor_choice == "0d Reactor - Constant Pressure": reactor = ct.IdealGasConstPressureReactor(self.mech.gas) - - SIM, details = self.zero_d_ideal_gas_reactor(self.mech.gas, reactor, details, t_end, **kwargs) - - #print('{:0.1f} us'.format((timer() - start)*1E3)) + + SIM, details = self.zero_d_ideal_gas_reactor( + self.mech.gas, reactor, details, t_end, **kwargs + ) + + # print('{:0.1f} us'.format((timer() - start)*1E3)) return SIM, details - + def checkRxnRates(self, gas): - limit = [1E9, 1E15, 1E21] # reaction limit [first order, second order, third order] + limit = [ + 1e9, + 1e15, + 1e21, + ] # reaction limit [first order, second order, third order] checkRxn = [] for rxnIdx in range(gas.n_reactions): coef_sum = int(sum(gas.reaction(rxnIdx).reactants.values())) if type(gas.reactions()[rxnIdx]) is ct.ThreeBodyReaction: coef_sum += 1 - if coef_sum > 0 and coef_sum-1 <= len(limit): # check that the limit is specified - rate = [gas.forward_rate_constants[rxnIdx], gas.reverse_rate_constants[rxnIdx]] - if (np.array(rate) > limit[coef_sum-1]).any(): # if forward or reverse rate exceeds limit - checkRxn.append(rxnIdx+1) - + if coef_sum > 0 and coef_sum - 1 <= len( + limit + ): # check that the limit is specified + rate = [ + gas.forward_rate_constants[rxnIdx], + gas.reverse_rate_constants[rxnIdx], + ] + if ( + np.array(rate) > limit[coef_sum - 1] + ).any(): # if forward or reverse rate exceeds limit + checkRxn.append(rxnIdx + 1) + return checkRxn def incident_shock_reactor(self, gas, details, t_end, **kwargs): - if 'u_reac' not in kwargs or 'rho1' not in kwargs: - details['success'] = False - details['message'] = 'velocity and rho1 not specified\n' + if "u_reac" not in kwargs or "rho1" not in kwargs: + details["success"] = False + details["message"] = "velocity and rho1 not specified\n" return None, details - + # set default values - var = {'sim_int_f': 1, 'observable': {'main': 'Density Gradient', 'sub': 0}, - 'A1': 0.2, 'As': 0.2, 'L': 0.1, 't_lab_save': None, - 'ODE_solver': 'BDF', 'rtol': 1E-4, 'atol': 1E-7} + var = { + "sim_int_f": 1, + "observable": {"main": "Density Gradient", "sub": 0}, + "A1": 0.2, + "As": 0.2, + "L": 0.1, + "t_lab_save": None, + "ODE_solver": "BDF", + "rtol": 1e-4, + "atol": 1e-7, + } var.update(kwargs) - - y0 = np.hstack((0.0, var['A1'], gas.density, var['u_reac'], gas.T, 0.0, gas.Y)) # Initial condition - ode = shock_fcns.ReactorOde(gas, t_end, var['rho1'], var['L'], var['As'], var['A1'], False) - with np.errstate(over='raise', divide='raise'): + y0 = np.hstack( + (0.0, var["A1"], gas.density, var["u_reac"], gas.T, 0.0, gas.Y) + ) # Initial condition + ode = shock_fcns.ReactorOde( + gas, t_end, var["rho1"], var["L"], var["As"], var["A1"], False + ) + + with np.errstate(over="raise", divide="raise"): try: - sol = integrate.solve_ivp(ode, [0, t_end], y0, method=var['ODE_solver'], - dense_output=True, rtol=var['rtol'], atol=var['atol']) + sol = integrate.solve_ivp( + ode, + [0, t_end], + y0, + method=var["ODE_solver"], + dense_output=True, + rtol=var["rtol"], + atol=var["atol"], + ) sol_success = True sol_message = sol.message sol_t = sol.t @@ -249,185 +329,333 @@ def incident_shock_reactor(self, gas, details, t_end, **kwargs): sol_success = False sol_message = sys.exc_info()[0] sol_t = sol.t - + if sol_success: - self.ODE_success = True # this is passed to SIM to inform saving output function - details['success'] = True + self.ODE_success = ( + True # this is passed to SIM to inform saving output function + ) + details["success"] = True else: - self.ODE_success = False # this is passed to SIM to inform saving output function - details['success'] = False - + self.ODE_success = ( + False # this is passed to SIM to inform saving output function + ) + details["success"] = False + # Generate log output - explanation = '\nCheck for: Fast rates or bad thermo data' + explanation = "\nCheck for: Fast rates or bad thermo data" checkRxns = self.checkRxnRates(gas) if len(checkRxns) > 0: - explanation += '\nSuggested Reactions: ' + ', '.join([str(x) for x in checkRxns]) - details['message'] = '\nODE Error: {:s}\n{:s}\n'.format(sol_message, explanation) - - if var['sim_int_f'] > np.shape(sol_t)[0]: # in case of integration failure - var['sim_int_f'] = np.shape(sol_t)[0] - - if var['sim_int_f'] == 1: + explanation += "\nSuggested Reactions: " + ", ".join( + [str(x) for x in checkRxns] + ) + details["message"] = "\nODE Error: {:s}\n{:s}\n".format( + sol_message, explanation + ) + + if var["sim_int_f"] > np.shape(sol_t)[0]: # in case of integration failure + var["sim_int_f"] = np.shape(sol_t)[0] + + if var["sim_int_f"] == 1: t_sim = sol_t - else: # perform interpolation if integrator sample factor > 1 + else: # perform interpolation if integrator sample factor > 1 j = 0 - t_sim = np.zeros(var['sim_int_f']*(np.shape(sol_t)[0] - 1) + 1) # preallocate array - for i in range(np.shape(sol_t)[0]-1): - t_interp = np.interp(np.linspace(i, i+1, var['sim_int_f']+1), [i, i+1], sol_t[i:i+2]) - t_sim[j:j+len(t_interp)] = t_interp + t_sim = np.zeros( + var["sim_int_f"] * (np.shape(sol_t)[0] - 1) + 1 + ) # preallocate array + for i in range(np.shape(sol_t)[0] - 1): + t_interp = np.interp( + np.linspace(i, i + 1, var["sim_int_f"] + 1), + [i, i + 1], + sol_t[i : i + 2], + ) + t_sim[j : j + len(t_interp)] = t_interp j += len(t_interp) - 1 - - ind_var = 't_lab' # INDEPENDENT VARIABLE CURRENTLY HARDCODED FOR t_lab - if var['t_lab_save'] is None: # if t_save is not being sent, only plotting variables are needed + + ind_var = "t_lab" # INDEPENDENT VARIABLE CURRENTLY HARDCODED FOR t_lab + if ( + var["t_lab_save"] is None + ): # if t_save is not being sent, only plotting variables are needed t_all = t_sim else: - t_all = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate((t_sim, var['t_lab_save'])))) # combine t_all and t_save, sort, only unique values - - states = ct.SolutionArray(gas, extra=['t', 't_shock', 'z', 'A', 'vel', 'drhodz_tot', 'drhodz', 'perc_drhodz']) + t_all = np.sort( + np.unique(np.concatenate((t_sim, var["t_lab_save"]))) + ) # combine t_all and t_save, sort, only unique values + + states = ct.SolutionArray( + gas, + extra=[ + "t", + "t_shock", + "z", + "A", + "vel", + "drhodz_tot", + "drhodz", + "perc_drhodz", + ], + ) if self.ODE_success: - for i, t in enumerate(t_all): # calculate from solution - y = sol.sol(t) + for i, t in enumerate(t_all): # calculate from solution + y = sol.sol(t) z, A, rho, v, T, t_shock = y[0:6] Y = y[6:] - states.append(TDY=(T, rho, Y), t=t, t_shock=t_shock, z=z, A=A, vel=v, drhodz_tot=np.nan, drhodz=np.nan, perc_drhodz=np.nan) + states.append( + TDY=(T, rho, Y), + t=t, + t_shock=t_shock, + z=z, + A=A, + vel=v, + drhodz_tot=np.nan, + drhodz=np.nan, + perc_drhodz=np.nan, + ) else: - states.append(TDY=(gas.T, gas.density, gas.Y), t=0.0, t_shock=0.0, z=0.0, A=var['A1'], vel=var['u_reac'], - drhodz_tot=np.nan, drhodz=np.nan, perc_drhodz=np.nan) - - reactor_vars = ['t_lab', 't_shock', 'z', 'A', 'vel', 'T', 'P', 'h_tot', 'h', - 's_tot', 's', 'rho', 'drhodz_tot', 'drhodz', 'perc_drhodz', 'perc_abs_drhodz', - 'Y', 'X', 'conc', 'wdot', 'wdotfor', 'wdotrev', - 'HRR_tot', 'HRR', 'delta_h', 'delta_s', - 'eq_con', 'rate_con', 'rate_con_rev', 'net_ROP', 'for_ROP', 'rev_ROP'] - - num = {'reac': np.sum(gas.reactant_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), - 'prod': np.sum(gas.product_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), - 'rxns': gas.n_reactions} - + states.append( + TDY=(gas.T, gas.density, gas.Y), + t=0.0, + t_shock=0.0, + z=0.0, + A=var["A1"], + vel=var["u_reac"], + drhodz_tot=np.nan, + drhodz=np.nan, + perc_drhodz=np.nan, + ) + + reactor_vars = [ + "t_lab", + "t_shock", + "z", + "A", + "vel", + "T", + "P", + "h_tot", + "h", + "s_tot", + "s", + "rho", + "drhodz_tot", + "drhodz", + "perc_drhodz", + "perc_abs_drhodz", + "Y", + "X", + "conc", + "wdot", + "wdotfor", + "wdotrev", + "HRR_tot", + "HRR", + "delta_h", + "delta_s", + "eq_con", + "rate_con", + "rate_con_rev", + "net_ROP", + "for_ROP", + "rev_ROP", + ] + + num = { + "reac": np.sum(gas.reactant_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), + "prod": np.sum(gas.product_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), + "rxns": gas.n_reactions, + } + SIM = Simulation_Result(num, states, reactor_vars) - SIM.finalize(self.ODE_success, ind_var, var['observable'], units='CGS') - + SIM.finalize(self.ODE_success, ind_var, var["observable"], units="CGS") + return SIM, details - + def zero_d_ideal_gas_reactor(self, gas, reactor, details, t_end, **kwargs): # set default values - var = {'observable': {'main': 'Concentration', 'sub': 0}, - 't_lab_save': None, 'rtol': 1E-4, 'atol': 1E-7} - + var = { + "observable": {"main": "Concentration", "sub": 0}, + "t_lab_save": None, + "rtol": 1e-4, + "atol": 1e-7, + } + var.update(kwargs) - + # Modify reactor if necessary for frozen composition and isothermal - reactor.energy_enabled = var['solve_energy'] - reactor.chemistry_enabled = not var['frozen_comp'] - + reactor.energy_enabled = var["solve_energy"] + reactor.chemistry_enabled = not var["frozen_comp"] + # Create Sim sim = ct.ReactorNet([reactor]) - sim.atol = var['atol'] - sim.rtol = var['rtol'] - + sim.atol = var["atol"] + sim.rtol = var["rtol"] + # set up times and observables - ind_var = 't_lab' # INDEPENDENT VARIABLE CURRENTLY HARDCODED FOR t_lab - if var['t_lab_save'] is None: + ind_var = "t_lab" # INDEPENDENT VARIABLE CURRENTLY HARDCODED FOR t_lab + if var["t_lab_save"] is None: t_all = [t_end] else: - t_all = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate(([t_end], var['t_lab_save'])))) # combine t_end and t_save, sort, only unique values - + t_all = np.sort( + np.unique(np.concatenate(([t_end], var["t_lab_save"]))) + ) # combine t_end and t_save, sort, only unique values + self.ODE_success = True - details['success'] = True + details["success"] = True - states = ct.SolutionArray(gas, extra=['t']) - states.append(reactor.thermo.state, t = 0.0) + states = ct.SolutionArray(gas, extra=["t"]) + states.append(reactor.thermo.state, t=0.0) for t in t_all: if not self.ODE_success: break - while sim.time < t: # integrator step until time > target time + while sim.time < t: # integrator step until time > target time try: sim.step() - if sim.time > t: # force interpolation to target time + if sim.time > t: # force interpolation to target time sim.advance(t) states.append(reactor.thermo.state, t=sim.time) except: self.ODE_success = False - details['success'] = False - explanation = '\nCheck for: Fast rates or bad thermo data' + details["success"] = False + explanation = "\nCheck for: Fast rates or bad thermo data" checkRxns = self.checkRxnRates(gas) if len(checkRxns) > 0: - explanation += '\nSuggested Reactions: ' + ', '.join([str(x) for x in checkRxns]) - details['message'] = '\nODE Error: {:s}\n{:s}\n'.format(str(sys.exc_info()[1]), explanation) + explanation += "\nSuggested Reactions: " + ", ".join( + [str(x) for x in checkRxns] + ) + details["message"] = "\nODE Error: {:s}\n{:s}\n".format( + str(sys.exc_info()[1]), explanation + ) break - - reactor_vars = ['t_lab', 'T', 'P', 'h_tot', 'h', 's_tot', 's', 'rho', - 'Y', 'X', 'conc', 'wdot', 'wdotfor', 'wdotrev', 'HRR_tot', 'HRR', - 'delta_h', 'delta_s', 'eq_con', 'rate_con', 'rate_con_rev', - 'net_ROP', 'for_ROP', 'rev_ROP'] - - num = {'reac': np.sum(gas.reactant_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), - 'prod': np.sum(gas.product_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), - 'rxns': gas.n_reactions} - + + reactor_vars = [ + "t_lab", + "T", + "P", + "h_tot", + "h", + "s_tot", + "s", + "rho", + "Y", + "X", + "conc", + "wdot", + "wdotfor", + "wdotrev", + "HRR_tot", + "HRR", + "delta_h", + "delta_s", + "eq_con", + "rate_con", + "rate_con_rev", + "net_ROP", + "for_ROP", + "rev_ROP", + ] + + num = { + "reac": np.sum(gas.reactant_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), + "prod": np.sum(gas.product_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), + "rxns": gas.n_reactions, + } + SIM = Simulation_Result(num, states, reactor_vars) - SIM.finalize(self.ODE_success, ind_var, var['observable'], units='CGS') + SIM.finalize(self.ODE_success, ind_var, var["observable"], units="CGS") return SIM, details def plug_flow_reactor(self, gas, details, length, area, u_0, **kwargs): # set default values - var = {'observable': {'main': 'Concentration', 'sub': 0}, - 't_lab_save': None, 'rtol': 1E-4, 'atol': 1E-7} - + var = { + "observable": {"main": "Concentration", "sub": 0}, + "t_lab_save": None, + "rtol": 1e-4, + "atol": 1e-7, + } + var.update(kwargs) - + # Modify reactor if necessary for frozen composition and isothermal - reactor.energy_enabled = var['solve_energy'] - reactor.chemistry_enabled = not var['frozen_comp'] - + reactor.energy_enabled = var["solve_energy"] + reactor.chemistry_enabled = not var["frozen_comp"] + # Create Sim sim = ct.ReactorNet([reactor]) - sim.atol = var['atol'] - sim.rtol = var['rtol'] - + sim.atol = var["atol"] + sim.rtol = var["rtol"] + # set up times and observables - ind_var = 't_lab' # INDEPENDENT VARIABLE CURRENTLY HARDCODED FOR t_lab - if var['t_lab_save'] is None: + ind_var = "t_lab" # INDEPENDENT VARIABLE CURRENTLY HARDCODED FOR t_lab + if var["t_lab_save"] is None: t_all = [t_end] else: - t_all = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate(([t_end], var['t_lab_save'])))) # combine t_end and t_save, sort, only unique values - + t_all = np.sort( + np.unique(np.concatenate(([t_end], var["t_lab_save"]))) + ) # combine t_end and t_save, sort, only unique values + self.ODE_success = True - details['success'] = True + details["success"] = True - states = ct.SolutionArray(gas, extra=['t']) - states.append(reactor.thermo.state, t = 0.0) + states = ct.SolutionArray(gas, extra=["t"]) + states.append(reactor.thermo.state, t=0.0) for t in t_all: if not self.ODE_success: break - while sim.time < t: # integrator step until time > target time + while sim.time < t: # integrator step until time > target time try: sim.step() - if sim.time > t: # force interpolation to target time + if sim.time > t: # force interpolation to target time sim.advance(t) states.append(reactor.thermo.state, t=sim.time) except: self.ODE_success = False - details['success'] = False - explanation = '\nCheck for: Fast rates or bad thermo data' + details["success"] = False + explanation = "\nCheck for: Fast rates or bad thermo data" checkRxns = self.checkRxnRates(gas) if len(checkRxns) > 0: - explanation += '\nSuggested Reactions: ' + ', '.join([str(x) for x in checkRxns]) - details['message'] = '\nODE Error: {:s}\n{:s}\n'.format(str(sys.exc_info()[1]), explanation) + explanation += "\nSuggested Reactions: " + ", ".join( + [str(x) for x in checkRxns] + ) + details["message"] = "\nODE Error: {:s}\n{:s}\n".format( + str(sys.exc_info()[1]), explanation + ) break - - reactor_vars = ['t_lab', 'T', 'P', 'h_tot', 'h', 's_tot', 's', 'rho', - 'Y', 'X', 'conc', 'wdot', 'wdotfor', 'wdotrev', 'HRR_tot', 'HRR', - 'delta_h', 'delta_s', 'eq_con', 'rate_con', 'rate_con_rev', - 'net_ROP', 'for_ROP', 'rev_ROP'] - - num = {'reac': np.sum(gas.reactant_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), - 'prod': np.sum(gas.product_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), - 'rxns': gas.n_reactions} - + + reactor_vars = [ + "t_lab", + "T", + "P", + "h_tot", + "h", + "s_tot", + "s", + "rho", + "Y", + "X", + "conc", + "wdot", + "wdotfor", + "wdotrev", + "HRR_tot", + "HRR", + "delta_h", + "delta_s", + "eq_con", + "rate_con", + "rate_con_rev", + "net_ROP", + "for_ROP", + "rev_ROP", + ] + + num = { + "reac": np.sum(gas.reactant_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), + "prod": np.sum(gas.product_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0), + "rxns": gas.n_reactions, + } + SIM = Simulation_Result(num, states, reactor_vars) - SIM.finalize(self.ODE_success, ind_var, var['observable'], units='CGS') + SIM.finalize(self.ODE_success, ind_var, var["observable"], units="CGS") - return SIM, details \ No newline at end of file + return SIM, details diff --git a/src/calculate/shock_fcns.py b/src/calculate/shock_fcns.py index d034c20..71ef6f3 100644 --- a/src/calculate/shock_fcns.py +++ b/src/calculate/shock_fcns.py @@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ def drhodz_per_rxn(states, L=0.1, As=0.2, A1=0.2, area_change=False, rxnNum=None T = states.T cp = states.cp_mass Wmix = states.mean_molecular_weight - nu_fwd = states.product_stoich_coeffs() - nu_rev = states.reactant_stoich_coeffs() + nu_fwd = states.product_stoich_coeffs + nu_rev = states.reactant_stoich_coeffs delta_N = np.sum(nu_fwd, axis=0) - np.sum(nu_rev, axis=0) if rxnNum is None: diff --git a/src/ck2yaml.py b/src/ck2yaml.py deleted file mode 100644 index ec69d84..0000000 --- a/src/ck2yaml.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2219 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# encoding: utf-8 - -# This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or -# at https://cantera.org/license.txt for license and copyright information. - -""" -ck2yaml.py: Convert Chemkin-format mechanisms to Cantera YAML input files - -Usage: - ck2yaml [--input=] - [--thermo=] - [--transport=] - [--surface=] - [--name=] - [--extra=] - [--output=] - [--permissive] - [--quiet] - [--no-validate] - [-d | --debug] - -Example: - ck2yaml --input=chem.inp --thermo=therm.dat --transport=tran.dat - -If the output file name is not given, an output file with the same name as the -input file, with the extension changed to '.yaml'. - -An input file containing only species definitions (which can be referenced from -phase definitions in other input files) can be created by specifying only a -thermo file. - -For the case of a surface mechanism, the gas phase input file should be -specified as 'input' and the surface phase input file should be specified as -'surface'. - -The '--permissive' option allows certain recoverable parsing errors (e.g. -duplicate transport data) to be ignored. The '--name=' option -is used to override default phase names (i.e. 'gas'). - -The '--extra=' option takes a YAML file as input. This option can be -used to add to the file description, or to define custom fields that are -included in the YAML output. -""" - -from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict -import logging -import os.path -import sys -import numpy as np -import re -import itertools -import getopt -import textwrap -from email.utils import formatdate - -try: - import ruamel_yaml as yaml -except ImportError: - from ruamel import yaml - -BlockMap = yaml.comments.CommentedMap - -def FlowMap(*args, **kwargs): - m = yaml.comments.CommentedMap(*args, **kwargs) - m.fa.set_flow_style() - return m - -def FlowList(*args, **kwargs): - lst = yaml.comments.CommentedSeq(*args, **kwargs) - lst.fa.set_flow_style() - return lst - -# Improved float formatting requires Numpy >= 1.14 -if hasattr(np, 'format_float_positional'): - def float2string(data): - if data == 0: - return '0.0' - elif 0.01 <= abs(data) < 10000: - return np.format_float_positional(data, trim='0') - else: - return np.format_float_scientific(data, trim='0') -else: - def float2string(data): - return repr(data) - -def represent_float(self, data): - # type: (Any) -> Any - if data != data: - value = '.nan' - elif data == self.inf_value: - value = '.inf' - elif data == -self.inf_value: - value = '-.inf' - else: - value = float2string(data) - - return self.represent_scalar(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:float', value) - -yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(float, represent_float) - -QUANTITY_UNITS = {'MOL': 'mol', - 'MOLE': 'mol', - 'MOLES': 'mol', - 'MOLEC': 'molec', - 'MOLECULES': 'molec'} - -ENERGY_UNITS = {'CAL/': 'cal/mol', - 'CAL/MOL': 'cal/mol', - 'CAL/MOLE': 'cal/mol', - 'EVOL': 'eV', - 'EVOLTS': 'eV', - 'JOUL': 'J/mol', - 'JOULES/MOL': 'J/mol', - 'JOULES/MOLE': 'J/mol', - 'KCAL': 'kcal/mol', - 'KCAL/MOL': 'kcal/mol', - 'KCAL/MOLE': 'kcal/mol', - 'KELV': 'K', - 'KELVIN': 'K', - 'KELVINS': 'K', - 'KJOU': 'kJ/mol', - 'KJOULES/MOL': 'kJ/mol', - 'KJOULES/MOLE': 'kJ/mol'} - -def strip_nonascii(s): - return s.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode() - - -def compatible_quantities(quantity_basis, units): - if quantity_basis == 'mol': - return 'molec' not in units - elif quantity_basis == 'molec': - return 'molec' in units or 'mol' not in units - else: - raise ValueError('Unknown quantity basis: "{}"'.format(quantity_basis)) - - -class InputError(Exception): - """ - An exception class for exceptional behavior involving Chemkin-format - mechanism files. Pass a string describing the circumstances that caused - the exceptional behavior. - """ - def __init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs): - if args or kwargs: - super().__init__(message.format(*args, **kwargs)) - else: - super().__init__(message) - - -class Species: - def __init__(self, label, sites=None): - self.label = label - self.thermo = None - self.transport = None - self.sites = sites - self.composition = None - self.note = None - - def __str__(self): - return self.label - - @classmethod - def to_yaml(cls, representer, node): - out = BlockMap([('name', node.label), - ('composition', FlowMap(node.composition.items()))]) - if node.thermo: - out['thermo'] = node.thermo - if node.transport: - out['transport'] = node.transport - if node.sites: - out['sites'] = node.sites - if node.note: - out['note'] = node.note - return representer.represent_dict(out) - - -class Nasa7: - """ - Thermodynamic data parameterized as two seven-coefficient NASA - polynomials. - See https://cantera.org/science/science-species.html#the-nasa-7-coefficient-polynomial-parameterization - """ - def __init__(self, *, Tmin, Tmax, Tmid, low_coeffs, high_coeffs, note=''): - self.Tmin = Tmin - self.Tmax = Tmax - self.Tmid = Tmid - self.low_coeffs = low_coeffs - self.high_coeffs = high_coeffs - self.note = note - - @classmethod - def to_yaml(cls, representer, node): - out = BlockMap([('model', 'NASA7')]) - out['temperature-ranges'] = FlowList([node.Tmin, node.Tmid, node.Tmax]) - out['data'] = [FlowList(node.low_coeffs), FlowList(node.high_coeffs)] - if node.note: - note = textwrap.dedent(node.note.rstrip()) - if '\n' in note: - note = yaml.scalarstring.PreservedScalarString(note) - out['note'] = note - return representer.represent_dict(out) - - -class Nasa9: - """ - Thermodynamic data parameterized as any number of nine-coefficient NASA - polynomials. - See https://cantera.org/science/science-species.html#the-nasa-9-coefficient-polynomial-parameterization - - :param data: - List of polynomials, where each polynomial is written as - ``` - [(T_low, T_high), [a_0, a_1, ..., a_8]] - ``` - """ - def __init__(self, *, data, note=''): - self.note = note - self.data = list(sorted(data)) - self.Tranges = [self.data[0][0][0]] - for i in range(1, len(data)): - if abs(self.data[i-1][0][1] - self.data[i][0][0]) > 0.01: - raise ValueError('NASA9 polynomials contain non-adjacent temperature ranges') - self.Tranges.append(self.data[i][0][0]) - self.Tranges.append(self.data[-1][0][1]) - - @classmethod - def to_yaml(cls, representer, node): - out = BlockMap([('model', 'NASA9')]) - out['temperature-ranges'] = FlowList(node.Tranges) - out['data'] = [FlowList(poly) for (trange, poly) in node.data] - if node.note: - out['note'] = node.note - return representer.represent_dict(out) - - -class Reaction: - """ - :param index: - A unique nonnegative integer index - :param reactants: - A list of `(stoichiometry, species name)` tuples - :param products: - A list of `(stoichiometry, species name)` tuples - :param kinetics: - A `KineticsModel` instance which describes the rate constant - :param reversible: - Boolean indicating whether the reaction is reversible - :param duplicate: - Boolean indicating whether the reaction is a known (permitted) duplicate - :param forward_orders: - A dictionary specifying a non-default reaction order (value) for each - specified species (key) - :param third_body: - A string name used for the third-body species written in - pressure-dependent reaction types (usually "M") - """ - - def __init__(self, parser, index=-1, reactants=None, products=None, - kinetics=None, reversible=True, duplicate=False, - forward_orders=None, third_body=None): - self.parser = parser - self.index = index - self.reactants = reactants # list of (stoichiometry, species) tuples - self.products = products # list of (stoichiometry, species) tuples - self.kinetics = kinetics - self.reversible = reversible - self.duplicate = duplicate - self.forward_orders = forward_orders or {} - self.third_body = '' - self.comment = '' - - def _coeff_string(self, coeffs): - L = [] - for stoichiometry, species in coeffs: - if stoichiometry != 1: - L.append('{0} {1}'.format(stoichiometry, species)) - else: - L.append(str(species)) - expression = ' + '.join(L) - expression += self.kinetics.reaction_string_suffix(self.third_body) - return expression - - def __str__(self): - """ - Return a string representation of the reaction, e.g. 'A + B <=> C + D'. - """ - return '{}{}{}'.format(self._coeff_string(self.reactants), - ' <=> ' if self.reversible else ' => ', - self._coeff_string(self.products)) - - @classmethod - def to_yaml(cls, representer, node): - out = BlockMap([('equation', str(node))]) - out.yaml_add_eol_comment('Reaction {}'.format(node.index), 'equation') - if node.duplicate: - out['duplicate'] = True - node.kinetics.reduce(out) - if node.forward_orders: - out['orders'] = FlowMap(node.forward_orders) - if any((float(x) < 0 for x in node.forward_orders.values())): - out['negative-orders'] = True - node.parser.warn('Negative reaction order for reaction {} ({}).'.format( - node.index, str(node))) - reactant_names = {r[1].label for r in node.reactants} - if any((species not in reactant_names for species in node.forward_orders)): - out['nonreactant-orders'] = True - node.parser.warn('Non-reactant order for reaction {} ({}).'.format( - node.index, str(node))) - if node.comment: - comment = textwrap.dedent(node.comment.rstrip()) - if '\n' in comment: - comment = yaml.scalarstring.PreservedScalarString(comment) - out['note'] = comment - return representer.represent_dict(out) - - -class KineticsModel: - """ - A base class for kinetics models - """ - pressure_dependent = None # overloaded in derived classes - - def __init__(self): - self.efficiencies = {} - - def reaction_string_suffix(self, species): - """ - Suffix for reactant and product strings, used for pressure-dependent - reactions - """ - return '' - - def reduce(self, output): - """ - Assign data from this object to the YAML mapping ``output`` - """ - raise InputError('reduce is not implemented for objects of class {}', - self.__class__.__name__) - - -class Arrhenius: - """ - Represent a modified Arrhenius rate. - - :param A: - The pre-exponential factor, given as a tuple consisting of a floating - point value and a units string - :param b: - The temperature exponent - :param Ea: - The activation energy, given as a tuple consisting of a floating - point value and a units string - """ - def __init__(self, A=0.0, b=0.0, Ea=0.0, *, parser): - self.A = A - self.b = b - self.Ea = Ea - self.parser = parser - - def as_yaml(self, extra=()): - out = FlowMap(extra) - if compatible_quantities(self.parser.output_quantity_units, self.A[1]): - out['A'] = self.A[0] - else: - out['A'] = "{0:e} {1}".format(*self.A) - - out['b'] = self.b - - if self.Ea[1] == self.parser.output_energy_units: - out['Ea'] = self.Ea[0] - else: - out['Ea'] = "{0} {1}".format(*self.Ea) - - return out - - -class ElementaryRate(KineticsModel): - """ - A reaction rate described by a single Arrhenius expression. - See https://cantera.org/science/reactions.html#reactions-with-a-pressure-independent-rate - - :param rate: - The Arrhenius expression describing this reaction rate. - """ - pressure_dependent = False - - def __init__(self, rate, **kwargs): - KineticsModel.__init__(self, **kwargs) - self.rate = rate - - def reduce(self, output): - output['rate-constant'] = self.rate.as_yaml() - if self.rate.A[0] < 0: - output['negative-A'] = True - -class SurfaceRate(KineticsModel): - """ - An Arrhenius-like reaction occurring on a surface - See https://cantera.org/science/reactions.html#surface-reactions - - :param rate: - The Arrhenius expression describing this reaction rate. - :param coverages: - A list of tuples where each tuple specifies the coverage dependencies - for a species, in the form `(species_name, a_k, m_k, E_k)` - :param is_sticking: - True if the Arrhenius expression is a parameterization of a sticking - coefficient, rather than the rate constant itself. - :param motz_wise: - True if the sticking coefficient should be translated into a rate - coefficient using the correction factor developed by Motz & Wise for - reactions with high (near-unity) sticking coefficients - """ - pressure_dependent = False - - def __init__(self, *, rate, coverages, is_sticking, motz_wise, **kwargs): - KineticsModel.__init__(self, **kwargs) - self.rate = rate - self.coverages = coverages - self.is_sticking = is_sticking - self.motz_wise = motz_wise - - def reduce(self, output): - if self.is_sticking: - output['sticking-coefficient'] = self.rate.as_yaml() - else: - output['rate-constant'] = self.rate.as_yaml() - - if self.motz_wise is not None: - output['Motz-Wise'] = self.motz_wise - - if self.coverages: - covdeps = BlockMap() - for species,A,m,E in self.coverages: - # Energy units for coverage modification match energy units for - # base reaction - if self.rate.Ea[1] != self.rate.parser.output_energy_units: - E = '{} {}'.format(E, self.rate.Ea[1]) - covdeps[species] = FlowList([A, m, E]) - output['coverage-dependencies'] = covdeps - - -class PDepArrhenius(KineticsModel): - """ - A rate calculated by interpolating between Arrhenius expressions at - various pressures. - See https://cantera.org/science/reactions.html#pressure-dependent-arrhenius-rate-expressions-p-log - - :param pressures: - A list of pressures at which Arrhenius expressions are given. - :param pressure_units: - A string indicating the units used for the pressures - :param arrhenius: - A list of `Arrhenius` objects at each given pressure - """ - pressure_dependent = True - - def __init__(self, *, pressures, pressure_units, arrhenius, **kwargs): - KineticsModel.__init__(self, **kwargs) - self.pressures = pressures - self.pressure_units = pressure_units - self.arrhenius = arrhenius or [] - - def reduce(self, output): - output['type'] = 'pressure-dependent-Arrhenius' - rates = [] - for pressure, arrhenius in zip(self.pressures, self.arrhenius): - rates.append(arrhenius.as_yaml( - [('P', '{0} {1}'.format(pressure, self.pressure_units))])) - output['rate-constants'] = rates - - -class Chebyshev(KineticsModel): - """ - A rate calculated in terms of a bivariate Chebyshev polynomial. - See https://cantera.org/science/reactions.html#chebyshev-reaction-rate-expressions - - :param coeffs: - Matrix of Chebyshev coefficients, dimension N_T by N_P - :param Tmin: - Minimum temperature for which the parameterization is valid - :param Tmax: - Maximum temperature for which the parameterization is valid - :param Pmin: - Minimum pressure for which the parameterization is valid, given as a - `(value, units)` tuple - :param Pmax: - Maximum pressure for which the parameterization is valid, given as a - `(value, units)` tuple - :param quantity_units: - Quantity units for the rate constant - """ - pressure_dependent = True - - def __init__(self, coeffs, *, Tmin, Tmax, Pmin, Pmax, quantity_units, - **kwargs): - KineticsModel.__init__(self, **kwargs) - self.Tmin = Tmin - self.Tmax = Tmax - self.Pmin = Pmin - self.Pmax = Pmax - self.coeffs = coeffs - self.quantity_units = quantity_units - - def reaction_string_suffix(self, species): - return ' (+{})'.format(species if species else 'M') - - def reduce(self, output): - output['type'] = 'Chebyshev' - output['temperature-range'] = FlowList([self.Tmin, self.Tmax]) - output['pressure-range'] = FlowList(['{0} {1}'.format(*self.Pmin), - '{0} {1}'.format(*self.Pmax)]) - if self.quantity_units is not None: - output['units'] = FlowMap([('quantity', self.quantity_units)]) - output['data'] = [FlowList(float(v) for v in row) for row in self.coeffs] - - -class ThreeBody(KineticsModel): - """ - A rate calculated for a reaction which includes a third-body collider. - See https://cantera.org/science/reactions.html#three-body-reactions - - :param high_rate: - The Arrhenius kinetics (high-pressure limit) - :param efficiencies: - A mapping of species names to collider efficiencies - """ - pressure_dependent = True - - def __init__(self, high_rate=None, efficiencies=None, **kwargs): - KineticsModel.__init__(self, **kwargs) - self.high_rate = high_rate - self.efficiencies = efficiencies or {} - - def reaction_string_suffix(self, species): - return ' + M' - - def reduce(self, output): - output['type'] = 'three-body' - output['rate-constant'] = self.high_rate.as_yaml() - if self.high_rate.A[0] < 0: - output['negative-A'] = True - if self.efficiencies: - output['efficiencies'] = FlowMap(self.efficiencies) - - -class Falloff(ThreeBody): - """ - A rate for a pressure-dependent falloff reaction. - See https://cantera.org/science/reactions.html#falloff-reactions - - :param low_rate: - The Arrhenius kinetics at the low-pressure limit - :param high_rate: - The Arrhenius kinetics at the high-pressure limit - :param efficiencies: - A mapping of species names to collider efficiencies - :param F: - Falloff function parameterization - """ - def __init__(self, low_rate=None, F=None, **kwargs): - ThreeBody.__init__(self, **kwargs) - self.low_rate = low_rate - self.F = F - - def reaction_string_suffix(self, species): - return ' (+{})'.format(species) - - def reduce(self, output): - output['type'] = 'falloff' - output['low-P-rate-constant'] = self.low_rate.as_yaml() - output['high-P-rate-constant'] = self.high_rate.as_yaml() - if self.high_rate.A[0] < 0 and self.low_rate.A[0] < 0: - output['negative-A'] = True - if self.F: - self.F.reduce(output) - if self.efficiencies: - output['efficiencies'] = FlowMap(self.efficiencies) - - -class ChemicallyActivated(ThreeBody): - """ - A rate for a chemically-activated reaction. - See https://cantera.org/science/reactions.html#chemically-activated-reactions - - :param low_rate: - The Arrhenius kinetics at the low-pressure limit - :param high_rate: - The Arrhenius kinetics at the high-pressure limit - :param efficiencies: - A mapping of species names to collider efficiencies - :param F: - Falloff function parameterization - """ - def __init__(self, low_rate=None, F=None, **kwargs): - ThreeBody.__init__(self, **kwargs) - self.low_rate = low_rate - self.F = F - - def reaction_string_suffix(self, species): - return ' (+{})'.format(species) - - def reduce(self, output): - output['type'] = 'chemically-activated' - output['low-P-rate-constant'] = self.low_rate.as_yaml() - output['high-P-rate-constant'] = self.high_rate.as_yaml() - if self.high_rate.A[0] < 0 and self.low_rate.A[0] < 0: - output['negative-A'] = True - if self.F: - self.F.reduce(output) - if self.efficiencies: - output['efficiencies'] = FlowMap(self.efficiencies) - - -class Troe: - """ - The Troe falloff function, described with either 3 or 4 parameters. - See https://cantera.org/science/reactions.html#the-troe-falloff-function - """ - def __init__(self, A=0.0, T3=0.0, T1=0.0, T2=None): - self.A = A - self.T3 = T3 - self.T1 = T1 - self.T2 = T2 - - def reduce(self, output): - troe = FlowMap([('A', self.A), ('T3', self.T3), ('T1', self.T1)]) - if self.T2 is not None: - troe['T2'] = self.T2 - output['Troe'] = troe - - -class Sri: - """ - The SRI falloff function, described with either 3 or 5 parameters. - See https://cantera.org/science/reactions.html#the-sri-falloff-function - """ - def __init__(self, *, A, B, C, D=None, E=None): - self.A = A - self.B = B - self.C = C - self.D = D - self.E = E - - def reduce(self, output): - sri = FlowMap([('A', self.A), ('B', self.B), ('C', self.C)]) - if self.D: - sri['D'] = self.D - if self.E: - sri['E'] = self.E - - output['SRI'] = sri - - -class TransportData: - geometry_flags = ['atom', 'linear', 'nonlinear'] - - def __init__(self, label, geometry, well_depth, collision_diameter, - dipole_moment, polarizability, z_rot, note=''): - - try: - geometry = int(geometry) - except ValueError: - raise InputError( - "Bad geometry flag '{}' for species '{}', is the flag a float " - "or character? It should be an integer.", geometry, label) - if geometry not in (0, 1, 2): - raise InputError("Bad geometry flag '{}' for species '{}'", - geometry, label) - - self.geometry = self.geometry_flags[int(geometry)] - self.well_depth = float(well_depth) - self.collision_diameter = float(collision_diameter) - self.dipole_moment = float(dipole_moment) - self.polarizability = float(polarizability) - self.z_rot = float(z_rot) - self.note = note.strip() - - @classmethod - def to_yaml(cls, representer, node): - out = BlockMap([('model', 'gas'), - ('geometry', node.geometry), - ('well-depth', node.well_depth), - ('diameter', node.collision_diameter)]) - if node.dipole_moment: - out['dipole'] = node.dipole_moment - if node.polarizability: - out['polarizability'] = node.polarizability - if node.z_rot: - out['rotational-relaxation'] = node.z_rot - if node.note: - out['note'] = node.note - return representer.represent_dict(out) - - -def fortFloat(s): - """ - Convert a string representation of a floating point value to a float, - allowing for some of the peculiarities of allowable Fortran representations. - """ - return float(s.strip().lower().replace('d', 'e').replace('e ', 'e+')) - - -def get_index(seq, value): - """ - Find the first location in *seq* which contains a case-insensitive, - whitespace-insensitive match for *value*. Returns *None* if no match is - found. - """ - if isinstance(seq, str): - seq = seq.split() - value = value.lower().strip() - for i, item in enumerate(seq): - if item.lower() == value: - return i - return None - - -def contains(seq, value): - if isinstance(seq, str): - return value.lower() in seq.lower() - else: - return get_index(seq, value) is not None - - -class Surface: - def __init__(self, name, site_density): - self.name = name - self.site_density = site_density - self.species_list = [] - self.reactions = [] - - -class Parser: - def __init__(self): - self.processed_units = False - self.energy_units = 'cal/mol' # for the current REACTIONS section - self.output_energy_units = 'cal/mol' # for the output file - self.quantity_units = 'mol' # for the current REACTIONS section - self.output_quantity_units = 'mol' # for the output file - self.motz_wise = None - self.warning_as_error = True - - self.elements = [] - self.element_weights = {} # for custom elements only - self.species_list = [] # bulk species only - self.species_dict = {} # bulk and surface species - self.surfaces = [] - self.reactions = [] - self.header_lines = [] - self.extra = {} # for extra entries - self.files = [] # input file names - - def warn(self, message): - if self.warning_as_error: - raise InputError(message) - else: - logging.warning(message) - - @staticmethod - def parse_composition(elements, nElements, width): - """ - Parse the elemental composition from a 7 or 9 coefficient NASA polynomial - entry. - """ - composition = {} - for i in range(nElements): - symbol = elements[width*i:width*i+2].strip() - count = elements[width*i+2:width*i+width].strip() - if not symbol: - continue - try: - # Convert to float first for cases where ``count`` is a string - # like "2.00". - count = int(float(count)) - if count: - composition[symbol.capitalize()] = count - except ValueError: - pass - return composition - - @staticmethod - def get_rate_constant_units(length_dims, length_units, quantity_dims, - quantity_units, time_dims=1, time_units='s'): - - units = '' - if length_dims: - units += length_units - if length_dims > 1: - units += '^' + str(length_dims) - if quantity_dims: - units += '/' + quantity_units - if quantity_dims > 1: - units += '^' + str(quantity_dims) - if time_dims: - units += '/' + time_units - if time_dims > 1: - units += '^' + str(time_dims) - if units.startswith('/'): - units = '1' + units - return units - - def add_element(self, element_string): - if '/' in element_string: - name, weight, _ = element_string.split('/') - weight = fortFloat(weight) - name = name.capitalize() - self.elements.append(name) - self.element_weights[name] = weight - else: - self.elements.append(element_string.capitalize()) - - def read_NASA7_entry(self, lines, TintDefault, comments): - """ - Read a thermodynamics entry for one species in a Chemkin-format file - (consisting of two 7-coefficient NASA polynomials). Returns the label of - the species, the thermodynamics model as a :class:`Nasa7` object, and - the elemental composition of the species. - - For more details on this format, see `Debugging common errors in CK files - `__. - """ - identifier = lines[0][0:24].split() - species = identifier[0].strip() - - if len(identifier) > 1: - note = ''.join(identifier[1:]).strip() - else: - note = '' - - comments = '\n'.join(c.rstrip() for c in comments if c.strip()) - if comments and note: - note = '\n'.join((note, comments)) - elif comments: - note = comments - - # Normal method for specifying the elemental composition - composition = self.parse_composition(lines[0][24:44], 4, 5) - - # Chemkin-style extended elemental composition: additional lines - # indicated by '&' continuation character on preceding lines. Element - # names and abundances are separated by whitespace (not fixed width) - if lines[0].rstrip().endswith('&'): - complines = [] - for i in range(len(lines)-1): - if lines[i].rstrip().endswith('&'): - complines.append(lines[i+1]) - else: - break - lines = [lines[0]] + lines[i+1:] - comp = ' '.join(line.rstrip('&\n') for line in complines).split() - composition = {} - for i in range(0, len(comp), 2): - composition[comp[i].capitalize()] = int(comp[i+1]) - - # Non-standard extended elemental composition data may be located beyond - # column 80 on the first line of the thermo entry - if len(lines[0]) > 80: - elements = lines[0][80:] - composition2 = self.parse_composition(elements, len(elements)//10, 10) - composition.update(composition2) - - if not composition: - raise InputError("Error parsing elemental composition for " - "species '{}'", species) - - # Extract the NASA polynomial coefficients - # Remember that the high-T polynomial comes first! - Tmin = fortFloat(lines[0][45:55]) - Tmax = fortFloat(lines[0][55:65]) - try: - Tint = fortFloat(lines[0][65:75]) - except ValueError: - Tint = TintDefault - - high_coeffs = [fortFloat(lines[i][j:k]) - for i,j,k in [(1,0,15), (1,15,30), (1,30,45), (1,45,60), - (1,60,75), (2,0,15), (2,15,30)]] - low_coeffs = [fortFloat(lines[i][j:k]) - for i,j,k in [(2,30,45), (2,45,60), (2,60,75), (3,0,15), - (3,15,30), (3,30,45), (3,45,60)]] - - # Duplicate the valid set of coefficients if only one range is provided - if all(c == 0 for c in low_coeffs) and Tmin == Tint: - low_coeffs = high_coeffs - elif all(c == 0 for c in high_coeffs) and Tmax == Tint: - high_coeffs = low_coeffs - - # Construct and return the thermodynamics model - thermo = Nasa7(Tmin=Tmin, Tmax=Tmax, Tmid=Tint, - low_coeffs=low_coeffs, high_coeffs=high_coeffs, - note=note) - - return species, thermo, composition - - def read_NASA9_entry(self, entry, comments): - """ - Read a thermodynamics ``entry`` for one species given as one or more - 9-coefficient NASA polynomials, written in the format described in - Appendix A of NASA Reference Publication 1311 (McBride and Gordon, 1996). - Returns the label of the species, the thermodynamics model as a - :class:`Nasa9` object, and the elemental composition of the species - """ - tokens = entry[0].split() - species = tokens[0] - note = ' '.join(tokens[1:]) - N = int(entry[1][:2]) - note2 = entry[1][3:9].strip() - if note and note2: - note = '{0} [{1}]'.format(note, note2) - elif note2: - note = note2 - - comments = '\n'.join(c.rstrip() for c in comments if c.strip()) - if comments and note: - note = '\n'.join((note, comments)) - elif comments: - note = comments - - composition = self.parse_composition(entry[1][10:50], 5, 8) - - polys = [] - try: - for i in range(N): - A, B, C = entry[2+3*i:2+3*(i+1)] - Trange = [fortFloat(A[1:11]), fortFloat(A[11:21])] - coeffs = [fortFloat(B[0:16]), fortFloat(B[16:32]), - fortFloat(B[32:48]), fortFloat(B[48:64]), - fortFloat(B[64:80]), fortFloat(C[0:16]), - fortFloat(C[16:32]), fortFloat(C[48:64]), - fortFloat(C[64:80])] - polys.append((Trange, coeffs)) - except (IndexError, ValueError) as err: - raise InputError('Error while reading thermo entry for species {}:\n{}', - species, err) - - thermo = Nasa9(data=polys, note=note) - - return species, thermo, composition - - def setup_kinetics(self): - # We look for species including the next permissible character. '\n' is - # appended to the reaction string to identify the last species in the - # reaction string. Checking this character is necessary to correctly - # identify species with names ending in '+' or '='. - self.species_tokens = set() - for next_char in ('<', '=', '(', '+', '\n'): - self.species_tokens.update(k + next_char for k in self.species_dict) - self.other_tokens = {'M': 'third-body', 'm': 'third-body', - '(+M)': 'falloff3b', '(+m)': 'falloff3b', - '<=>': 'equal', '=>': 'equal', '=': 'equal', - 'HV': 'photon', 'hv': 'photon'} - self.other_tokens.update(('(+{})'.format(k), 'falloff3b: {}'.format(k)) - for k in self.species_dict) - self.Slen = max(map(len, self.other_tokens)) - - def read_kinetics_entry(self, entry, surface): - """ - Read a kinetics ``entry`` for a single reaction as loaded from a - Chemkin-format file. Returns a :class:`Reaction` object with the - reaction and its associated kinetics. - """ - - # Handle non-default units which apply to this entry - energy_units = self.energy_units - quantity_units = self.quantity_units - if 'units' in entry.lower(): - for units in sorted(QUANTITY_UNITS, key=lambda k: -len(k)): - pattern = re.compile(r'units *\/ *{} *\/'.format(re.escape(units)), - flags=re.IGNORECASE) - m = pattern.search(entry) - if m: - entry = pattern.sub('', entry) - quantity_units = QUANTITY_UNITS[units] - break - - for units in sorted(ENERGY_UNITS, key=lambda k: -len(k)): - pattern = re.compile(r'units *\/ *{} *\/'.format(re.escape(units)), - re.IGNORECASE) - m = pattern.search(entry) - if m: - entry = pattern.sub('', entry) - energy_units = ENERGY_UNITS[units] - break - - lines = entry.strip().splitlines() - - # The first line contains the reaction equation and a set of modified Arrhenius parameters - tokens = lines[0].split() - A = float(tokens[-3]) - b = float(tokens[-2]) - Ea = float(tokens[-1]) - reaction = ''.join(tokens[:-3]) + '\n' - original_reaction = reaction # for use in error messages - - # Identify tokens in the reaction expression in order of - # decreasing length - locs = {} - for i in range(self.Slen, 0, -1): - for j in range(len(reaction)-i+1): - test = reaction[j:j+i] - if test in self.species_tokens: - reaction = reaction[:j] + ' '*(i-1) + reaction[j+i-1:] - locs[j] = test[:-1], 'species' - elif test in self.other_tokens: - reaction = reaction[:j] + '\n'*i + reaction[j+i:] - locs[j] = test, self.other_tokens[test] - - # Anything that's left should be a stoichiometric coefficient or a '+' - # between species - for token in reaction.split(): - j = reaction.find(token) - i = len(token) - reaction = reaction[:j] + ' '*i + reaction[j+i:] - if token == '+': - continue - - try: - locs[j] = int(token), 'coeff' - except ValueError: - try: - locs[j] = float(token), 'coeff' - except ValueError: - raise InputError('Unexpected token "{}" in reaction expression "{}".', - token, original_reaction) - - reactants = [] - products = [] - stoichiometry = 1 - lhs = True - for token, kind in [v for k,v in sorted(locs.items())]: - if kind == 'equal': - reversible = token in ('<=>', '=') - lhs = False - elif kind == 'coeff': - stoichiometry = token - elif lhs: - reactants.append((stoichiometry, token, kind)) - stoichiometry = 1 - else: - products.append((stoichiometry, token, kind)) - stoichiometry = 1 - - if lhs: - raise InputError("Failed to find reactant/product delimiter in reaction string.") - - # Create a new Reaction object for this reaction - reaction = Reaction(reactants=[], products=[], reversible=reversible, - parser=self) - - def parse_expression(expression, dest): - third_body_name = None - third_body = False # simple third body reaction (non-falloff) - photon = False - for stoichiometry, species, kind in expression: - if kind == 'third-body': - third_body = True - third_body_name = 'M' - elif kind == 'falloff3b': - third_body_name = 'M' - elif kind.startswith('falloff3b:'): - third_body_name = kind.split()[1] - elif kind == 'photon': - photon = True - else: - dest.append((stoichiometry, self.species_dict[species])) - - return third_body_name, third_body, photon - - third_body_name_r, third_body, photon_r = parse_expression(reactants, reaction.reactants) - third_body_name_p, third_body, photon_p = parse_expression(products, reaction.products) - - if third_body_name_r != third_body_name_p: - raise InputError('Third bodies do not match: "{}" and "{}" in' - ' reaction entry:\n\n{}', third_body_name_r, third_body_name_p, entry) - - if photon_r: - raise InputError('Reactant photon not supported. ' - 'Found in reaction:\n{}', entry.strip()) - if photon_p and reversible: - self.warn('Found reversible reaction containing a product photon:' - '\n{0}\nIf the "--permissive" option was specified, this will ' - 'be converted to an irreversible reaction with the photon ' - 'removed.'.format(entry.strip())) - reaction.reversible = False - - reaction.third_body = third_body_name_r - - # Determine the appropriate units for k(T) and k(T,P) based on the number of reactants - # This assumes elementary kinetics for all reactions - rStoich = sum(r[0] for r in reaction.reactants) + (1 if third_body else 0) - if rStoich < 1: - raise InputError('No reactant species for reaction {}.', reaction) - - length_dim = 3 * (rStoich - 1) - quantity_dim = rStoich - 1 - kunits = self.get_rate_constant_units(length_dim, 'cm', - quantity_dim, quantity_units) - klow_units = self.get_rate_constant_units(length_dim + 3, 'cm', - quantity_dim + 1, quantity_units) - - # The rest of the first line contains Arrhenius parameters - arrhenius = Arrhenius( - A=(A, kunits), - b=b, - Ea=(Ea, energy_units), - parser=self - ) - - low_rate = None - high_rate = None - falloff = None - pdep_arrhenius = [] - efficiencies = {} - coverages = [] - cheb_coeffs = [] - revReaction = None - is_sticking = None - motz_wise = None - Tmin = Tmax = Pmin = Pmax = None # Chebyshev parameters - degreeT = degreeP = None - - # Note that the subsequent lines could be in any order - for line in lines[1:]: - if not line.strip(): - continue - tokens = line.split('/') - parsed = False - - if 'stick' in line.lower(): - parsed = True - is_sticking = True - - if 'mwon' in line.lower(): - parsed = True - motz_wise = True - - if 'mwoff' in line.lower(): - parsed = True - motz_wise = False - - if 'dup' in line.lower(): - # Duplicate reaction - parsed = True - reaction.duplicate = True - - if 'low' in line.lower(): - # Low-pressure-limit Arrhenius parameters for "falloff" reaction - parsed = True - tokens = tokens[1].split() - low_rate = Arrhenius( - A=(float(tokens[0].strip()), klow_units), - b=float(tokens[1].strip()), - Ea=(float(tokens[2].strip()), energy_units), - parser=self - ) - - elif 'high' in line.lower(): - # High-pressure-limit Arrhenius parameters for "chemically - # activated" reaction - parsed = True - tokens = tokens[1].split() - high_rate = Arrhenius( - A=(float(tokens[0].strip()), kunits), - b=float(tokens[1].strip()), - Ea=(float(tokens[2].strip()), energy_units), - parser=self - ) - # Need to fix units on the base reaction: - arrhenius.A = (arrhenius.A[0], klow_units) - - elif 'rev' in line.lower(): - parsed = True - reaction.reversible = False - tokens = tokens[1].split() - # If the A factor in the rev line is zero, don't create the reverse reaction - if float(tokens[0].strip()) != 0.0: - # Create a reaction proceeding in the opposite direction - revReaction = Reaction(reactants=reaction.products, - products=reaction.reactants, - third_body=reaction.third_body, - reversible=False, - parser=self) - - rev_rate = Arrhenius( - A=(float(tokens[0].strip()), klow_units), - b=float(tokens[1].strip()), - Ea=(float(tokens[2].strip()), energy_units), - parser=self - ) - if third_body: - revReaction.kinetics = ThreeBody(rev_rate) - else: - revReaction.kinetics = ElementaryRate(rev_rate) - - elif 'ford' in line.lower(): - parsed = True - tokens = tokens[1].split() - reaction.forward_orders[tokens[0].strip()] = float(tokens[1]) - - elif 'troe' in line.lower(): - # Troe falloff parameters - parsed = True - tokens = tokens[1].split() - falloff = Troe(A=float(tokens[0].strip()), - T3=float(tokens[1].strip()), - T1=float(tokens[2].strip()), - T2=float(tokens[3].strip()) if len(tokens) > 3 else None) - elif 'sri' in line.lower(): - # SRI falloff parameters - parsed = True - tokens = tokens[1].split() - A = float(tokens[0].strip()) - B = float(tokens[1].strip()) - C = float(tokens[2].strip()) - try: - D = float(tokens[3].strip()) - E = float(tokens[4].strip()) - except (IndexError, ValueError): - D = None - E = None - - if D is None or E is None: - falloff = Sri(A=A, B=B, C=C) - else: - falloff = Sri(A=A, B=B, C=C, D=D, E=E) - - elif 'cov' in line.lower(): - parsed = True - C = tokens[1].split() - coverages.append( - [C[0], fortFloat(C[1]), fortFloat(C[2]), fortFloat(C[3])]) - - elif 'cheb' in line.lower(): - # Chebyshev parameters - parsed = True - tokens = [t.strip() for t in tokens] - if contains(tokens, 'TCHEB'): - index = get_index(tokens, 'TCHEB') - tokens2 = tokens[index+1].split() - Tmin = float(tokens2[0].strip()) - Tmax = float(tokens2[1].strip()) - if contains(tokens, 'PCHEB'): - index = get_index(tokens, 'PCHEB') - tokens2 = tokens[index+1].split() - Pmin = (float(tokens2[0].strip()), 'atm') - Pmax = (float(tokens2[1].strip()), 'atm') - if contains(tokens, 'TCHEB') or contains(tokens, 'PCHEB'): - pass - elif degreeT is None or degreeP is None: - tokens2 = tokens[1].split() - degreeT = int(float(tokens2[0].strip())) - degreeP = int(float(tokens2[1].strip())) - cheb_coeffs.extend([float(t.strip()) for t in tokens2[2:]]) - else: - tokens2 = tokens[1].split() - cheb_coeffs.extend([float(t.strip()) for t in tokens2]) - - elif 'plog' in line.lower(): - # Pressure-dependent Arrhenius parameters - parsed = True - tokens = tokens[1].split() - pdep_arrhenius.append([float(tokens[0].strip()), Arrhenius( - A=(float(tokens[1].strip()), kunits), - b=float(tokens[2].strip()), - Ea=(float(tokens[3].strip()), energy_units), - parser=self - )]) - elif len(tokens) >= 2: - # Assume a list of collider efficiencies - parsed = True - for collider, efficiency in zip(tokens[0::2], tokens[1::2]): - efficiencies[collider.strip()] = float(efficiency.strip()) - - if not parsed: - raise InputError('Unparsable line:\n"""\n{}\n"""', line) - - # Decide which kinetics to keep and store them on the reaction object. - # At most one of the special cases should be true - tests = [cheb_coeffs, pdep_arrhenius, low_rate, high_rate, third_body, - surface] - if sum(bool(t) for t in tests) > 1: - raise InputError('Reaction {} contains parameters for more than ' - 'one reaction type.', original_reaction) - - if cheb_coeffs: - if Tmin is None or Tmax is None: - raise InputError('Missing TCHEB line for reaction {}', reaction) - if Pmin is None or Pmax is None: - raise InputError('Missing PCHEB line for reaction {}', reaction) - if len(cheb_coeffs) != degreeT * degreeP: - raise InputError('Incorrect number of Chebyshev coefficients. ' - 'Expected {}*{} = {} but got {}', degreeT, degreeP, - degreeT * degreeP, len(cheb_coeffs)) - if quantity_units == self.quantity_units: - quantity_units = None - reaction.kinetics = Chebyshev( - Tmin=Tmin, Tmax=Tmax, Pmin=Pmin, Pmax=Pmax, - quantity_units=quantity_units, - coeffs=np.array(cheb_coeffs, np.float64).reshape((degreeT, degreeP))) - elif pdep_arrhenius: - reaction.kinetics = PDepArrhenius( - pressures=[P for P, arrh in pdep_arrhenius], - pressure_units="atm", - arrhenius=[arrh for P, arrh in pdep_arrhenius] - ) - elif low_rate is not None: - reaction.kinetics = Falloff(high_rate=arrhenius, - low_rate=low_rate, - F=falloff, - efficiencies=efficiencies) - elif high_rate is not None: - reaction.kinetics = ChemicallyActivated(high_rate=high_rate, - low_rate=arrhenius, - F=falloff, - efficiencies=efficiencies) - elif third_body: - reaction.kinetics = ThreeBody(high_rate=arrhenius, - efficiencies=efficiencies) - elif reaction.third_body: - raise InputError('Reaction equation implies pressure ' - 'dependence but no alternate rate parameters (i.e. HIGH or ' - 'LOW) were given for reaction {}', reaction) - elif surface: - reaction.kinetics = SurfaceRate(rate=arrhenius, - coverages=coverages, - is_sticking=is_sticking, - motz_wise=motz_wise) - else: - reaction.kinetics = ElementaryRate(arrhenius) - - if revReaction: - revReaction.duplicate = reaction.duplicate - revReaction.kinetics.efficiencies = reaction.kinetics.efficiencies - - return reaction, revReaction - - def load_extra_file(self, path): - """ - Load YAML-formatted entries from ``path`` on disk. - """ - with open(path, 'rt', encoding="utf-8") as stream: - yml = yaml.round_trip_load(stream) - - # do not overwrite reserved field names - reserved = {'generator', 'input-files', 'cantera-version', 'date', - 'units', 'phases', 'species', 'reactions'} - reserved &= set(yml.keys()) - if reserved: - raise InputError("The YAML file '{}' provided as '--extra' input " - "must not redefine reserved field name: " - "'{}'".format(path, reserved)) - - # replace header lines - if 'description' in yml: - if isinstance(yml['description'], str): - if self.header_lines: - self.header_lines += [''] - self.header_lines += yml.pop('description').split('\n') - else: - raise InputError("The alternate description provided in " - "'{}' needs to be a string".format(path)) - - # remainder - self.extra = yml - - def load_chemkin_file(self, path, skip_undeclared_species=True, surface=False): - """ - Load a Chemkin-format input file from ``path`` on disk. - """ - transportLines = [] - self.line_number = 0 - - with open(path, 'r', errors='ignore') as ck_file: - - def readline(): - self.line_number += 1 - line = strip_nonascii(ck_file.readline()) - if '!' in line: - return line.split('!', 1) - elif line: - return line, '' - else: - return None, None - - # @TODO: This loop is a bit of a mess, and could probably be cleaned - # up by refactoring it into a set of methods for processing each - # input file section. - line, comment = readline() - advance = True - inHeader = True - header = [] - indent = 80 - while line is not None: - tokens = line.split() or [''] - if inHeader and not line.strip(): - header.append(comment.rstrip()) - if comment.strip() != '': # skip indent calculation if empty - indent = min(indent, re.search('[^ ]', comment).start()) - - if tokens[0].upper().startswith('ELEM'): - inHeader = False - tokens = tokens[1:] - while line is not None and get_index(line, 'END') is None: - # Grudging support for implicit end of section - start = line.strip().upper().split() - if start and start[0] in ('SPEC', 'SPECIES'): - self.warn('"ELEMENTS" section implicitly ended by start of ' - 'next section on line {0}.'.format(self.line_number)) - advance = False - tokens.pop() - break - - line, comment = readline() - # Normalize custom atomic weights - line = re.sub(r'\s*/\s*([0-9\.EeDd+-]+)\s*/', r'/\1/ ', line) - tokens.extend(line.split()) - - for token in tokens: - if token.upper() == 'END': - break - self.add_element(token) - - elif tokens[0].upper().startswith('SPEC'): - # List of species identifiers - species = tokens[1:] - inHeader = False - comments = {} - while line is not None and get_index(line, 'END') is None: - # Grudging support for implicit end of section - start = line.strip().upper().split() - if start and start[0] in ('REAC', 'REACTIONS', 'TRAN', - 'TRANSPORT', 'THER', 'THERMO'): - self.warn('"SPECIES" section implicitly ended by start of ' - 'next section on line {0}.'.format(self.line_number)) - advance = False - species.pop() - # Fix the case where there THERMO ALL or REAC UNITS - # ends the species section - if (species[-1].upper().startswith('THER') or - species[-1].upper().startswith('REAC')): - species.pop() - break - - line, comment = readline() - comment = comment.strip() - line_species = line.split() - if len(line_species) == 1 and comment: - comments[line_species[0]] = comment - species.extend(line_species) - - for token in species: - if token.upper() == 'END': - break - if token in self.species_dict: - species = self.species_dict[token] - self.warn('Found additional declaration of species {}'.format(species)) - else: - species = Species(label=token) - if token in comments: - species.note = comments[token] - self.species_dict[token] = species - self.species_list.append(species) - - elif tokens[0].upper().startswith('SITE'): - # List of species identifiers for surface species - if '/' in tokens[0]: - surf_name = tokens[0].split('/')[1] - else: - surf_name = 'surface{}'.format(len(self.surfaces)+1) - tokens = tokens[1:] - site_density = None - for token in tokens[:]: - if token.upper().startswith('SDEN/'): - site_density = fortFloat(token.split('/')[1]) - tokens.remove(token) - - if site_density is None: - raise InputError('SITE section defined with no site density') - self.surfaces.append(Surface(name=surf_name, - site_density=site_density)) - surf = self.surfaces[-1] - - inHeader = False - while line is not None and get_index(line, 'END') is None: - # Grudging support for implicit end of section - start = line.strip().upper().split() - if start and start[0] in ('REAC', 'REACTIONS', 'THER', - 'THERMO'): - self.warn('"SITE" section implicitly ended by start of ' - 'next section on line {}.'.format(self.line_number)) - advance = False - tokens.pop() - # Fix the case where there THERMO ALL or REAC UNITS - # ends the species section - if (tokens[-1].upper().startswith('THER') or - tokens[-1].upper().startswith('REAC')): - tokens.pop() - break - - line, comment = readline() - tokens.extend(line.split()) - - for token in tokens: - if token.upper() == 'END': - break - if token.count('/') == 2: - # species occupies a specific number of sites - token, sites, _ = token.split('/') - sites = float(sites) - else: - sites = None - if token in self.species_dict: - species = self.species_dict[token] - self.warn('Found additional declaration of species {0}'.format(species)) - else: - species = Species(label=token, sites=sites) - self.species_dict[token] = species - surf.species_list.append(species) - - elif tokens[0].upper().startswith('THER') and contains(line, 'NASA9'): - inHeader = False - entryLength = None - entry = [] - # Gather comments on lines preceding and within this entry - comments = [] - while line is not None and get_index(line, 'END') != 0: - # Grudging support for implicit end of section - start = line.strip().upper().split() - if start and start[0] in ('REAC', 'REACTIONS', 'TRAN', 'TRANSPORT'): - self.warn('"THERMO" section implicitly ended by start of ' - 'next section on line {0}.'.format(self.line_number)) - advance = False - tokens.pop() - break - - line, comment = readline() - comments.append(comment) - if not line: - continue - - if entryLength is None: - entryLength = 0 - # special case if (redundant) temperature ranges are - # given as the first line - try: - s = line.split() - float(s[0]), float(s[1]), float(s[2]) - continue - except (IndexError, ValueError): - pass - - entry.append(line) - if len(entry) == 2: - entryLength = 2 + 3 * int(line.split()[0]) - - if len(entry) == entryLength: - label, thermo, comp = self.read_NASA9_entry(entry, comments) - comments = [] - entry = [] - if label not in self.species_dict: - if skip_undeclared_species: - logging.info('Skipping unexpected species "{0}" while reading thermodynamics entry.'.format(label)) - continue - else: - # Add a new species entry - species = Species(label=label) - self.species_dict[label] = species - self.species_list.append(species) - else: - species = self.species_dict[label] - - # use the first set of thermo data found - if species.thermo is not None: - self.warn('Found additional thermo entry for species {0}. ' - 'If --permissive was given, the first entry is used.'.format(label)) - else: - species.thermo = thermo - species.composition = comp - - elif tokens[0].upper().startswith('THER'): - # List of thermodynamics (hopefully one per species!) - inHeader = False - line, comment = readline() - if line is not None and get_index(line, 'END') is None: - TintDefault = float(line.split()[1]) - thermo = [] - current = [] - # Gather comments on lines preceding and within this entry - comments = [comment] - while line is not None and get_index(line, 'END') != 0: - # Grudging support for implicit end of section - start = line.strip().upper().split() - if start and start[0] in ('REAC', 'REACTIONS', 'TRAN', 'TRANSPORT'): - self.warn('"THERMO" section implicitly ended by start of ' - 'next section on line {0}.'.format(self.line_number)) - advance = False - tokens.pop() - break - - if comment: - current.append('!'.join((line, comment))) - else: - current.append(line) - if len(line) >= 80 and line[79] in ['1', '2', '3', '4']: - thermo.append(line) - if line[79] == '4': - try: - label, thermo, comp = self.read_NASA7_entry(thermo, TintDefault, comments) - except Exception as e: - error_line_number = self.line_number - len(current) + 1 - error_entry = ''.join(current).rstrip() - logging.info( - 'Error while reading thermo entry starting on line {0}:\n' - '"""\n{1}\n"""'.format(error_line_number, error_entry) - ) - raise - - if label not in self.species_dict: - if skip_undeclared_species: - logging.info('Skipping unexpected species "{0}" while reading thermodynamics entry.'.format(label)) - thermo = [] - line, comment = readline() - current = [] - comments = [comment] - continue - else: - # Add a new species entry - species = Species(label=label) - self.species_dict[label] = species - self.species_list.append(species) - else: - species = self.species_dict[label] - - # use the first set of thermo data found - if species.thermo is not None: - self.warn('Found additional thermo entry for species {0}. ' - 'If --permissive was given, the first entry is used.'.format(label)) - else: - species.thermo = thermo - species.composition = comp - - thermo = [] - current = [] - comments = [] - elif thermo and thermo[-1].rstrip().endswith('&'): - # Include Chemkin-style extended elemental composition - thermo.append(line) - line, comment = readline() - comments.append(comment) - - elif tokens[0].upper().startswith('REAC'): - # Reactions section - inHeader = False - for token in tokens[1:]: - token = token.upper() - if token in ENERGY_UNITS: - self.energy_units = ENERGY_UNITS[token] - if not self.processed_units: - self.output_energy_units = ENERGY_UNITS[token] - elif token in QUANTITY_UNITS: - self.quantity_units = QUANTITY_UNITS[token] - if not self.processed_units: - self.output_quantity_units = QUANTITY_UNITS[token] - elif token == 'MWON': - self.motz_wise = True - elif token == 'MWOFF': - self.motz_wise = False - else: - raise InputError("Unrecognized token on REACTIONS line, {0!r}", token) - - self.processed_units = True - - kineticsList = [] - commentsList = [] - startLines = [] - kinetics = '' - comments = '' - - line, comment = readline() - if surface: - reactions = self.surfaces[-1].reactions - else: - reactions = self.reactions - while line is not None and get_index(line, 'END') is None: - # Grudging support for implicit end of section - start = line.strip().upper().split() - if start and start[0] in ('TRAN', 'TRANSPORT'): - self.warn('"REACTIONS" section implicitly ended by start of ' - 'next section on line {0}.'.format(self.line_number)) - advance = False - break - - lineStartsWithComment = not line and comment - line = line.rstrip() - comment = comment.rstrip() - - if '=' in line and not lineStartsWithComment: - # Finish previous record - if comment: - # End of line comment belongs with this reaction - comments += comment + '\n' - comment = '' - kineticsList.append(kinetics) - commentsList.append(comments) - startLines.append(self.line_number) - kinetics = '' - comments = '' - - if line.strip(): - kinetics += line + '\n' - if comment: - comments += comment + '\n' - - line, comment = readline() - - # Don't forget the last reaction! - if kinetics.strip() != '': - kineticsList.append(kinetics) - commentsList.append(comments) - - # We don't actually know whether comments belong to the - # previous or next reaction, but to keep them positioned - # correctly, we associate them with the next reaction. A - # comment after the last reaction is associated with that - # reaction - if kineticsList and kineticsList[0] == '': - kineticsList.pop(0) - final_comment = commentsList.pop() - if final_comment and commentsList[-1]: - commentsList[-1] = commentsList[-1].rstrip() + '\n' + final_comment - elif final_comment: - commentsList[-1] = final_comment - - self.setup_kinetics() - for kinetics, comment, line_number in zip(kineticsList, commentsList, startLines): - try: - reaction, revReaction = self.read_kinetics_entry(kinetics, surface) - except Exception as e: - self.line_number = line_number - logging.info('Error reading reaction starting on ' - 'line {0}:\n"""\n{1}\n"""'.format( - line_number, kinetics.rstrip())) - raise - reaction.line_number = line_number - reaction.comment = comment - reactions.append(reaction) - if revReaction is not None: - revReaction.line_number = line_number - reactions.append(revReaction) - - elif tokens[0].upper().startswith('TRAN'): - inHeader = False - line, comment = readline() - transport_start_line = self.line_number - while line is not None and get_index(line, 'END') is None: - # Grudging support for implicit end of section - start = line.strip().upper().split() - if start and start[0] in ('REAC', 'REACTIONS'): - self.warn('"TRANSPORT" section implicitly ended by start of ' - 'next section on line {0}.'.format(self.line_number)) - advance = False - tokens.pop() - break - - if comment: - transportLines.append('!'.join((line, comment))) - else: - transportLines.append(line) - line, comment = readline() - - elif line.strip(): - raise InputError('Section starts with unrecognized keyword' - '\n"""\n{}\n"""', line.rstrip()) - - if advance: - line, comment = readline() - else: - advance = True - - for h in header: - self.header_lines.append(h[indent:]) - - self.check_duplicate_reactions() - - for index, reaction in enumerate(self.reactions): - reaction.index = index + 1 - - if transportLines: - self.parse_transport_data(transportLines, path, transport_start_line) - - def check_duplicate_reactions(self): - """ - Check for marked (and unmarked!) duplicate reactions. Raise exception - for unmarked duplicate reactions. - - Pressure-independent and pressure-dependent reactions are treated as - different, so they don't need to be marked as duplicate. - """ - possible_duplicates = defaultdict(list) - for r in self.reactions: - # sort reactants by name, so disordered duplicate will be caught - reactants = r.reactants - reactant_names = [s[1].label for s in reactants] - reactants = [s for _, s in sorted(zip(reactant_names, reactants))] - - # sort products by name, so disordered duplicate will be caught - products = r.products - product_names = [s[1].label for s in products] - products = [s for _, s in sorted(zip(product_names, products))] - - k = (tuple(reactants), tuple(products), r.kinetics.pressure_dependent) - k_rev = (tuple(products), tuple(reactants), r.kinetics.pressure_dependent) - - # check for undeclared duplicate written in opposite direction - if (k_rev in possible_duplicates and - (r.reversible or - any([rxn.reversible for rxn in possible_duplicates[k_rev]]))): - - possible_duplicates[k_rev].append(r) - else: - possible_duplicates[k].append(r) - - for reactions in possible_duplicates.values(): - for r1,r2 in itertools.combinations(reactions, 2): - if r1.duplicate and r2.duplicate: - pass # marked duplicate reaction - elif (type(r1.kinetics) == ThreeBody and - type(r2.kinetics) != ThreeBody): - pass - elif (type(r1.kinetics) != ThreeBody and - type(r2.kinetics) == ThreeBody): - pass - elif (hasattr(r1.third_body, 'upper') and - r1.third_body.upper() == 'M' and - r1.kinetics.efficiencies.get(r2.third_body) == 0): - pass # explicit zero efficiency - elif (hasattr(r2.third_body, 'upper') and - r2.third_body.upper() == 'M' and - r2.kinetics.efficiencies.get(r1.third_body) == 0): - pass # explicit zero efficiency - elif r1.third_body != r2.third_body: - pass # distinct third bodies - else: - raise InputError( - 'Encountered unmarked duplicate reaction {} ' - '(See lines {} and {} of the input file.).', - r1, r1.line_number, r2.line_number) - - def parse_transport_data(self, lines, filename, line_offset): - """ - Parse the Chemkin-format transport data in ``lines`` (a list of strings) - and add that transport data to the previously-loaded species. - """ - - for i,line in enumerate(lines): - original_line = line - line = line.strip() - if not line or line.startswith('!'): - continue - if get_index(line, 'END') == 0: - break - - if '!' in line: - line, comment = line.split('!', 1) - else: - comment = '' - - data = line.split() - - speciesName = data[0] - if speciesName in self.species_dict: - if len(data) != 7: - raise InputError('Unable to parse line {} of {}:\n"""\n{}"""\n' - '6 transport parameters expected, but found {}.', - line_offset + i, filename, original_line, len(data)-1) - - if self.species_dict[speciesName].transport is None: - self.species_dict[speciesName].transport = TransportData(*data, note=comment) - else: - self.warn('Ignoring duplicate transport data' - ' for species "{}" on line {} of "{}".'.format( - speciesName, line_offset + i, filename)) - - - def write_yaml(self, name='gas', out_name='mech.yaml'): - emitter = yaml.YAML() - emitter.width = 70 - - emitter.register_class(Species) - emitter.register_class(Nasa7) - emitter.register_class(Nasa9) - emitter.register_class(TransportData) - emitter.register_class(Reaction) - - with open(out_name, 'w') as dest: - have_transport = True - for s in self.species_list: - if not s.transport: - have_transport = False - - surface_names = [] - n_reacting_phases = 0 - if self.reactions: - n_reacting_phases += 1 - for surf in self.surfaces: - surface_names.append(surf.name) - if surf.reactions: - n_reacting_phases += 1 - - # Write header lines - desc = '\n'.join(line.rstrip() for line in self.header_lines) - desc = desc.strip('\n') - desc = textwrap.dedent(desc) - if desc.strip(): - emitter.dump({'description': yaml.scalarstring.PreservedScalarString(desc)}, dest) - - # Additional information regarding conversion - files = [os.path.basename(f) for f in self.files] - metadata = BlockMap([ - ('generator', 'ck2yaml'), - ('input-files', FlowList(files)), - ('cantera-version', '2.5.0a4'), - ('date', formatdate(localtime=True)), - ]) - if desc.strip(): - metadata.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key('generator', before='\n') - emitter.dump(metadata, dest) - - # Write extra entries - if self.extra: - extra = BlockMap(self.extra) - key = list(self.extra.keys())[0] - extra.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(key, before='\n') - emitter.dump(extra, dest) - - units = FlowMap([('length', 'cm'), ('time', 's')]) - units['quantity'] = self.output_quantity_units - units['activation-energy'] = self.output_energy_units - units_map = BlockMap([('units', units)]) - units_map.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key('units', before='\n') - emitter.dump(units_map, dest) - - phases = [] - reactions = [] - if name is not None: - phase = BlockMap() - phase['name'] = name - phase['thermo'] = 'ideal-gas' - phase['elements'] = FlowList(self.elements) - phase['species'] = FlowList(S.label for S in self.species_list) - if self.reactions: - phase['kinetics'] = 'gas' - if n_reacting_phases == 1: - reactions.append(('reactions', self.reactions)) - else: - rname = '{}-reactions'.format(name) - phase['reactions'] = [rname] - reactions.append((rname, self.reactions)) - if have_transport: - phase['transport'] = 'mixture-averaged' - phase['state'] = FlowMap([('T', 300.0), ('P', '1 atm')]) - phases.append(phase) - - for surf in self.surfaces: - # Write definitions for surface phases - phase = BlockMap() - phase['name'] = surf.name - phase['thermo'] = 'ideal-surface' - phase['elements'] = FlowList(self.elements) - phase['species'] = FlowList(S.label for S in surf.species_list) - phase['site-density'] = surf.site_density - if self.motz_wise is not None: - phase['Motz-Wise'] = self.motz_wise - if surf.reactions: - phase['kinetics'] = 'surface' - if n_reacting_phases == 1: - reactions.append(('reactions', surf.reactions)) - else: - rname = '{}-reactions'.format(surf.name) - phase['reactions'] = [rname] - reactions.append((rname, surf.reactions)) - phase['state'] = FlowMap([('T', 300.0), ('P', '1 atm')]) - phases.append(phase) - - if phases: - phases_map = BlockMap([('phases', phases)]) - phases_map.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key('phases', before='\n') - emitter.dump(phases_map, dest) - - # Write data on custom elements - if self.element_weights: - elements = [] - for name, weight in sorted(self.element_weights.items()): - E = BlockMap([('symbol', name), ('atomic-weight', weight)]) - elements.append(E) - elementsMap = BlockMap([('elements', elements)]) - elementsMap.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key('elements', before='\n') - emitter.dump(elementsMap, dest) - - # Write the individual species data - all_species = list(self.species_list) - for species in all_species: - if species.composition is None: - raise InputError('No thermo data found for ' - 'species {!r}'.format(species.label)) - - for surf in self.surfaces: - all_species.extend(surf.species_list) - speciesMap = BlockMap([('species', all_species)]) - speciesMap.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key('species', before='\n') - emitter.dump(speciesMap, dest) - - # Write the reactions section(s) - for label, R in reactions: - reactionsMap = BlockMap([(label, R)]) - reactionsMap.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(label, before='\n') - emitter.dump(reactionsMap, dest) - - # Names of surface phases need to be returned so they can be imported as - # part of mechanism validation - return surface_names - - @staticmethod - def convert_mech(input_file, thermo_file=None, transport_file=None, - surface_file=None, phase_name='gas', extra_file=None, - out_name=None, quiet=False, permissive=None): - - parser = Parser() - if quiet: - logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) - else: - logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) - - if permissive is not None: - parser.warning_as_error = not permissive - - if input_file: - parser.files.append(input_file) - input_file = os.path.expanduser(input_file) - if not os.path.exists(input_file): - raise IOError('Missing input file: {0!r}'.format(input_file)) - try: - # Read input mechanism files - parser.load_chemkin_file(input_file) - except Exception as err: - logging.warning("\nERROR: Unable to parse '{0}' near line {1}:\n{2}\n".format( - input_file, parser.line_number, err)) - raise - else: - phase_name = None - - if thermo_file: - parser.files.append(thermo_file) - thermo_file = os.path.expanduser(thermo_file) - if not os.path.exists(thermo_file): - raise IOError('Missing thermo file: {0!r}'.format(thermo_file)) - try: - parser.load_chemkin_file(thermo_file, - skip_undeclared_species=bool(input_file)) - except Exception: - logging.warning("\nERROR: Unable to parse '{0}' near line {1}:\n".format( - thermo_file, parser.line_number)) - raise - - if transport_file: - parser.files.append(transport_file) - transport_file = os.path.expanduser(transport_file) - if not os.path.exists(transport_file): - raise IOError('Missing transport file: {0!r}'.format(transport_file)) - with open(transport_file, 'r', errors='ignore') as f: - lines = [strip_nonascii(line) for line in f] - parser.parse_transport_data(lines, transport_file, 1) - - # Transport validation: make sure all species have transport data - for s in parser.species_list: - if s.transport is None: - raise InputError("No transport data for species '{}'.", s) - - if surface_file: - parser.files.append(surface_file) - surface_file = os.path.expanduser(surface_file) - if not os.path.exists(surface_file): - raise IOError('Missing input file: {0!r}'.format(surface_file)) - try: - # Read input mechanism files - parser.load_chemkin_file(surface_file, surface=True) - except Exception as err: - logging.warning("\nERROR: Unable to parse '{0}' near line {1}:\n{2}\n".format( - surface_file, parser.line_number, err)) - raise - - if extra_file: - parser.files.append(extra_file) - extra_file = os.path.expanduser(extra_file) - if not os.path.exists(extra_file): - raise IOError('Missing input file: {0!r}'.format(extra_file)) - try: - # Read input mechanism files - parser.load_extra_file(extra_file) - except Exception as err: - logging.warning("\nERROR: Unable to parse '{0}':\n{1}\n".format( - extra_file, err)) - raise - - if out_name: - out_name = os.path.expanduser(out_name) - else: - out_name = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] + '.yaml' - - # Write output file - surface_names = parser.write_yaml(name=phase_name, out_name=out_name) - if not quiet: - nReactions = len(parser.reactions) + sum(len(surf.reactions) for surf in parser.surfaces) - print('Wrote YAML mechanism file to {0!r}.'.format(out_name)) - print('Mechanism contains {0} species and {1} reactions.'.format(len(parser.species_list), nReactions)) - return surface_names - - -def convert_mech(input_file, thermo_file=None, transport_file=None, - surface_file=None, phase_name='gas', extra_file=None, - out_name=None, quiet=False, permissive=None): - return Parser.convert_mech(input_file, thermo_file, transport_file, surface_file, - phase_name, extra_file, out_name, quiet, permissive) - -def main(argv): - - longOptions = ['input=', 'thermo=', 'transport=', 'surface=', 'name=', - 'extra=', 'output=', 'permissive', 'help', 'debug', 'quiet', - 'no-validate', 'id='] - - try: - optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'dh', longOptions) - options = dict() - for o,a in optlist: - options[o] = a - - if args: - raise getopt.GetoptError('Unexpected command line option: ' + - repr(' '.join(args))) - - except getopt.GetoptError as e: - print('ck2yaml.py: Error parsing arguments:') - print(e) - print('Run "ck2yaml.py --help" to see usage help.') - sys.exit(1) - - if not options or '-h' in options or '--help' in options: - print(__doc__) - sys.exit(0) - - input_file = options.get('--input') - thermo_file = options.get('--thermo') - permissive = '--permissive' in options - quiet = '--quiet' in options - transport_file = options.get('--transport') - surface_file = options.get('--surface') - - if '--id' in options: - phase_name = options.get('--id', 'gas') - logging.warning("\nFutureWarning: " - "Option '--id=...' will be replaced by '--name=...'") - else: - phase_name = options.get('--name', 'gas') - - if not input_file and not thermo_file: - print('At least one of the arguments "--input=..." or "--thermo=..."' - ' must be provided.\nRun "ck2yaml.py --help" to see usage help.') - sys.exit(1) - - extra_file = options.get('--extra') - - if '--output' in options: - out_name = options['--output'] - if not out_name.endswith('.yaml') and not out_name.endswith('.yml'): - out_name += '.yaml' - elif input_file: - out_name = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] + '.yaml' - else: - out_name = os.path.splitext(thermo_file)[0] + '.yaml' - - surfaces = Parser.convert_mech(input_file, thermo_file, transport_file, - surface_file, phase_name, extra_file, - out_name, quiet, permissive) - - # Do full validation by importing the resulting mechanism - if not input_file: - # Can't validate input files that don't define a phase - return - - if '--no-validate' in options: - return - - try: - import cantera as ct - except ImportError: - print('WARNING: Unable to import Cantera Python module. Output ' - 'mechanism has not been validated') - sys.exit(0) - - try: - print('Validating mechanism...', end='') - gas = ct.Solution(out_name) - for surf_name in surfaces: - phase = ct.Interface(out_name, surf_name, [gas]) - print('PASSED.') - except RuntimeError as e: - print('FAILED.') - print(e) - sys.exit(1) - - -def script_entry_point(): - main(sys.argv[1:]) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - main(sys.argv[1:]) diff --git a/src/main.py b/src/main.py index e3712c9..6a8afd1 100644 --- a/src/main.py +++ b/src/main.py @@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of Frhodo. Copyright © 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC -# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level +# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level # directory for license and copyright information. -version = '1.3.1' +version = "1.3.1" import os, sys, platform, multiprocessing, pathlib, ctypes + # os.environ['QT_API'] = 'pyside2' # forces pyside2 from qtpy.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QApplication, QMessageBox from qtpy import uic, QtCore, QtGui import numpy as np + # from timeit import default_timer as timer from plot.plot_main import All_Plots as plot @@ -20,52 +22,59 @@ from calculate import mech_fcns, reactors, convert_units import appdirs, options_panel_widgets, sim_explorer_widget import settings, config_io, save_widget, error_window, help_menu - -if os.environ['QT_API'] == 'pyside2': # Silence warning: "Qt WebEngine seems to be initialized from a plugin." + +if ( + os.environ["QT_API"] == "pyside2" +): # Silence warning: "Qt WebEngine seems to be initialized from a plugin." QApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_ShareOpenGLContexts) - + # Handle high resolution displays: Minimum recommended resolution 1280 x 960 -if hasattr(QtCore.Qt, 'AA_EnableHighDpiScaling'): +if hasattr(QtCore.Qt, "AA_EnableHighDpiScaling"): QApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling, True) -if hasattr(QtCore.Qt, 'AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps'): +if hasattr(QtCore.Qt, "AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps"): QApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, True) # set main folder -path = {'main': pathlib.Path(sys.argv[0]).parents[0].resolve()} +path = {"main": pathlib.Path(sys.argv[0]).parents[0].resolve()} # set appdata folder using AppDirs library (but just using the source code file) -dirs = appdirs.AppDirs(appname='Frhodo', roaming=True, appauthor=False) -path['appdata'] = pathlib.Path(dirs.user_config_dir) -path['appdata'].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Make path if it doesn't exist -shut_down = {'bool': False} +dirs = appdirs.AppDirs(appname="Frhodo", roaming=True, appauthor=False) +path["appdata"] = pathlib.Path(dirs.user_config_dir) +path["appdata"].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Make path if it doesn't exist +shut_down = {"bool": False} + class Main(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, app, path): super().__init__() self.app = app self.path_set = settings.Path(self, path) - uic.loadUi(str(self.path['main']/'UI'/'main_window.ui'), self) # ~0.4 sec - self.splitter.moveSplitter(0, 1) # moves splitter 0 as close to 1 as possible - self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(str(self.path['main']/'UI'/'graphics'/'main_icon.png'))) - + uic.loadUi(str(self.path["main"] / "UI" / "main_window.ui"), self) # ~0.4 sec + self.splitter.moveSplitter(0, 1) # moves splitter 0 as close to 1 as possible + self.setWindowIcon( + QtGui.QIcon(str(self.path["main"] / "UI" / "graphics" / "main_icon.png")) + ) + # Start threadpools self.threadpool = QtCore.QThreadPool() - self.threadpool.setMaxThreadCount(2) # Sets thread count to 1 (1 for gui - this is implicit, 1 for calc) - + self.threadpool.setMaxThreadCount( + 2 + ) # Sets thread count to 1 (1 for gui - this is implicit, 1 for calc) + # Set selected tabs for tab_widget in [self.option_tab_widget, self.plot_tab_widget]: tab_widget.setCurrentIndex(0) - + # Set Clipboard self.clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() - - self.var = {'reactor': {'t_unit_conv': 1}} + + self.var = {"reactor": {"t_unit_conv": 1}} self.SIM = reactors.Simulation_Result() self.mech_loaded = False self.run_block = True self.convert_units = convert_units.Convert_Units(self) self.series = settings.series(self) - + self.sim_explorer = sim_explorer_widget.SIM_Explorer_Widgets(self) self.plot = plot(self) options_panel_widgets.Initialize(self) @@ -76,231 +85,302 @@ def __init__(self, app, path): self.save_sim_button.clicked.connect(self.save_sim.execute) self.action_Save.triggered.connect(self.save_sim.execute) - if shut_down['bool']: + if shut_down["bool"]: sys.exit() else: self.show() - self.app.processEvents() # allow everything to draw properly - + self.app.processEvents() # allow everything to draw properly + # Initialize Settings self.initialize_settings() # ~ 4 sec # Setup help menu self.version = version help_menu.HelpMenu(self) - + def initialize_settings(self): # TODO: Solving for loaded shock twice - msgBox = MessageWindow(self, 'Loading...') + msgBox = MessageWindow(self, "Loading...") self.app.processEvents() - self.var['old_shock_choice'] = self.var['shock_choice'] = 1 - + self.var["old_shock_choice"] = self.var["shock_choice"] = 1 + self.user_settings = config_io.GUI_settings(self) self.user_settings.load() - - self.load_full_series = self.load_full_series_box.isChecked() # TODO: Move to somewhere else? - + + self.load_full_series = ( + self.load_full_series_box.isChecked() + ) # TODO: Move to somewhere else? + # load previous paths if file in path, can be accessed, and is a file - if ('path_file' in self.path and os.access(self.path['path_file'], os.R_OK) and - self.path['path_file'].is_file()): - - self.path_set.load_dir_file(self.path['path_file']) # ~3.9 sec - + if ( + "path_file" in self.path + and os.access(self.path["path_file"], os.R_OK) + and self.path["path_file"].is_file() + ): + self.path_set.load_dir_file(self.path["path_file"]) # ~3.9 sec + self.update_user_settings() - self.run_block = False # Block multiple simulations from running during initialization - self.run_single() # Attempt simulation after initialization completed + self.run_block = ( + False # Block multiple simulations from running during initialization + ) + self.run_single() # Attempt simulation after initialization completed msgBox.close() - - def load_mech(self, event = None): + + def load_mech(self, event=None): def mechhasthermo(mech_path): - f = open(mech_path, 'r') + f = open(mech_path, "r") while True: line = f.readline() - if '!' in line[0:2]: + if "!" in line[0:2]: continue - if 'ther' in line.split('!')[0].strip().lower(): + if "ther" in line.split("!")[0].strip().lower(): return True - + if not line: break - + f.close() return False - - if self.mech_select_comboBox.count() == 0: return # if no items return, unsure if this is needed now - + + if self.mech_select_comboBox.count() == 0: + return # if no items return, unsure if this is needed now + # Specify mech file path - self.path['mech'] = self.path['mech_main'] / str(self.mech_select_comboBox.currentText()) - if not self.path['mech'].is_file(): # if it's not a file, then it was deleted - self.path_set.mech() # update mech pulldown choices + self.path["mech"] = self.path["mech_main"] / str( + self.mech_select_comboBox.currentText() + ) + if not self.path["mech"].is_file(): # if it's not a file, then it was deleted + self.path_set.mech() # update mech pulldown choices return - + # Check use thermo box viability - if mechhasthermo(self.path['mech']): + if mechhasthermo(self.path["mech"]): if self.thermo_select_comboBox.count() == 0: - self.use_thermo_file_box.setDisabled(True) # disable checkbox if no thermo in mech file + self.use_thermo_file_box.setDisabled( + True + ) # disable checkbox if no thermo in mech file else: self.use_thermo_file_box.setEnabled(True) # Autoselect checkbox off if thermo exists in mech - if self.sender() is None or 'use_thermo_file_box' not in self.sender().objectName(): - self.use_thermo_file_box.blockSignals(True) # stop set from sending signal, causing double load - self.use_thermo_file_box.setChecked(False) - self.use_thermo_file_box.blockSignals(False) # allow signals again + if ( + self.sender() is None + or "use_thermo_file_box" not in self.sender().objectName() + ): + self.use_thermo_file_box.blockSignals( + True + ) # stop set from sending signal, causing double load + self.use_thermo_file_box.setChecked(False) + self.use_thermo_file_box.blockSignals(False) # allow signals again else: - self.use_thermo_file_box.blockSignals(True) # stop set from sending signal, causing double load + self.use_thermo_file_box.blockSignals( + True + ) # stop set from sending signal, causing double load self.use_thermo_file_box.setChecked(True) - self.use_thermo_file_box.blockSignals(False) # allow signals again - self.use_thermo_file_box.setDisabled(True) # disable checkbox if no thermo in mech file + self.use_thermo_file_box.blockSignals(False) # allow signals again + self.use_thermo_file_box.setDisabled( + True + ) # disable checkbox if no thermo in mech file # Enable thermo select based on use_thermo_file_box if self.use_thermo_file_box.isChecked(): self.thermo_select_comboBox.setEnabled(True) else: self.thermo_select_comboBox.setDisabled(True) - - # Specify thermo file path + + # Specify thermo file path if self.use_thermo_file_box.isChecked(): if self.thermo_select_comboBox.count() > 0: - self.path['thermo'] = self.path['mech_main'] / str(self.thermo_select_comboBox.currentText()) + self.path["thermo"] = self.path["mech_main"] / str( + self.thermo_select_comboBox.currentText() + ) else: - self.log.append('Error loading mech:\nNo thermodynamics given', alert=True) + self.log.append( + "Error loading mech:\nNo thermodynamics given", alert=True + ) return else: - self.path['thermo'] = None - + self.path["thermo"] = None + # Initialize Mechanism - self.log.clear([]) # Clear log when mechanism changes to avoid log errors about prior mech + self.log.clear( + [] + ) # Clear log when mechanism changes to avoid log errors about prior mech mech_load_output = self.mech.load_mechanism(self.path) - self.log.append(mech_load_output['message'], alert=not mech_load_output['success']) - self.mech_loaded = mech_load_output['success'] - - if not mech_load_output['success']: # if error: update species and return + self.log.append( + mech_load_output["message"], alert=not mech_load_output["success"] + ) + self.mech_loaded = mech_load_output["success"] + + if not mech_load_output["success"]: # if error: update species and return self.mix.update_species() - self.log._blink(True) # updating_species is causing blink to stop due to successful shock calculation + self.log._blink( + True + ) # updating_species is causing blink to stop due to successful shock calculation return - + # Initialize tables and trees self.tree.set_trees(self.mech) - self.mix.update_species() # this was commented out, could be because multiple calls to solver from update_mix / setItems - + self.mix.update_species() # this was commented out, could be because multiple calls to solver from update_mix / setItems + tabIdx = self.plot_tab_widget.currentIndex() tabText = self.plot_tab_widget.tabText(tabIdx) - if tabText == 'Signal/Sim': + if tabText == "Signal/Sim": # Force observable_widget to update - observable = self.plot.observable_widget.widget['main_parameter'].currentText() - self.plot.observable_widget.widget['main_parameter'].currentIndexChanged[str].emit(observable) - elif tabText == 'Sim Explorer': # TODO: This gets called twice? + observable = self.plot.observable_widget.widget[ + "main_parameter" + ].currentText() + self.plot.observable_widget.widget["main_parameter"].currentIndexChanged[ + str + ].emit(observable) + elif tabText == "Sim Explorer": # TODO: This gets called twice? self.sim_explorer.update_all_main_parameter() - + def shock_choice_changed(self, event): - if 'exp_main' in self.directory.invalid: # don't allow shock change if problem with exp directory + if ( + "exp_main" in self.directory.invalid + ): # don't allow shock change if problem with exp directory return - - self.var['old_shock_choice'] = self.var['shock_choice'] - self.var['shock_choice'] = event - - self.shockRollingList = ['P1', 'u1'] # reset rolling list + + self.var["old_shock_choice"] = self.var["shock_choice"] + self.var["shock_choice"] = event + + self.shockRollingList = ["P1", "u1"] # reset rolling list self.rxn_change_history = [] # reset tracking of rxn numbers changed - + if not self.optimize_running: self.log.clear([]) - self.series.change_shock() # link display_shock to correct set and - - def update_user_settings(self, event = None): + self.series.change_shock() # link display_shock to correct set and + + def update_user_settings(self, event=None): # This is one is located on the Files tab shock = self.display_shock - self.series.set('series_name', self.exp_series_name_box.text()) - - t_unit_conv = self.var['reactor']['t_unit_conv'] - if self.time_offset_box.value()*t_unit_conv != shock['time_offset']: # if values are different - self.series.set('time_offset', self.time_offset_box.value()*t_unit_conv) - if hasattr(self.mech_tree, 'rxn'): # checked if copy valid in function - self.tree._copy_expanded_tab_rates() # copy rates and time offset - - self.var['time_unc'] = self.time_unc_box.value()*t_unit_conv - + self.series.set("series_name", self.exp_series_name_box.text()) + + t_unit_conv = self.var["reactor"]["t_unit_conv"] + if ( + self.time_offset_box.value() * t_unit_conv != shock["time_offset"] + ): # if values are different + self.series.set("time_offset", self.time_offset_box.value() * t_unit_conv) + if hasattr(self.mech_tree, "rxn"): # checked if copy valid in function + self.tree._copy_expanded_tab_rates() # copy rates and time offset + + self.var["time_unc"] = self.time_unc_box.value() * t_unit_conv + # self.user_settings.save() # saves settings everytime a variable is changed if event is not None: sender = self.sender().objectName() - if 'time_offset' in sender and hasattr(self, 'SIM'): # Don't rerun SIM if it exists - if hasattr(self.SIM, 'independent_var') and hasattr(self.SIM, 'observable'): - self.plot.signal.update_sim(self.SIM.independent_var, self.SIM.observable) - elif any(x in sender for x in ['end_time', 'sim_interp_factor', 'ODE_solver', 'rtol', 'atol']): + if "time_offset" in sender and hasattr( + self, "SIM" + ): # Don't rerun SIM if it exists + if hasattr(self.SIM, "independent_var") and hasattr( + self.SIM, "observable" + ): + self.plot.signal.update_sim( + self.SIM.independent_var, self.SIM.observable + ) + elif any( + x in sender + for x in ["end_time", "sim_interp_factor", "ODE_solver", "rtol", "atol"] + ): self.run_single() - elif self.display_shock['exp_data'].size > 0: # If exp_data exists + elif self.display_shock["exp_data"].size > 0: # If exp_data exists self.plot.signal.update(update_lim=False) self.plot.signal.canvas.draw() - ''' + """ # debug for i in self.var: print('key: {:<14s} value: {:<16s}'.format(i, str(self.var[i]))) - ''' - - def keyPressEvent(self, event): pass - # THIS IS NOT FULLY FUNCTIONING - # http://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/centos0/ics-custom-build/BUILD/PyQt-x11-gpl-4.7.2/doc/html/qkeyevent.html - # print(event.modifiers(),event.text()) - + """ + + def keyPressEvent(self, event): + pass + + # THIS IS NOT FULLY FUNCTIONING + # http://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/centos0/ics-custom-build/BUILD/PyQt-x11-gpl-4.7.2/doc/html/qkeyevent.html + # print(event.modifiers(),event.text()) + def run_single(self, event=None, t_save=None, rxn_changed=False): - if self.run_block: return - if not self.mech_loaded: return # if mech isn't loaded successfully, exit - if not hasattr(self.mech_tree, 'rxn'): return # if mech tree not set up, exit - + if self.run_block: + return + if not self.mech_loaded: + return # if mech isn't loaded successfully, exit + if not hasattr(self.mech_tree, "rxn"): + return # if mech tree not set up, exit + shock = self.display_shock - - T_reac, P_reac, mix = shock['T_reactor'], shock['P_reactor'], shock['thermo_mix'] + + T_reac, P_reac, mix = ( + shock["T_reactor"], + shock["P_reactor"], + shock["thermo_mix"], + ) self.tree.update_rates() - + # calculate all properties or observable by sending t_save tabIdx = self.plot_tab_widget.currentIndex() tabText = self.plot_tab_widget.tabText(tabIdx) - if tabText == 'Sim Explorer': + if tabText == "Sim Explorer": t_save = np.array([0]) - - SIM_kwargs = {'u_reac': shock['u2'], 'rho1': shock['rho1'], 'observable': self.display_shock['observable'], - 't_lab_save': t_save, 'sim_int_f': self.var['reactor']['sim_interp_factor'], - 'ODE_solver': self.var['reactor']['ode_solver'], - 'rtol': self.var['reactor']['ode_rtol'], 'atol': self.var['reactor']['ode_atol']} - - if '0d Reactor' in self.var['reactor']['name']: - SIM_kwargs['solve_energy'] = self.var['reactor']['solve_energy'] - SIM_kwargs['frozen_comp'] = self.var['reactor']['frozen_comp'] - - self.SIM, verbose = self.mech.run(self.var['reactor']['name'], self.var['reactor']['t_end'], - T_reac, P_reac, mix, **SIM_kwargs) - - if verbose['success']: + + SIM_kwargs = { + "u_reac": shock["u2"], + "rho1": shock["rho1"], + "observable": self.display_shock["observable"], + "t_lab_save": t_save, + "sim_int_f": self.var["reactor"]["sim_interp_factor"], + "ODE_solver": self.var["reactor"]["ode_solver"], + "rtol": self.var["reactor"]["ode_rtol"], + "atol": self.var["reactor"]["ode_atol"], + } + + if "0d Reactor" in self.var["reactor"]["name"]: + SIM_kwargs["solve_energy"] = self.var["reactor"]["solve_energy"] + SIM_kwargs["frozen_comp"] = self.var["reactor"]["frozen_comp"] + + self.SIM, verbose = self.mech.run( + self.var["reactor"]["name"], + self.var["reactor"]["t_end"], + T_reac, + P_reac, + mix, + **SIM_kwargs + ) + + if verbose["success"]: self.log._blink(False) else: - self.log.append(verbose['message']) - + self.log.append(verbose["message"]) + if self.SIM is not None: - self.plot.signal.update_sim(self.SIM.independent_var, self.SIM.observable, rxn_changed) - if tabText == 'Sim Explorer': + self.plot.signal.update_sim( + self.SIM.independent_var, self.SIM.observable, rxn_changed + ) + if tabText == "Sim Explorer": self.sim_explorer.populate_main_parameters() - self.sim_explorer.update_plot(self.SIM) # sometimes duplicate updates + self.sim_explorer.update_plot(self.SIM) # sometimes duplicate updates else: nan = np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) - self.plot.signal.update_sim(nan, nan) # make sim plot blank - if tabText == 'Sim Explorer': + self.plot.signal.update_sim(nan, nan) # make sim plot blank + if tabText == "Sim Explorer": self.sim_explorer.update_plot(None) - return # If mech error exit function + return # If mech error exit function # def raise_error(self): - # assert False + # assert False + - -if __name__ == '__main__': - if platform.system() == 'Windows': # this is required for pyinstaller on windows +if __name__ == "__main__": + if platform.system() == "Windows": # this is required for pyinstaller on windows multiprocessing.freeze_support() - if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # if frozen minimize console immediately - ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow(ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow(), 0) - + if getattr(sys, "frozen", False): # if frozen minimize console immediately + ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow( + ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow(), 0 + ) + app = QApplication(sys.argv) sys.excepthook = error_window.excepthookDecorator(app, path, shut_down) main = Main(app, path) sys.exit(app.exec_()) - diff --git a/src/mech_widget.py b/src/mech_widget.py index 1963f32..6c7ef01 100644 --- a/src/mech_widget.py +++ b/src/mech_widget.py @@ -14,6 +14,17 @@ from timeit import default_timer as timer +from calculate.mech_fcns import arrhenius_coefNames + + +default_coef_abbreviation = { + "pre_exponential_factor": "A", + "temperature_exponent": "n", + "activation_energy": "Ea"} + +coef_abbreviation = {key: default_coef_abbreviation[key] for key in arrhenius_coefNames} + + def silentSetValue(obj, value): obj.blockSignals(True) # stop changing text from signaling obj.setValue(value) @@ -97,21 +108,21 @@ def get_coef_abbreviation(coefName): parent = self.parent() data = [] for rxnIdx, rxn in enumerate(mech.gas.reactions()): - rxn_type = rxn.__class__.__name__.replace('Reaction', ' Reaction') - if type(rxn) in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.ThreeBodyReaction]: + rxn_type = mech.reaction_type(rxn) + + if type(rxn.rate) is ct.ArrheniusRate: coeffs = [] # Setup Coeffs for Tree - for coefName, coefVal in mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][0].items(): - coefAbbr = get_coef_abbreviation(coefName) + for coefName, coefAbbr in coef_abbreviation.items(): coeffs.append([coefAbbr, coefName, mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][0]]) - coeffs_order = [1, 2, 0] # Reorder coeffs into A, n, Ea + coeffs_order = [1, 2, 0] # order coeffs into A, n, Ea - data.append({'num': rxnIdx, 'eqn': rxn.equation, 'type': 'Arrhenius', + data.append({'num': rxnIdx, 'eqn': rxn.equation, 'type': rxn_type, 'coeffs': coeffs, 'coeffs_order': coeffs_order}) - elif type(rxn) in [ct.PlogReaction, ct.FalloffReaction]: + elif type(rxn.rate) in [ct.PlogRate, ct.FalloffRate, ct.TroeRate, ct.SriRate]: coeffs = [] for key in ['high', 'low']: - if type(rxn) is ct.PlogReaction: + if type(rxn.rate) is ct.PlogRate: if key == 'high': n = len(mech.coeffs[rxnIdx]) - 1 else: @@ -119,12 +130,10 @@ def get_coef_abbreviation(coefName): else: n = f'{key}_rate' - for coefName, coefVal in mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][n].items(): - if coefName == 'Pressure': continue # skip pressure - coefAbbr = get_coef_abbreviation(coefName) + for coefName, coefAbbr in coef_abbreviation.items(): coeffs.append([f'{coefAbbr}_{key}', coefName, mech.coeffs[rxnIdx][n]]) - coeffs_order = [1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 3] # Reorder coeffs into A_high, n_high, Ea_high, A_low + coeffs_order = [1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 3] # order coeffs into A_high, n_high, Ea_high, A_low data.append({'num': rxnIdx, 'eqn': rxn.equation, 'type': rxn_type, 'coeffs': coeffs, 'coeffs_order': coeffs_order}) @@ -161,7 +170,7 @@ def _set_mech_tree(self, rxn_matrix): last_arrhenius = 0 for i, rxn in enumerate(rxn_matrix): print(rxn) - if rxn['type'] != 'Arrhenius': + if rxn['type'] != 'Arrhenius Reaction': if i > 0: tree.setTabOrder(tree.rxn[i-1]['rateBox'], tree.rxn[i]['rateBox']) else: @@ -206,7 +215,7 @@ def set_rate_widget(unc={}): # clear rows of qstandarditem (L1) L1.removeRows(0, L1.rowCount()) - if rxn['type'] in ['Arrhenius', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction']: + if rxn['type'] in ['Arrhenius Reaction', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction']: widget = set_rate_widget(unc={'type': parent.mech.rate_bnds[rxnNum]['type'], 'value': parent.mech.rate_bnds[rxnNum]['value']}) widget.uncValBox.valueChanged.connect(self.update_uncertainties) # no update between F and % @@ -223,7 +232,7 @@ def set_rate_widget(unc={}): conv_type = f'Cantera2{self.mech_tree_type}' coef = self.convert._arrhenius(rxnNum, [coef], conv_type)[0] - if rxn['type'] == 'Arrhenius': + if rxn['type'] == 'Arrhenius Reaction': bnds_key = 'rate' elif rxn['type'] in ['Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction']: if 'high' in coef[0]: @@ -374,7 +383,7 @@ def update_rates(self, rxnNum=None): rxn_rate = parent.series.rates(shock) # update rates from settings if rxn_rate is None: return - num_reac_all = np.sum(parent.mech.gas.reactant_stoich_coeffs(), axis=0) + num_reac_all = np.sum(parent.mech.gas.reactant_stoich_coeffs, axis=0) if rxnNum is not None: if type(rxnNum) in [list, np.ndarray]: @@ -439,7 +448,7 @@ def update_uncertainties(self, event=None, sender=None): for rxnNum in rxnNumRange: # update all rate uncertainties rxn = parent.mech_tree.rxn[rxnNum] - if rxn['rxnType'] not in ['Arrhenius', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction']: # skip if not allowable type + if rxn['rxnType'] not in ['Arrhenius Reaction', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction']: # skip if not allowable type mech.rate_bnds[rxnNum]['opt'] = False continue if 'uncBox' not in rxn: @@ -469,7 +478,6 @@ def update_coef_rate_from_opt(self, coef_opt, x): parent = self.parent() conv_type = 'Cantera2' + self.mech_tree_type - x0 = [] for i, idxDict in enumerate(coef_opt): # set changes to both spinboxes and backend coeffs rxnIdx, coefIdx = idxDict['rxnIdx'], idxDict['coefIdx'] coeffs_key = idxDict['key']['coeffs'] @@ -520,7 +528,7 @@ def update_box_reset_values(self, rxnNum=None): for rxnNum in rxnNumRange: rxn = parent.mech_tree.rxn[rxnNum] - if (rxn['rxnType'] not in ['Arrhenius', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction'] or 'valueBox' not in rxn): continue + if (rxn['rxnType'] not in ['Arrhenius Reaction', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction'] or 'valueBox' not in rxn): continue valBoxes = parent.mech_tree.rxn[rxnNum]['valueBox'] @@ -587,7 +595,7 @@ def _tabExpanded(self, sender_idx, expanded): # set uncboxes to not sender.info['hasExpanded'] = True self._set_mech_widgets(sender) - if sender.info['rxnType'] in ['Arrhenius', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction']: + if sender.info['rxnType'] in ['Arrhenius Reaction', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction']: for box in parent.mech_tree.rxn[rxnNum]['uncBox']: # box.blockSignals(True) box.setValue(-1) @@ -623,7 +631,7 @@ def setCopyRates(self, event): popup_menu.addAction('Reset All', lambda: self._reset_all()) # this causes independent/dependent to not show if right click is not on rxn - if rxn is not None and 'Arrhenius' in rxn['rxnType']: + if rxn is not None and 'Arrhenius Reaction' in rxn['rxnType']: popup_menu.addSeparator() dependentAction = QAction('Set Dependent', checkable=True) @@ -639,7 +647,7 @@ def _reset_all(self): self.run_sim_on_change = False mech = parent.mech for rxn in parent.mech_tree.rxn: - if (rxn['rxnType'] not in ['Arrhenius', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction'] + if (rxn['rxnType'] not in ['Arrhenius Reaction', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction'] or 'valueBox' not in rxn): continue # only reset Arrhenius boxes for box in rxn['valueBox']: @@ -879,7 +887,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent, coef, info, *args, **kwargs): class rxnRate(QWidget): - def __init__(self, parent, info, rxnType='Arrhenius', label='', *args, **kwargs): + def __init__(self, parent, info, rxnType='Arrhenius Reaction', label='', *args, **kwargs): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent @@ -905,7 +913,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent, info, rxnType='Arrhenius', label='', *args, **kwargs) layout.addItem(spacer, 0, 1) layout.addWidget(self.valueBox, 0, 2) - if rxnType in ['Arrhenius', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction']: + if rxnType in ['Arrhenius Reaction', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction']: info['mainValueBox'] = self.valueBox if 'unc_value' in kwargs and 'unc_type' in kwargs: diff --git a/src/misc_widget.py b/src/misc_widget.py index 36f3e59..72dc95b 100644 --- a/src/misc_widget.py +++ b/src/misc_widget.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # This file is part of Frhodo. Copyright © 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC -# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level +# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level # directory for license and copyright information. import re, sys @@ -7,21 +7,23 @@ from qtpy.QtWidgets import * from qtpy import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore from calculate.convert_units import OoM - + # Regular expression to find floats. Match groups are the whole string, the # whole coefficient, the decimal part of the coefficient, and the exponent # part. -_float_re = re.compile(r'(([+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?)') +_float_re = re.compile(r"(([+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?)") + def valid_float_string(string): match = _float_re.search(string) return match.groups()[0] == string if match else False - + + class FloatValidator(QtGui.QValidator): def validate(self, string, position): if valid_float_string(string): state = QtGui.QValidator.Acceptable - elif string == "" or string[position-1].lower() in 'e.-+': + elif string == "" or string[position - 1].lower() in "e.-+": state = QtGui.QValidator.Intermediate else: state = QtGui.QValidator.Invalid @@ -30,76 +32,95 @@ def validate(self, string, position): def fixup(self, text): match = _float_re.search(text) return match.groups()[0] if match else "" - + + class ScientificDoubleSpinBox(QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox): resetValueChanged = QtCore.Signal(float) + def __init__(self, reset_popup=True, *args, **kwargs): self.validator = FloatValidator() - if 'numFormat' in kwargs: - self.numFormat = kwargs.pop('numFormat') + if "numFormat" in kwargs: + self.numFormat = kwargs.pop("numFormat") else: - self.numFormat = 'g' - + self.numFormat = "g" + self.setStrDecimals(6) # number of decimals displayed super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.cb = QApplication.clipboard() self.setKeyboardTracking(False) self.setMinimum(-sys.float_info.max) self.setMaximum(sys.float_info.max) - self.setDecimals(int(np.floor(np.log10(sys.float_info.max)))) # big for setting value + self.setDecimals( + int(np.floor(np.log10(sys.float_info.max))) + ) # big for setting value self.setSingleStep(0.1) self.setSingleIntStep(1) self.setSingleExpStep(0.1) self.setAccelerated(True) # self.installEventFilter(self) - - if 'value' in kwargs: - self.setValue(kwargs['value']) + + if "value" in kwargs: + self.setValue(kwargs["value"]) else: self.setValue(0) - + self._set_reset_value(self.value()) - + if reset_popup: # Set popup self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self._popup_menu) - + # Set Shortcuts - shortcut_fcn_pair = [['Ctrl+R', lambda: self._reset()], ['Ctrl+C', lambda: self._copy()], - ['Ctrl+V', lambda: self._paste()]] - for shortcut, fcn in shortcut_fcn_pair: # TODO: need to fix hover shortcuts not working - QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence(shortcut), self, activated=fcn, context=QtCore.Qt.WidgetShortcut) - + shortcut_fcn_pair = [ + ["Ctrl+R", lambda: self._reset()], + ["Ctrl+C", lambda: self._copy()], + ["Ctrl+V", lambda: self._paste()], + ] + for ( + shortcut, + fcn, + ) in shortcut_fcn_pair: # TODO: need to fix hover shortcuts not working + QShortcut( + QtGui.QKeySequence(shortcut), + self, + activated=fcn, + context=QtCore.Qt.WidgetShortcut, + ) + # def eventFilter(self, obj, event): # event filter to allow hover shortcuts - # if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Enter: - # self.setFocus() - # return True - # elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Leave: - # return False - # else: - # return super().eventFilter(obj, event) - + # if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Enter: + # self.setFocus() + # return True + # elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Leave: + # return False + # else: + # return super().eventFilter(obj, event) + def _popup_menu(self, event): popup_menu = QMenu(self) - popup_menu.addAction('Reset', lambda: self._reset(), 'Ctrl+R') + popup_menu.addAction("Reset", lambda: self._reset(), "Ctrl+R") popup_menu.addSeparator() - popup_menu.addAction('Copy', lambda: self._copy(), 'Ctrl+C') - popup_menu.addAction('Paste', lambda: self._paste(), 'Ctrl+V') + popup_menu.addAction("Copy", lambda: self._copy(), "Ctrl+C") + popup_menu.addAction("Paste", lambda: self._paste(), "Ctrl+V") popup_menu.addSeparator() - popup_menu.addAction('Set Reset Value', lambda: self._set_reset_value(self.value())) + popup_menu.addAction( + "Set Reset Value", lambda: self._set_reset_value(self.value()) + ) popup_menu.exec_(QtGui.QCursor.pos()) - + def _reset(self, silent=False): - self.blockSignals(True) # needed because shortcut isn't always signalling valueChanged.emit + self.blockSignals( + True + ) # needed because shortcut isn't always signalling valueChanged.emit self.setValue(self.reset_value) self.blockSignals(False) if not silent: self.valueChanged.emit(self.reset_value) - + def setStrDecimals(self, value: int): self.strDecimals = value - + def setSingleIntStep(self, value: float): self.singleIntStep = value @@ -109,26 +130,28 @@ def setSingleExpStep(self, value: float): def _set_reset_value(self, value): self.reset_value = value self.resetValueChanged.emit(self.reset_value) - + def _copy(self): self.selectAll() cb = self.cb cb.clear(mode=cb.Clipboard) cb.setText(self.textFromValue(self.value()), mode=cb.Clipboard) - + def _paste(self): previous_value = self.text() if self.fixup(self.cb.text()): self.setValue(float(self.fixup(self.cb.text()))) else: self.setValue(float(previous_value)) - + def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.matches(QtGui.QKeySequence.Paste): self._paste() - - super(ScientificDoubleSpinBox, self).keyPressEvent(event) # don't want to overwrite all shortcuts - + + super(ScientificDoubleSpinBox, self).keyPressEvent( + event + ) # don't want to overwrite all shortcuts + def validate(self, text, position): return self.validator.validate(text, position) @@ -140,40 +163,58 @@ def valueFromText(self, text): def textFromValue(self, value): """Modified form of the 'g' format specifier.""" - if 'g' in self.numFormat: + if "g" in self.numFormat: # if full number showing and number decimals less than str, switch to number decimals - if abs(OoM(value)) < self.strDecimals and self.decimals() < self.strDecimals: - string = "{:.{dec}{numFormat}}".format(value, dec=int(abs(OoM(value)))+1+self.decimals(), numFormat=self.numFormat) + if ( + abs(OoM(value)) < self.strDecimals + and self.decimals() < self.strDecimals + ): + string = "{:.{dec}{numFormat}}".format( + value, + dec=int(abs(OoM(value))) + 1 + self.decimals(), + numFormat=self.numFormat, + ) else: - string = "{:.{dec}{numFormat}}".format(value, dec=self.strDecimals, numFormat=self.numFormat) - elif 'e' in self.numFormat: - string = "{:.{dec}{numFormat}}".format(value, dec=self.strDecimals, numFormat=self.numFormat) + string = "{:.{dec}{numFormat}}".format( + value, dec=self.strDecimals, numFormat=self.numFormat + ) + elif "e" in self.numFormat: + string = "{:.{dec}{numFormat}}".format( + value, dec=self.strDecimals, numFormat=self.numFormat + ) string = re.sub("e(-?)0*(\d+)", r"e\1\2", string.replace("e+", "e")) return string - + def stepBy(self, steps): if self.specialValueText() and self.value() == self.minimum(): text = self.textFromValue(self.minimum()) - else: + else: text = self.cleanText() - + old_val = float(text) - if self.numFormat == 'g' and abs(OoM(old_val)) < self.strDecimals: # my own custom g - val = old_val + self.singleIntStep*steps + if ( + self.numFormat == "g" and abs(OoM(old_val)) < self.strDecimals + ): # my own custom g + val = old_val + self.singleIntStep * steps else: + if self.decimals() < self.strDecimals: + singleStep = 0.1 + else: + singleStep = self.singleStep() + old_OoM = OoM(old_val) - val = old_val + np.power(10, old_OoM)*self.singleExpStep*steps + val = old_val + np.power(10, old_OoM) * self.singleExpStep * steps new_OoM = OoM(val) - if old_OoM > new_OoM: # needed to step down by new amount 1E5 -> 9.9E6 - if self.numFormat == 'g' and abs(new_OoM) < self.strDecimals: - val = old_val + self.singleIntStep*steps + if old_OoM > new_OoM: # needed to step down by new amount 1E5 -> 9.9E6 + if self.numFormat == "g" and abs(new_OoM) < self.strDecimals: + val = old_val + self.singleIntStep * steps else: - val = old_val + np.power(10, new_OoM)*self.singleExpStep*steps + val = old_val + np.power(10, new_OoM) * self.singleExpStep * steps self.setValue(val) - + class SearchComboBox(QComboBox): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(SearchComboBox, self).__init__(parent) @@ -181,7 +222,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent=None): self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus) self.setEditable(True) self.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox.NoInsert) - + # add a filter model to filter matching items self.pFilterModel = QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel(self) self.pFilterModel.setFilterCaseSensitivity(QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive) @@ -189,36 +230,36 @@ def __init__(self, parent=None): # add a completer, which uses the filter model self.completer = QCompleter(self.pFilterModel, self) - + # always show all (filtered) completions self.completer.setFilterMode(QtCore.Qt.MatchContains) self.completer.setCompletionMode(QCompleter.UnfilteredPopupCompletion) self.completer.setCaseSensitivity(QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.setCompleter(self.completer) - + # connect signals self.lineEdit().textEdited.connect(self.pFilterModel.setFilterFixedString) self.lineEdit().editingFinished.connect(self.on_completer_activated) self.completer.activated[str].connect(self.on_completer_activated) - # on selection of an item from the completer, select the corresponding item from combobox + # on selection of an item from the completer, select the corresponding item from combobox def on_completer_activated(self, text=None): if text is None: text = self.lineEdit().text() - + old_idx = self.currentIndex() if text: idx = self.findText(text) - - if idx < 0: # if new text not found, revert to prior text + + if idx < 0: # if new text not found, revert to prior text idx = old_idx - else: # if no text found, revert to prior + else: # if no text found, revert to prior idx = old_idx - + self.setCurrentIndex(idx) self.activated[str].emit(self.itemText(idx)) - # on model change, update the models of the filter and completer as well + # on model change, update the models of the filter and completer as well def setModel(self, model): super().setModel(model) self.pFilterModel.setSourceModel(model) @@ -228,82 +269,89 @@ def setModel(self, model): def setModelColumn(self, column): self.completer.setCompletionColumn(column) self.pFilterModel.setFilterKeyColumn(column) - super().setModelColumn(column) - + super().setModelColumn(column) + def setNewStyleSheet(self, down_arrow_path): fontInfo = QtGui.QFontInfo(self.font()) family = fontInfo.family() font_size = fontInfo.pixelSize() - - # stylesheet because of a border on the arrow that I dislike - stylesheet = ["QComboBox { color: black; font-size: " + str(font_size) + "px;", + + # stylesheet because of a border on the arrow that I dislike + stylesheet = [ + "QComboBox { color: black; font-size: " + str(font_size) + "px;", "font-family: " + family + "; margin: 0px 0px 1px 1px; border: 0px;", - "padding: 1px 0px 0px 0px;}", # This (useless) line resolves a bug with the font color - "QComboBox::drop-down { border: 0px; }" # Replaces the whole arrow of the combo box + "padding: 1px 0px 0px 0px;}", # This (useless) line resolves a bug with the font color + "QComboBox::drop-down { border: 0px; }" # Replaces the whole arrow of the combo box "QComboBox::down-arrow { image: url(" + down_arrow_path + ");", - "width: 14px; height: 14px; }"] - - self.setStyleSheet(' '.join(stylesheet)) + "width: 14px; height: 14px; }", + ] + + self.setStyleSheet(" ".join(stylesheet)) - -class ItemSearchComboBox(SearchComboBox): # track items in itemList + +class ItemSearchComboBox(SearchComboBox): # track items in itemList def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.itemList = [] self.completer.activated.connect(self.on_completer_activated) - + def addItem(self, item): super().addItem(item) self.itemList.append(item) - + def removeItem(self, idx): super().removeItem(idx) del self.itemList[idx] - + def clear(self): super().clear() self.itemList = [] - - + + class CheckableSearchComboBox(ItemSearchComboBox): def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setView(QTreeView()) self.view().setHeaderHidden(True) self.view().setIndentation(0) - - self.view().header().setMinimumSectionSize(0) # set minimum to 0 + + self.view().header().setMinimumSectionSize(0) # set minimum to 0 self.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) - - #self.setModelColumn(1) # sets column for text to the second column + + # self.setModelColumn(1) # sets column for text to the second column self.view().setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) - + self.cb = parent.clipboard # Set popup self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(lambda event: self._popup_menu(event)) - + # Set Shortcuts - shortcut_fcn_pair = [['Ctrl+R', lambda: self._reset()]] + shortcut_fcn_pair = [["Ctrl+R", lambda: self._reset()]] for shortcut, fcn in shortcut_fcn_pair: - QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence(shortcut), self, activated=fcn, context=QtCore.Qt.WidgetShortcut) + QShortcut( + QtGui.QKeySequence(shortcut), + self, + activated=fcn, + context=QtCore.Qt.WidgetShortcut, + ) # Connect Signals self.view().pressed.connect(self.handleItemPressed) - + def handleItemPressed(self, index): self.setCurrentIndex(index.row()) self.hidePopup() def addItem(self, item, model=None): super().addItem(item) - - checkbox_item = self.model().item(self.count()-1, 0) + + checkbox_item = self.model().item(self.count() - 1, 0) checkbox_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) checkbox_item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) - #self.view().resizeColumnToContents(0) + # self.view().resizeColumnToContents(0) def addItems(self, items): for item in items: @@ -316,53 +364,61 @@ def itemChecked(self, index): def sizeHint(self): base = super().sizeHint() height = base.height() - + width = 0 - if type(self.view()) is QTreeView: # if the view is a QTreeView - for i in range(self.view().header().count()): # add size hint for each column + if type(self.view()) is QTreeView: # if the view is a QTreeView + for i in range( + self.view().header().count() + ): # add size hint for each column width += self.view().sizeHintForColumn(i) else: width += self.view().sizeHintForColumn(0) - - if self.count() > self.maxVisibleItems(): # if scrollbar visible - width += self.view().verticalScrollBar().sizeHint().width() # add width of scrollbar - - width += 2 # TODO: do this properly, I think this is padding - + + if self.count() > self.maxVisibleItems(): # if scrollbar visible + width += ( + self.view().verticalScrollBar().sizeHint().width() + ) # add width of scrollbar + + width += 2 # TODO: do this properly, I think this is padding + return QtCore.QSize(width, height) - + def _popup_menu(self, event): popup_menu = QMenu(self) - popup_menu.addAction('Reset', lambda: self._reset_checkboxes(), 'Ctrl+R') + popup_menu.addAction("Reset", lambda: self._reset_checkboxes(), "Ctrl+R") popup_menu.addSeparator() - popup_menu.addAction('Copy', lambda: self._copy(), 'Ctrl+C') - popup_menu.addAction('Paste', lambda: self._paste(), 'Ctrl+V') + popup_menu.addAction("Copy", lambda: self._copy(), "Ctrl+C") + popup_menu.addAction("Paste", lambda: self._paste(), "Ctrl+V") popup_menu.exec_(QtGui.QCursor.pos()) - + def _reset_checkboxes(self): for i in range(self.count()): item = self.model().item(i, 0) if self.itemChecked(i): - item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) # uncheck all - + item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) # uncheck all + def _copy(self): text = str(self.currentText()) self.cb.clear() - self.cb.setText(text) # tab for new column, new line for new row - + self.cb.setText(text) # tab for new column, new line for new row + def _paste(self): self.lineEdit().setText(self.cb.text()) + class MessageWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent, text): super().__init__(parent=parent) - n = 7 # Margin size + n = 7 # Margin size layout = QVBoxLayout() - layout.setContentsMargins(n+1, n, n+1, n) + layout.setContentsMargins(n + 1, n, n + 1, n) self.label = QLabel(text) layout.addWidget(self.label) self.setLayout(layout) - - self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.Window | QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint) - self.show() \ No newline at end of file + self.setWindowFlags( + QtCore.Qt.Window + | QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint + | QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint + ) + self.show() diff --git a/src/options_panel_widgets.py b/src/options_panel_widgets.py index 2d9b71d..76a9dd9 100644 --- a/src/options_panel_widgets.py +++ b/src/options_panel_widgets.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # This file is part of Frhodo. Copyright © 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC -# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level +# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level # directory for license and copyright information. import pathlib, os, sys @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from scipy.optimize import minimize import nlopt import mech_widget, misc_widget, thermo_widget, series_viewer_widget, save_output -from calculate import shock_fcns +from calculate import shock_fcns from calculate.optimize.mech_optimize import Multithread_Optimize from calculate.convert_units import OoM from settings import double_sigmoid @@ -20,69 +20,87 @@ class Initialize(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) - parent.log = Log(parent.option_tab_widget, parent.log_box, - parent.clear_log_button, parent.copy_log_button) - + parent.log = Log( + parent.option_tab_widget, + parent.log_box, + parent.clear_log_button, + parent.copy_log_button, + ) + # Setup and Connect Directory Widgets parent.directory = Directories(parent) - + # Connect and Reorder settings boxes box_list = [parent.shock_choice_box, parent.time_offset_box] - + self._set_user_settings_boxes(box_list) - + # Create toolbar experiment number spinbox parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box = QtWidgets.QSpinBox() parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box.setKeyboardTracking(False) - parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box.label = QtWidgets.QAction('Shock # ') + parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box.label = QtWidgets.QAction("Shock # ") parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box.label.setEnabled(False) - parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) - - parent.toolBar.insertAction(parent.action_Run, parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box.label) + parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box.setSizePolicy( + QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum + ) + + parent.toolBar.insertAction( + parent.action_Run, parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box.label + ) parent.toolBar.insertWidget(parent.action_Run, parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box) parent.toolBar.insertSeparator(parent.action_Run) - parent.toolBar.setStyleSheet("QToolButton:disabled { color: black } " + - "QToolButton:enabled { color: black }") # alter color + parent.toolBar.setStyleSheet( + "QToolButton:disabled { color: black } " + + "QToolButton:enabled { color: black }" + ) # alter color # Set twinned boxes - self.twin = [[parent.time_offset_box, parent.time_offset_twin_box], # main box first - [parent.shock_choice_box, parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box]] + self.twin = [ + [parent.time_offset_box, parent.time_offset_twin_box], # main box first + [parent.shock_choice_box, parent.toolbar_shock_choice_box], + ] for boxes in self.twin: for box in boxes: box.twin = boxes - box.setValue(boxes[0].value()) # set all values to be main + box.setValue(boxes[0].value()) # set all values to be main box.setMinimum(boxes[0].minimum()) box.setMaximum(boxes[0].maximum()) - if box is not parent.shock_choice_box: # prevent double signals, boxes changed in settings - box.valueChanged.connect(self.twin_change) + if ( + box is not parent.shock_choice_box + ): # prevent double signals, boxes changed in settings + box.valueChanged.connect(self.twin_change) # Connect optimization widgets parent.optimization_settings = Optimization(parent) - + # Create list of shock boxes (units and values) and connect them to function parent.shock_widgets = Shock_Settings(parent) - + # Setup tables parent.mix = Mix_Table(parent) parent.weight = Weight_Parameters_Table(parent) parent.exp_unc = Uncertainty_Parameters_Table(parent) - + # Setup reactor settings parent.reactor_settings = Reactor_Settings(parent) - + # Setup and Connect Tree Widgets Tables_Tab(parent) - + # Optimize Widgets parent.save = save_output.Save(parent) - parent.optimize = Multithread_Optimize(parent) - parent.run_optimize_button.clicked.connect(lambda: parent.optimize.start_threads()) - + parent.optimize = Multithread_Optimize(parent) + parent.run_optimize_button.clicked.connect( + lambda: parent.optimize.start_threads() + ) + def _set_user_settings_boxes(self, box_list): parent = self.parent() box_list[0].valueChanged.connect(parent.shock_choice_changed) for box in box_list[1:]: - if isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox) or isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QSpinBox): + if isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox) or isinstance( + box, QtWidgets.QSpinBox + ): box.valueChanged.connect(parent.update_user_settings) elif isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QComboBox): box.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(parent.update_user_settings) @@ -90,27 +108,27 @@ def _set_user_settings_boxes(self, box_list): box.stateChanged.connect(parent.update_user_settings) elif isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QTextEdit): box.textChanged.connect(parent.update_user_settings) - - box_list[0], box_list[1] = box_list[1], box_list[0] # switch list order - for i in range(len(box_list)-1): # Sets the box order - parent.setTabOrder(box_list[i], box_list[i+1]) - + + box_list[0], box_list[1] = box_list[1], box_list[0] # switch list order + for i in range(len(box_list) - 1): # Sets the box order + parent.setTabOrder(box_list[i], box_list[i + 1]) + def twin_change(self, event): - if self.sender() is self.sender().twin[0]: # if box is main, update others + if self.sender() is self.sender().twin[0]: # if box is main, update others for box in self.sender().twin: if box is not self.sender(): - box.blockSignals(True) # stop changing text from signaling + box.blockSignals(True) # stop changing text from signaling box.setValue(event) - box.blockSignals(False) # allow signals again - else: - self.sender().twin[0].setValue(event) # if box isn't main, update main - + box.blockSignals(False) # allow signals again + else: + self.sender().twin[0].setValue(event) # if box isn't main, update main + class Directories(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) parent = self.parent() - + parent.exp_main_box.textChanged.connect(self.select) parent.exp_main_button.clicked.connect(self.select) parent.mech_main_box.textChanged.connect(self.select) @@ -120,172 +138,211 @@ def __init__(self, parent): parent.path_file_box.textChanged.connect(self.select) parent.path_file_load_button.clicked.connect(self.select) parent.path_file_save_button.clicked.connect(self.save) - + parent.exp_series_name_box.textChanged.connect(parent.update_user_settings) - parent.mech_select_comboBox.activated[str].connect(parent.load_mech) # call function if opened, even if not changed + parent.mech_select_comboBox.activated[str].connect( + parent.load_mech + ) # call function if opened, even if not changed parent.use_thermo_file_box.stateChanged.connect(parent.load_mech) - + parent.load_full_series_box.stateChanged.connect(self.set_load_full_set) self.set_load_full_set() - - self.x_icon = QtGui.QPixmap(str(parent.path['graphics']/'x_icon.png')) - self.check_icon = QtGui.QPixmap(str(parent.path['graphics']/'check_icon.png')) + + self.x_icon = QtGui.QPixmap(str(parent.path["graphics"] / "x_icon.png")) + self.check_icon = QtGui.QPixmap(str(parent.path["graphics"] / "check_icon.png")) self.update_icons() - + def preset(self, selection): parent = self.parent - - parent.preset_settings_choice.setCurrentIndex(parent.preset_settings_choice.findText(selection)) - parent.preset_box.setPlainText(parent.path['Settings'][selection]) - parent.user_settings.load(parent.path['Settings'][selection]) - + + parent.preset_settings_choice.setCurrentIndex( + parent.preset_settings_choice.findText(selection) + ) + parent.preset_box.setPlainText(parent.path["Settings"][selection]) + parent.user_settings.load(parent.path["Settings"][selection]) + def select(self): parent = self.parent() - - key = '_'.join(self.sender().objectName().split("_")[:-1]) - if 'path_file_load' in key: - key = 'path_file' - dialog = 'load' + + key = "_".join(self.sender().objectName().split("_")[:-1]) + if "path_file_load" in key: + key = "path_file" + dialog = "load" else: - dialog = 'select' - + dialog = "select" + type = self.sender().objectName().split("_")[-1] - if 'button' in type: - description_text = eval('parent.' + key + '_box.placeholderText()') - initial_dir = pathlib.Path.home() # set user as initial folder - if dialog in 'select': + if "button" in type: + description_text = eval("parent." + key + "_box.placeholderText()") + initial_dir = pathlib.Path.home() # set user as initial folder + if dialog in "select": # if this path exists, set previous folder as initial folder - if key in parent.path and parent.path[key].exists() and len(parent.path[key].parts) > 1: + if ( + key in parent.path + and parent.path[key].exists() + and len(parent.path[key].parts) > 1 + ): initial_dir = parent.path[key].parents[0] - - path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(parent, description_text, str(initial_dir)) - elif dialog in 'load': + + path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( + parent, description_text, str(initial_dir) + ) + elif dialog in "load": if key in parent.path and len(parent.path[key].parts) > 1: - initial_dir = parent.path[key].parents[0] # set path_file as initial folder - + initial_dir = parent.path[key].parents[ + 0 + ] # set path_file as initial folder + # if initial_dir doesn't exist or can't be accessed, choose source folder - if not os.access(parent.path[key], os.R_OK) or not initial_dir.is_dir(): - initial_dir = parent.path['main'] - - path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent, description_text, str(initial_dir), 'ini (*.ini)') + if ( + not os.access(parent.path[key], os.R_OK) + or not initial_dir.is_dir() + ): + initial_dir = parent.path["main"] + + path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( + parent, description_text, str(initial_dir), "ini (*.ini)" + ) path = path[0] - + if path: - path = pathlib.Path(path).resolve() # convert to absolute path - - if dialog in 'load': # if load is selected and path is valid + path = pathlib.Path(path).resolve() # convert to absolute path + + if dialog in "load": # if load is selected and path is valid parent.path_set.load_dir_file(path) - - eval('parent.' + key + '_box.setPlainText(str(path))') + + eval("parent." + key + "_box.setPlainText(str(path))") parent.path[key] = path - parent.user_settings.save(save_all = False) + parent.user_settings.save(save_all=False) - elif 'box' in type: + elif "box" in type: text = self.sender().toPlainText() + def fn(parent, text): return self.sender().setPlainText(text) - + self.QTextEdit_function(self.sender(), fn, parent, text) - parent.path[key] = pathlib.Path(text) - + parent.path[key] = pathlib.Path(text) + # select will modify box, this section is under if box to prevent double calling self.update_icons() - if 'mech_main' in key and 'mech_main' not in self.invalid: # Mech path changed: update mech combobox + if ( + "mech_main" in key and "mech_main" not in self.invalid + ): # Mech path changed: update mech combobox parent.path_set.set_watch_dir() # update watched directory parent.path_set.mech() # if no mechs found, do not try to load, return - if parent.mech_select_comboBox.count() == 0: return - + if parent.mech_select_comboBox.count() == 0: + return + # if mech not in current path load mech - if 'mech' not in parent.path: + if "mech" not in parent.path: parent.load_mech() - else: # load mech if path or mech name has changed + else: # load mech if path or mech name has changed mech_name = str(parent.mech_select_comboBox.currentText()) - mech_name_changed = mech_name != parent.path['mech'].name - - mech_path = parent.path['mech_main'] - mech_path_changed = mech_path != parent.path['mech'].parents[0] - + mech_name_changed = mech_name != parent.path["mech"].name + + mech_path = parent.path["mech_main"] + mech_path_changed = mech_path != parent.path["mech"].parents[0] + if mech_name_changed or mech_path_changed: parent.load_mech() - - if parent.mech.isLoaded: # this is causing the mix table to be blanked out + + if ( + parent.mech.isLoaded + ): # this is causing the mix table to be blanked out parent.mix.update_species() # parent.mix.setItems(parent.mech.gas.species_names) - elif 'exp_main' in key and 'exp_main' not in self.invalid: # Exp path changed: reload list of shocks and load data - series_name = parent.exp_series_name_box.text() - if parent.exp_main_box.toPlainText() not in parent.series.path: # if series already exists, don't create new + elif ( + "exp_main" in key and "exp_main" not in self.invalid + ): # Exp path changed: reload list of shocks and load data + series_name = parent.exp_series_name_box.text() + if ( + parent.exp_main_box.toPlainText() not in parent.series.path + ): # if series already exists, don't create new parent.series.add_series() - + if not series_name or series_name in parent.series.name: - exp_path = parent.path['exp_main'] + exp_path = parent.path["exp_main"] parent.exp_series_name_box.setText(str(exp_path.name)) else: parent.series.change_series() - parent.exp_series_name_box.setText(parent.display_shock['series_name']) - + parent.exp_series_name_box.setText( + parent.display_shock["series_name"] + ) + if not series_name: parent.exp_series_name_box.setText(str(exp_path.name)) def save(self): parent = self.parent() - - description_text = 'Save Directory Settings' - default_location = str(parent.path['path_file']) - path = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(parent, description_text, default_location, - "Configuration file (*.ini)") - - if path[0] and 'exp_main' not in self.invalid: + + description_text = "Save Directory Settings" + default_location = str(parent.path["path_file"]) + path = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( + parent, description_text, default_location, "Configuration file (*.ini)" + ) + + if path[0] and "exp_main" not in self.invalid: parent.path_set.save_dir_file(path[0]) parent.path_file_box.setPlainText(path[0]) - parent.user_settings.save(save_all = False) + parent.user_settings.save(save_all=False) elif self.invalid: - parent.log.append('Could not save directory settings:\nInvalid directory found') - - + parent.log.append( + "Could not save directory settings:\nInvalid directory found" + ) + def QTextEdit_function(self, object, fn, *args, **kwargs): - object.blockSignals(True) # stop changing text from signalling - old_position = object.textCursor().position() # find old cursor position + object.blockSignals(True) # stop changing text from signalling + old_position = object.textCursor().position() # find old cursor position fn(*args, **kwargs) - - cursor = object.textCursor() # create new cursor (I don't know why) - cursor.setPosition(old_position) # move new cursor to old pos - object.setTextCursor(cursor) # switch current cursor with newly made - object.blockSignals(False) # allow signals again - - def update_icons(self, invalid=[]): # This also checks if paths are valid + + cursor = object.textCursor() # create new cursor (I don't know why) + cursor.setPosition(old_position) # move new cursor to old pos + object.setTextCursor(cursor) # switch current cursor with newly made + object.blockSignals(False) # allow signals again + + def update_icons(self, invalid=[]): # This also checks if paths are valid parent = self.parent() - - key_names = ['path_file', 'exp_main', 'mech_main', 'sim_main'] - + + key_names = ["path_file", "exp_main", "mech_main", "sim_main"] + self.invalid = deepcopy(invalid) for key in key_names: - if key == 'path_file': - if key in parent.path and os.access(parent.path[key], os.R_OK) and parent.path[key].is_file(): - eval('parent.' + key + '_label.setPixmap(self.check_icon)') + if key == "path_file": + if ( + key in parent.path + and os.access(parent.path[key], os.R_OK) + and parent.path[key].is_file() + ): + eval("parent." + key + "_label.setPixmap(self.check_icon)") else: - eval('parent.' + key + '_label.setPixmap(self.x_icon)') + eval("parent." + key + "_label.setPixmap(self.x_icon)") else: - if key in self.invalid: - eval('parent.' + key + '_label.setPixmap(self.x_icon)') - elif (key in parent.path and os.access(parent.path[key], os.R_OK) - and parent.path[key].is_dir() and str(parent.path[key]) != '.'): - - eval('parent.' + key + '_label.setPixmap(self.check_icon)') + eval("parent." + key + "_label.setPixmap(self.x_icon)") + elif ( + key in parent.path + and os.access(parent.path[key], os.R_OK) + and parent.path[key].is_dir() + and str(parent.path[key]) != "." + ): + eval("parent." + key + "_label.setPixmap(self.check_icon)") else: - if key != 'sim_main': # not invalid if sim folder missing, can create later + if ( + key != "sim_main" + ): # not invalid if sim folder missing, can create later self.invalid.append(key) - eval('parent.' + key + '_label.setPixmap(self.x_icon)') - eval('parent.' + key + '_label.show()') - + eval("parent." + key + "_label.setPixmap(self.x_icon)") + eval("parent." + key + "_label.show()") + def set_load_full_set(self, event=None): parent = self.parent() parent.load_full_series = parent.load_full_series_box.isChecked() if event: parent.series.load_full_series() # parent.series_viewer._update(load_full_series = parent.load_full_series) - + class Shock_Settings(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, parent): @@ -293,129 +350,150 @@ def __init__(self, parent): self._set_shock_boxes() self.convert_units = self.parent().convert_units self.error_msg = [] - + def _set_shock_boxes(self): parent = self.parent() - - shock_var_list = ['T1', 'P1', 'u1', 'T2', 'P2', 'T5', 'P5'] + + shock_var_list = ["T1", "P1", "u1", "T2", "P2", "T5", "P5"] shock_box_list = [] for shock_var in shock_var_list: - value_box = eval('parent.' + shock_var + '_value_box') - unit_box = eval('parent.' + shock_var + '_units_box') + value_box = eval("parent." + shock_var + "_value_box") + unit_box = eval("parent." + shock_var + "_units_box") value_box.valueChanged.connect(self._shock_value_changed) - unit_box.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(lambda: self._shock_unit_changed()) + unit_box.currentIndexChanged[str].connect( + lambda: self._shock_unit_changed() + ) shock_box_list.append(unit_box) shock_box_list.append(value_box) - + # Reorder tab list for shock boxes - for i in range(len(shock_box_list)-1): # Sets the box order - parent.setTabOrder(shock_box_list[i], shock_box_list[i+1]) - + for i in range(len(shock_box_list) - 1): # Sets the box order + parent.setTabOrder(shock_box_list[i], shock_box_list[i + 1]) + def set_shock_value_box(self, var_type): parent = self.parent() - - unit = eval('str(parent.' + var_type + '_units_box.currentText())') + + unit = eval("str(parent." + var_type + "_units_box.currentText())") value = parent.display_shock[var_type] - minimum_value = self.convert_units(0.05, unit, unit_dir='out') - display_value = self.convert_units(value, unit, unit_dir='out') + minimum_value = self.convert_units(0.05, unit, unit_dir="out") + display_value = self.convert_units(value, unit, unit_dir="out") if np.isnan(display_value): display_value = 0 - - eval('parent.' + var_type + '_value_box.blockSignals(True)') - eval('parent.' + var_type + '_value_box.setMinimum(' + str(minimum_value) + ')') - eval('parent.' + var_type + '_value_box.setValue(' + str(display_value) + ')') - eval('parent.' + var_type + '_value_box.blockSignals(False)') - + + eval("parent." + var_type + "_value_box.blockSignals(True)") + eval("parent." + var_type + "_value_box.setMinimum(" + str(minimum_value) + ")") + eval("parent." + var_type + "_value_box.setValue(" + str(display_value) + ")") + eval("parent." + var_type + "_value_box.blockSignals(False)") + def _shock_value_changed(self, event): parent = self.parent() - var_type = self.sender().objectName().split('_')[0] - + var_type = self.sender().objectName().split("_")[0] + # Get unit type and convert to SIM units - units = eval('str(parent.' + var_type + '_units_box.currentText())') - parent.display_shock[var_type] = self.convert_units(event, units, unit_dir = 'in') - + units = eval("str(parent." + var_type + "_units_box.currentText())") + parent.display_shock[var_type] = self.convert_units(event, units, unit_dir="in") + self.solve_postshock(var_type) - + def _shock_unit_changed(self): - if self.sender() is None: return + if self.sender() is None: + return parent = self.parent() - var_type = self.sender().objectName().split('_')[0] - + var_type = self.sender().objectName().split("_")[0] + # Update spinbox self.set_shock_value_box(var_type) - parent.plot.signal.update_info_text(redraw=True) # update info text box - + parent.plot.signal.update_info_text(redraw=True) # update info text box + def solve_postshock(self, var_type): parent = self.parent() print2log = True - if parent.path_set.loading_dir_file and len(parent.series.current['species_alias']) > 0: + if ( + parent.path_set.loading_dir_file + and len(parent.series.current["species_alias"]) > 0 + ): print2log = False - if not hasattr(parent.mech.gas, 'species_names'): # Check mechanism is loaded + if not hasattr(parent.mech.gas, "species_names"): # Check mechanism is loaded return - + # Check that the variables exist to calculate post shock conditions - IC = [parent.display_shock[key] for key in ['T1', 'P1']] - if not np.isnan(IC).any() and len(parent.display_shock['thermo_mix']) > 0: # if T1, P1, thermo_mix all valid - IC = [parent.display_shock[key] for key in ['u1', 'T2', 'P2', 'T5', 'P5']] - nonzero_count = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(IC)) # count existing values of secondary IC's + IC = [parent.display_shock[key] for key in ["T1", "P1"]] + if ( + not np.isnan(IC).any() and len(parent.display_shock["thermo_mix"]) > 0 + ): # if T1, P1, thermo_mix all valid + IC = [parent.display_shock[key] for key in ["u1", "T2", "P2", "T5", "P5"]] + nonzero_count = np.count_nonzero( + ~np.isnan(IC) + ) # count existing values of secondary IC's if nonzero_count == 0: - self.error_msg.append('Not enough shock variables to calculate postshock conditions') + self.error_msg.append( + "Not enough shock variables to calculate postshock conditions" + ) else: - self.error_msg.append('Not enough shock variables to calculate postshock conditions') - - for species in parent.display_shock['thermo_mix']: + self.error_msg.append( + "Not enough shock variables to calculate postshock conditions" + ) + + for species in parent.display_shock["thermo_mix"]: if species not in parent.mech.gas.species_names: - self.error_msg.append('Species: {:s} is not in the mechanism'.format(species)) + self.error_msg.append( + "Species: {:s} is not in the mechanism".format(species) + ) if len(self.error_msg) > 0: - if print2log: # do not print to log if loading_dir_file + if print2log: # do not print to log if loading_dir_file for err in self.error_msg: parent.log.append(err) - - self.error_msg = [] # reset error message and return + + self.error_msg = [] # reset error message and return return - + # Setup variables to be sent to shock solver # Assume T1, mix + variables from selected zone are known variables - shock_vars = {'T1': parent.display_shock['T1'], 'mix': parent.display_shock['thermo_mix']} - if '1' in var_type: - shock_vars['P1'] = parent.display_shock['P1'] - shock_vars['u1'] = parent.display_shock['u1'] - elif '2' in var_type: - shock_vars['T2'] = parent.display_shock['T2'] - shock_vars['P2'] = parent.display_shock['P2'] - elif '5' in var_type: - shock_vars['T5'] = parent.display_shock['T5'] - shock_vars['P5'] = parent.display_shock['P5'] - + shock_vars = { + "T1": parent.display_shock["T1"], + "mix": parent.display_shock["thermo_mix"], + } + if "1" in var_type: + shock_vars["P1"] = parent.display_shock["P1"] + shock_vars["u1"] = parent.display_shock["u1"] + elif "2" in var_type: + shock_vars["T2"] = parent.display_shock["T2"] + shock_vars["P2"] = parent.display_shock["P2"] + elif "5" in var_type: + shock_vars["T5"] = parent.display_shock["T5"] + shock_vars["P5"] = parent.display_shock["P5"] + # Solve for new values shock = shock_fcns.Properties(parent.mech.gas, shock_vars, parent=parent) self.success = shock.success - + if shock.success: parent.log._blink(False) else: return - + # Update new values and run sim # Remove set shock_vars - vars = list(set(shock_vars.keys())^set(['u1', 'T1', 'P1', 'T2', 'P2', 'T5', 'P5'])) + vars = list( + set(shock_vars.keys()) ^ set(["u1", "T1", "P1", "T2", "P2", "T5", "P5"]) + ) for var in vars: parent.display_shock[var] = shock.res[var] self.set_shock_value_box(var) - + # Set reactor conditions - parent.series.set('zone', parent.display_shock['zone']) - - parent.display_shock['u2'] = shock.res['u2'] - parent.display_shock['rho1'] = shock.res['rho1'] - - parent.tree.update_rates() # Updates the rate constants - parent.tree.update_uncertainties() # update rate constants uncertainty + parent.series.set("zone", parent.display_shock["zone"]) + + parent.display_shock["u2"] = shock.res["u2"] + parent.display_shock["rho1"] = shock.res["rho1"] + + parent.tree.update_rates() # Updates the rate constants + parent.tree.update_uncertainties() # update rate constants uncertainty parent.run_single() - + class Reactor_Settings(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, parent): @@ -423,16 +501,25 @@ def __init__(self, parent): self._set_reactor_boxes() self.update_reactor_choice(event=None) self.update_reactor_variables(event=None) - + def _set_reactor_boxes(self): parent = prnt = self.parent() - - boxes = [prnt.solve_energy_box, prnt.frozen_comp_box, prnt.end_time_units_box, - prnt.end_time_value_box, prnt.ODE_solver_box, prnt.sim_interp_factor_box, - prnt.ODE_rtol_box, prnt.ODE_atol_box] - + + boxes = [ + prnt.solve_energy_box, + prnt.frozen_comp_box, + prnt.end_time_units_box, + prnt.end_time_value_box, + prnt.ODE_solver_box, + prnt.sim_interp_factor_box, + prnt.ODE_rtol_box, + prnt.ODE_atol_box, + ] + for box in boxes: - if isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox) or isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QSpinBox): + if isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox) or isinstance( + box, QtWidgets.QSpinBox + ): box.valueChanged.connect(self.update_reactor_variables) elif isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QComboBox): box.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.update_reactor_variables) @@ -440,132 +527,154 @@ def _set_reactor_boxes(self): box.stateChanged.connect(self.update_reactor_variables) elif isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QTextEdit): box.textChanged.connect(self.update_reactor_variables) - - prnt.reactor_select_box.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.update_reactor_choice) - + + prnt.reactor_select_box.currentIndexChanged[str].connect( + self.update_reactor_choice + ) + def update_reactor_variables(self, event=None): parent = self.parent() - - parent.var['reactor']['solve_energy'] = parent.solve_energy_box.isChecked() - parent.var['reactor']['frozen_comp'] = parent.frozen_comp_box.isChecked() - + + parent.var["reactor"]["solve_energy"] = parent.solve_energy_box.isChecked() + parent.var["reactor"]["frozen_comp"] = parent.frozen_comp_box.isChecked() + # Set Simulation time - if 'μs' in parent.end_time_units_box.currentText(): - t_unit_conv = parent.var['reactor']['t_unit_conv'] = 1E-6 - elif 'ms' in parent.end_time_units_box.currentText(): - t_unit_conv = parent.var['reactor']['t_unit_conv'] = 1E-3 - elif 's' in parent.end_time_units_box.currentText(): - t_unit_conv = parent.var['reactor']['t_unit_conv'] = 1 - + if "μs" in parent.end_time_units_box.currentText(): + t_unit_conv = parent.var["reactor"]["t_unit_conv"] = 1e-6 + elif "ms" in parent.end_time_units_box.currentText(): + t_unit_conv = parent.var["reactor"]["t_unit_conv"] = 1e-3 + elif "s" in parent.end_time_units_box.currentText(): + t_unit_conv = parent.var["reactor"]["t_unit_conv"] = 1 + t_unit = parent.end_time_units_box.currentText() - parent.time_offset_box.setSuffix(' ' + t_unit) - - parent.var['reactor']['ode_solver'] = parent.ODE_solver_box.currentText() - parent.var['reactor']['ode_rtol'] = 10**parent.ODE_rtol_box.value() - parent.var['reactor']['ode_atol'] = 10**parent.ODE_atol_box.value() - parent.var['reactor']['t_end'] = parent.end_time_value_box.value()*t_unit_conv - parent.var['reactor']['sim_interp_factor'] = parent.sim_interp_factor_box.value() - + parent.time_offset_box.setSuffix(" " + t_unit) + + parent.var["reactor"]["ode_solver"] = parent.ODE_solver_box.currentText() + parent.var["reactor"]["ode_rtol"] = 10 ** parent.ODE_rtol_box.value() + parent.var["reactor"]["ode_atol"] = 10 ** parent.ODE_atol_box.value() + parent.var["reactor"]["t_end"] = parent.end_time_value_box.value() * t_unit_conv + parent.var["reactor"][ + "sim_interp_factor" + ] = parent.sim_interp_factor_box.value() + if event is not None: sender = self.sender().objectName() parent.run_single() - + # if 'time_offset' in sender and hasattr(self, 'SIM'): # Don't rerun SIM if it exists - # if hasattr(self.SIM, 'independent_var') and hasattr(self.SIM, 'observable'): - # self.plot.signal.update_sim(self.SIM.independent_var, self.SIM.observable) + # if hasattr(self.SIM, 'independent_var') and hasattr(self.SIM, 'observable'): + # self.plot.signal.update_sim(self.SIM.independent_var, self.SIM.observable) # elif any(x in sender for x in ['end_time', 'sim_interp_factor', 'ODE_solver', 'rtol', 'atol']): - # self.run_single() + # self.run_single() # elif self.display_shock['exp_data'].size > 0: # If exp_data exists - # self.plot.signal.update(update_lim=False) - # self.plot.signal.canvas.draw() - + # self.plot.signal.update(update_lim=False) + # self.plot.signal.canvas.draw() + def update_reactor_choice(self, event=None): parent = self.parent() - - parent.var['reactor']['name'] = parent.reactor_select_box.currentText() - parent.plot.observable_widget.populate_mainComboBox() # update observables (delete density gradient from 0d) - + + parent.var["reactor"]["name"] = parent.reactor_select_box.currentText() + parent.plot.observable_widget.populate_mainComboBox() # update observables (delete density gradient from 0d) + # hide/show choices based on selection - if parent.var['reactor']['name'] == 'Incident Shock Reactor': + if parent.var["reactor"]["name"] == "Incident Shock Reactor": parent.zero_d_choice_frame.hide() parent.solver_frame.show() - parent.series.set('zone', 2) - elif '0d Reactor' in parent.var['reactor']['name']: + parent.series.set("zone", 2) + elif "0d Reactor" in parent.var["reactor"]["name"]: parent.zero_d_choice_frame.show() parent.solver_frame.hide() - parent.series.set('zone', 5) - + parent.series.set("zone", 5) + if event is not None: sender = self.sender().objectName() parent.run_single() -class CheckableTabWidget(QTabWidget): # defunct TODO: this would be a good way to select the zone +class CheckableTabWidget( + QTabWidget +): # defunct TODO: this would be a good way to select the zone checkBoxList = [] + def addTab(self, widget, title): QTabWidget.addTab(self, widget, title) checkBox = QCheckBox() self.checkBoxList.append(checkBox) - self.tabBar().setTabButton(self.tabBar().count()-1, QTabBar.LeftSide, checkBox) - self.connect(checkBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('stateChanged(int)'), lambda checkState: self.__emitStateChanged(checkBox, checkState)) + self.tabBar().setTabButton( + self.tabBar().count() - 1, QTabBar.LeftSide, checkBox + ) + self.connect( + checkBox, + QtCore.SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), + lambda checkState: self.__emitStateChanged(checkBox, checkState), + ) def isChecked(self, index): - return self.tabBar().tabButton(index, QTabBar.LeftSide).checkState() != QtCore.Qt.Unchecked + return ( + self.tabBar().tabButton(index, QTabBar.LeftSide).checkState() + != QtCore.Qt.Unchecked + ) def setCheckState(self, index, checkState): self.tabBar().tabButton(index, QTabBar.LeftSide).setCheckState(checkState) def __emitStateChanged(self, checkBox, checkState): index = self.checkBoxList.index(checkBox) - self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('stateChanged(int, int)'), index, checkState) + self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("stateChanged(int, int)"), index, checkState) + - class Mix_Table(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.table = self.parent().mix_table - stylesheet = ["QHeaderView::section{", # stylesheet because windows 10 doesn't show borders on the bottom + stylesheet = [ + "QHeaderView::section{", # stylesheet because windows 10 doesn't show borders on the bottom "border-top:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-left:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-right:1px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-bottom:1px solid #D8D8D8;", - # "background-color:white;", # this matches windows 10 theme - "background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1," # this matches windows 7 theme perfectly - "stop: 0 #ffffff, stop: 1.0 #f1f2f4);" + # "background-color:white;", # this matches windows 10 theme + "background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1," # this matches windows 7 theme perfectly + "stop: 0 #ffffff, stop: 1.0 #f1f2f4);" "padding:4px;", - "}", - "QTableCornerButton::section{", + "}", + "QTableCornerButton::section{", "border-top:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-left:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-right:1px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-bottom:1px solid #D8D8D8;", "background-color:white;", - "}"] - - header = self.table.horizontalHeader() - header.setStyleSheet(' '.join(stylesheet)) + "}", + ] + + header = self.table.horizontalHeader() + header.setStyleSheet(" ".join(stylesheet)) header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Interactive) header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) header.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) - header.resizeSection(2, 60) # Force size of Mol Frac column + header.resizeSection(2, 60) # Force size of Mol Frac column header.setFixedHeight(24) - + self.setItems(species=[], exp_mix=[], alias=[]) self.table.itemChanged.connect(self.update_mix) - + def create_thermo_boxes(self, species=[]): - species.insert(0, '') + species.insert(0, "") self.thermoSpecies_box = [] # create down_arrow_path with forward slashes as required by QT stylesheet url - down_arrow_path = '"' + str((self.parent().path['graphics']/'arrowdown.png').as_posix()) + '"' + down_arrow_path = ( + '"' + + str((self.parent().path["graphics"] / "arrowdown.png").as_posix()) + + '"' + ) for row in range(self.table.rowCount()): self.thermoSpecies_box.append(misc_widget.SearchComboBox()) self.thermoSpecies_box[-1].addItems(species) self.thermoSpecies_box[-1].currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.update_mix) self.table.setCellWidget(row, 1, self.thermoSpecies_box[-1]) - self.thermoSpecies_box[-1].setNewStyleSheet(down_arrow_path) - + self.thermoSpecies_box[-1].setNewStyleSheet(down_arrow_path) + def create_molFrac_boxes(self, allMolFrac=[]): self.molFrac_box = [] for row in range(self.table.rowCount()): @@ -573,20 +682,22 @@ def create_molFrac_boxes(self, allMolFrac=[]): molFrac = 0 else: molFrac = allMolFrac[row] - - self.molFrac_box.append(misc_widget.ScientificDoubleSpinBox(parent=self.parent(), value=molFrac)) + + self.molFrac_box.append( + misc_widget.ScientificDoubleSpinBox(parent=self.parent(), value=molFrac) + ) self.molFrac_box[-1].setMinimum(0) self.molFrac_box[-1].setMaximum(1) self.molFrac_box[-1].setSingleIntStep(0.001) - self.molFrac_box[-1].setSpecialValueText('-') + self.molFrac_box[-1].setSpecialValueText("-") self.molFrac_box[-1].setFrame(False) self.molFrac_box[-1].valueChanged.connect(self.update_mix) self.table.setCellWidget(row, 2, self.molFrac_box[-1]) - + def update_mix(self, event=None): def isPopStr(str): # is populated string return not not str.strip() - + def isValidRow(table, row): if self.molFrac_box[row].value() == 0: return False @@ -596,19 +707,21 @@ def isValidRow(table, row): return True else: return False - + parent = self.parent() valid_row = [] - for row in range(self.table.rowCount()): + for row in range(self.table.rowCount()): if isValidRow(self.table, row): valid_row.append(row) - - save_species_alias = False # do not save aliases if no original alias and none added - if len(parent.series.current['species_alias']) > 0: + + save_species_alias = ( + False # do not save aliases if no original alias and none added + ) + if len(parent.series.current["species_alias"]) > 0: save_species_alias = True # parent.series.current['species_alias'] = {} # set to empty dict and create from boxes - parent.display_shock['exp_mix'] = {} + parent.display_shock["exp_mix"] = {} for row in valid_row: molFrac = self.molFrac_box[row].value() thermo_name = str(self.thermoSpecies_box[row].currentText()) @@ -617,22 +730,27 @@ def isValidRow(table, row): else: exp_name = self.table.item(row, 0).text() - if thermo_name: # If experimental and thermo name exist update aliases + if thermo_name: # If experimental and thermo name exist update aliases if self.table.item(row, 0) is not None and isPopStr(exp_name): - parent.series.current['species_alias'][exp_name] = thermo_name - elif exp_name in parent.series.current['species_alias']: - del parent.series.current['species_alias'][exp_name] - - parent.display_shock['exp_mix'][exp_name] = molFrac - + parent.series.current["species_alias"][exp_name] = thermo_name + elif exp_name in parent.series.current["species_alias"]: + del parent.series.current["species_alias"][exp_name] + + parent.display_shock["exp_mix"][exp_name] = molFrac + # if path_file exists and species_aliases exist and not loading preset, save aliases - if save_species_alias or len(parent.series.current['species_alias']) > 0: - if parent.path['path_file'].is_file() and not parent.path_set.loading_dir_file: - parent.path_set.save_aliases(parent.path['path_file']) - + if save_species_alias or len(parent.series.current["species_alias"]) > 0: + if ( + parent.path["path_file"].is_file() + and not parent.path_set.loading_dir_file + ): + parent.path_set.save_aliases(parent.path["path_file"]) + parent.series.thermo_mix() - parent.shock_widgets.solve_postshock('T1') # Updates Post-Shock conditions and SIM - + parent.shock_widgets.solve_postshock( + "T1" + ) # Updates Post-Shock conditions and SIM + def setItems(self, species=[], exp_mix=[], alias=[]): self.table.blockSignals(True) self.table.clearContents() @@ -641,7 +759,7 @@ def setItems(self, species=[], exp_mix=[], alias=[]): self.create_molFrac_boxes([]) else: self.create_molFrac_boxes([*exp_mix.values()]) - + for n, (name, molFrac) in enumerate(exp_mix.items()): self.table.setItem(n, 0, QTableWidgetItem(name)) if name in alias: @@ -649,19 +767,22 @@ def setItems(self, species=[], exp_mix=[], alias=[]): box.blockSignals(True) box.setCurrentIndex(box.findText(alias[name])) box.blockSignals(False) - + # self.table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.table.blockSignals(False) - if len(species) > 0 and species != ['']: + if len(species) > 0 and species != [""]: self.update_mix() - - def update_species(self): # may be better to pass variables than call from parent? + + def update_species(self): # may be better to pass variables than call from parent? parent = self.parent() - exp_mix = parent.display_shock['exp_mix'] - species_alias = parent.series.current['species_alias'] - if hasattr(parent.mech.gas, 'species_names'): # if mech exists, set mix table with mech species in thermo box - self.setItems(parent.mech.gas.species_names, - exp_mix = exp_mix, alias=species_alias) + exp_mix = parent.display_shock["exp_mix"] + species_alias = parent.series.current["species_alias"] + if hasattr( + parent.mech.gas, "species_names" + ): # if mech exists, set mix table with mech species in thermo box + self.setItems( + parent.mech.gas.species_names, exp_mix=exp_mix, alias=species_alias + ) else: self.setItems([], exp_mix=exp_mix, alias=species_alias) @@ -671,102 +792,157 @@ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.table = self.parent().weight_fcn_table - stylesheet = ["QHeaderView::section{", # stylesheet because windows 10 doesn't show borders on the bottom + stylesheet = [ + "QHeaderView::section{", # stylesheet because windows 10 doesn't show borders on the bottom "border-top:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-left:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-right:1px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-bottom:1px solid #D8D8D8;", - # "background-color:white;", # this matches windows 10 theme - "background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1," # this matches windows 7 theme perfectly - "stop: 0 #ffffff, stop: 1.0 #f1f2f4);" + # "background-color:white;", # this matches windows 10 theme + "background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1," # this matches windows 7 theme perfectly + "stop: 0 #ffffff, stop: 1.0 #f1f2f4);" "padding:4px;}", - "QTableCornerButton::section{", + "QTableCornerButton::section{", "border-top:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-left:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-right:1px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-bottom:1px solid #D8D8D8;", - "background-color:white;}"] - - header = self.table.horizontalHeader() - header.setStyleSheet(' '.join(stylesheet)) + "background-color:white;}", + ] + + header = self.table.horizontalHeader() + header.setStyleSheet(" ".join(stylesheet)) header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) header.setFixedHeight(24) - + self.table.setSpan(0, 0, 1, 2) # make first row span entire length - + self.create_boxes() self.table.itemChanged.connect(self.update) - + def create_boxes(self): parent = self.parent() # self.table.setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { margin-left: 10px }") # TODO: Change to saved variables - self.boxes = {'weight_max': [], 'weight_min': [], 'weight_shift': [], 'weight_k': []} - self.prop = {'start': {'weight_max': {'value': 100, 'singleStep': 1, 'maximum': 100, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}, - 'weight_min': {'value': 0, 'singleStep': 1, 'maximum': 100, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}, - 'weight_shift': {'value': 4.5, 'singleStep': 0.1, 'maximum': 100, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}, - 'weight_k': {'value': 0, 'singleStep': 0.01, 'decimals': 3, - 'minimum': 0}}, - 'end': {'weight_min': {'value': 0, 'singleStep': 1, 'maximum': 100, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}, - 'weight_shift': {'value': 36.0, 'singleStep': 0.1, 'maximum': 100, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}, - 'weight_k': {'value': 0.3, 'singleStep': 0.01, 'decimals': 3, - 'minimum': 0}}} - - for j, col in enumerate(['start', 'end']): + self.boxes = { + "weight_max": [], + "weight_min": [], + "weight_shift": [], + "weight_k": [], + } + self.prop = { + "start": { + "weight_max": { + "value": 100, + "singleStep": 1, + "maximum": 100, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + "weight_min": { + "value": 0, + "singleStep": 1, + "maximum": 100, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + "weight_shift": { + "value": 4.5, + "singleStep": 0.1, + "maximum": 100, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + "weight_k": { + "value": 0, + "singleStep": 0.01, + "decimals": 3, + "minimum": 0, + }, + }, + "end": { + "weight_min": { + "value": 0, + "singleStep": 1, + "maximum": 100, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + "weight_shift": { + "value": 36.0, + "singleStep": 0.1, + "maximum": 100, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + "weight_k": { + "value": 0.3, + "singleStep": 0.01, + "decimals": 3, + "minimum": 0, + }, + }, + } + + for j, col in enumerate(["start", "end"]): for i, row in enumerate(self.prop[col]): - box_val = self.prop[col][row]['value'] - box = misc_widget.ScientificDoubleSpinBox(parent=self.parent(), value=box_val) - - box.setSingleIntStep(self.prop[col][row]['singleStep']) - box.setStrDecimals(self.prop[col][row]['decimals']) - box.setMinimum(self.prop[col][row]['minimum']) - if 'suffix' in self.prop[col][row]: - box.setSuffix(self.prop[col][row]['suffix']) - if 'maximum' in self.prop[col][row]: - box.setMaximum(self.prop[col][row]['maximum']) + box_val = self.prop[col][row]["value"] + box = misc_widget.ScientificDoubleSpinBox( + parent=self.parent(), value=box_val + ) + + box.setSingleIntStep(self.prop[col][row]["singleStep"]) + box.setStrDecimals(self.prop[col][row]["decimals"]) + box.setMinimum(self.prop[col][row]["minimum"]) + if "suffix" in self.prop[col][row]: + box.setSuffix(self.prop[col][row]["suffix"]) + if "maximum" in self.prop[col][row]: + box.setMaximum(self.prop[col][row]["maximum"]) box.setFrame(False) box.info = [col, row] - + box.valueChanged.connect(self.update) - self.table.setCellWidget(i+j, j, box) + self.table.setCellWidget(i + j, j, box) self.boxes[row].append(box) - + def set_boxes(self, shock=None): parent = self.parent() if shock is None: shock = parent.display_shock - - for j, col in enumerate(['start', 'end']): + + for j, col in enumerate(["start", "end"]): for i, row in enumerate(self.prop[col]): box_val = shock[row][j] box = self.boxes[row][j] box.blockSignals(True) box.setValue(box_val) box.blockSignals(False) - + def update(self, event=None, shock=None): parent = self.parent() update_plot = False - if shock is None: # if no shock given, must be from widgets + if shock is None: # if no shock given, must be from widgets shock = parent.display_shock update_plot = True - - shock['weight_max'] = [self.boxes['weight_max'][0].value()] - shock['weight_min'] = [box.value() for box in self.boxes['weight_min']] - shock['weight_shift'] = [box.value() for box in self.boxes['weight_shift']] - shock['weight_k'] = [box.value() for box in self.boxes['weight_k']] - if parent.display_shock['exp_data'].size > 0 and update_plot: # If exp_data exists + shock["weight_max"] = [self.boxes["weight_max"][0].value()] + shock["weight_min"] = [box.value() for box in self.boxes["weight_min"]] + shock["weight_shift"] = [box.value() for box in self.boxes["weight_shift"]] + shock["weight_k"] = [box.value() for box in self.boxes["weight_k"]] + + if ( + parent.display_shock["exp_data"].size > 0 and update_plot + ): # If exp_data exists parent.plot.signal.update(update_lim=False) parent.plot.signal.canvas.draw() - - + + class Uncertainty_Parameters_Table(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) @@ -774,496 +950,701 @@ def __init__(self, parent): self.unc_type = parent.unc_type_box.currentText() - stylesheet = ["QHeaderView::section{", # stylesheet because windows 10 doesn't show borders on the bottom + stylesheet = [ + "QHeaderView::section{", # stylesheet because windows 10 doesn't show borders on the bottom "border-top:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-left:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-right:1px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-bottom:1px solid #D8D8D8;", - # "background-color:white;", # this matches windows 10 theme - "background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1," # this matches windows 7 theme perfectly - "stop: 0 #ffffff, stop: 1.0 #f1f2f4);" + # "background-color:white;", # this matches windows 10 theme + "background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1," # this matches windows 7 theme perfectly + "stop: 0 #ffffff, stop: 1.0 #f1f2f4);" "padding:4px;}", - "QTableCornerButton::section{", + "QTableCornerButton::section{", "border-top:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-left:0px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-right:1px solid #D8D8D8;", "border-bottom:1px solid #D8D8D8;", - "background-color:white;}"] - - header = self.table.horizontalHeader() - header.setStyleSheet(' '.join(stylesheet)) + "background-color:white;}", + ] + + header = self.table.horizontalHeader() + header.setStyleSheet(" ".join(stylesheet)) header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) header.setFixedHeight(24) - + self.table.setSpan(1, 0, 1, 2) # make first row span entire length - + self.create_boxes() self.table.itemChanged.connect(self.update) parent.unc_type_box.currentTextChanged.connect(self.update) parent.unc_shading_box.currentTextChanged.connect(self.update) parent.wavelet_levels_box.valueChanged.connect(self.update) - + def create_boxes(self): parent = self.parent() # self.table.setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { margin-left: 10px }") # TODO: Change to saved variables - self.boxes = {'unc_max': [], 'unc_min': [], 'unc_shift': [], 'unc_k': [], 'unc_cutoff': []} - self.prop = {'start': {'unc_max': {'value': 0, 'singleStep': 1, 'row': 0, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}, - 'unc_min': {'value': 0, 'singleStep': 1, 'row': 1, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}, - 'unc_shift': {'value': 4.5, 'singleStep': 0.1, 'maximum': 100, 'row': 2, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}, - 'unc_k': {'value': 0, 'singleStep': 0.01, 'decimals': 3, 'row': 3, - 'minimum': 0}, - 'unc_cutoff': {'value': 4.5, 'singleStep': 0.1, 'maximum': 100, 'row': 4, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}}, - 'end': {'unc_max': {'value': 0, 'singleStep': 1, 'row': 0, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}, - 'unc_shift': {'value': 36.0, 'singleStep': 0.1, 'maximum': 100, 'row': 2, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}, - 'unc_k': {'value': 0.3, 'singleStep': 0.01, 'decimals': 3, 'row': 3, - 'minimum': 0}, - 'unc_cutoff': {'value': 4.5, 'singleStep': 0.1, 'maximum': 100, 'row': 4, - 'minimum': 0, 'decimals': 3, 'suffix': '%'}}} - - for j, col in enumerate(['start', 'end']): + self.boxes = { + "unc_max": [], + "unc_min": [], + "unc_shift": [], + "unc_k": [], + "unc_cutoff": [], + } + self.prop = { + "start": { + "unc_max": { + "value": 0, + "singleStep": 1, + "row": 0, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + "unc_min": { + "value": 0, + "singleStep": 1, + "row": 1, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + "unc_shift": { + "value": 4.5, + "singleStep": 0.1, + "maximum": 100, + "row": 2, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + "unc_k": { + "value": 0, + "singleStep": 0.01, + "decimals": 3, + "row": 3, + "minimum": 0, + }, + "unc_cutoff": { + "value": 4.5, + "singleStep": 0.1, + "maximum": 100, + "row": 4, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + }, + "end": { + "unc_max": { + "value": 0, + "singleStep": 1, + "row": 0, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + "unc_shift": { + "value": 36.0, + "singleStep": 0.1, + "maximum": 100, + "row": 2, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + "unc_k": { + "value": 0.3, + "singleStep": 0.01, + "decimals": 3, + "row": 3, + "minimum": 0, + }, + "unc_cutoff": { + "value": 4.5, + "singleStep": 0.1, + "maximum": 100, + "row": 4, + "minimum": 0, + "decimals": 3, + "suffix": "%", + }, + }, + } + + for j, col in enumerate(["start", "end"]): for row in self.prop[col]: - i = self.prop[col][row]['row'] - - box_val = self.prop[col][row]['value'] - box = misc_widget.ScientificDoubleSpinBox(parent=self.parent(), value=box_val) - - box.setSingleIntStep(self.prop[col][row]['singleStep']) - box.setStrDecimals(self.prop[col][row]['decimals']) - box.setMinimum(self.prop[col][row]['minimum']) - if 'suffix' in self.prop[col][row]: - box.setSuffix(self.prop[col][row]['suffix']) - if 'maximum' in self.prop[col][row]: - box.setMaximum(self.prop[col][row]['maximum']) + i = self.prop[col][row]["row"] + + box_val = self.prop[col][row]["value"] + box = misc_widget.ScientificDoubleSpinBox( + parent=self.parent(), value=box_val + ) + + box.setSingleIntStep(self.prop[col][row]["singleStep"]) + box.setStrDecimals(self.prop[col][row]["decimals"]) + box.setMinimum(self.prop[col][row]["minimum"]) + if "suffix" in self.prop[col][row]: + box.setSuffix(self.prop[col][row]["suffix"]) + if "maximum" in self.prop[col][row]: + box.setMaximum(self.prop[col][row]["maximum"]) box.setFrame(False) box.info = [col, row] - + box.valueChanged.connect(self.update) self.table.setCellWidget(i, j, box) self.boxes[row].append(box) - + def set_boxes(self, shock=None): parent = self.parent() if shock is None: shock = parent.display_shock - - for j, col in enumerate(['start', 'end']): + + for j, col in enumerate(["start", "end"]): for i, row in enumerate(self.prop[col]): box_val = shock[row][j] box = self.boxes[row][j] box.blockSignals(True) box.setValue(box_val) box.blockSignals(False) - + def update(self, event=None, shock=None): parent = self.parent() sender = self.sender() update_plot = False - if shock is None: # if no shock given, must be from widgets + if shock is None: # if no shock given, must be from widgets shock = parent.display_shock update_plot = True - + if sender is parent.unc_type_box: self.switch_unc_type() if sender in [parent.unc_shading_box, parent.wavelet_levels_box]: parent.plot.signal.unc_shading = parent.unc_shading_box.currentText() parent.plot.signal.wavelet_levels = parent.wavelet_levels_box.value() - if parent.plot.signal.unc_shading != 'Smoothed Signal': + if parent.plot.signal.unc_shading != "Smoothed Signal": parent.wavelet_levels_box.setEnabled(False) else: parent.wavelet_levels_box.setEnabled(True) parent.plot.signal.update_uncertainty_shading() - if sender in self.boxes['unc_cutoff']: - self.boxes['unc_cutoff'][0].setMaximum(self.boxes['unc_cutoff'][1].value()) - self.boxes['unc_cutoff'][1].setMinimum(self.boxes['unc_cutoff'][0].value()) + if sender in self.boxes["unc_cutoff"]: + self.boxes["unc_cutoff"][0].setMaximum(self.boxes["unc_cutoff"][1].value()) + self.boxes["unc_cutoff"][1].setMinimum(self.boxes["unc_cutoff"][0].value()) for param in list(self.boxes.keys()): shock[param] = [box.value() for box in self.boxes[param]] - if parent.display_shock['exp_data'].size > 0 and update_plot: # If exp_data exists + if ( + parent.display_shock["exp_data"].size > 0 and update_plot + ): # If exp_data exists parent.plot.signal.update(update_lim=False) parent.plot.signal.canvas.draw() def switch_unc_type(self): parent = self.parent() shock = parent.display_shock - + # for loading, if a sim hasn't been run - if not hasattr(parent.SIM, 'independent_var') and parent.unc_type_box.currentText() != '%': - self.unc_type = parent.unc_type_box.currentText() - for box in [*self.boxes['unc_max'], *self.boxes['unc_min']]: - box.setSuffix('') - return + if ( + not hasattr(parent.SIM, "independent_var") + and parent.unc_type_box.currentText() != "%" + ): + self.unc_type = parent.unc_type_box.currentText() + for box in [*self.boxes["unc_max"], *self.boxes["unc_min"]]: + box.setSuffix("") + return t = parent.SIM.independent_var sim_obs = parent.SIM.observable old_unc = parent.series.uncertainties(t) - t_conv = parent.var['reactor']['t_unit_conv'] - t0 = shock['exp_data'][ 0, 0] - tf = shock['exp_data'][-1, 0] + t_conv = parent.var["reactor"]["t_unit_conv"] + t0 = shock["exp_data"][0, 0] + tf = shock["exp_data"][-1, 0] - shift = np.array(shock['unc_shift'])/100*(tf-t0) + t0 - k = np.array(shock['unc_k'])*t_conv - unc_min = np.array(shock['unc_min']) - unc_max = np.array(shock['unc_max']) + shift = np.array(shock["unc_shift"]) / 100 * (tf - t0) + t0 + k = np.array(shock["unc_k"]) * t_conv + unc_min = np.array(shock["unc_min"]) + unc_max = np.array(shock["unc_max"]) A = np.insert(unc_max, 1, unc_min) self.unc_type = parent.unc_type_box.currentText() - + # TODO: Switching could use some more work but good enough for now - if self.unc_type == '%': + if self.unc_type == "%": abs_unc = old_unc - x0 = [A[0]/sim_obs[0], A[1]/np.median(sim_obs), A[2]/sim_obs[-1], *k, *shift] - bnds = np.ones((7, 2))*[0, np.inf] + x0 = [ + A[0] / sim_obs[0], + A[1] / np.median(sim_obs), + A[2] / sim_obs[-1], + *k, + *shift, + ] + bnds = np.ones((7, 2)) * [0, np.inf] bnds[3:5, :] = [t0, tf] - zero = lambda x: np.sum((double_sigmoid(t, x[0:3], x[3:5], x[5:7])*sim_obs - abs_unc)**2) + zero = lambda x: np.sum( + (double_sigmoid(t, x[0:3], x[3:5], x[5:7]) * sim_obs - abs_unc) ** 2 + ) res = minimize(zero, x0, bounds=bnds) - new_vals = {'unc_min': [res.x[1]*100], 'unc_max': [res.x[0]*100, res.x[2]*100], - 'unc_k': res.x[3:5]/t_conv, 'unc_shift': (res.x[5:7] - t0)*100/(tf-t0)} + new_vals = { + "unc_min": [res.x[1] * 100], + "unc_max": [res.x[0] * 100, res.x[2] * 100], + "unc_k": res.x[3:5] / t_conv, + "unc_shift": (res.x[5:7] - t0) * 100 / (tf - t0), + } else: - abs_unc = sim_obs*old_unc + abs_unc = sim_obs * old_unc # calculate new absolute uncertainty extents - x0 = [abs_unc[0], A[1]/100*np.median(sim_obs), abs_unc[-1], *k, *shift] - bnds = np.ones((7, 2))*[0, np.inf] + x0 = [abs_unc[0], A[1] / 100 * np.median(sim_obs), abs_unc[-1], *k, *shift] + bnds = np.ones((7, 2)) * [0, np.inf] bnds[3:5, :] = [t0, tf] - zero = lambda x: np.sum((double_sigmoid(t, x[0:3], x[3:5], x[5:7]) - abs_unc)**2) + zero = lambda x: np.sum( + (double_sigmoid(t, x[0:3], x[3:5], x[5:7]) - abs_unc) ** 2 + ) res = minimize(zero, x0, bounds=bnds) - new_vals = {'unc_min': [res.x[1]], 'unc_max': [res.x[0], res.x[2]], - 'unc_k': res.x[3:5]/t_conv, 'unc_shift': (res.x[5:7] - t0)*100/(tf-t0)} + new_vals = { + "unc_min": [res.x[1]], + "unc_max": [res.x[0], res.x[2]], + "unc_k": res.x[3:5] / t_conv, + "unc_shift": (res.x[5:7] - t0) * 100 / (tf - t0), + } - newSingleIntStep = 10**(OoM(np.min(res.x[0:3]))) + newSingleIntStep = 10 ** (OoM(np.min(res.x[0:3]))) - for j, col in enumerate(['start', 'end']): + for j, col in enumerate(["start", "end"]): for row in new_vals.keys(): - if len(self.boxes[row]) <= j: continue + if len(self.boxes[row]) <= j: + continue box = self.boxes[row][j] - if self.unc_type == '%': - box.setSingleIntStep(self.prop[col][row]['singleStep']) - if 'suffix' in self.prop[col][row]: - box.setSuffix(self.prop[col][row]['suffix']) + if self.unc_type == "%": + box.setSingleIntStep(self.prop[col][row]["singleStep"]) + if "suffix" in self.prop[col][row]: + box.setSuffix(self.prop[col][row]["suffix"]) else: - if row in ['unc_min', 'unc_max']: + if row in ["unc_min", "unc_max"]: box.setSingleIntStep(newSingleIntStep) - if 'suffix' in self.prop[col][row]: - box.setSuffix('') - + if "suffix" in self.prop[col][row]: + box.setSuffix("") + box.blockSignals(True) box.setValue(new_vals[row][j]) box.blockSignals(False) - + box.valueChanged.emit(box.value()) - + class Tables_Tab(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) parent = self.parent() self.tabwidget = parent.tab_stacked_widget - + # Initialize and Connect Tree Widgets - parent.tree = mech_widget.Tree(parent) # TODO: make dict of trees and types - parent.tree_thermo = thermo_widget.Tree(parent) # TODO: MAKE THIS + parent.tree = mech_widget.Tree(parent) # TODO: make dict of trees and types + parent.tree_thermo = thermo_widget.Tree(parent) # TODO: MAKE THIS parent.series_viewer = series_viewer_widget.Series_Viewer(parent) - + selector = parent.tab_select_comboBox - selector.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.select) - + selector.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.select) + def select(self, event): parent = self.parent() - if 'Mechanism' in event: - self.tabwidget.setCurrentWidget(self.tabwidget.findChild(QWidget, 'mech_tab')) - if 'Bilbo' in event: - parent.tree.mech_tree_type = 'Bilbo' - elif 'Chemkin' in event: - parent.tree.mech_tree_type = 'Chemkin' - - if parent.mech_loaded: # if mech is loaded successfully, update display type + if "Mechanism" in event: + self.tabwidget.setCurrentWidget( + self.tabwidget.findChild(QWidget, "mech_tab") + ) + if "Bilbo" in event: + parent.tree.mech_tree_type = "Bilbo" + elif "Chemkin" in event: + parent.tree.mech_tree_type = "Chemkin" + + if ( + parent.mech_loaded + ): # if mech is loaded successfully, update display type parent.tree.update_display_type() - elif 'Thermodynamics' in event: - self.tabwidget.setCurrentWidget(self.tabwidget.findChild(QWidget, 'thermo_tab')) - elif 'Series Viewer' in event: - self.tabwidget.setCurrentWidget(self.tabwidget.findChild(QWidget, 'series_viewer_tab')) - - + elif "Thermodynamics" in event: + self.tabwidget.setCurrentWidget( + self.tabwidget.findChild(QWidget, "thermo_tab") + ) + elif "Series Viewer" in event: + self.tabwidget.setCurrentWidget( + self.tabwidget.findChild(QWidget, "series_viewer_tab") + ) + + class Log: def __init__(self, tab_widget, log_box, clear_log_button, copy_log_button): self.tab_widget = tab_widget self.log = log_box - self.log_tab = self.tab_widget.findChild(QWidget, 'log_tab') + self.log_tab = self.tab_widget.findChild(QWidget, "log_tab") self.log_tab_idx = self.tab_widget.indexOf(self.log_tab) - self.color = {'base': self.tab_widget.tabBar().tabTextColor(self.log_tab_idx), - 'gold': QtGui.QColor(255, 191, 0)} - self.current_color = self.color['base'] + self.color = { + "base": self.tab_widget.tabBar().tabTextColor(self.log_tab_idx), + "gold": QtGui.QColor(255, 191, 0), + } + self.current_color = self.color["base"] self.blink_status = False - self.log.setTabStopWidth(int(QtGui.QFontMetricsF(self.log.font()).width(' ')) * 6) - #font = QtGui.QFont("Courier New") - #font.setStyleHint(QtGui.QFont.TypeWriter) - #self.log.setCurrentFont(font) - #self.log.setFontPointSize(9) + self.log.setTabStopWidth( + int(QtGui.QFontMetricsF(self.log.font()).width(" ")) * 6 + ) + # font = QtGui.QFont("Courier New") + # font.setStyleHint(QtGui.QFont.TypeWriter) + # self.log.setCurrentFont(font) + # self.log.setFontPointSize(9) # self.tab_widget.tabBar().setStyleSheet('background-color: yellow') # Connect Log Functions self.tab_widget.currentChanged.connect(self._tab_widget_change) clear_log_button.clicked.connect(self.clear) copy_log_button.clicked.connect(self.copy) - + def append(self, message, alert=True): if isinstance(message, list): - message = '\n'.join(message) - - self.log.append('{}'.format(message)) + message = "\n".join(message) + + self.log.append("{}".format(message)) if alert and self.tab_widget.currentIndex() != self.log_tab_idx: self._blink(True) - + def _tab_widget_change(self, event): if event == self.log_tab_idx: self._blink(False) - + def _blink(self, blink_on): if blink_on: - if not self.blink_status: # if not blinking, set timer and start + if not self.blink_status: # if not blinking, set timer and start self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(lambda: self._blink(True)) self.timer.start(500) - + self.blink_status = True - if self.current_color is self.color['base']: - self.tab_widget.tabBar().setTabTextColor(self.log_tab_idx, self.color['gold']) - self.current_color = self.color['gold'] - elif self.current_color is self.color['gold']: - self.tab_widget.tabBar().setTabTextColor(self.log_tab_idx, self.color['base']) - self.current_color = self.color['base'] + if self.current_color is self.color["base"]: + self.tab_widget.tabBar().setTabTextColor( + self.log_tab_idx, self.color["gold"] + ) + self.current_color = self.color["gold"] + elif self.current_color is self.color["gold"]: + self.tab_widget.tabBar().setTabTextColor( + self.log_tab_idx, self.color["base"] + ) + self.current_color = self.color["base"] elif not blink_on or self.blink_status: self.blink_status = False - if hasattr(self, 'timer'): + if hasattr(self, "timer"): self.timer.stop() - self.tab_widget.tabBar().setTabTextColor(self.log_tab_idx, self.color['base']) - self.current_color = self.color['base'] - + self.tab_widget.tabBar().setTabTextColor( + self.log_tab_idx, self.color["base"] + ) + self.current_color = self.color["base"] + def clear(self, event=None): if event is not None: self._blink(False) self.log.clear() - + def copy(self, event): def fn(self): self.log.selectAll() self.log.copy() - + self.QTextEdit_function(self.log, fn, self) - + def QTextEdit_function(self, object, fn, *args, **kwargs): - signal = object.blockSignals(True) # stop changing text from signaling - old_position = object.textCursor().position() # find old cursor position - cursor = object.textCursor() # create new cursor (I don't know why) - cursor.movePosition(old_position) # move new cursor to old pos + signal = object.blockSignals(True) # stop changing text from signaling + old_position = object.textCursor().position() # find old cursor position + cursor = object.textCursor() # create new cursor (I don't know why) + cursor.movePosition(old_position) # move new cursor to old pos fn(*args, **kwargs) - object.setTextCursor(cursor) # switch current cursor with newly made - object.blockSignals(signal) # allow signals again - - -optAlgorithm = {'DIRECT': nlopt.GN_DIRECT, - 'DIRECT-L': nlopt.GN_DIRECT_L, - 'CRS2 (Controlled Random Search)': nlopt.GN_CRS2_LM, - 'DE (Differential Evolution)': 'pygmo_DE', - 'SaDE (Self-Adaptive DE)': 'pygmo_SaDE', - 'PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization)': 'pygmo_PSO', - 'GWO (Grey Wolf Optimizer)': 'pygmo_GWO', - 'RBFOpt': 'RBFOpt', - 'Nelder-Mead Simplex': nlopt.LN_NELDERMEAD, - 'Subplex': nlopt.LN_SBPLX, - 'COBYLA': nlopt.LN_COBYLA, - 'BOBYQA': nlopt.LN_BOBYQA, - 'IPOPT (Interior Point Optimizer)': 'pygmo_IPOPT'} - -populationAlgorithms = [nlopt.GN_CRS2_LM, nlopt.GN_MLSL_LDS, nlopt.GN_MLSL, nlopt.GN_ISRES] + object.setTextCursor(cursor) # switch current cursor with newly made + object.blockSignals(signal) # allow signals again + + +optAlgorithm = { + "DIRECT": nlopt.GN_DIRECT, + "DIRECT-L": nlopt.GN_DIRECT_L, + "CRS2 (Controlled Random Search)": nlopt.GN_CRS2_LM, + "DE (Differential Evolution)": "pygmo_DE", + "SaDE (Self-Adaptive DE)": "pygmo_SaDE", + "PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization)": "pygmo_PSO", + "GWO (Grey Wolf Optimizer)": "pygmo_GWO", + "RBFOpt": "RBFOpt", + "Nelder-Mead Simplex": nlopt.LN_NELDERMEAD, + "Subplex": nlopt.LN_SBPLX, + "COBYLA": nlopt.LN_COBYLA, + "BOBYQA": nlopt.LN_BOBYQA, + "IPOPT (Interior Point Optimizer)": "pygmo_IPOPT", +} + +populationAlgorithms = [ + nlopt.GN_CRS2_LM, + nlopt.GN_MLSL_LDS, + nlopt.GN_MLSL, + nlopt.GN_ISRES, +] + class Optimization(QtCore.QObject): - def __init__(self, parent): # TODO: Setting tab order needs to happen here + def __init__(self, parent): # TODO: Setting tab order needs to happen here super().__init__(parent) parent = self.parent() - self.settings = {'obj_fcn': {}, 'global': {}, 'local': {}} - + self.settings = {"obj_fcn": {}, "global": {}, "local": {}} + for box in [parent.loss_c_box, parent.bayes_unc_sigma_box]: box.valueChanged.connect(self.update_obj_fcn_settings) - for box in [parent.loss_alpha_box, parent.obj_fcn_type_box, parent.obj_fcn_scale_box, - parent.global_stop_criteria_box, parent.local_opt_choice_box, parent.bayes_dist_type_box]: + for box in [ + parent.loss_alpha_box, + parent.obj_fcn_type_box, + parent.obj_fcn_scale_box, + parent.global_stop_criteria_box, + parent.local_opt_choice_box, + parent.bayes_dist_type_box, + ]: box.currentTextChanged.connect(self.update_obj_fcn_settings) - - self.update_obj_fcn_settings() # initialize settings - + + self.update_obj_fcn_settings() # initialize settings + parent.multiprocessing_box # checkbox - - self.widgets = {'global': {'run': parent.global_opt_enable_box, - 'algorithm': parent.global_opt_choice_box, 'initial_step': [], - 'stop_criteria_type': parent.global_stop_criteria_box, - 'stop_criteria_val': [], 'xtol_rel': [], 'ftol_rel': [], - 'initial_pop_multiplier': []}, - 'local': {'run': parent.local_opt_enable_box, - 'algorithm': parent.local_opt_choice_box, 'initial_step': [], - 'stop_criteria_type': parent.local_stop_criteria_box, - 'stop_criteria_val': [], 'xtol_rel': [], 'ftol_rel': []}} - - self.labels = {'global': [parent.global_text_1, parent.global_text_2, parent.global_text_3], - 'local': [parent.local_text_1, parent.local_text_2, parent.local_text_3]} - + + self.widgets = { + "global": { + "run": parent.global_opt_enable_box, + "algorithm": parent.global_opt_choice_box, + "initial_step": [], + "stop_criteria_type": parent.global_stop_criteria_box, + "stop_criteria_val": [], + "xtol_rel": [], + "ftol_rel": [], + "initial_pop_multiplier": [], + }, + "local": { + "run": parent.local_opt_enable_box, + "algorithm": parent.local_opt_choice_box, + "initial_step": [], + "stop_criteria_type": parent.local_stop_criteria_box, + "stop_criteria_val": [], + "xtol_rel": [], + "ftol_rel": [], + }, + } + + self.labels = { + "global": [ + parent.global_text_1, + parent.global_text_2, + parent.global_text_3, + ], + "local": [parent.local_text_1, parent.local_text_2, parent.local_text_3], + } + self._create_spinboxes() - + for opt_type, boxes in self.widgets.items(): for var_type, box in boxes.items(): - self.widgets[opt_type][var_type].info = {'opt_type': opt_type, 'var': var_type} - - if isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox) or isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QSpinBox): + self.widgets[opt_type][var_type].info = { + "opt_type": opt_type, + "var": var_type, + } + + if isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox) or isinstance( + box, QtWidgets.QSpinBox + ): box.valueChanged.connect(self.update_opt_settings) elif isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QComboBox): box.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.update_opt_settings) elif isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QCheckBox): box.stateChanged.connect(self.update_opt_settings) - + self.update_opt_settings() - ''' + """ weight_unc_parameters_stacked_widget WeightFunctionPage weight_fcn_table UncertaintyFunctionPage unc_fcn_table - ''' - + """ + def _create_spinboxes(self): parent = self.parent() - layout = {'global': parent.global_opt_layout, 'local': parent.local_opt_layout} - vars = {'global': {'initial_step': 1E-2, 'stop_criteria_val': 1500, 'xtol_rel': 1E-4, 'ftol_rel': 5E-4, 'initial_pop_multiplier': 1}, - 'local': {'initial_step': 1E-2, 'stop_criteria_val': 1500, 'xtol_rel': 1E-4, 'ftol_rel': 1E-3}} - + layout = {"global": parent.global_opt_layout, "local": parent.local_opt_layout} + vars = { + "global": { + "initial_step": 1e-2, + "stop_criteria_val": 1500, + "xtol_rel": 1e-4, + "ftol_rel": 5e-4, + "initial_pop_multiplier": 1, + }, + "local": { + "initial_step": 1e-2, + "stop_criteria_val": 1500, + "xtol_rel": 1e-4, + "ftol_rel": 1e-3, + }, + } + spinbox = misc_widget.ScientificDoubleSpinBox for opt_type, layout in layout.items(): for n, (var_type, val) in enumerate(vars[opt_type].items()): - if var_type in ['stop_criteria_val', 'initial_pop_multiplier']: - self.widgets[opt_type][var_type] = spinbox(parent=parent, value=val, numFormat='g') + if var_type in ["stop_criteria_val", "initial_pop_multiplier"]: + self.widgets[opt_type][var_type] = spinbox( + parent=parent, value=val, numFormat="g" + ) self.widgets[opt_type][var_type].setMinimum(1) self.widgets[opt_type][var_type].setStrDecimals(4) - if var_type == 'stop_criteria_val': + if var_type == "stop_criteria_val": self.widgets[opt_type][var_type].setSingleIntStep(1) else: self.widgets[opt_type][var_type].setSingleIntStep(0.1) else: - self.widgets[opt_type][var_type] = spinbox(parent=parent, value=val, numFormat='e') + self.widgets[opt_type][var_type] = spinbox( + parent=parent, value=val, numFormat="e" + ) self.widgets[opt_type][var_type].setStrDecimals(1) - + layout.addWidget(self.widgets[opt_type][var_type], n, 0) def update_obj_fcn_settings(self, event=None): parent = self.parent() sender = self.sender() - settings = self.settings['obj_fcn'] - - settings['type'] = parent.obj_fcn_type_box.currentText() - settings['scale'] = parent.obj_fcn_scale_box.currentText() + settings = self.settings["obj_fcn"] + + settings["type"] = parent.obj_fcn_type_box.currentText() + settings["scale"] = parent.obj_fcn_scale_box.currentText() loss_alpha_txt = parent.loss_alpha_box.currentText() - if loss_alpha_txt == 'Adaptive': - settings['alpha'] = 3.0 # since bounds in loss are -inf to 2, this triggers an optimization - elif loss_alpha_txt == 'L2 loss': - settings['alpha'] = 2.0 - elif loss_alpha_txt == 'Huber-like': - settings['alpha'] = 1.0 - elif loss_alpha_txt == 'Cauchy': - settings['alpha'] = 0.0 - elif loss_alpha_txt == 'Geman-McClure': - settings['alpha'] = -2.0 - elif loss_alpha_txt == 'Welsch': - settings['alpha'] = -100.0 - - settings['c'] = 1/parent.loss_c_box.value() # this makes increasing values decrease outlier influence - - settings['bayes_dist_type'] = parent.bayes_dist_type_box.currentText() - settings['bayes_unc_sigma'] = parent.bayes_unc_sigma_box.value() + if loss_alpha_txt == "Adaptive": + settings[ + "alpha" + ] = 3.0 # since bounds in loss are -inf to 2, this triggers an optimization + elif loss_alpha_txt == "L2 loss": + settings["alpha"] = 2.0 + elif loss_alpha_txt == "Huber-like": + settings["alpha"] = 1.0 + elif loss_alpha_txt == "Cauchy": + settings["alpha"] = 0.0 + elif loss_alpha_txt == "Geman-McClure": + settings["alpha"] = -2.0 + elif loss_alpha_txt == "Welsch": + settings["alpha"] = -100.0 + + settings["c"] = ( + 1 / parent.loss_c_box.value() + ) # this makes increasing values decrease outlier influence + + settings["bayes_dist_type"] = parent.bayes_dist_type_box.currentText() + settings["bayes_unc_sigma"] = parent.bayes_unc_sigma_box.value() # Hides and unhides the Bayesian page depending upon selection. Is this better than disabling though? if sender is parent.obj_fcn_type_box or event is None: - parent.plot.signal.switch_weight_unc_plot() # update weight/uncertainty plot + parent.plot.signal.switch_weight_unc_plot() # update weight/uncertainty plot stackWidget = parent.weight_unc_parameters_stacked_widget - if settings['type'] == 'Residual': - parent.obj_fcn_tab_widget.removeTab(parent.obj_fcn_tab_widget.indexOf(parent.Bayesian_tab)) + if settings["type"] == "Residual": + parent.obj_fcn_tab_widget.removeTab( + parent.obj_fcn_tab_widget.indexOf(parent.Bayesian_tab) + ) stackWidget.setCurrentWidget(parent.WeightFunctionPage) else: - parent.obj_fcn_tab_widget.insertTab(parent.obj_fcn_tab_widget.count() + 1, parent.Bayesian_tab, "Bayesian") + parent.obj_fcn_tab_widget.insertTab( + parent.obj_fcn_tab_widget.count() + 1, + parent.Bayesian_tab, + "Bayesian", + ) stackWidget.setCurrentWidget(parent.UncertaintyFunctionPage) self.save_settings(event) - + def update_opt_settings(self, event=None): parent = self.parent() sender = self.sender() if event is not None: box = sender - opt_type = box.info['opt_type'] - var_type = box.info['var'] - - if var_type == 'run': - self.settings[opt_type]['run'] = box.isChecked() - for box in list(self.widgets[opt_type].values()) + self.labels[opt_type]: + opt_type = box.info["opt_type"] + var_type = box.info["var"] + + if var_type == "run": + self.settings[opt_type]["run"] = box.isChecked() + for box in ( + list(self.widgets[opt_type].values()) + self.labels[opt_type] + ): if box is not self.sender(): - box.setEnabled(self.settings[opt_type]['run']) + box.setEnabled(self.settings[opt_type]["run"]) return - - elif var_type == 'algorithm': - if opt_type == 'global': - if box.currentText() == 'MLSL (Multi-Level Single-Linkage)': - self.widgets['local']['run'].setEnabled(False) - self.widgets['local']['run'].setChecked(True) - else: - self.widgets['local']['run'].setEnabled(True) - + + elif var_type == "algorithm": + if opt_type == "global": + if box.currentText() == "MLSL (Multi-Level Single-Linkage)": + self.widgets["local"]["run"].setEnabled(False) + self.widgets["local"]["run"].setChecked(True) + else: + self.widgets["local"]["run"].setEnabled(True) + for opt_type, boxes in self.widgets.items(): for var_type, box in self.widgets[opt_type].items(): - if isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox) or isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QSpinBox): + if isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox) or isinstance( + box, QtWidgets.QSpinBox + ): self.settings[opt_type][var_type] = box.value() elif isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QComboBox): - if box in [parent.global_opt_choice_box, parent.local_opt_choice_box]: - self.settings[opt_type][var_type] = optAlgorithm[box.currentText()] - if sender is box and box is parent.global_opt_choice_box: # Toggle pop_multiplier box - if self.settings[opt_type][var_type] in populationAlgorithms: - self.widgets[opt_type]['initial_pop_multiplier'].setEnabled(True) + if box in [ + parent.global_opt_choice_box, + parent.local_opt_choice_box, + ]: + self.settings[opt_type][var_type] = optAlgorithm[ + box.currentText() + ] + if ( + sender is box and box is parent.global_opt_choice_box + ): # Toggle pop_multiplier box + if ( + self.settings[opt_type][var_type] + in populationAlgorithms + ): + self.widgets[opt_type][ + "initial_pop_multiplier" + ].setEnabled(True) else: - self.widgets[opt_type]['initial_pop_multiplier'].setEnabled(False) + self.widgets[opt_type][ + "initial_pop_multiplier" + ].setEnabled(False) else: self.settings[opt_type][var_type] = box.currentText() - if sender is box and box is self.widgets[opt_type]['stop_criteria_type']: - if self.settings[opt_type][var_type] == 'No Abort Criteria': - self.widgets[opt_type]['stop_criteria_val'].setEnabled(False) + if ( + sender is box + and box is self.widgets[opt_type]["stop_criteria_type"] + ): + if self.settings[opt_type][var_type] == "No Abort Criteria": + self.widgets[opt_type]["stop_criteria_val"].setEnabled( + False + ) else: - self.widgets[opt_type]['stop_criteria_val'].setEnabled(True) + self.widgets[opt_type]["stop_criteria_val"].setEnabled( + True + ) elif isinstance(box, QtWidgets.QCheckBox): self.settings[opt_type][var_type] = box.isChecked() self.save_settings(event) - + def save_settings(self, event=None): - if event is None: return - if not hasattr(self.parent(), 'user_settings'): return - if 'path_file' not in self.parent().path: return + if event is None: + return + if not hasattr(self.parent(), "user_settings"): + return + if "path_file" not in self.parent().path: + return self.parent().user_settings.save() def get(self, opt_type, var_type): return self.settings[opt_type][var_type] - diff --git a/src/plot/base_plot.py b/src/plot/base_plot.py index 57f01cd..dd6cf12 100644 --- a/src/plot/base_plot.py +++ b/src/plot/base_plot.py @@ -175,10 +175,12 @@ def update_xylim(self, axes, xlim=[], ylim=[], force_redraw=True): for (axis, lim) in zip(['x', 'y'], [xlim, ylim]): # Set Limits - if len(lim) == 0: - eval('self.set_' + axis + 'lim(axes, data["' + axis + '"])') + if len(lim) < 2: + eval(f'self.set_{axis}lim(axes, data["{axis}"])') + elif lim[0] == lim[1]: + pass else: - eval('axes.set_' + axis + 'lim(lim)') + eval(f'axes.set_{axis}lim(lim)') # If bisymlog, also update scaling, C if eval('axes.get_' + axis + 'scale()') == 'bisymlog': diff --git a/src/plot/signal_plot.py b/src/plot/signal_plot.py index f543c12..80611bf 100644 --- a/src/plot/signal_plot.py +++ b/src/plot/signal_plot.py @@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ def switch_weight_unc_plot(self): obj_fcn_type = parent.obj_fcn_type_box.currentText() if obj_fcn_type == 'Residual': self.ax[0].item['title'].set_text('Weighting') # set title - self.update_xylim(self.ax[0], xlim=self.ax[0].get_xlim(), ylim=[-0.1, 1.1], force_redraw=False) - for i in range(0,2): + self.update_xylim(self.ax[0], xlim=self.ax[0].get_xlim(), ylim=[-0.1, 1.1], force_redraw=False) + for i in range(0, 2): self.ax[1].item['cutoff_line'][i].set_xdata([np.nan]) else: self.ax[0].item['title'].set_text('Uncertainty') # set title diff --git a/src/save_output.py b/src/save_output.py index 9f30668..7a0dc26 100644 --- a/src/save_output.py +++ b/src/save_output.py @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ import numpy as np from tabulate import tabulate -import soln2ck import pathlib + +from cantera.yaml2ck import convert as soln2ck # from cantera import ck2cti # Maybe later use ck2cti.Parser.writeCTI to write cti file class Save: @@ -178,4 +179,4 @@ def chemkin_format(self, gas=[], path=[]): if not path: path = self.path['Mech.ck'] - soln2ck.write(gas, path, self.path['Cantera_Mech']) + soln2ck(gas, mechanism_path=path, sort_species="molar-mass", overwrite=True) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/settings.py b/src/settings.py index 471727c..15ae567 100644 --- a/src/settings.py +++ b/src/settings.py @@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ def add_series(self): # need to think about what to do when mech ch parent.path['shock'] = parent.path_set.shock_paths(prefix='Shock', ext='exp') if len(parent.path['shock']) == 0: # if there are no shocks in listed directory - parent.directory.update_icons(invalid = 'exp_main') + parent.directory.update_icons(invalid=['exp_main']) return if self.in_table and not self.in_table[-1]: # if list exists and last item not in table, clear it @@ -1029,6 +1029,8 @@ def rate_bnds(self, shock): if self.parent.mech_tree.rxn[rxnIdx]['rxnType'] in ['Arrhenius', 'Plog Reaction', 'Falloff Reaction']: resetVal = mech.gas.forward_rate_constants[rxnIdx] shock['rate_reset_val'].append(resetVal) + if 'limits' not in mech.rate_bnds[rxnIdx]: + print(rxnIdx) rate_bnds = mech.rate_bnds[rxnIdx]['limits'](resetVal) shock['rate_bnds'].append(rate_bnds) diff --git a/src/soln2ck.py b/src/soln2ck.py deleted file mode 100644 index d0697b7..0000000 --- a/src/soln2ck.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,654 +0,0 @@ -# This file is part of Frhodo. Copyright © 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC -# and licensed under BSD-3-Clause. See License.txt in the top-level -# directory for license and copyright information. - -''' -Adapted from Kyle Niemeyer's pyMARS Jul 24, 2019 - -Writes a solution object to a chemkin inp file -currently only works for Elementary, Falloff and ThreeBody Reactions -Cantera version 2.5 required - -KE Niemeyer, CJ Sung, and MP Raju. Skeletal mechanism generation for surrogate fuels using directed relation graph with error propagation and sensitivity analysis. Combust. Flame, 157(9):1760--1770, 2010. doi:10.1016/j.combustflflame.2009.12.022 -KE Niemeyer and CJ Sung. On the importance of graph search algorithms for DRGEP-based mechanism reduction methods. Combust. Flame, 158(8):1439--1443, 2011. doi:10.1016/j.combustflflame.2010.12.010. -KE Niemeyer and CJ Sung. Mechanism reduction for multicomponent surrogates: A case study using toluene reference fuels. Combust. Flame, in press, 2014. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.05.001 -TF Lu and CK Law. Combustion and Flame, 154:153--163, 2008. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2007.11.013 - -''' - -import os, pathlib, re -from textwrap import fill -from collections import Counter - -import cantera as ct - -try: - import ruamel_yaml as yaml -except ImportError: - from ruamel import yaml - -# number of calories in 1000 Joules -CALORIES_CONSTANT = 4184.0 - -# Conversion from 1 debye to coulomb-meters -DEBEYE_CONVERSION = 3.33564e-30 - -def reorder_reaction_equation(solution, reaction): - # Split Reaction Equation - rxn_eqn = reaction.equation - for reaction_direction in ['<=>', '<=', '=>']: - if f' {reaction_direction} ' in rxn_eqn: - break - - regex_str = fr'{reaction_direction}|\+|\(\+M\)\s*(?![^()]*\))' - items_list = re.split(regex_str, rxn_eqn.replace(' ', '')) - items_list = ['(+M)' if not item else item for item in items_list] - for third_body in ['(+M)', 'M', '']: # search rxn for third body - if third_body in items_list: # if reaches '', doesn't exist - if third_body == '(+M)': - third_body = ' (+M)' - elif third_body == 'M': - third_body = ' + M' - break - - # Sort and apply to reaction equation - reaction_txt = [] - reaction_split = {'reactants': reaction.reactants, - 'products': reaction.products} - for n, (reaction_side, species) in enumerate(reaction_split.items()): - species_weights = [] - for key in species.keys(): - index = solution.species_index(key) - species_weights.append(solution.molecular_weights[index]) - - # Append coefficient to species - species_list = [] - for species_text, coef in species.items(): - if coef == 1.0: - species_list.append(species_text) - elif coef.is_integer(): - species_list.append(f'{coef:.0f} {species_text}') - else: - species_list.append(f'{coef:f}'.rstrip("0").rstrip(".") + f' {species_text}') - - species = species_list - - # Reorder species based on molecular weights - species = [x for y, x in sorted(zip(species_weights, species))][::-1] - reaction_txt.append(' + '.join(species) + third_body) - - reaction_txt = f' {reaction_direction} '.join(reaction_txt) - - return reaction_txt - - -def match_reaction(solution, yaml_rxn): - yaml_rxn = {'eqn': yaml_rxn} - - for reaction_direction in [' <=> ', ' <= ', ' => ']: - if reaction_direction in yaml_rxn['eqn']: - break - for third_body in [' (+M)', ' + M', '']: # search eqn for third body - if third_body in yaml_rxn['eqn']: # if reaches '', doesn't exist - break - - yaml_rxn_split = yaml_rxn['eqn'].split(reaction_direction) - for i, side in zip([0, 1], ['reac', 'prod']): - yaml_rxn[side] = {} - species = yaml_rxn_split[i].replace(third_body, '').split(' + ') - yaml_rxn[side].update(Counter(species)) - - for rxn in solution.reactions(): - if (rxn.reactants == yaml_rxn['reac'] and - rxn.products == yaml_rxn['prod'] and - third_body in str(rxn)): - - return str(rxn) # return rxn if match - - return yaml_rxn['eqn'] # returns yaml_str if no match - - -def get_notes(path=None, solution=None): - """Get notes by parsing input mechanism in yaml format - Parameters - ---------- - path : path or str, optional - Path of yaml file used as input in order to parse for notes - solution : - """ - - note = {'header': [], 'species_thermo': {}, 'species': {}, 'reaction': {}} - - if path is None: return note - - with open(path, 'r') as yaml_file: - data = yaml.load(yaml_file, yaml.RoundTripLoader) - - # Header note - if 'description' in data: - note['header'] = data['description'] - else: - note['header'] = '' - - # Species and thermo_species notes - for species in data['species']: - if 'note' in species: - note['species'][species['name']] = species['note'] - else: - note['species'][species['name']] = '' - - if 'note' in species['thermo']: - note['species_thermo'][species['name']] = species['thermo']['note'] - else: - note['species_thermo'][species['name']] = '' - - if 'reactions' in data: - for rxn in data['reactions']: - ct_rxn_eqn = match_reaction(solution, rxn['equation']) - if 'note' in rxn: - note['reaction'][ct_rxn_eqn] = '! ' + rxn['note'].replace('\n', '\n! ') - else: - note['reaction'][ct_rxn_eqn] = '' - - return note - - -def eformat(f, precision=7, exp_digits=3): - s = f"{f: .{precision}e}" - if s == ' inf' or s == '-inf': - return s - else: - mantissa, exp = s.split('e') - exp_digits += 1 # +1 due to sign - return f"{mantissa}E{int(exp):+0{exp_digits}}" - - -def build_arrhenius(rate, reaction_order, reaction_type): - """Builds Arrhenius coefficient string based on reaction type. - Parameters - ---------- - rate : cantera.Arrhenius - Arrhenius-form reaction rate coefficient - reaction_order : int or float - Order of reaction (sum of reactant stoichiometric coefficients) - reaction_type : {cantera.ElementaryReaction, cantera.ThreeBodyReaction, cantera.PlogReaction} - Type of reaction - Returns - ------- - str - String with Arrhenius coefficients - """ - if reaction_type in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.PlogReaction]: - pre_exponential_factor = rate.pre_exponential_factor * 1e3**(reaction_order - 1) - - elif reaction_type == ct.ThreeBodyReaction: - pre_exponential_factor = rate.pre_exponential_factor * 1e3**reaction_order - - elif reaction_type in [ct.FalloffReaction, ct.ChemicallyActivatedReaction]: - raise ValueError('Function does not support falloff or chemically activated reactions') - else: - raise NotImplementedError('Reaction type not supported: ', reaction_type) - - activation_energy = rate.activation_energy / CALORIES_CONSTANT - arrhenius = [f'{eformat(pre_exponential_factor)}', - f'{eformat(rate.temperature_exponent)}', - f'{eformat(activation_energy)}'] - return ' '.join(arrhenius) - - -def build_falloff_arrhenius(rate, reaction_order, reaction_type, pressure_limit): - """Builds Arrhenius coefficient strings for falloff and chemically-activated reactions. - Parameters - ---------- - rate : cantera.Arrhenius - Arrhenius-form reaction rate coefficient - reaction_order : int or float - Order of reaction (sum of reactant stoichiometric coefficients) - reaction_type : {ct.FalloffReaction, ct.ChemicallyActivatedReaction} - Type of reaction - pressure_limit : {'high', 'low'} - string designating pressure limit - - Returns - ------- - str - Arrhenius coefficient string - """ - assert pressure_limit in ['low', 'high'], 'Pressure range needs to be high or low' - - # Each needs more complicated handling due if high- or low-pressure limit - if reaction_type == ct.FalloffReaction: - if pressure_limit == 'low': - pre_exponential_factor = rate.pre_exponential_factor * 1e3**(reaction_order) - elif pressure_limit == 'high': - pre_exponential_factor = rate.pre_exponential_factor * 1e3**(reaction_order - 1) - - elif reaction_type == ct.ChemicallyActivatedReaction: - if pressure_limit == 'low': - pre_exponential_factor = rate.pre_exponential_factor * 1e3**(reaction_order - 1) - elif pressure_limit == 'high': - pre_exponential_factor = rate.pre_exponential_factor * 1e3**(reaction_order - 2) - else: - raise ValueError('Reaction type not supported: ', reaction_type) - - activation_energy = rate.activation_energy / CALORIES_CONSTANT - arrhenius = [f'{eformat(pre_exponential_factor)}', - f'{eformat(rate.temperature_exponent)}', - f'{eformat(activation_energy)}' - ] - return ' '.join(arrhenius) - - -def build_falloff(parameters, falloff_function): - """Creates falloff reaction Troe parameter string - Parameters - ---------- - parameters : numpy.ndarray - Array of falloff parameters; length varies based on ``falloff_function`` - falloff_function : {'Troe', 'SRI'} - Type of falloff function - Returns - ------- - falloff_string : str - String of falloff parameters - """ - if falloff_function == 'Troe': - if parameters[-1] == 0.0: - falloff = [f'{eformat(f)}'for f in parameters[:-1]] - falloff.append(' '*15) - else: - falloff = [f'{eformat(f)}'for f in parameters] - - falloff_string = f"TROE / {' '.join(falloff)} /\n" - elif falloff_function == 'SRI': - falloff = [f'{eformat(f)}'for f in parameters] - falloff_string = f"SRI / {' '.join(falloff)} /\n" - else: - raise NotImplementedError(f'Falloff function not supported: {falloff_function}') - - return falloff_string - - -def species_data_text(species_list, note): - max_species_len = max([len(s) for s in species_list]) - if note: - max_species_len = max([16, max_species_len]) - species_txt = [] - for species in species_list: - text = f'{species:<{max_species_len}} ! {note[species]}\n' - species_txt.append(text) - - species_txt = ''.join(species_txt) - - else: - species_names = [f"{s:<{max_species_len}}" for s in species_list] - species_names = fill( - ' '.join(species_names), - width=72, # max length is 16, this gives 4 species per line - break_long_words=False, - break_on_hyphens=False - ) - - species_txt = f'{species_names}\n' - - text = ('SPECIES\n' + - species_txt + - 'END\n\n\n') - - return text - - -def thermo_data_text(species_list, note, input_type='included'): - """Returns thermodynamic data in Chemkin-format file. - Parameters - ---------- - species_list : list of cantera.Species - List of species objects - input_type : str, optional - 'included' if thermo will be printed in mech file, 'file' otherwise - """ - - if input_type == 'included': - thermo_text = ['THERMO ALL\n' + - ' 300.000 1000.000 6000.000\n'] - else: - thermo_text = ['THERMO\n' + - ' 300.000 1000.000 6000.000\n'] - - # write data for each species in the Solution object - for species in species_list: - composition_string = ''.join([f'{s:2}{int(v):>3}' - for s, v in species.composition.items() - ]) - - # first line has species name, space for notes/date, elemental composition, - # phase, thermodynamic range temperatures (low, high, middle), and a "1" - # total length should be 80 - - # attempt to split note and comment - if not note: - comment, comment_str, note_str = '', '', '' - elif len(note[species.name].split('\n', 1)) == 1: - comment = '' - comment_str = '' - note_str = note[species.name] - else: - comment = '!\n' - note_str, comment_str = note[species.name].split('\n', 1) - - if len(f'{species.name} {note_str}') > 24: - comment_str += '\n' + note_str - note_str = '' - - comment_str = comment_str.replace('\n', '\n! ') - comment = f'{comment}! {comment_str}' - - name_and_note = f'{species.name} {note_str}' - species_string = (comment + '\n' + - f'{name_and_note:<24}' + # name and date/note field - f'{composition_string:<20}' + - 'G' + # only supports gas phase - f'{species.thermo.min_temp:10.3f}' + - f'{species.thermo.max_temp:10.3f}' + - f'{species.thermo.coeffs[0]:8.2f}' + - 6*' ' + # unused atomic symbols/formula, and blank space - '1\n' - ) - - # second line has first five coefficients of high-temperature range, - # ending with a "2" in column 79 - species_string += ( - ''.join([f'{c:15.8e}' for c in species.thermo.coeffs[1:6]]) + - ' ' + - '2\n' - ) - - # third line has the last two coefficients of the high-temperature range, - # first three coefficients of low-temperature range, and "3" - species_string += ( - ''.join([f'{c:15.8e}' for c in species.thermo.coeffs[6:8]]) + - ''.join([f'{c:15.8e}' for c in species.thermo.coeffs[8:11]]) + - ' ' + - '3\n' - ) - - # fourth and last line has the last four coefficients of the - # low-temperature range, and "4" - - species_string += ( - ''.join([f'{c:15.8e}' for c in species.thermo.coeffs[11:15]]) + - 19*' ' + - '4\n' - ) - - thermo_text.append(species_string) - - if input_type == 'included': - thermo_text.append('END\n\n\n') - else: - thermo_text.append('END\n') - - return ''.join(thermo_text) - - -def write_transport_data(species_list, filename='generated_transport.dat'): - """Writes transport data to Chemkin-format file. - Parameters - ---------- - species_list : list of cantera.Species - List of species objects - filename : path or str, optional - Filename for new Chemkin transport database file - """ - geometry = {'atom': '0', 'linear': '1', 'nonlinear': '2'} - with open(filename, 'w') as trans_file: - - # write data for each species in the Solution object - for species in species_list: - - # each line contains the species name, integer representing - # geometry, Lennard-Jones potential well depth in K, - # Lennard-Jones collision diameter in angstroms, - # dipole moment in Debye, - # polarizability in cubic angstroms, and - # rotational relaxation collision number at 298 K. - species_string = ( - f'{species.name:<16}' + - f'{geometry[species.transport.geometry]:>4}' + - f'{(species.transport.well_depth / ct.boltzmann):>10.3f}' + - f'{(species.transport.diameter * 1e10):>10.3f}' + - f'{(species.transport.dipole / DEBEYE_CONVERSION):>10.3f}' + - f'{(species.transport.polarizability * 1e30):>10.3f}' + - f'{species.transport.rotational_relaxation:>10.3f}' + - '\n' - ) - - trans_file.write(species_string) - - -def write(solution, output_path='', input_yaml='', - skip_thermo=False, same_file_thermo=True, - skip_transport=False): - """Writes Cantera solution object to Chemkin-format file. - Parameters - ---------- - solution : cantera.Solution - Model to be written - output_path : path or str, optional - Path of file to be written; if not provided, use cd / 'solution.name' - input_yaml : path or str, optional - Path of yaml file used as input in order to parse for notes - skip_thermo : bool, optional - Flag to skip writing thermo data - same_file_thermo : bool, optional - Flag to write thermo data in the mechanism file - skip_transport : bool, optional - Flag to skip writing transport data in separate file - Returns - ------- - output_file_name : str - Name of output model file (.ck) - Examples - -------- - >>> gas = cantera.Solution('gri30.cti') - >>> soln2ck.write(gas) - reduced_gri30.ck - """ - if output_path: - if not isinstance(output_path, pathlib.PurePath): - output_path = pathlib.Path(output_path) - else: - main_path = pathlib.Path.cwd() - output_path = main_path / f'{solution.name}.ck' - - if output_path.is_file(): - output_path.unlink() - - main_path = output_path.parents[0] - basename = output_path.stem - output_files = [output_path] - - if input_yaml: - if not isinstance(input_yaml, pathlib.PurePath): - input_yaml = pathlib.Path(input_yaml) - - note = get_notes(input_yaml, solution) - else: - note = get_notes() - - with open(output_path, 'w') as mech_file: - # Write title block to file - if note['header']: - note["header"] = note['header'].replace('\n', '\n! ') - mech_file.write(f'! {note["header"]}\n! \n') - mech_file.write('! Chemkin file converted from Cantera solution object\n! \n\n') - - # write species and element lists to file - element_names = ' '.join(solution.element_names) - mech_file.write( - 'ELEMENTS\n' + - f'{element_names}\n' + - 'END\n\n\n' - ) - - mech_file.write(species_data_text(solution.species_names, note['species'])) - - # Write thermo to file - if not skip_thermo and same_file_thermo: - mech_file.write(thermo_data_text(solution.species(), note['species_thermo'], - input_type='included')) - - # Write reactions to file - max_rxn_width = 3 + max([len(rxn.equation) for rxn in solution.reactions()] + [48]) - - mech_file.write('REACTIONS CAL/MOLE MOLES\n') - # Write data for each reaction in the Solution Object - for n, reaction in enumerate(solution.reactions()): - reaction_equation = str(reaction) - - reaction_string = '' - if reaction_equation in note['reaction']: - rxn_note = note['reaction'][reaction_equation] - rxn_note = rxn_note.rsplit('\n! ', 1) - if len(rxn_note) > 1: - reaction_string = f'{rxn_note[0]}\n' - after_eqn_text = rxn_note[-1].strip() - rxn_note[-1] = f'! {after_eqn_text}' - else: - rxn_note = [''] - - reaction_equation = reorder_reaction_equation(solution, reaction) - reaction_string += f'{reaction_equation:<{max_rxn_width}}' - - # The Arrhenius parameters that follow the equation string on the main line - # depend on the type of reaction. - if type(reaction) in [ct.ElementaryReaction, ct.ThreeBodyReaction]: - arrhenius = build_arrhenius( - reaction.rate, - sum(reaction.reactants.values()), - type(reaction) - ) - - elif type(reaction) == ct.FalloffReaction: - # high-pressure limit is included on the main reaction line - arrhenius = build_falloff_arrhenius( - reaction.high_rate, - sum(reaction.reactants.values()), - ct.FalloffReaction, - 'high' - ) - - elif type(reaction) == ct.ChemicallyActivatedReaction: - # low-pressure limit is included on the main reaction line - arrhenius = build_falloff_arrhenius( - reaction.low_rate, - sum(reaction.reactants.values()), - ct.ChemicallyActivatedReaction, - 'low' - ) - - elif type(reaction) == ct.ChebyshevReaction: - arrhenius = '1.0e0 0.0 0.0' - - elif type(reaction) == ct.PlogReaction: - arrhenius = build_arrhenius( - reaction.rates[0][1], - sum(reaction.reactants.values()), - ct.PlogReaction - ) - else: - raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported reaction type: {type(reaction)}') - - reaction_string += f'{arrhenius} {rxn_note[-1]}\n' - - # now write any auxiliary information for the reaction - if type(reaction) == ct.FalloffReaction: - # for falloff reaction, need to write low-pressure limit Arrhenius expression - arrhenius = build_falloff_arrhenius( - reaction.low_rate, - sum(reaction.reactants.values()), - ct.FalloffReaction, - 'low' - ) - reaction_string += f'{"LOW / ".rjust(max_rxn_width)}{arrhenius} /\n' - - # need to print additional falloff parameters if present - if reaction.falloff.parameters.size > 0: - falloff_str = build_falloff(reaction.falloff.parameters, reaction.falloff.type) - width = max_rxn_width - 10 - 15*(reaction.falloff.parameters.size - 3) - reaction_string += f'{"".ljust(width)}{falloff_str}' - - elif type(reaction) == ct.ChemicallyActivatedReaction: - # for chemically activated reaction, need to write high-pressure expression - arrhenius = build_falloff_arrhenius( - reaction.low_rate, - sum(reaction.reactants.values()), - ct.ChemicallyActivatedReaction, - 'high' - ) - reaction_string += f'HIGH' - reaction_string += f'{"HIGH / ".rjust(max_rxn_width)}{arrhenius} /\n' - - # need to print additional falloff parameters if present - if reaction.falloff.parameters.size > 0: - falloff_str = build_falloff(reaction.falloff.parameters, reaction.falloff.type) - width = max_rxn_width - 10 - 15*(reaction.falloff.parameters.size - 3) - reaction_string += f'{"".ljust(width)}{falloff_str}' - - elif type(reaction) == ct.PlogReaction: - # just need one rate per line - for rate in reaction.rates: - pressure = f'{eformat(rate[0] / ct.one_atm)}' - arrhenius = build_arrhenius(rate[1], - sum(reaction.reactants.values()), - ct.PlogReaction - ) - reaction_string += (f'{"PLOG / ".rjust(max_rxn_width-18)}' - f'{pressure} {arrhenius} /\n') - - elif type(reaction) == ct.ChebyshevReaction: - reaction_string += ( - f'TCHEB / {reaction.Tmin} {reaction.Tmax} /\n' + - f'PCHEB / {reaction.Pmin / ct.one_atm} {reaction.Pmax / ct.one_atm} /\n' + - f'CHEB / {reaction.nTemperature} {reaction.nPressure} /\n' - ) - for coeffs in reaction.coeffs: - coeffs_row = ' '.join([f'{c:.6e}' for c in coeffs]) - reaction_string += f'CHEB / {coeffs_row} /\n' - - # need to trim and print third-body efficiencies, if present - if type(reaction) in [ct.ThreeBodyReaction, ct.FalloffReaction, - ct.ChemicallyActivatedReaction - ]: - # trims efficiencies list - reduced_efficiencies = {s:reaction.efficiencies[s] - for s in reaction.efficiencies - if s in solution.species_names - } - efficiencies_str = ' '.join([f'{s}/ {v:.3f}/' for s, v in reduced_efficiencies.items()]) - if efficiencies_str: - reaction_string += ' ' + efficiencies_str + '\n' - - if reaction.duplicate: - reaction_string += ' DUPLICATE\n' - - mech_file.write(reaction_string) - - mech_file.write('END') - - # write thermo data - if not skip_thermo and not same_file_thermo: - therm_path = main_path / f'{basename}.therm' - with open(therm_path, 'w') as thermo_file: - thermo_file.write(thermo_data_text(solution.species(), input_type='file')) - output_files.append(therm_path) - - # TODO: more careful check for presence of transport data? - if not skip_transport and all(sp.transport for sp in solution.species()): - trans_path = main_path / f'{basename}_tranport.dat' - write_transport_data(solution.species(), trans_path) - output_files.append(trans_path) - - return output_files - -