title | category | parentDoc | order | hidden |
Uninstall Measurement |
5f9705393c689a065c409b23 |
6370c9e2441a4504d6bca3bd |
5 |
false |
AppsFlyer enables you to track app uninstalls. To handle notifications it requires to modify your AppDelegate.m
. Use didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken to register to the uninstall feature.
UnityEngine.iOS.NotificationServices is now deprecated. Please use the "Mobile Notifications" package instead. It is available in the Unity package manager.
using AppsFlyerSDK;
using Unity.Notifications.iOS;
public class AppsFlyerObjectScript : MonoBehaviour, IAppsFlyerConversionData
void Start()
AppsFlyer.initSDK("devKey", "appID", this);
Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
IEnumerator RequestAuthorization()
using (var req = new AuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationOption.Alert | AuthorizationOption.Badge, true))
while (!req.IsFinished)
yield return null;
if (req.Granted && req.DeviceToken != "")
byte[] tokenBytes = ConvertHexStringToByteArray(req.DeviceToken);
private byte[] ConvertHexStringToByteArray(string hexString)
byte[] data = new byte[hexString.Length / 2];
for (int index = 0; index < data.Length; index++)
string byteValue = hexString.Substring(index * 2, 2);
data[index] = System.Convert.ToByte(byteValue, 16);
return data;
Read more about Uninstall register: Appsflyer SDK support site
- Download the Unity Firebase SDK from: https://firebase.google.com/docs/unity/setup.
- Import FirebaseMessaging.unitypackage into the project.
- Import google-services.json into the project (obtained in the Firebase console) Note Manifest receivers should be automatically added by the Unity Firebase SDK.
- In the Unity class handling the AppsFlyer code, add the following:
using Firebase.Messaging;
using Firebase.Unity;
- Add to the
Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.TokenReceived += OnTokenReceived;
- Add the following method:
public void OnTokenReceived(object sender, Firebase.Messaging.TokenReceivedEventArgs token)
Read more about Android Uninstall Tracking: Appsflyer SDK support site