diff --git a/docs/strategies/circuit-breaker.md b/docs/strategies/circuit-breaker.md
index cc01e099f0..cfd7bc72f9 100644
--- a/docs/strategies/circuit-breaker.md
+++ b/docs/strategies/circuit-breaker.md
@@ -90,6 +90,210 @@ await manualControl.CloseAsync();
| `ManualControl` | `null` | Allows for manual control to isolate or close the circuit. |
| `StateProvider` | `null` | Enables the retrieval of the current state of the circuit. |
+## Diagrams
+### State diagram
+%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
+direction LR
+ [*] --> Closed
+ Closed --> Open: Exceeds threshold
+ Open --> HalfOpen: Elapses break duration
+ HalfOpen --> Closed: Passes the probe
+ HalfOpen --> Open: Fails the probe
+Whenever someone says _the circuit breaks_ that means the Circuit Breaker transitions from the `Closed` state to the `Open` state.
+### Simple
+Let's suppose we have a circuit breaker strategy wit the following configuration:
+- `SamplingDuration`: `2 seconds`;
+- `MinimumThroughput`: `2`;
+- `FailureRatio` : `0.5`.
+#### Simple: happy path sequence diagram
+The circuit will not break because the actual failure ratio (0.33) will be below the threshold (0.5) after the 3rd call.
+%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
+ autonumber
+ actor C as Caller
+ participant P as Pipeline
+ participant CB as CircuitBreaker
+ participant D as DecoratedUserCallback
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ Note over CB: Closed state
+ Note over CB, D: Sampling start
+ activate CB
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Returns result
+ CB->>P: Returns result
+ P->>C: Returns result
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Returns result
+ CB->>P: Returns result
+ P->>C: Returns result
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Fails
+ deactivate CB
+ Note over CB, D: Sampling end
+ CB->>P: Propagates failure
+ P->>C: Propagates failure
+#### Simple: unhappy path sequence diagram
+The circuit will break because the actual failure ratio meets the threshold (0.5) after the 2nd call.
+%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
+ autonumber
+ actor C as Caller
+ participant P as Pipeline
+ participant CB as CircuitBreaker
+ participant D as DecoratedUserCallback
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ Note over CB: Closed state
+ Note over CB, D: Sampling start
+ activate CB
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Returns result
+ CB->>P: Returns result
+ P->>C: Returns result
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Fails
+ Note over CB: Moves to Open state
+ CB->>P: Propagates failure
+ P->>C: Propagates failure
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ CB->>CB: Rejects request
+ CB->>P: Throws
+ P->>C: Propagates exception
+ deactivate CB
+ Note over CB, D: Sampling end
+### Complex
+Let's suppose we have a circuit breaker strategy with the following configuration:
+- `SamplingDuration`: `2 seconds`;
+- `MinimumThroughput`: `2`;
+- `FailureRatio`: `0.5`;
+- `BreakDuration`:`1 second`.
+#### Complex: happy path sequence diagram
+%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
+ autonumber
+ actor C as Caller
+ participant P as Pipeline
+ participant CB as CircuitBreaker
+ participant D as DecoratedUserCallback
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ Note over CB: Closed state
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Fails
+ CB->>P: Propagates failure
+ P->>C: Propagates failure
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Fails
+ Note over CB: Moves to Open state
+ Note over CB: Break duration start
+ CB->>P: Propagates failure
+ P->>C: Propagates failure
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ CB->>CB: Rejects request
+ CB->>P: Throws
+ P->>C: Propagates exception
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ Note over CB: Break duration end
+ Note over CB: Moves to HalfOpen state
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Returns result
+ Note over CB: Moves to Closed state
+ CB->>P: Returns result
+ P->>C: Returns result
+#### Complex: unhappy path sequence diagram
+%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
+ autonumber
+ actor C as Caller
+ participant P as Pipeline
+ participant CB as CircuitBreaker
+ participant D as DecoratedUserCallback
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ Note over CB: Closed state
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Fails
+ CB->>P: Propagates failure
+ P->>C: Propagates failure
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Fails
+ Note over CB: Moves to Open state
+ Note over CB: Break duration start
+ CB->>P: Propagates failure
+ P->>C: Propagates failure
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ CB->>CB: Rejects request
+ CB->>P: Throws
+ P->>C: Propagates exception
+ C->>P: Calls ExecuteAsync
+ P->>CB: Calls ExecuteCore
+ Note over CB: Break duration end
+ Note over CB: Moves to HalfOpen state
+ CB->>+D: Invokes
+ D->>-CB: Fails
+ Note over CB: Moves to Open state
+ CB->>P: Propagates failure
+ P->>C: Propagates failure
## Resources
- [Making the Netflix API More Resilient](https://techblog.netflix.com/2011/12/making-netflix-api-more-resilient.html)
diff --git a/docs/strategies/rate-limiter.md b/docs/strategies/rate-limiter.md
index adb344fcd4..d1c047ea49 100644
--- a/docs/strategies/rate-limiter.md
+++ b/docs/strategies/rate-limiter.md
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ sequenceDiagram
P->>CL: Calls ExecuteCore
CL->>CL: Rejects request (C3)
CL->>P: Throws
- P->>C3: Propagate exception
+ P->>C3: Propagates exception
D->>-CL: Returns result (C1)
CL->>P: Returns result (C1)