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Quadratic programming + Spline interpolation
Path is defined in station-lateral coordination system. The s range from vehicle's current position to default planning path length.
Split the path into n segments. each segment trajectory is defined by a polynomial.
1.3 Define function for each spline segment
Each segment i has accumulated distance $d_i$ along reference line. The trajectory for the segment is defined as a polynomial of degree five by default.
l = f_i(s)
= a_{i0} + a_{i1} \cdot s + a_{i2} \cdot s^2 + a_{i3} \cdot s^3 + a_{i4} \cdot s^4 + a_{i5} \cdot s^5 (0 \leq s \leq d_{i})
1.4 Define objective function of optimization for each segment
cost = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \Big( w_1 \cdot \int\limits_{0}^{d_i} (f_i')^2(s) ds + w_2 \cdot \int\limits_{0}^{d_i} (f_i'')^2(s) ds + w_3 \cdot \int\limits_{0}^{d_i} (f_i^{\prime\prime\prime})^2(s) ds \Big)
1.5 Convert the cost function to QP formulation
QP formulation:
minimize & \frac{1}{2} \cdot x^T \cdot H \cdot x + f^T \cdot x \\\
s.t. \qquad & LB \leq x \leq UB \\\
& A_{eq}x = b_{eq} \\\
& Ax \geq b
Below is the example for converting the cost function into the QP formulaiton.
f_i(s) =
\begin{vmatrix} 1 & s & s^2 & s^3 & s^4 & s^5 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
f_i'(s) =
\begin{vmatrix} 0 & 1 & 2s & 3s^2 & 4s^3 & 5s^4 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
f_i'(s)^2 =
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} & a_{i1} & a_{i2} & a_{i3} & a_{i4} & a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \\ 2s \\ 3s^2 \\ 4s^3 \\ 5s^4 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} 0 & 1 & 2s & 3s^2 & 4s^3 & 5s^4 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
then we have,
\int\limits_{0}^{d_i} f_i'(s)^2 ds =
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} & a_{i1} & a_{i2} & a_{i3} & a_{i4} & a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \\ 2s \\ 3s^2 \\ 4s^3 \\ 5s^4 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} 0 & 1 & 2s & 3s^2 & 4s^3 & 5s^4 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix} ds
extract the const outside the integration, we have,
\int\limits_{0}^{d_i} f'(s)^2 ds =
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} & a_{i1} & a_{i2} & a_{i3} & a_{i4} & a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \\ 2s \\ 3s^2 \\ 4s^3 \\ 5s^4 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} 0 & 1 & 2s & 3s^2 & 4s^3 & 5s^4 \end{vmatrix} ds
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
=\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} & a_{i1} & a_{i2} & a_{i3} & a_{i4} & a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
\cdot \int\limits_{0}^{d_i}
0 & 0 &0&0&0&0\\
0 & 1 & 2s & 3s^2 & 4s^3 & 5s^4\\\
0 & 2s & 4s^2 & 6s^3 & 8s^4 & 10s^5\\\
0 & 3s^2 & 6s^3 & 9s^4 & 12s^5&15s^6 \\\
0 & 4s^3 & 8s^4 &12s^5 &16s^6&20s^7 \\\
0 & 5s^4 & 10s^5 & 15s^6 & 20s^7 & 25s^8
\end{vmatrix} ds
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
Finally, we have
f'_i(s)^2 ds =\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} & a_{i1} & a_{i2} & a_{i3} & a_{i4} & a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
\cdot \begin{vmatrix}
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 &0&0\\
0 & d_i & d_i^2 & d_i^3 & d_i^4&d_i^5\\\
0& d_i^2 & \frac{4}{3}d_i^3& \frac{6}{4}d_i^4 & \frac{8}{5}d_i^5&\frac{10}{6}d_i^6\\\
0& d_i^3 & \frac{6}{4}d_i^4 & \frac{9}{5}d_i^5 & \frac{12}{6}d_i^6&\frac{15}{7}d_i^7\\\
0& d_i^4 & \frac{8}{5}d_i^5 & \frac{12}{6}d_i^6 & \frac{16}{7}d_i^7&\frac{20}{8}d_i^8\\\
0& d_i^5 & \frac{10}{6}d_i^6 & \frac{15}{7}d_i^7 & \frac{20}{8}d_i^8&\frac{25}{9}d_i^9
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
Please notice that we got a 6 x 6 matrix to represent the derivative cost of 5th order spline.
Similar deduction can also be used to calculate the cost of second and third order derivatives.
2.1 The init point constraints
Assume that the first point is ($s_0$ , $l_0$ ), ($s_0$ , $l'_0$ ) and ($s_0$ , $l''_0$ ), where $l_0$ , $l'_0$ and $l''_0$ is the lateral offset and its first and second derivatives on the init point of planned path, and are calculated from $f_i(s)$ , $f'_i(s)$ , and $f_i(s)''$ .
Convert those constraints into QP equality constraints, using:
A_{eq}x = b_{eq}
Below are the steps of conversion.
f_i(s_0) =
\begin{vmatrix} 1 & s_0 & s_0^2 & s_0^3 & s_0^4&s_0^5 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5}\end{vmatrix} = l_0
f'_i(s_0) =
\begin{vmatrix} 0& 1 & 2s_0 & 3s_0^2 & 4s_0^3 &5 s_0^4 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix} = l'_0
f''_i(s_0) =
\begin{vmatrix} 0&0& 2 & 3\times2s_0 & 4\times3s_0^2 & 5\times4s_0^3 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix} = l''_0
where i is the index of the segment that contains the $s_0$.
2.2 The end point constraints
Similar to the init point, the end point $(s_e, l_e)$ is known and should produce the same constraint as described in the init point calculations.
Combine the init point and end point, and show the equality constraint as:
1 & s_0 & s_0^2 & s_0^3 & s_0^4&s_0^5 \\\
0&1 & 2s_0 & 3s_0^2 & 4s_0^3 & 5s_0^4 \\\
0& 0&2 & 3\times2s_0 & 4\times3s_0^2 & 5\times4s_0^3 \\\
1 & s_e & s_e^2 & s_e^3 & s_e^4&s_e^5 \\\
0&1 & 2s_e & 3s_e^2 & 4s_e^3 & 5s_e^4 \\\
0& 0&2 & 3\times2s_e & 4\times3s_e^2 & 5\times4s_e^3
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
2.3 Joint smoothness constraints
This constraint is designed to smooth the spline joint. Assume two segments $seg_k$ and $seg_{k+1}$ are connected, and the accumulated s of segment $seg_k$ is $s_k$ . Calculate the constraint equation as:
f_k(s_k) = f_{k+1} (s_0)
Below are the steps of the calculation.
1 & s_k & s_k^2 & s_k^3 & s_k^4&s_k^5 \\\
a_{k0} \\ a_{k1} \\ a_{k2} \\ a_{k3} \\ a_{k4} \\ a_{k5}
1 & s_{0} & s_{0}^2 & s_{0}^3 & s_{0}^4&s_{0}^5 \\\
a_{k+1,0} \\ a_{k+1,1} \\ a_{k+1,2} \\ a_{k+1,3} \\ a_{k+1,4} \\ a_{k+1,5}
1 & s_k & s_k^2 & s_k^3 & s_k^4&s_k^5 & -1 & -s_{0} & -s_{0}^2 & -s_{0}^3 & -s_{0}^4&-s_{0}^5\\\
a_{k0} \\ a_{k1} \\ a_{k2} \\ a_{k3} \\ a_{k4} \\ a_{k5} \\ a_{k+1,0} \\ a_{k+1,1} \\ a_{k+1,2} \\ a_{k+1,3} \\ a_{k+1,4} \\ a_{k+1,5}
= 0
Use $s_0$ = 0 in the equation.
Similarly calculate the equality constraints for:
f'_k(s_k) = f'_{k+1} (s_0)
f''_k(s_k) = f''_{k+1} (s_0)
f'''_k(s_k) = f'''_{k+1} (s_0)
2.4 Sampled points for boundary constraint
Evenly sample m points along the path, and check the obstacle boundary at those points. Convert the constraint into QP inequality constraints, using:
Ax \geq b
First find the lower boundary $l_{lb,j}$ at those points $(s_j, l_j)$ and $j\in[0, m]$ based on the road width and surrounding obstacles. Calculate the inequality constraints as:
1 & s_0 & s_0^2 & s_0^3 & s_0^4&s_0^5 \\\
1 & s_1 & s_1^2 & s_1^3 & s_1^4&s_1^5 \\\
...&...&...&...&...&... \\\
1 & s_m & s_m^2 & s_m^3 & s_m^4&s_m^5 \\\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot \begin{vmatrix}a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
Similarly, for the upper boundary $l_{ub,j}$ , calculate the inequality constraints as:
-1 & -s_0 & -s_0^2 & -s_0^3 & -s_0^4&-s_0^5 \\\
-1 & -s_1 & -s_1^2 & -s_1^3 & -s_1^4&-s_1^5 \\\
...&...-&...&...&...&... \\\
-1 & -s_m & -s_m^2 & -s_m^3 & -s_m^4&-s_m^5 \\\
\begin{vmatrix} a_{i0} \\ a_{i1} \\ a_{i2} \\ a_{i3} \\ a_{i4} \\ a_{i5} \end{vmatrix}
-1 \cdot