- Timothy Edmund Crosley (@timothycrosley)
- VIM - Juan Pedro Fisanotti (@fisadev)
- Emacs - Friedrich Paetzke (@paetzke)
- Sublime - Thijs de Zoute (@thijsdezoete)
- Bengt Lüers (@Bengt)
- Chris Adams (@acdha)
- @OddBloke
- Martin Geisler (@mgeisler)
- Aaron Gallagher (@habnabit)
- Thomas Grainger (@graingert)
- Thijs de Zoute (@thijsdezoete)
- Marc Abramowitz (@msabramo)
- Daniel Cowgill (@dcowgill)
- Francois Lebel (@flebel)
- Antoni Segura Puimedon (@celebdor)
- Pablo (@oubiga)
- Oskar Hahn (@ostcar)
- Wim Glenn (@wimglenn)
- Matt Caldwell (@mattcaldwell)
- Dwayne Bailey (@dwaynebailey)
- Ionel Cristian Mărieș (@ionelmc)
- Chris Adams (@acdha)
- GuoJing (@GuoJing)
- George Hickman (@ghickman)
- Dan Davison (@dandavison)
- Maciej Wolff (@maciejwo)
- Elliott Sales de Andrade (@qulogic)
- Kasper Jacobsen (@dinoshauer)
- Sebastian Pipping (@hartwork)
- Helen Sherwood-Taylor (@helenst)
- Mocker (@Zuckonit)
- Tim Graham (@timgraham)
- Adam (@NorthIsUp)
- Norman Jäckel (@normanjaeckel)
- Derrick Petzold (@dpetzold)
- Michael van Tellingen (@mvantellingen)
- Patrick Yevsukov (@patrickyevsukov)
- Christer van der Meeren (@cmeeren)
- Timon Wong/NHNCN (@timonwong)
- Jeremy Dunck (@jdunck)
- Benjamin ABEL (@benjaminabel)
- Dan Baragan (@danbaragan)
- Rob Cowie (@robcowie)
- Amit Shah (@Amwam)
- Reinout van Rees (@reinout)
- Helen Sherwood-Taylor (@helenst)
- Elliott Sales de Andrade (@QuLogic)
- Brian Peiris (@brianpeiris)
- Tim Graham (@timgraham)
A sincere thanks to everyone who has helped isort be the great utility it is today! It would not be one-hundredth as useful and consistent as it is now without the help of your bug reports, commits, and suggestions. You guys rock!
~Timothy Crosley