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83 lines (73 loc) · 2.41 KB


Vali-pay is an electronic platform to validate if a card is valid and this is due to the Luhn algorithm



Theme: Card Validation
Autor: Andu15
Created: 06/22
Version: 2.0.0


Web application based on the Luhn algorithm, which allows the user to validate a credit card number, with the added bonus of verifying the type of card entered



  • isValid: Luhn's algorithm
  • maskify: Return only 4 last digits of the credit card
  • getIssuer: With regex you can get the brand of the card (American Express, Discover, Visa, Mastercard, etc.)


├── coverage/
├── node_modules/
├── src/
|   ├── assets/
|   |   ├── css/
|   |   ├── images/
|   |   └── scss/
|   ├── .htmlhintrc
|   ├── index.html
|   ├── index.js
|   └── validator.js
├── test/
|   ├── .eslintrc
|   └── validator.spec.js
├── .babelrc
├── .editorconfig
├── .eslintrc.js
├── .gitignore
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json

Technologies used:

  • Vanilla js
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Sass
  • Jest
  • ESLint

How to use

  1. The user clicks 'Ir a Pagar'
  2. Enter the data:
  • Número de tarjeta: Accepts between 12 to 19 numbers without spaces
  • MM: Select card expiration month
  • YYYY: Select card expiration year
  • CVV: Enter cvv
  • Primer Nombre: Accept only one name and no spaces
  • Primer Apellido: Accept only one last name and no spaces
  • Correo electrónico: Enter a email
  1. Wait 2 seconds aprox. while the next screen loads
  2. Finally it will show you if the card is valid or not

** OBS: This simple application is a payment simulation, so if the card is valid, it will indicate a transaction code, but it is only so as not to lose the context

Final product: