I'm a full stack web developer. Currently working in a Hospital Software Interface (HIS) development bussiness, located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I'm biomedical engineer but recently I finished a 7 months course in Full Stack Web Development at Henry academy, where I learnt Javascript, React, Redux, Express, Node, PostgreSQL, sequelize and more.
Thanks to Henry, I took part in two projects, which are available in my portfolio page, where I put in practice all the knowledge learnt during the course. Also, at this moment, I'm working in a software development company, called Thinksoft, as an application developer. There, I'm using technologies such as Javascript, Express, Nodejs, Gitlab, Swagger, Flutter, Vue and others.
I'm really interested in improve my tech and soft skills working in different projects, as a freelancer, where I could be challenge with the advances in technologies and markets.
You can visit my LinkedIn and my Github, or you can send me an Email or contact me throw the contact form in my portfolio page.