diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 93432da..d971cad 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -59,20 +59,22 @@ const ExampleClient = () => {
## AutoSuggest props:
| propName | Description |
| --- | --- |
-| **type** | Passing "server" will tell the component to render an AutoSuggestServer component. If a type is not passed and a url argument is passed, the component infers the type to be server. If no type is passed (or a type other than "server" is passed), AutoSuggestClient component is rendered. |
-| **name** | name used for the autosuggest input label and the ids of nested elements |
+| **id** | value used to generate ids of nested elements |
+| **type** | passing "server" will tell the component to render an AutoSuggestServer component. If a type is not passed and a url argument is passed, the component infers the type to be server. If no type is passed (or a type other than "server" is passed), AutoSuggestClient component is rendered. |
+| **name** | name used for the autosuggest input label. If `id` prop is not provided, the `name` prop is used for generating the ids of nested elements |
| **url** | endpoint to query to generate the suggestions list. Component expects the url to accept input text as a parameter, not query.
With "https://ntsb-server.herokuapp.com/api/accidents/makeList" as the url,
if a user typed 'Bo' into the input field, a request would be sent to
https://ntsb-server.herokuapp.com/api/accidents/makeList/Bo) |
-| **debounceTime** | The amount of milliseconds to wait before sending requests to url based on input |
-| **styles** | An object to customize the appearance of the AutoSuggest component |
+| **debounceTime** | the amount of milliseconds to wait before sending requests to url based on input |
+| **styles** | an object to customize the appearance of the AutoSuggest component |
| **options** | The array of options if the autosuggest is created using a list of items already in the application |
-| **handleChange** | Array for updating the text in the autosuggest field |
-| **value** | The value of the autosuggest field |
-| **caseInsensitive** | Setting for Client version of AutoSuggest, whether to perform case-insensitive matches against the options array |
+| **handleChange** | array for updating the text in the autosuggest field |
+| **value** | the value of the autosuggest field |
+| **caseInsensitive** | setting for Client version of AutoSuggest, whether to perform case-insensitive matches against the options array |
## AutoSuggest Default Props
| propName | type | defaultValue |
| --- | --- | --- |
+| **id** | string | "" |
| **type** | string | "" |
| **name** | string | "Search" |
| **url** | string | "" |
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ Using our earlier example