You can pass the required values on each function call, or configure it globaly using the following
config.airtable.apiKey('123'); // Default value is null
config.airtable.baseURL(''); // Default value is
config.airtable.baseId('app123'); // Default value is null
config.airtable.apiKey(['Table 1', 'Table 2']); // Default value is []
- Return a specific number of records
- Return all records if numberOfRecords is not passed
get.records{tableName, numberOfRecords, offset = undefined, formula = undefined, fieldsToIncludeArr=[], sortFieldsArr=[] apiKey, baseURL, baseId}
- Example
await get.records{'Leads', 2, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined} // returns { success: true, code: 200, message: 'Retrieved 2 records from table Leads in airtable', body: [ { id: 'recIwaPtoYNNZFS0E', fields: { Name: "Amjad" Notes: "New" }, createdTime: '2021-03-08T09:31:39.000Z' }, { id: 'recYUQdeF9mk4I9Aw', fields: { Name: "Sarah" Notes: "Contacted" }, createdTime: '2021-03-08T09:31:43.000Z' } ] }
Return all the records in a table
get.table{tableName, formula = undefined, fieldsToIncludeArr=[], sortFieldsArr=[], apiKey, baseURL, baseId}
await get.table{'Leads', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined} // returns { success: true, code: 200, message: 'Retrieved all 2 records from table Leads airtable', body: [ { id: 'recYUQdeF9mk4I9Aw', fields: { Name: "Amjad", Status: "New" }, createdTime: '2021-03-08T09:31:43.000Z' }, { id: 'recYUYNNF9mk4Kd83', fields: { Name: "Sarah", Status: "Contacted" }, createdTime: '2021-03-08T09:31:44.000Z' } ] }
- Return all the records in a base
get.base{tablesArray, apiKey, baseURL, baseId}
- Example
await get.base{['Leads, Assets'], undefined, undefined, undefined} // returns { "success": true, "code": 200, "message": "Retrieved Assets,Leads tables records from airtable", "body": { "Leads": [ { "id": "rec0kYwc5k7UZfxbM", fields: { Name: 'Amjad', Status: 'New' }, "createdTime": "2021-03-08T14:37:08.000Z" }, { "id": "rec6aOZpYooe7rIzl", fields: { Name: 'Sarah', Status: 'Contacted' }, "createdTime": "2021-03-08T14:37:08.000Z" } ], "Assets": [] } }
- Return all the records in a base
get.baseRecoresIds{tablesArray, apiKey, baseURL, baseId}
- Example
await get.baseRecoresIds{['Leads, Assets'], undefined, undefined, undefined} // returns { success: true, code: 200, message: 'Retrieved Leads, Assets tables records ids from airtable', body: { Leads: [ 'rec0kYwc5k7UZfxbM', 'rec6aOZpYooe7rIzl' ], Assets: [] } }
- Set the records passed into airtable
- The records have to be in JSON format, and the keys are identical to the column name in Airtable
set.records{tableName, recordsArray, apiKey, baseURL, baseId}
- Example
set.records( "Leads", [ { Name: "Amjad", Status: "New" }, { Name: "Sarah", Status: "Contacted" } ], undefined, undefined, undefined ); // returns { success: true, code: 200, message: "Successfully updated 2 records in table Users", body: [ { id: "recp6Bw2EmFOomPa8", fields: { Name: "Amjad" Notes: "New" }, createdTime: "2021-03-08T17:09:25.000Z" }, { id: "recXud4Kycs47lRsh", fields: { Name: "Sarah" Notes: "Contacted" }, createdTime: "2021-03-08T17:09:25.000Z" } ] }
Update the records passed into airtable
The records have to be in JSON format, with id and fields attributes that is also a JSON its keys are identical to the column name in Airtable
update.records{tableName, recordsArray, apiKey, baseURL, baseId}
update.records( "Leads", [ { id: "rec1Wpjs0P778fCSu", fields: { Name: "Amjad", Status: "New" }, }, { id: "rec0DRaNj0BA88EE4", fields: { Name: "Sarah", Status: "Contacted" }, }, ], undefined, undefined, undefined ); // returns { success: true, code: 200, message: "Successfully updated 2 records in table Users", body: [ { id: "rec1Wpjs0P778fCSu", fields: { Name: "Amjad", Status: "New" }, createdTime: "2021-03-08T16:11:05.000Z" }, { id: "rec0DRaNj0BA88EE4", fields: { Name: "Sarah", Status: "Contacted" }, createdTime: "2021-03-08T16:11:05.000Z" } ] }
- Remove all the records with ids passed in the recordsIdsArray parameter
- Return all records if numberOfRecords is not passed
clear.records{tableName, recordsIdsArray, apiKey, baseURL, baseId}
- Example
await clear.records{"Leads", [ "rec3t6J5C9NHYoIwH", "recfIysq0vDpCWZjr", "rechUoMSTe87XFwID" ], undefined, undefined, undefined} // returns { success: true, code: 200, message: "Deleted 3 records from table Leads", body: [ { deleted: true, id: "rec3t6J5C9NHYoIwH" }, { deleted: true, id: "recfIysq0vDpCWZjr" }, { deleted: true, id: "recfIysq0vDpCWZjr" } ] }
- Remove all the records of the table passed
clear.table{tableName, apiKey, baseURL, baseId}
- Example
await clear.table{"Leads", undefined, undefined, undefined} // returns { success: true, code: 200, message: "Deleted all 2 records of table Leads", body: [ { deleted: true, id: "rec0VzHOEYOcGvgaL" }, { deleted: true, id: "rec0zTK2VByIbPCQ6" } ] }
Remove all the records with ids passed in the recordsIdsArray parameter
Return all records if numberOfRecords is not passed
clear.base{tablesArray, apiKey, baseURL, baseId}
await clear.base{["Assets","Leads"], undefined, undefined, undefined} //return { success: true, code: 200, message: "Deleted Assets,Leads tables records in airtable", body: { Assets: { success: true, code: 200, message: "Table Assets is empty", body: [] }, Leads: { success: true, code: 200, message: "Deleted all 2 records of table Leads", body: [ { deleted: true, id: "rec4MF3Nay69YjlBs" }, { deleted: true, id: "rec4aoZ3pMhMf2YsB" } ] } } }