C ++ equivalent of Windows task manager, based on WinAPI functions. Allows to track files and processes in the operating system.
The GUI is implemented using the Qt framework.
Application displays a list of processes running in the operating system and the following information about each of the processes:
- Process name, PID;
- Process description;
- Path to the executable file of the process;
- Name and PID of the parent process;
- Username of the owner of the process, SID;
- Process bitness (32x/64x);
- Using the DEP/ASLR technologies;
- List of using DLL's;
Application displays and allows modification of the following process safety information:
- Process integrity level;
- Process privileges;
Image 1 - View running processes.
Application displays and allows to change the following information about any given file system object:
- Access control lists (ACL);
- Objects owner (by SID);
- Integrity level;
Image 2 - View files in directory.
Database of the running processes can be saved in file in .json format.