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9444cd4 · Feb 24, 2025




Allen Institute Taxonomy schema

We have developed a compartmenatlized schema for storing all required aspects of a taxonomy. The fields in the AIT schema are associated to a broad category term (described below) which form a piece of the whole AIT file format.

(Note: A pervious version of this standard is available as a Google Doc).

Schema category terms

Described here are the broad categories that all fields are associated with.

  • Data: Includes anything critical for understanding the cell by gene matrix and to link it with other components. Includes data (raw and processed), gene information, and cell identifiers. Note that for the purposes of this schema, we are excluding raw data (fastq, bam files, etc.) from consideration and are starting from the count matrix.

  • Assigned metadata: Includes cell-level metadata that is assigned at some point in the process between when a cell goes from the donor to a value in the data, and (in theory) can be ENTIRELY captured by values in Allen Institute, BICAN, or related standardized pipelines. It includes fields that describe: donor metadata, experimental protocols, dissection information, RNA QC metrics, and sequencing metadata.

  • Calculated metadata: Includes any cell-level or cluster-level metadata that can be calculated explicitly from the Data and Assigned Metadata without the need for human intervention. It includes fields that describe: # reads detected/cell, # UMI/cell, fraction of cells per cluster derived from each anatomic dissections, expressed neurotransmitter genes (quantitatively defined), standard quality control metrics (e.g., doublet score) per cluster.

  • Annotations: Includes fields related to the annotation of clusters or groups of clusters (collectively called "cell sets"). It includes fields that describe cluster levels, cluster relationships, canonical marker genes, links to existing ontologies (e.g., CL, UBERON), expert annotations, and dendrograms.

  • Analysis: Includes fields which are required for specific analysis for example: latent spaces (e.g., UMAP), cluster level gene summaries (e.g., cluster means, proportions), and variable genes.

  • Tooling: Includes fields required for specific tools (e.g., cellxgene, TDT, CAS, CAP, and cell type annotation) that are not strictly part of the taxonomy but are required to inter-operate between various tools.


Within each broad categorical term, fields are ordered by their location in the anndata object: X, raw, obsm, obs, var, uns.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED" "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119, and RFC8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.


Key X
Annotator Curator
Value X component contains normalized expression data (cell x gene) in scipy.sparse.csr_matrix matrix format.
Type numeric
Tags Data


The raw component contains the unfiltered anndata object containing a count matrix in raw.X.

Key raw.X
Annotator Curator
Value raw.X component contains a count matrix in scipy.sparse.csr_matrix matrix format.
Type int
Tags Data


obs is a pandas.Dataframe

The obs component contains cell-level metadata summarized at the cell level.

index of pandas.Dataframe

Key index of pandas.Dataframe
Annotator Curator
Value Unique identifier corresponding to each individual cell.
Type Index, str
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key cluster_id
Annotator Curator
Value Identifier for cell set computed from a clustering algorithm.
Type str
Required MUST
Tags Annotations


Key [cellannotation_setname]
Annotator Curator
Value Column name in obs is the string [cellannotation_setname] and the values are the strings describing an annotation level of the taxonomy.
Type Categorical
Tags Annotations

Examples: Neuronal, Inhibitory, LHX6 (MGE), PVALB, Inh L5-6 PVALB LGR5 from Hodge et al. 2019


Key cell_type_ontology_term_id
Annotator Curator
Value This MUST be a CL term. If no appropriate high-level term can be found or the cell type is unknown, then it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to use "CL:0000003" for native cell.
Type Categorical
Tags Annotations


Key load_id
Annotator Curator
Value Identifier for the sequencing library for which molecular measurements from a specific set of cells is derived.
Type str
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key donor_id
Annotator Curator
Value Identifier for the unique individual, ideal from the specimen portal (or other upstream source). This is called donor_label in the BKP. Should converge on a standard term. More than one identifier may be needed, but ideally for the analysis only a single one is retained and stored here.
Type str
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key assay
Annotator Curator
Value Human-readable sequencing modality which should have a corresponding EFO ontology term. e.g., 'Smart-seq2'corresponds to 'EFO:0008931', '10x 3' v3'corresponds to 'EFO:0009922'.
Type str
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key assay_ontology_term_id
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value Most appropriate EFO ontology term for assay. (e.g.,"10x 3' v2"="EFO:0009899","10x 3' v3"="EFO:0009922","Smart-seq"="EFO:0008930").
Type str
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key organism
Annotator Curator
Value Species from which cells were collected. This MUST be the human-readable name assigned to the value of organism_ontology_term_id
Type str
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key organism_ontology_term_id
Annotator Computed
Value NCBITaxon identifier which MUST be a child of NCBITaxon:33208 for Metazoa. Ontology terms are mapped from organism using the GeneOrthology github repo.
Type str
Tags Assigned metadata


Key donor_age
Annotator Curator
Value Currently a free text field for defining the age of the donor. In CELLxGENE this is recorded in development_stage_ontology_term_id and is HsapDv if human, MmusDv if mouse. I'm not sure what this means, but more generally, we should align with BICAN on how to deal with this value.
Type Categorical
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key anatomical_region
Annotator Curator
Value Human readable name assigned to the value of anatomical_region_ontology_term_id
Type Categorical
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key anatomical_region_ontology_term_id
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value UBERON terms for the anatomical_region field that we have (e.g., 'brain': 'UBERON_0000955').
Type Categorical
Tags Assigned metadata


Key brain_region_ontology_term_id
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value Brain region IDs from one of the brain-bican atlases for the anatomical_region field. Currently includes DHBA, HBA, and MBA, but will expand.
Type Categorical
Tags Assigned metadata


Key self_reported_sex
Annotator Curator
Value Placeholder for donor reported sex. Called sex_ontology_term_id (e.g., PATO:0000384/383 for male/female) in CELLxGENE and called "donor_sex" in BKP. We should align on a single term.
Type Categorical
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key self_reported_sex_ontology_term_id
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value A child of PATO:0001894 for phenotypic sex or "unknown" if unavailable or if sex corresponds to something not included in PATO. Female = PATO_0000383 and Male = PATO_0000384.
Type Categorical
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key self_reported_ethnicity
Annotator Curator
Value This MUST be a child of PATO:0001894 for phenotypic sex or "unknown" if unavailable.
Type Categorical
Tags Assigned metadata


Key self_reported_ethnicity_ontology_term_id
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value Either the most relevant HANCESTRO term,"multiethnic" if more than one ethnicity is reported, or "unknown" if unavailable.
Type Categorical
Tags Assigned metadata


Key disease
Annotator Curator
Value A term corresponding to disease state (or "control" for normal/healthy)
Type Categorical
Tags Assigned metadata


Key disease_ontology_term_id
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value This MUST be a MONDO term or "PATO:0000461" for normal or healthy.
Type Categorical
Tags Assigned metadata


Key suspension_type
Annotator Curator
Value Either "cell", "nucleus", or "na".
Type Categorical
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key is_primary_data
Annotator Curator
Value This MUST be True if this is the canonical instance of this cellular observation and False if not. This is commonly False for meta-analyses reusing data or for secondary views of data.
Type bool
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


var is a pandas.Dataframe

The var component contains gene level information.

index of pandas.Dataframe

Key index of pandas.Dataframe
Annotator Curator
Value If the feature is a gene then this MUST be an human readable SYMBOL term. The index of the pandas.DataFrame MUST contain unique identifiers for features. If present, the index of raw.var MUST be identical to the index of var.
Type str
Required MUST
Tags Assigned metadata


Key ensembl_id
Annotator Curator
Value If the feature is a gene then this MUST be a gene ID from ensembl. Each index of the pandas.DataFrame MUST map to a unique emsembl_id identifiers for features. If present, the raw.var.ensembl_id MUST be identical to the var.ensembl_id.
Type str
Tags Assigned metadata


Key highly_variable_genes
Annotator Curator
Value A logical vector indicating which genes are highly variable. Multiple highly variable gene sets can be specified.
Type bool
Tags Analysis


Key marker_genes_[set_name]
Annotator Curator
Value A logical vector indicating which genes are markers. Multiple marker gene sets can be specified.
Type bool
Tags Analysis


The uns component contains more general information and fields with formatting incompatible with the above components.


Key title
Annotator Curator
Value This text describes and differentiates the dataset from other datasets in the same collection. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that each dataset title in a collection is unique and does not depend on other metadata such as a different assay to disambiguate it from other datasets in the collection.
Type str
Required MUST
Tags Tooling


Key dataset_purl
Annotator Curator
Value Link to molelcular data (cell x gene) if not present in X or raw.X. This can be an AWS S3 bucket or other permanent URL for the taxonomy expression data.
Type str
Tags Data


Key batch_condition
Annotator Curator
Value Together, these keys define the batches that a normalization or integration algorithm should be aware of. Values MUST refer to cell metadata keys in obs.
Type list[str]
Tags Tooling


Key reference_genome
Annotator Curator
Value Reference genome used to align molecular measurements.
Type str
Tags Assigned metadata


Key gene_annotation_version
Annotator Curator
Value Genome annotation version used during alignment. e.g. .gtf or .gff file.
Type str
Tags Assigned metadata


Key dend
Annotator Curator
Value A json formatted dendrogram encoding the taxonomy hierarchy. Either computed or derived from cluster groupings.
Type json
Tags Annotations


Key hierarchy
Annotator Curator
Value An ordering of cluster_id and higher level groupings from [cellannotation_setname] where smaller numbers are broader types. E.g. {"Class": 0, "Subclass": 1, "cluser_id": 2}
Type dict{str: int}
Required MUST
Tags Annotations


Key mode
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value Indicator of which child of the parent taxonomy to utilize. Mode determines cells to remove based on filter as well as switching to relevant analysis components of the uns related to child taxonomy specific analysis tooling.
Type str
Required MUST
Tags Tooling


Key filter
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value Indicator of which cells to use for a given child taxonomy saved as a list of booleans for each cell. TRUE indicates a cell should be removed and FALSE indicates the cell should not be removed. Each entree in this list is named for the relevant "mode" and has TRUE/FALSE calls indicating whether a cell is filtered out. e.g., the "standard" taxonony is all FALSE.
Type list[[mode]][bool]
Required MUST
Tags Tooling


Key cluster_algorithm
Annotator Curator
Value Full description of clustering parameters as a data.frame.
Type data.frame
Required MUST
Tags Annotations


Key cluster_info
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value A data.frame of cluster information.
Type data.frame
Required MUST
Tags Annotations


Key cluster_id_median_expr
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value Marker gene expression in on-target and off-target cell populations, useful for patchseq analysis. Also includes information about KL divergence calculations and associated QC calls. Defined by buildPatchseqTaxonomy.
Type numpy.ndarray
Required MUST
Tags Annotations


Key default_embedding
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value The value MUST match a key to an embedding in obsm for the embedding to display by default.
Type str
Tags Tooling


Key schema_version
Annotator Computed
Value Allen Institute Taxonomy schema version. e.g. "1.0.0"
Type str
Required MUST
Tags Tooling


Key cell_annotation_schema
Annotator Computed
Value A json storing the entire cell annotation schema (CAS) information.
Type json
Tags Tooling

  • cell_annotation_schema: extended calculated metadata about annotations and labelsets stores in uns as in CAS - BICAN extension format under labelsets.

obsm (Embeddings)

The obsm component contains all dimensionality reductions of the taxonomy (cell x dim). To display a dataset Curators MUST annotate one or more embeddings of at least two-dimensions (e.g. tSNE, UMAP, PCA, spatial coordinates) as numpy.ndarrays in obsm.


Key X_[embedding]
Annotator Curator/Computed
Value An n-dimensional embedding (cell x dim) of the high dimensional expression data.
Type numpy.ndarray
Required MUST
Tags Analysis