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Releases: Algoryx/AGXUnity


02 Jun 13:07
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  • Added editor icons for most script components and assets and updated UI-icons. (2c73cf0)

  • Added method to synchronize shape cache in AGXUnity.RigidBody when adding AGXUnity.Collide.Shape manually. (3d70c0b)

  • Added toggle for excluding AGXUnity.Collide.Shape from AGXUnity.MassProperties calculation. (5028775)


  • Fixed an issue causing crashes when starting a simulation with a disabled AGXUnity.Model.DeformableTerrainShovel. (3daf9ec)

  • Component help links now properly link to the relevant documentation page. (1f8492b)

  • Fixed an issue where contact callbacks for a AGXUnity.DeformableTerrain would not be called after calling the ResetHeights method on the terrain. (35b63e2)

  • Added information about copying license file to AGXUnity.LicenseManager window. (59d24f1)

  • Updated AGXUnity.Model.TwoBodyTireProperties default values to be more generally applicable. (d3d4875)

  • Fixed invalid scaling when creating oriented collision shapes from visuals using the shape given visual tool. (0dca3b7)

AGX Dynamics


04 May 12:56
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  • Added quick-fix buttons to change to AGXUnity recommended project settings in the AGXUnity project settings tab. (f624a6a)
  • Added AGXUnity.Model.DeformableTerrainFailureVolume component which triggers failures in the deformable terrain upon contact. (34fc3bd)
  • Added instanced rendering mode to AGXUnity.RigidBodyEmitter component. (7f1c377)


  • Updated default values in AGXUnity.ContactMaterial. (8f071ef)
  • Fixed issue causing multiple imports of a AGXUnity.Constraint to leave unused Controller components on the constraint GameObject. (699aea7)
  • Fixed imported constraint's attachment pairs always being synchronized causing inconsistent behavior. (1927c5a)
  • Fixed an issue causing the editor to sometimes freeze when editing cables. (816fd38)
  • Added time reported under "Last Update" is now included in total time under the simulation statistics. (5133008)
  • Terrain soil granules are now rendered even when the application is paused. (038d0a9)
  • Iterating over AGX Native vectors using enumerators now causes less overhead and garbage.


  • Updated the shovel models in the examples to better interact with the terrain.

AGX Dynamics


11 Apr 11:22
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  • Added buttons to the ContactMaterial inspector to add a ContactMaterialManager to the scene and to add the material to manager. (a29d077)
  • Moved AGX Editor settings to a custom Project Settings tab. These can be accessed by going to Edit -> Project Settings... -> AGX Settings (8172bf1)
  • Added option to render accumulated cable damage and moved rendering options to CableDamageProperties. (71df90c)


  • Fixed import of embedded materials in .agx and .aagx files when using HDRP or URP. (a2c1e1a)
  • Fixed an issue causing Unity crashes when more than 1023 soil granulars are spawned during a single timestep. (50b3f7c)
  • Fixed a null reference error in the DeformableTerrainParticleRenderer when using custom stepping of the simulation. (6a5c28a)


  • Added an additional excavation example scene to the AGXUnity_Excavation example, showcasing how to
    make measurements on the DeformableTerrain.
  • Added AGX resources such as contact materials and terrain properties to the AGXUnity_WheelLoader example.
  • Moved Example Window into the standard AGXUnity package, no longer requiring a separate download. (4a7bb76)
  • Added Plotting, Conveyor belt, and Twisted cables examples to the Example Window.

AGX Dynamics


31 Jan 11:53
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  • Added Shape Given Visual Tool, a utility tool to create collision primitives given visual meshes. (212fc29)
  • Added Cable Damage that calculates, aggregates and visualizes forces and stress in cables. (146745a)
  • Added OnSeparation to Contact Callbacks. (c8d56f7)
  • Added toggle to enable/disable deformations of AGXUnity.DeformableTerrain in AGXUnity.DeformableTerrainProperties. (75e33cb)
  • Added possibility to assign particle material to AGXUnity.DeformableTerrain, enabling explicit AGXUnity.ContactMaterial between objects and the particles created by a terrain. (11cbe82)


  • Eliminated overhead synchronizing deformable terrain particle transforms in AGXUnity.Model.DeformableTerrainParticleRenderer. (4eae957)


22 Dec 10:37
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AGX Dynamics

  • Version


25 Nov 09:32
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  • Fixed AGXUnity.RigidBodyEmitter which didn't work in 4.0.0. (f77553a)
  • Fixed issues when an imported .agx prefabs was dragged from the project view and dropped directly into the Scene View. (e89f1f3, 1198d4f)
  • Fixed AGXUnityEditor.Tools.ShapeResizeTool so that the shape doesn't move when its size reached minimum value during asymmetric resize. (4d33c60)


16 Nov 19:41
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  • Support for Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04 and CentOS 7. (ada93aa)
  • Added feature AGXUnity.Model.DeformableTerrainPager which enables indefinite sized AGXUnity.Model.DeformableTerrain to be simulated by adaptively loading and unloading tiles (patches of AGXUnity.Model.DeformableTerrain instances) during runtime. (920c546)
  • Added support for offline license activations using CLI or AGXUnity.LicenseManager. (786aabd)
  • Added support for 32-bit vertex index format in AGXUnity.Utils.MeshSplitter which automatically changes the index format if the vertex count exceeds 65535. This means AGX Dynamics imports of large meshes won't split unless the vertex count exceeds 4 billion. (affb542)
  • Added distinct warning in the Inspector of Collision Mesh Options when the selection includes a prefab instance. Collision mesh creations/modifications should be applied to the actual prefab in the Prefab Stage to avoid extensive Prefab Overrides. (bd52e02)
  • Gizmo rendering of observer frames. (12cef4c)


  • Fixed issue where Inspector Editors broke (Unity 2022.1 and later) when the HideInInspector attribute was set on a class. Unity 2022.1 and later no long supports changing hideFlags from within a custom editor. (f8b4807)
  • Improved support for changing enable/disable state (component enabled state or game object active state) during runtime of shapes (all), AGXUnity.Model.DeformableTerrain, AGXUnity.Cable, AGXUnity.Wire and AGXUnity.RigidBody. (7167e7f)
  • Fixed issue in re-import of .agx files where new render materials should be created. (affb542)
  • Fixed deprecated warnings in Unity 2022.x. (a63ec4c, 5bef842)
  • Added Wire Friction Coefficients to AGXUnity.ContactMaterial. (2ac22f3)
  • Fixed key bindings so a is left and d is right in examples using AGXUnityInputControls. (4fb814b)


17 Jun 15:22
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  • Fixed issue when an AGX Dynamics license is loaded manually from a script, before AGX Dynamics has been initialized. Before, the initialization of AGX Dynamics cleared the license, but this has now been fixed. (22a6c0c)
  • Clarified error message on screen when AGX Dynamics is initialized but the license isn't valid. (cba67c0)
  • Throwing error from post process build when the .NET API compatibility level is set wrong in the player settings. (c997b4e)


04 Mar 13:51
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  • Fixed load (from resources) of default wire rendering material. (e91d82e)
  • Fixed activation of encrypted runtime licenses which may have been broken from version 3.1.3. (fa90f82)
  • Fixed so that the generated license of an encrypted runtime license activation, using license content string in a script, are properly saved to the default directory in a build/application. (fa90f82)
  • Fixed so that it's possible to refresh an invalid license, for updated license information, in the License Manager Window. (38968cb)


15 Feb 10:03
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  • Fixed URDF importer loading Collada resources when the Unity URDF importer package is installed. The Unity URDF importer has a custom Collada AssetPostprocessor which applies additional transforms to the Collada models in the project. This fix is reverting these additional transforms on instances used in our imported models. Both URDF importer plugins should work as expected when both are installed. (c626af3)
  • Improved missing license module information for otherwise valid licenses. (e1de704)
  • Improved license activation/loading from scripts in projects without license files. (c6a60d2)
  • Improved undo/redo performance by avoiding calculations of mass properties of rigid bodies if the selection includes many shapes. (d60abb6)
  • Improved undo/redo when imported prefabs are dragged and dropped into scenes. (d60abb6, 1f8be95)