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d96444b · Sep 28, 2017


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File metadata and controls

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Run a hello world container in Azure Container instances


  1. Login into azure cli
az login
  1. Create a resource group
az group create --name "$ACI_GROUP" --location $LOCATION
  1. Create a container instance
az container create --name "$ACI_HELLO_NAME" --image microsoft/aci-helloworld --resource-group "$ACI_GROUP" --ip-address public
  1. Confirm creation
az container show --name "$ACI_HELLO_NAME" --resource-group "$ACI_GROUP"
  1. Pull container logs
az container logs --name "$ACI_HELLO_NAME" --resource-group "$ACI_GROUP"
  1. Cleanup the resource group
az group delete --name "$ACI_GROUP" --yes
az container delete --resource-group "$ACI_GROUP" --name "$ACI_HELLO_NAME" --yes

Build a container, push it to registry and launch it

  1. Set Docker Host ( Check in the Docker Daemon in "General" the setting "Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS"
sudo apt install
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
  1. Create container registry
az acr create --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP" --name "$REGISTRY_NAME" --sku Basic --admin-enabled true
  1. Get login info (eval used because of the double quotation)

Get the registry login server

az acr show --name "$REGISTRY_NAME" --query loginServer
REGISTRY_URL=$(az acr show --name "$REGISTRY_NAME" --query loginServ

Get the login password

az acr credential show --name "$REGISTRY_NAME" --query passwords[0].value

or automate it

REGISTRY_URL=$(az acr show --name "$REGISTRY_NAME" --query loginServer)
REGISTRY_PASSWORD=$(az acr credential show --name "$REGISTRY_NAME" --query passwords[0].value)
eval "docker login --username="$REGISTRY_NAME" --password=$REGISTRY_PASSWORD $REGISTRY_URL"
  1. Pull, tag and push the latest image to the registry
docker pull microsoft/aci-helloworld
eval "docker tag microsoft/aci-helloworld $REGISTRY_URL/aci-helloworld:v1"
eval "docker push $REGISTRY_URL/aci-helloworld:v1"


docker tag microsoft/aci-helloworld
docker push ""
  1. Clone the source code depot. Build the image and push it to the registry. Run it on a new container instance.
git clone
cd aci-helloworld
less Dockerfile
docker build -t aci-tut-app .
docker images
eval "docker tag aci-tut-app $REGISTRY_URL/aci-tut-app:v1"
eval "docker push $REGISTRY_URL/aci-tut-app:v1"
az container create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $CONTAINER_APP_NAME --image --registry-password $DOCKER_PASSWORD

Automate it by using VSTS

Create a build process template

  1. Create a build process for your git repo

  2. Get sources task

  3. Build an image task with image name using the repo name and the build id as label


  1. Push an image task

  2. Configure the trigger for git repo changes

Create release process template

Since this has to run on a private agent go for VSTS Build Agent Setup and configure one. The overall launch task is very simple:

  1. Take a azure cli task from the marketplace and configure it to use your agent.

  2. Configure the azure cli task to use the following arguments:

  3. Configure the variables and registry password (put lock on it):

az container create --name "aci$(RegistryName)$(BUILD.BUILDID)" --image "$(RegistryUrl)/denniszielke/aci-helloworld:$(BUILD.BUILDID)" --resource-group "helloworld" --ip-address public --registry-password $(RegistryPassword)