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Jacob Birkett edited this page Jul 29, 2023 · 7 revisions

The mpris module displays currently playing media via libplayerctl.


option typeof default description
player string playerctld Name of the MPRIS player to attach to. Using the default value always follows the currenly active player.
ignored-players []string Ignore updates of the listed players, when using playerctld.
interval integer Refresh MPRIS information on a timer.
format string {player} ({status}) {dynamic} The text format.
format-[status] string The status-specific text format.
tooltip-format string Format of the default tooltip.
tooltip-format-[status] string Format of the tooltip when [status] is one of playing, paused, or stopped.
on-click string play-pause Overwrite default action toggles.
on-middle-click string previous track Overwrite default action toggles.
on-right-click string next track Overwrite default action toggles.
player-icons map[string]string Allows setting {player-icon} based on player-name property.
status-icons map[string]string Allows setting {status-icon} based on player status (playing, paused, stopped).
dynamic-order list[string] ["title", "artist", "album", "position", "length"] Choose the order of items in {dynamic}, separated by {dynamic-separator}. If position and length are present and adjacent (in order), they will appear in the format <small>[{position}/{length}]</small>.
[format]-len integer -1 Where [format] is the name of a format segment, this is the maximum length allowed for that replacement. If the length of the replacement is greater than this value, it will be truncated with the ellipsis character/string added to the end.
ellipsis string/char The character to append to the end of a truncated format replacement.
dynamic-len integer -1 If the total length of {dynamic} is greater than this value, start removing segments according to dynamic-importance-order to make the string fit within this defined limit.
dynamic-separator string - The separator to use between segments of dynamic-order
dynamic-importance-order list[string] ["title", "artist", "album", "position", "length"] Choose which format replacements to omit if the string would be longer than dynamic-len. Format replacement names that appear first are considered higher priority, any that come towards the end are the most likely to be removed.

Format replacements

When playing/paused:

string replacement
{player} The name of the current media player
{status} The current status (playing, paused, stopped)
{artist} The artist of the current track
{album} The album title of the current track
{title} The title of the current track
{length} Length of the track, formatted as HH:MM:SS
{position} Current playback position in the track, formatted as HH:MM:SS
{dynamic} Use {artist}, {album}, {title} and {length}, automatically omit empty values
{player_icon} Chooses an icon from player-icons based on {player}
{status_icon} Chooses an icon from status-icons based on {status}


"mpris": {
	"format": "DEFAULT: {player_icon} {dynamic}",
	"format-paused": "DEFAULT: {status_icon} <i>{dynamic}</i>",
	"player-icons": {
		"default": "▶",
		"mpv": "🎵"
	"status-icons": {
		"paused": "⏸"
	// "ignored-players": ["firefox"]


  • #mpris
  • #mpris.${status}
  • #mpris.${player}
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