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ttbar Example Guide


We include an anaconda environment file which can be used to install the required dependencies. You can get the anaconda package manager at this link. Alternatively, you can use the mamba package manager. The environment can be installed with the following command:

conda env create -p ./environment --file environment.yaml
conda activate ./environment


Optionally, you can install this package to use it outside of the git directory.

Either run pip install . or, for an editable install, pip install -e . from the root directory of the repository.

Full Training Data

Included in the repository are all files necessary to quickly test SPANets on ttbar events. This repository only contains a tiny example dataset for a sanity check, but you may acquire a larger training and testing data set here: As of 2022/10/20, this dataset is still in the old style to ensure backwards compatibility. You may run the following commands to download and convert the dataset (In the SPANet root directory).

wget -O ./data/full_hadronic_ttbar/training.h5
python utils/ ./data/full_hadronic_ttbar/training.h5 ./data/full_hadronic_ttbar/training.h5

Testing Data

wget -O ./data/full_hadronic_ttbar/testing.h5
python utils/ ./data/full_hadronic_ttbar/testing.h5 ./data/full_hadronic_ttbar/testing.h5


You can train a new SPANet on the ttbar dataset by running Specifying NUM_GPUS will determine how many parallel GPUs the training process will use during training. You can set NUM_GPUS to be 0 to disable GPU training and only use the CPU. Make sure to continue the training until at least one epoch has finished so that it creates a checkpoint file. Note that when using the full dataset, a complete training run takes roughly 4 hours on a single GPU.

# Example Dataset
# ---------------
python -m spanet.train -of options_files/full_hadronic_ttbar/example.json --time_limit 00:00:01:00 --gpus NUM_GPU

# Full Dataset
# ------------
python -m spanet.train -of options_files/full_hadronic_ttbar/full_training.json --gpus NUM_GPUS

If you get a RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory then you need to decrease the batch size so that the data can fit onto your GPU. You can achieve this by adding --batch_size BATCH_SIZE to the command above. Reasonable values include 512, 256, or 64. (The larger the better as long as it fits in memory.)

Training results, logs, and weights will be stored in ./spanet_output by default .Every time you start a new training, a new version will be created in the output directory. If you want to load from a checkpoint, output to a different location, or change something else about training, simply run python --help for a full list of options and how to set them.

During training, we output tensorboard logs to track performance. To view these logs, have tensorboard installed (included in the docker container) and run

tensorbard --logdir spanet_output

Afterwards, navigate to localhost:6006 in a browser.


Now we want to view the efficiency of the network on a testing dataset. In the example config we are testing on the training dataset because it's the only dataset we have in the repo. The full config will test on the proper testing dataset. The following command will compute relevant performance metrics. The --gpu is optional. If you trained more than once, then adjust the version number accordingly.

# Example Dataset
# ---------------
python -m spanet.test ./spanet_output/version_0 -tf data/full_hadronic_ttbar/example.h5 --gpu

# Full Dataset
# ------------
python -m spanet.test ./spanet_output/version_0 -tf data/full_hadronic_ttbar/testing.h5 --gpu

Next we will output all SPANet predictions on a set of events in order to analyze them further, simply run as follows.

# Example Dataset
# ---------------
python -m spanet.predict ./spanet_output/version_0 ./spanet_ttbar_example_output.h5 -tf data/full_hadronic_ttbar/example.h5 --gpu

# Full Dataset
# ------------
python -m spanet.predict ./spanet_output/version_0 ./spanet_ttbar_testing_output.h5 -tf data/full_hadronic_ttbar/testing.h5 --gpu

This will create a new HDF5 File named spanet_ttbar_output.h5 with the same structure as the testing dataset except with the jet labels replaced with the SPANet predictions. This can now be read in as a regular HDF5 in order to perform other experiments.

Event .yaml File

We will now go over how the ttbar example configuration works.

Included is the event description for a full hadronic-decay ttbar event. This file is located at event_files/full_hadronic_ttbar.yaml. We will also reproduce it here for simplicity. Any CAPITAL_CASE keys are special keys that cannot be used by any other element of the tree. They must always be CAPITAL_CASE.

# ---------------------------------------------------
# REQUIRED - INPUTS - List all inputs to SPANet here.
# ---------------------------------------------------
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # REQUIRED - SEQUENTIAL - inputs which can have an arbitrary number of vectors.
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      mass: log_normalize
      pt: log_normalize
      eta: normalize
      phi: normalize
      btag: none

  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  # REQUIRED - GLOBAL - inputs which will have a single vector per event.
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# REQUIRED - EVENT - Complete list of resonance particles and daughters.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    - q1
    - q2
    - b
    - q1
    - q2
    - b

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# REQUIRED KEY - PERMUTATIONS - List of valid permutations.
# ---------------------------------------------------------
      - [ t1, t2 ]
      - [ q1, q2 ]
      - [ q1, q2 ]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# REQUIRED - REGRESSIONS - List of desired features to regress from observables.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# REQUIRED - REGRESSIONS - List of desired classes to predict from observables.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Inputs section of the .yaml file defines which features are present in our dataset which the network will use to make predictions.


This defines a sequential (variable length) input named Source. This will contain the observable features for our hadronic jets. You will notice that we define five unique features.

  • mass
  • pt
  • eta
  • phi
  • btag

This is the information that we store for each jet. Also notice that we log_normalize the mass and pt features because they can have a large range of possible values, normalize the eta and phi features for consistency, and dont do anything with btag because it is already binary valued.


This section defines that Feynman diagram structure of our event. We have two event particles which we are interested in t1 and t2. Each top quark / anti-quark decay into three jets: two light quarks q1 and q2 and a bottom quark b. These final jets are observable and so they belong in the second stage of diagram. We currently only support depth two Feynman diagrams. The first stage should be the particles we are interested in studying, and the second the observable decay products.


This is where we may define invariant symmetries for our assignment reconstruction.

Although in reality the event particles should be a top quark and a top anti-quark, we are not differentiating the particles with respect to their charge. Therefore, we set (t1, t2) to be a valid permutation of the event particles, making the ordering of t1 and t2 arbitrary. We also tell SPANet that the particular ordering of q1 and q2 jets within each top doesn't matter with an additional (q1, q2) permutation for each top quark.


This section allows us to define custom per-event, per-particle, and per-decay product regressions and classifications. This is still an experimental feature and not used for ttbar.

ttbar Example Dataset

We provide in this repository a small example file which countains ~10,000 ttbar events to demonstrate the dataset structure. This file is located in data/full_hadronic_ttbar/example.h5.

You can example HDF5 file structure with the following command: ``

$ python utils/ data/full_hadronic_ttbar/example.h5 --shape

| Structure: data/full_hadronic_ttbar/example.h5

|-----MASK                       :: bool     : (10000, 10)
|-----btag                       :: float32  : (10000, 10)
|-----eta                        :: float32  : (10000, 10)
|-----mass                       :: float32  : (10000, 10)
|-----phi                        :: float32  : (10000, 10)
|-----pt                         :: float32  : (10000, 10)
|-----b                          :: int64    : (10000,)
|-----q1                         :: int64    : (10000,)
|-----q2                         :: int64    : (10000,)
|-----b                          :: int64    : (10000,)
|-----q1                         :: int64    : (10000,)
|-----q2                         :: int64    : (10000,)

You will notice that all the source feature names, the event particle names, and the decay product names correspond precisely to our event definition in full_hadronic_ttbar.yaml.

The example dataset contains 10,000 ttbar events with a maximum jet multiplicity of 10. The source features are float arrays of size [10,000, 10] because each jet has every feature assigned to it. Not every event has all 10 jets, so any extra jets assigned to an event are known as padding and all have feature values of 0. The INPUTS/Source/MASK array keeps track of which jets are real and which are padding jets.

The particle groups contain the indices of each jet associated with each particle. Each array in these groups is an integer array of size [10,000]. Any jets which are missing from the event are marked with a -1 value in the corresponding target array.