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201 lines (150 loc) · 6.98 KB

The ElPiGraph package contains a number of functions to derive the pseudotime associated with each point. This is particularly relevant in biological contexts.


As a first step, we will construct a tree structure on the sample data


TreeEPG <- computeElasticPrincipalTree(X = tree_data, NumNodes = 60, Lambda = .03, Mu = .01,
                                       drawAccuracyComplexity = FALSE, drawEnergy = FALSE)

## [1] "Creating a chain in the 1st PC with 2 nodes"
## [1] "Constructing tree 1 of 1 / Subset 1 of 1"
## [1] "Performing PCA on the data"
## [1] "Using standard PCA"
## [1] "3 dimensions are being used"
## [1] "100% of the original variance has been retained"
## [1] "Computing EPG with 60 nodes on 492 points and 3 dimensions"
## [1] "Using a single core"
## Nodes = 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 
## 1|2||60  0.01848 60  59  51  2   0   0   0.00548 0.005053    0.9898  0.9906  0.01249 0.0005134   0.03081 1.848   0
## 29.923 sec elapsed
## [[1]]

and visualize the node labels:

PlotPG(X = tree_data, TargetPG = TreeEPG[[1]],
       NodeLabels = 1:nrow(TreeEPG[[1]]$NodePositions),
       LabMult = 2.5, PointSize = NA, p.alpha = .1)

## [[1]]

To improve visualization, it is also possible to plot only leaves labels


## Attaching package: 'igraph'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     decompose, spectrum

## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     union

NodeLabs <- 1:nrow(TreeEPG[[1]]$NodePositions)
NodeLabs[degree(ConstructGraph(TreeEPG[[1]])) != 1] <- NA

PlotPG(X = tree_data, TargetPG = TreeEPG[[1]],
       NodeLabels = NodeLabs,
       LabMult = 5, PointSize = NA, p.alpha = .1)

## [[1]]

Getting the substructure of interest

In this example, we will look at all the path originating in 2 and extending to all the other leafs of the tree. Hence, we assume that 2 is the starting points for the pseudotime.

We will begin by computing all of the paths between leaves.

Tree_Graph <- ConstructGraph(TreeEPG[[1]])
Tree_e2e <- GetSubGraph(Net = Tree_Graph, Structure = 'end2end')

Since the paths derived are unique, the node 1 could be either at the beginning or at the end of the path considered. therefore, we select all the path starting or ending in 1

Root <- 2
SelPaths <- Tree_e2e[sapply(Tree_e2e, function(x){any(x[c(1, length(x))] == Root)})]

and reverse the paths ending in 1

SelPaths <- lapply(SelPaths, function(x){
  if(x[1] == Root){
  } else {

At this point, we can look at SelPaths to make sure that the results are compatible with our expectations


## $Path_1
## + 26/60 vertices, named, from 045cf7f:
##  [1] 2  8  40 60 16 5  30 52 21 1  57 34 9  47 28 12 19 3  15 18 27 31 35
## [24] 36 45 51
## $Path_2
## + 27/60 vertices, named, from 045cf7f:
##  [1] 2  8  40 60 16 5  30 52 21 1  57 34 9  47 28 12 19 3  11 17 24 25 42
## [24] 43 48 49 54
## $Path_3
## + 28/60 vertices, named, from 045cf7f:
##  [1] 2  8  40 60 16 5  30 52 21 1  7  20 44 55 29 37 6  26 13 4  14 22 23
## [24] 33 38 41 53 56
## $Path_4
## + 24/60 vertices, named, from 045cf7f:
##  [1] 2  8  40 60 16 5  30 52 21 1  57 34 9  47 28 12 19 3  10 32 39 46 50
## [24] 58
## $Path_5
## + 21/60 vertices, named, from 045cf7f:
##  [1] 2  8  40 60 16 5  30 52 21 1  7  20 44 55 29 37 6  26 13 4  59

Getting the supporting structures

To optimize the computation, certain structures used to compute the pseudotime are computed externally. We begin by computing a Partition structure, which contains information on the projection of points on the nodes

PartStruct <- PartitionData(X = tree_data, NodePositions = TreeEPG[[1]]$NodePositions)

Then, we will compute a projection structure, which contains information relative to the projection of points on the edge of the graph

ProjStruct <- project_point_onto_graph(X = tree_data,
                                       NodePositions = TreeEPG[[1]]$NodePositions,
                                       Edges = TreeEPG[[1]]$Edges$Edges,
                                       Partition = PartStruct$Partition)

Computing pseudotime

We are now able to obtain the pseudotime, via the getPseudotime function. We will use lapply to compute all of the pseudotime at once. Moreover, the functions requires nodes to be passed as a vector of strings, so we will need to use the names function to convert the sequence of vertices.

AllPt <- lapply(SelPaths, function(x){
  getPseudotime(ProjStruct = ProjStruct, NodeSeq = names(x))

At this point, we can merge the pseudotime projections. This is possible because points are uniquely projected on the graph and all the paths selected have a common root

PointsPT <- apply(sapply(AllPt, "[[", "Pt"), 1, function(x){unique(x[!])})

When can then visualize the pseudotime on the points via the PlotPG function

PlotPG(X = tree_data, TargetPG = TreeEPG[[1]], GroupsLab = PointsPT)

## [[1]]

Exploring features over pseudotime

Once the pseudotime has been computed, it is possible to explore how the different features of the data behave over the psedutime. This feature is particulartly helpful for gene expression data as it allow checking how gene dynamics contribute to the topoligical features of the data.

It is possible to visualize this information using the CompareOnBranches function

CompareOnBranches(X = tree_data,
                  Paths = lapply(SelPaths[1:4], function(x){names(x)}),
                  TargetPG = TreeEPG[[1]],
                  Partition = PartStruct$Partition,
                  PrjStr = ProjStruct,
                  Main = "A simple tree example",
                  Features = 2)

## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess'