Thing we prefer (and use) are in bold
- 1.x and earlier - ancient
- 2.x - really old, not cool anymore
- 3.0 - fine, but missing assets pipeline
- 3.1, 3.2 - fine
- 4.x - the only option for new apps
- bundler
- coffeescript - JavaScript language replacement
- Single Page Applications (SPA)
- angularjs - the frontend framework of choise
- jquery
Real Time / PubSub
- postgres (pg) - very cool
- mysql - not so cool, better use postgres
- amazon RDS - AWS managed mysql
- mongodb - document store, be very careful
- redis - key-value store, good for cache, queues or inter-process communication
- memcached - mostly replaced by redis as a cache
- neo4j - graph database
- elasticsearch - great search and analytics engine
- RabbitMQ - messaging