diff --git a/PhotoshopEvents/CSXS/manifest.xml b/PhotoshopEvents/CSXS/manifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bd9992b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhotoshopEvents/CSXS/manifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ ./index.html
+ ./host/ps.jsx
+ Panel
+ 460
+ 320
+ 800
+ 1200
+ 100
+ 100
+ ./PhotoshopEventsNormal.png
+ ./PhotoshopEventsRollover.png
+ ./index.html
+ ./host/ps.jsx
+ Panel
+ 460
+ 320
+ 800
+ 1200
+ 100
+ 100
+ ./PhotoshopEventsNormal.png
+ ./PhotoshopEventsRollover.png
diff --git a/PhotoshopEvents/PhotoshopEventsNormal.png b/PhotoshopEvents/PhotoshopEventsNormal.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65d338ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/PhotoshopEvents/PhotoshopEventsNormal.png differ
diff --git a/PhotoshopEvents/PhotoshopEventsRollover.png b/PhotoshopEvents/PhotoshopEventsRollover.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3378d5f1
Binary files /dev/null and b/PhotoshopEvents/PhotoshopEventsRollover.png differ
diff --git a/PhotoshopEvents/host/ps.jsx b/PhotoshopEvents/host/ps.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c021dd34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhotoshopEvents/host/ps.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// Fri May 22 2015 11:56:37 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
+var gScriptVersion = "0.1";
+// some events we are interested in
+var eventMake = 1298866208; // "Mk "
+var eventDelete = 1147958304; // "Dlt "
+var eventClose = 1131180832; // "Cls "
+var eventSelect = 1936483188; // "slct"
+var eventSet = 1936028772; // "setd"
+function LogIt( inMessage ) {
+ try {
+ var a = new Logger();
+ var b = decodeURIComponent( inMessage );
+ a.log( b + "\n");
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ alert("LogIt catch : " + e + ":" + e.line);
+ }
+// Object: Logger
+// Usage: Log information to a text file
+// Input: String to full path of file to create or append, if no file is given
+// then output file Logger.log is created on the users desktop
+// Return: Logger object
+// Example:
+// var a = new Logger();
+// a.print( 'hello' );
+// a.print( 'hello2\n\n\nHi\n' ) ;
+// a.remove();
+// a.log( Date() );
+// a.print( Date() );
+// a.display();
+function Logger( inFile ) {
+ // member properties
+ // the file we are currently logging to
+ if ( undefined == inFile ) {
+ this.file = new File( Folder.desktop + "/PhotoshopEvents.log" );
+ } else {
+ this.file = new File( inFile );
+ }
+ // member methods
+ // output to the ESTK console
+ // note that it behaves a bit differently
+ // when using the BridgeTalk section
+ this.print = function( inMessage ) {
+ if ( app.name == "ExtendScript Toolkit" ) {
+ print (inMessage);
+ } else {
+ var btMessage = new BridgeTalk();
+ btMessage.target = "estoolkit";
+ btMessage.body = "print(" + inMessage.toSource() + ")";
+ btMessage.send ();
+ }
+ }
+ // write out a message to the log file
+ this.log = function( inMessage ) {
+ if ( this.file.exists ) {
+ this.file.open( 'e' );
+ this.file.seek( 0, 2 ); // end of file
+ } else {
+ this.file.open( 'w' );
+ }
+ this.file.write( inMessage );
+ this.file.close();
+ }
+ // show the contents with the execute method
+ this.display = function() {
+ this.file.execute();
+ }
+ // remove the file
+ this.remove = function() {
+ this.file.remove();
+ }
+// end ps.jsx
diff --git a/PhotoshopEvents/index.html b/PhotoshopEvents/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60069e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhotoshopEvents/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Photoshop JSON Events v0.1
diff --git a/PhotoshopEvents/js/CSInterface.js b/PhotoshopEvents/js/CSInterface.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1e4d7b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhotoshopEvents/js/CSInterface.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1102 @@
+* Copyright 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the
+* terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a
+* source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior
+* written permission of Adobe.
+/** CSInterface - v6.0.0 */
+ * Stores constants for the window types supported by the CSXS infrastructure.
+ */
+function CSXSWindowType()
+/** Constant for the CSXS window type Panel. */
+CSXSWindowType._PANEL = "Panel";
+/** Constant for the CSXS window type Modeless. */
+CSXSWindowType._MODELESS = "Modeless";
+/** Constant for the CSXS window type ModalDialog. */
+CSXSWindowType._MODAL_DIALOG = "ModalDialog";
+/** EvalScript error message */
+EvalScript_ErrMessage = "EvalScript error.";
+ * @class Version
+ * Defines a version number with major, minor, micro, and special
+ * components. The major, minor and micro values are numeric; the special
+ * value can be any string.
+ *
+ * @param major The major version component, a positive integer up to nine digits long.
+ * @param minor The minor version component, a positive integer up to nine digits long.
+ * @param micro The micro version component, a positive integer up to nine digits long.
+ * @param special The special version component, an arbitrary string.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c Version object.
+ */
+function Version(major, minor, micro, special)
+ this.major = major;
+ this.minor = minor;
+ this.micro = micro;
+ this.special = special;
+ * The maximum value allowed for a numeric version component.
+ * This reflects the maximum value allowed in PlugPlug and the manifest schema.
+ */
+Version.MAX_NUM = 999999999;
+ * @class VersionBound
+ * Defines a boundary for a version range, which associates a \c Version object
+ * with a flag for whether it is an inclusive or exclusive boundary.
+ *
+ * @param version The \c #Version object.
+ * @param inclusive True if this boundary is inclusive, false if it is exclusive.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c VersionBound object.
+ */
+function VersionBound(version, inclusive)
+ this.version = version;
+ this.inclusive = inclusive;
+ * @class VersionRange
+ * Defines a range of versions using a lower boundary and optional upper boundary.
+ *
+ * @param lowerBound The \c #VersionBound object.
+ * @param upperBound The \c #VersionBound object, or null for a range with no upper boundary.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c VersionRange object.
+ */
+function VersionRange(lowerBound, upperBound)
+ this.lowerBound = lowerBound;
+ this.upperBound = upperBound;
+ * @class Runtime
+ * Represents a runtime related to the CEP infrastructure.
+ * Extensions can declare dependencies on particular
+ * CEP runtime versions in the extension manifest.
+ *
+ * @param name The runtime name.
+ * @param version A \c #VersionRange object that defines a range of valid versions.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c Runtime object.
+ */
+function Runtime(name, versionRange)
+ this.name = name;
+ this.versionRange = versionRange;
+* @class Extension
+* Encapsulates a CEP-based extension to an Adobe application.
+* @param id The unique identifier of this extension.
+* @param name The localizable display name of this extension.
+* @param mainPath The path of the "index.html" file.
+* @param basePath The base path of this extension.
+* @param windowType The window type of the main window of this extension.
+ Valid values are defined by \c #CSXSWindowType.
+* @param width The default width in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param height The default height in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param minWidth The minimum width in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param minHeight The minimum height in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param maxWidth The maximum width in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param maxHeight The maximum height in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param defaultExtensionDataXml The extension data contained in the default \c ExtensionDispatchInfo section of the extension manifest.
+* @param specialExtensionDataXml The extension data contained in the application-specific \c ExtensionDispatchInfo section of the extension manifest.
+* @param requiredRuntimeList An array of \c Runtime objects for runtimes required by this extension.
+* @param isAutoVisible True if this extension is visible on loading.
+* @param isPluginExtension True if this extension has been deployed in the Plugins folder of the host application.
+* @return A new \c Extension object.
+function Extension(id, name, mainPath, basePath, windowType, width, height, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight,
+ defaultExtensionDataXml, specialExtensionDataXml, requiredRuntimeList, isAutoVisible, isPluginExtension)
+ this.id = id;
+ this.name = name;
+ this.mainPath = mainPath;
+ this.basePath = basePath;
+ this.windowType = windowType;
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ this.minWidth = minWidth;
+ this.minHeight = minHeight;
+ this.maxWidth = maxWidth;
+ this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
+ this.defaultExtensionDataXml = defaultExtensionDataXml;
+ this.specialExtensionDataXml = specialExtensionDataXml;
+ this.requiredRuntimeList = requiredRuntimeList;
+ this.isAutoVisible = isAutoVisible;
+ this.isPluginExtension = isPluginExtension;
+ * @class CSEvent
+ * A standard JavaScript event, the base class for CEP events.
+ *
+ * @param type The name of the event type.
+ * @param scope The scope of event, can be "GLOBAL" or "APPLICATION".
+ * @param appId The unique identifier of the application that generated the event.
+ * @param extensionId The unique identifier of the extension that generated the event.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c CSEvent object
+ */
+function CSEvent(type, scope, appId, extensionId)
+ this.type = type;
+ this.scope = scope;
+ this.appId = appId;
+ this.extensionId = extensionId;
+/** Event-specific data. */
+CSEvent.prototype.data = "";
+ * @class SystemPath
+ * Stores operating-system-specific location constants for use in the
+ * \c #CSInterface.getSystemPath() method.
+ * @return A new \c SystemPath object.
+ */
+function SystemPath()
+/** The path to user data. */
+SystemPath.USER_DATA = "userData";
+/** The path to common files for Adobe applications. */
+SystemPath.COMMON_FILES = "commonFiles";
+/** The path to the user's default document folder. */
+SystemPath.MY_DOCUMENTS = "myDocuments";
+/** @deprecated. Use \c #SystemPath.Extension. */
+SystemPath.APPLICATION = "application";
+/** The path to current extension. */
+SystemPath.EXTENSION = "extension";
+/** The path to hosting application's executable. */
+SystemPath.HOST_APPLICATION = "hostApplication";
+ * @class ColorType
+ * Stores color-type constants.
+ */
+function ColorType()
+/** RGB color type. */
+ColorType.RGB = "rgb";
+/** Gradient color type. */
+ColorType.GRADIENT = "gradient";
+/** Null color type. */
+ColorType.NONE = "none";
+ * @class RGBColor
+ * Stores an RGB color with red, green, blue, and alpha values.
+ * All values are in the range [0.0 to 255.0]. Invalid numeric values are
+ * converted to numbers within this range.
+ *
+ * @param red The red value, in the range [0.0 to 255.0].
+ * @param green The green value, in the range [0.0 to 255.0].
+ * @param blue The blue value, in the range [0.0 to 255.0].
+ * @param alpha The alpha (transparency) value, in the range [0.0 to 255.0].
+ * The default, 255.0, means that the color is fully opaque.
+ *
+ * @return A new RGBColor object.
+ */
+function RGBColor(red, green, blue, alpha)
+ this.red = red;
+ this.green = green;
+ this.blue = blue;
+ this.alpha = alpha;
+ * @class Direction
+ * A point value in which the y component is 0 and the x component
+ * is positive or negative for a right or left direction,
+ * or the x component is 0 and the y component is positive or negative for
+ * an up or down direction.
+ *
+ * @param x The horizontal component of the point.
+ * @param y The vertical component of the point.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c Direction object.
+ */
+function Direction(x, y)
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ * @class GradientStop
+ * Stores gradient stop information.
+ *
+ * @param offset The offset of the gradient stop, in the range [0.0 to 1.0].
+ * @param rgbColor The color of the gradient at this point, an \c #RGBColor object.
+ *
+ * @return GradientStop object.
+ */
+function GradientStop(offset, rgbColor)
+ this.offset = offset;
+ this.rgbColor = rgbColor;
+ * @class GradientColor
+ * Stores gradient color information.
+ *
+ * @param type The gradient type, must be "linear".
+ * @param direction A \c #Direction object for the direction of the gradient
+ (up, down, right, or left).
+ * @param numStops The number of stops in the gradient.
+ * @param gradientStopList An array of \c #GradientStop objects.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c GradientColor object.
+ */
+function GradientColor(type, direction, numStops, arrGradientStop)
+ this.type = type;
+ this.direction = direction;
+ this.numStops = numStops;
+ this.arrGradientStop = arrGradientStop;
+ * @class UIColor
+ * Stores color information, including the type, anti-alias level, and specific color
+ * values in a color object of an appropriate type.
+ *
+ * @param type The color type, 1 for "rgb" and 2 for "gradient".
+ The supplied color object must correspond to this type.
+ * @param antialiasLevel The anti-alias level constant.
+ * @param color A \c #RGBColor or \c #GradientColor object containing specific color information.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c UIColor object.
+ */
+function UIColor(type, antialiasLevel, color)
+ this.type = type;
+ this.antialiasLevel = antialiasLevel;
+ this.color = color;
+ * @class AppSkinInfo
+ * Stores window-skin properties, such as color and font. All color parameter values are \c #UIColor objects except that systemHighlightColor is \c #RGBColor object.
+ *
+ * @param baseFontFamily The base font family of the application.
+ * @param baseFontSize The base font size of the application.
+ * @param appBarBackgroundColor The application bar background color.
+ * @param panelBackgroundColor The background color of the extension panel.
+ * @param appBarBackgroundColorSRGB The application bar background color, as sRGB.
+ * @param panelBackgroundColorSRGB The background color of the extension panel, as sRGB.
+ * @param systemHighlightColor The operating-system highlight color, as sRGB.
+ *
+ * @return AppSkinInfo object.
+ */
+function AppSkinInfo(baseFontFamily, baseFontSize, appBarBackgroundColor, panelBackgroundColor, appBarBackgroundColorSRGB, panelBackgroundColorSRGB, systemHighlightColor)
+ this.baseFontFamily = baseFontFamily;
+ this.baseFontSize = baseFontSize;
+ this.appBarBackgroundColor = appBarBackgroundColor;
+ this.panelBackgroundColor = panelBackgroundColor;
+ this.appBarBackgroundColorSRGB = appBarBackgroundColorSRGB;
+ this.panelBackgroundColorSRGB = panelBackgroundColorSRGB;
+ this.systemHighlightColor = systemHighlightColor;
+ * @class HostEnvironment
+ * Stores information about the environment in which the extension is loaded.
+ *
+ * @param appName The application's name.
+ * @param appVersion The application's version.
+ * @param appLocale The application's current license locale.
+ * @param appUILocale The application's current UI locale.
+ * @param appId The application's unique identifier.
+ * @param isAppOnline True if the application is currently online.
+ * @param appSkinInfo An \c #AppSkinInfo object containing the application's default color and font styles.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c HostEnvironment object.
+ */
+function HostEnvironment(appName, appVersion, appLocale, appUILocale, appId, isAppOnline, appSkinInfo)
+ this.appName = appName;
+ this.appVersion = appVersion;
+ this.appLocale = appLocale;
+ this.appUILocale = appUILocale;
+ this.appId = appId;
+ this.isAppOnline = isAppOnline;
+ this.appSkinInfo = appSkinInfo;
+ * @class HostCapabilities
+ * Stores information about the host capabilities.
+ *
+ * @param EXTENDED_PANEL_MENU True if the application supports panel menu.
+ * @param EXTENDED_PANEL_ICONS True if the application supports panel icon.
+ * @param DELEGATE_APE_ENGINE True if the application supports delegated APE engine.
+ * @param SUPPORT_HTML_EXTENSIONS True if the application supports HTML extensions.
+ * @param DISABLE_FLASH_EXTENSIONS True if the application disables FLASH extensions.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c HostCapabilities object.
+ */
+ * @class ApiVersion
+ * Stores current api version.
+ *
+ * Since 4.2.0
+ *
+ * @param major The major version
+ * @param minor The minor version.
+ * @param micro The micro version.
+ *
+ * @return ApiVersion object.
+ */
+function ApiVersion(major, minor, micro)
+ this.major = major;
+ this.minor = minor;
+ this.micro = micro;
+ * @class MenuItemStatus
+ * Stores flyout menu item status
+ *
+ * Since 5.2.0
+ *
+ * @param menuItemLabel The menu item label.
+ * @param enabled True if user wants to enable the menu item.
+ * @param checked True if user wants to check the menu item.
+ *
+ * @return MenuItemStatus object.
+ */
+function MenuItemStatus(menuItemLabel, enabled, checked)
+ this.menuItemLabel = menuItemLabel;
+ this.enabled = enabled;
+ this.checked = checked;
+ * @class ContextMenuItemStatus
+ * Stores the status of the context menu item.
+ *
+ * Since 5.2.0
+ *
+ * @param menuItemID The menu item id.
+ * @param enabled True if user wants to enable the menu item.
+ * @param checked True if user wants to check the menu item.
+ *
+ * @return MenuItemStatus object.
+ */
+function ContextMenuItemStatus(menuItemID, enabled, checked)
+ this.menuItemID = menuItemID;
+ this.enabled = enabled;
+ this.checked = checked;
+//------------------------------ CSInterface ----------------------------------
+ * @class CSInterface
+ * This is the entry point to the CEP extensibility infrastructure.
+ * Instantiate this object and use it to:
+ *
+ *
Access information about the host application in which an extension is running
+ *
Launch an extension
+ *
Register interest in event notifications, and dispatch events
+ *
+ *
+ * @return A new \c CSInterface object
+ */
+function CSInterface()
+ * User can add this event listener to handle native application theme color changes.
+ * Callback function gives extensions ability to fine-tune their theme color after the
+ * global theme color has been changed.
+ * The callback function should be like below:
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // event is a CSEvent object, but user can ignore it.
+ * function OnAppThemeColorChanged(event)
+ * {
+ * // Should get a latest HostEnvironment object from application.
+ * var skinInfo = JSON.parse(window.__adobe_cep__.getHostEnvironment()).appSkinInfo;
+ * // Gets the style information such as color info from the skinInfo,
+ * // and redraw all UI controls of your extension according to the style info.
+ * }
+ */
+CSInterface.THEME_COLOR_CHANGED_EVENT = "com.adobe.csxs.events.ThemeColorChanged";
+/** The host environment data object. */
+CSInterface.prototype.hostEnvironment = JSON.parse(window.__adobe_cep__.getHostEnvironment());
+/** Retrieves information about the host environment in which the
+ * extension is currently running.
+ *
+ * @return A \c #HostEnvironment object.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.getHostEnvironment = function()
+ this.hostEnvironment = JSON.parse(window.__adobe_cep__.getHostEnvironment());
+ return this.hostEnvironment;
+/** Closes this extension. */
+CSInterface.prototype.closeExtension = function()
+ window.__adobe_cep__.closeExtension();
+ * Retrieves a path for which a constant is defined in the system.
+ *
+ * @param pathType The path-type constant defined in \c #SystemPath ,
+ *
+ * @return The platform-specific system path string.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.getSystemPath = function(pathType)
+ var path = decodeURI(window.__adobe_cep__.getSystemPath(pathType));
+ var OSVersion = this.getOSInformation();
+ if (OSVersion.indexOf("Windows") >= 0)
+ {
+ path = path.replace("file:///", "");
+ }
+ else if (OSVersion.indexOf("Mac") >= 0)
+ {
+ path = path.replace("file://", "");
+ }
+ return path;
+ * Evaluates a JavaScript script, which can use the JavaScript DOM
+ * of the host application.
+ *
+ * @param script The JavaScript script.
+ * @param callback Optional. A callback function that receives the result of execution.
+ * If execution fails, the callback function receives the error message \c EvalScript_ErrMessage.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.evalScript = function(script, callback)
+ if(callback == null || callback == undefined)
+ {
+ callback = function(result){};
+ }
+ window.__adobe_cep__.evalScript(script, callback);
+ * Retrieves the unique identifier of the application.
+ * in which the extension is currently running.
+ *
+ * @return The unique ID string.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.getApplicationID = function()
+ var appId = this.hostEnvironment.appId;
+ return appId;
+ * Retrieves host capability information for the application
+ * in which the extension is currently running.
+ *
+ * @return A \c #HostCapabilities object.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.getHostCapabilities = function()
+ var hostCapabilities = JSON.parse(window.__adobe_cep__.getHostCapabilities() );
+ return hostCapabilities;
+ * Triggers a CEP event programmatically. Yoy can use it to dispatch
+ * an event of a predefined type, or of a type you have defined.
+ *
+ * @param event A \c CSEvent object.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(event)
+ if (typeof event.data == "object")
+ {
+ event.data = JSON.stringify(event.data);
+ }
+ window.__adobe_cep__.dispatchEvent(event);
+ * Registers an interest in a CEP event of a particular type, and
+ * assigns an event handler.
+ * The event infrastructure notifies your extension when events of this type occur,
+ * passing the event object to the registered handler function.
+ *
+ * @param type The name of the event type of interest.
+ * @param listener The JavaScript handler function or method.
+ * @param obj Optional, the object containing the handler method, if any.
+ * Default is null.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, listener, obj)
+ window.__adobe_cep__.addEventListener(type, listener, obj);
+ * Removes a registered event listener.
+ *
+ * @param type The name of the event type of interest.
+ * @param listener The JavaScript handler function or method that was registered.
+ * @param obj Optional, the object containing the handler method, if any.
+ * Default is null.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.removeEventListener = function(type, listener, obj)
+ window.__adobe_cep__.removeEventListener(type, listener, obj);
+ * Loads and launches another extension, or activates the extension if it is already loaded.
+ *
+ * @param extensionId The extension's unique identifier.
+ * @param startupParams Not currently used, pass "".
+ *
+ * @example
+ * To launch the extension "help" with ID "HLP" from this extension, call:
+ * requestOpenExtension("HLP", "");
+ *
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.requestOpenExtension = function(extensionId, params)
+ window.__adobe_cep__.requestOpenExtension(extensionId, params);
+ * Retrieves the list of extensions currently loaded in the current host application.
+ * The extension list is initialized once, and remains the same during the lifetime
+ * of the CEP session.
+ *
+ * @param extensionIds Optional, an array of unique identifiers for extensions of interest.
+ * If omitted, retrieves data for all extensions.
+ *
+ * @return Zero or more \c #Extension objects.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.getExtensions = function(extensionIds)
+ var extensionIdsStr = JSON.stringify(extensionIds);
+ var extensionsStr = window.__adobe_cep__.getExtensions(extensionIdsStr);
+ var extensions = JSON.parse(extensionsStr);
+ return extensions;
+ * Retrieves network-related preferences.
+ *
+ * @return A JavaScript object containing network preferences.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.getNetworkPreferences = function()
+ var result = window.__adobe_cep__.getNetworkPreferences();
+ var networkPre = JSON.parse(result);
+ return networkPre;
+ * Initializes the resource bundle for this extension with property values
+ * for the current application and locale.
+ * To support multiple locales, you must define a property file for each locale,
+ * containing keyed display-string values for that locale.
+ * See localization documentation for Extension Builder and related products.
+ *
+ * Keys can be in the
+ * form key.value="localized string", for use in HTML text elements.
+ * For example, in this input element, the localized \c key.value string is displayed
+ * instead of the empty \c value string:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return An object containing the resource bundle information.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.initResourceBundle = function()
+ var resourceBundle = JSON.parse(window.__adobe_cep__.initResourceBundle());
+ var resElms = document.querySelectorAll('[data-locale]');
+ for (var n = 0; n < resElms.length; n++)
+ {
+ var resEl = resElms[n];
+ // Get the resource key from the element.
+ var resKey = resEl.getAttribute('data-locale');
+ if (resKey)
+ {
+ // Get all the resources that start with the key.
+ for (var key in resourceBundle)
+ {
+ if (key.indexOf(resKey) == 0)
+ {
+ var resValue = resourceBundle[key];
+ if (key.length == resKey.length)
+ {
+ resEl.innerHTML = resValue;
+ }
+ else if ('.' == key.charAt(resKey.length))
+ {
+ var attrKey = key.substring(resKey.length + 1);
+ resEl[attrKey] = resValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return resourceBundle;
+ * Writes installation information to a file.
+ *
+ * @return The file path.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.dumpInstallationInfo = function()
+ return window.__adobe_cep__.dumpInstallationInfo();
+ * Retrieves version information for the current Operating System,
+ * See http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/Chrome/ for Chrome \c navigator.userAgent values.
+ *
+ * @return A string containing the OS version, or "unknown Operation System".
+ * If user customizes the User Agent by setting CEF command parameter "--user-agent", only
+ * "Mac OS X" or "Windows" will be returned.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.getOSInformation = function()
+ var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
+ if ((navigator.platform == "Win32") || (navigator.platform == "Windows"))
+ {
+ var winVersion = "Windows";
+ var winBit = "";
+ if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows") > -1)
+ {
+ if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.0") > -1)
+ {
+ winVersion = "Windows 2000 ";
+ }
+ else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.1") > -1)
+ {
+ winVersion = "Windows XP ";
+ }
+ else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.2") > -1)
+ {
+ winVersion = "Windows Server 2003 ";
+ }
+ else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.0") > -1)
+ {
+ winVersion = "Windows Vista ";
+ }
+ else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.1") > -1)
+ {
+ winVersion = "Windows 7 ";
+ }
+ else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.2") > -1)
+ {
+ winVersion = "Windows 8 ";
+ }
+ if (userAgent.indexOf("WOW64") > -1)
+ {
+ winBit = "64-bit";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ winBit = "32-bit";
+ }
+ }
+ return winVersion + winBit;
+ }
+ else if ((navigator.platform == "MacIntel") || (navigator.platform == "Macintosh"))
+ {
+ var result = "Mac OS X";
+ var agentStr = new String();
+ agentStr = userAgent;
+ if (agentStr.indexOf("Mac OS X") > -1)
+ {
+ var verLength = agentStr.indexOf(")") - agentStr.indexOf("Mac OS X");
+ var verStr = agentStr.substr(agentStr.indexOf("Mac OS X"), verLength);
+ result = verStr.replace("_", ".");
+ result = result.replace("_", ".");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ return "Unknown Operation System";
+ * Opens a page in the default system browser.
+ *
+ * Since 4.2.0
+ *
+ * @param url The URL of the page/file to open, or the email address.
+ * Must use HTTP/HTTPS/file/mailto protocol. For example:
+ * "http://www.adobe.com"
+ * "https://github.com"
+ * "file:///C:/log.txt"
+ * "mailto:test@adobe.com"
+ *
+ * @return One of these error codes:\n
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.openURLInDefaultBrowser = function(url)
+ return cep.util.openURLInDefaultBrowser(url);
+ * Retrieves extension ID.
+ *
+ * Since 4.2.0
+ *
+ * @return extension ID.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.getExtensionID = function()
+ return window.__adobe_cep__.getExtensionId();
+ * Retrieves the scale factor of screen.
+ * On Windows platform, the value of scale factor might be different from operating system's scale factor,
+ * since host application may use its self-defined scale factor.
+ *
+ * Since 4.2.0
+ *
+ * @return One of the following integer.
+ *
+ *
-1 means fail to get scale factor or this API has not been available on Windows yet
+ *
1 means normal screen
+ *
2 means HiDPI screen
+ *
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.getScaleFactor = function()
+ return window.__adobe_cep__.getScaleFactor();
+ * Set a handler to detect any changes of scale factor. This only works on Mac.
+ *
+ * Since 4.2.0
+ *
+ * @param handler The function to be called when scale factor is changed.
+ *
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.setScaleFactorChangedHandler = function(handler)
+ window.__adobe_cep__.setScaleFactorChangedHandler(handler);
+ * Retrieves current API version.
+ *
+ * Since 4.2.0
+ *
+ * @return ApiVersion object.
+ *
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.getCurrentApiVersion = function()
+ var apiVersion = JSON.parse(window.__adobe_cep__.getCurrentApiVersion());
+ return apiVersion;
+ * Set panel flyout menu by an XML.
+ *
+ * Since 5.2.0
+ *
+ * Register a callback function for "com.adobe.csxs.events.flyoutMenuClicked" to get notified when a
+ * menu item is clicked.
+ * The "data" attribute of event is an object which contains "menuId" and "menuName" attributes.
+ *
+ * Register callback functions for "com.adobe.csxs.events.flyoutMenuOpened" and "com.adobe.csxs.events.flyoutMenuClosed"
+ * respectively to get notified when flyout menu is opened or closed.
+ *
+ * @param menu A XML string which describes menu structure.
+ * An example menu XML:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.setPanelFlyoutMenu = function(menu)
+ if ("string" != typeof menu)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ window.__adobe_cep__.invokeSync("setPanelFlyoutMenu", menu);
+ * Updates a menu item in the extension window's flyout menu, by setting the enabled
+ * and selection status.
+ *
+ * Since 5.2.0
+ *
+ * @param menuItemLabel The menu item label.
+ * @param enabled True to enable the item, false to disable it (gray it out).
+ * @param checked True to select the item, false to deselect it.
+ *
+ * @return false when the host application does not support this functionality (HostCapabilities.EXTENDED_PANEL_MENU is false).
+ * Fails silently if menu label is invalid.
+ *
+ * @see HostCapabilities.EXTENDED_PANEL_MENU
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.updatePanelMenuItem = function(menuItemLabel, enabled, checked)
+ var ret = false;
+ if (this.getHostCapabilities().EXTENDED_PANEL_MENU)
+ {
+ var itemStatus = new MenuItemStatus(menuItemLabel, enabled, checked);
+ ret = window.__adobe_cep__.invokeSync("updatePanelMenuItem", JSON.stringify(itemStatus));
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * Set context menu by XML string.
+ *
+ * Since 5.2.0
+ *
+ * There are a number of conventions used to communicate what type of menu item to create and how it should be handled.
+ * - an item without menu ID or menu name is disabled and is not shown.
+ * - if the item name is "---" (three hyphens) then it is treated as a separator. The menu ID in this case will always be NULL.
+ * - Checkable attribute takes precedence over Checked attribute.
+ * - a PNG icon. For optimal display results please supply a 16 x 16px icon as larger dimensions will increase the size of the menu item.
+ The Chrome extension contextMenus API was taken as a reference.
+ https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/contextMenus
+ * - the items with icons and checkable items cannot coexist on the same menu level. The former take precedences over the latter.
+ *
+ * @param menu A XML string which describes menu structure.
+ * @param callback The callback function which is called when a menu item is clicked. The only parameter is the returned ID of clicked menu item.
+ *
+ * An example menu XML:
+ *
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.setContextMenu = function(menu, callback)
+ if ("string" != typeof menu)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ window.__adobe_cep__.invokeAsync("setContextMenu", menu, callback);
+ * Set context menu by JSON string.
+ *
+ * Since 6.0.0
+ *
+ * There are a number of conventions used to communicate what type of menu item to create and how it should be handled.
+ * - an item without menu ID or menu name is disabled and is not shown.
+ * - if the item label is "---" (three hyphens) then it is treated as a separator. The menu ID in this case will always be NULL.
+ * - Checkable attribute takes precedence over Checked attribute.
+ * - a PNG icon. For optimal display results please supply a 16 x 16px icon as larger dimensions will increase the size of the menu item.
+ The Chrome extension contextMenus API was taken as a reference.
+ * - the items with icons and checkable items cannot coexist on the same menu level. The former take precedences over the latter.
+ https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/contextMenus
+ *
+ * @param menu A JSON string which describes menu structure.
+ * @param callback The callback function which is called when a menu item is clicked. The only parameter is the returned ID of clicked menu item.
+ *
+ * An example menu JSON:
+ *
+ * {
+ * "menu": [
+ * {
+ * "id": "menuItemId1",
+ * "label": "testExample1",
+ * "enabled": true,
+ * "checkable": true,
+ * "checked": false,
+ * "icon": "./image/small_16X16.png"
+ * },
+ * {
+ * "id": "menuItemId2",
+ * "label": "testExample2",
+ * "menu": [
+ * {
+ * "id": "menuItemId2-1",
+ * "label": "testExample2-1",
+ * "menu": [
+ * {
+ * "id": "menuItemId2-1-1",
+ * "label": "testExample2-1-1",
+ * "enabled": false,
+ * "checkable": true,
+ * "checked": true
+ * }
+ * ]
+ * },
+ * {
+ * "id": "menuItemId2-2",
+ * "label": "testExample2-2",
+ * "enabled": true,
+ * "checkable": true,
+ * "checked": true
+ }
+ * ]
+ * },
+ * {
+ * "label": "---"
+ * },
+ * {
+ * "id": "menuItemId3",
+ * "label": "testExample3",
+ * "enabled": false,
+ * "checkable": true,
+ * "checked": false
+ * }
+ * ]
+ * }
+ *
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.setContextMenuByJSON = function(menu, callback)
+ if ("string" != typeof menu)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ window.__adobe_cep__.invokeAsync("setContextMenuByJSON", menu, callback);
+ * Updates a context menu item by setting the enabled and selection status.
+ *
+ * Since 5.2.0
+ *
+ * @param menuItemID The menu item ID.
+ * @param enabled True to enable the item, false to disable it (gray it out).
+ * @param checked True to select the item, false to deselect it.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.updateContextMenuItem = function(menuItemID, enabled, checked)
+ var itemStatus = new ContextMenuItemStatus(menuItemID, enabled, checked);
+ ret = window.__adobe_cep__.invokeSync("updateContextMenuItem", JSON.stringify(itemStatus));
+ * Get the visibility status of an extension window.
+ *
+ * Since 6.0.0
+ *
+ * @return true if the extension window is visible; false if the extension window is hidden.
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.isWindowVisible = function()
+ return window.__adobe_cep__.invokeSync("isWindowVisible", "");
+ * Resize extension's content to the specified dimensions.
+ * 1. Works with modal and modeless extensions in all Adobe products.
+ * 2. Extension's manifest min/max size constraints apply and take precedence.
+ * 3. For panel extensions
+ * 3.1 This works in all Adobe products except:
+ * * Premiere Pro
+ * * Prelude
+ * * After Effects
+ * 3.2 When the panel is in certain states (especially when being docked),
+ * it will not change to the desired dimensions even when the
+ * specified size satisfies min/max constraints.
+ *
+ * Since 6.0.0
+ *
+ * @param width The new width
+ * @param height The new height
+ */
+CSInterface.prototype.resizeContent = function(width, height)
+ window.__adobe_cep__.resizeContent(width, height);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PhotoshopEvents/js/main.js b/PhotoshopEvents/js/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..371ec51b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhotoshopEvents/js/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// Fri May 22 2015 11:56:37 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
+try {
+// globals
+var gScriptJSVersion = "0.1";
+var gAlertsOn = true;
+var gStartDate = new Date();
+var gEndDate = new Date();
+// Get a reference to a CSInterface object
+var csInterface = new CSInterface();
+var gExtensionID = csInterface.getExtensionID();
+// some events we are interested in
+var eventMake = 1298866208; // "Mk "
+var eventDelete = 1147958304; // "Dlt "
+var eventClose = 1131180832; // "Cls "
+var eventSelect = 1936483188; // "slct"
+var eventSet = 1936028772; // "setd"
+var gRegisteredEvents = [eventMake, eventDelete, eventClose, eventSelect, eventSet];
+// all callbacks need to be unique so only your panel gets them
+// for Photoshop specific add on the id of your extension
+csInterface.addEventListener("com.adobe.PhotoshopJSONCallback" + gExtensionID, PhotoshopCallbackUnique);
+// get all my UI items
+var cbMake = window.document.getElementById("cbMake");
+var lblMake = window.document.getElementById("lblMake");
+var cbDelete = window.document.getElementById("cbDelete");
+var lblDelete = window.document.getElementById("lblDelete");
+var cbClose = window.document.getElementById("cbClose");
+var lblClose = window.document.getElementById("lblClose");
+var cbSelect = window.document.getElementById("cbSelect");
+var lblSelect = window.document.getElementById("lblSelect");
+var cbSet = window.document.getElementById("cbSet");
+var lblSet = window.document.getElementById("lblSet");
+var lblResult = window.document.getElementById("lblResult");
+var lblTiming = window.document.getElementById("lblTiming");
+// set up handlers, some are defined in HTML as well
+btnClose.onclick = function() {
+ Register(false, gRegisteredEvents.toString());
+ Persistent(false);
+ if (window.__adobe_cep__) {
+ window.__adobe_cep__.closeExtension();
+ }
+// event to handle when a checkbox is clicked
+function EventClick(inCheckbox) {
+ try {
+ var uiItem = null;
+ var eventID = 0;
+ if (inCheckbox === cbMake) {
+ uiItem = cbMake;
+ eventID = eventMake;
+ } else if (inCheckbox === cbDelete) {
+ uiItem = cbDelete;
+ eventID = eventDelete;
+ } else if (inCheckbox === cbClose) {
+ uiItem = cbClose;
+ eventID = eventClose;
+ } else if (inCheckbox === cbSelect) {
+ uiItem = cbSelect;
+ eventID = eventSelect;
+ } else if (inCheckbox === cbSet) {
+ uiItem = cbSet;
+ eventID = eventSet;
+ }
+ if (uiItem !== null) {
+ Register(uiItem.checked, eventID.toString());
+ }
+ // TODO remove or add the event into the gRegisteredEvents array
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ JSLogIt("EventClick catch:" + e);
+ }
+// Tell Photoshop to not unload us when closed
+function Persistent(inOn) {
+ gStartDate = new Date();
+ var event;
+ if (inOn) {
+ event = new CSEvent("com.adobe.PhotoshopPersistent", "APPLICATION");
+ } else {
+ event = new CSEvent("com.adobe.PhotoshopUnPersistent", "APPLICATION");
+ }
+ event.extensionId = gExtensionID;
+ csInterface.dispatchEvent(event);
+ SetResultTime();
+// Tell Photoshop the events we want to listen for
+function Register(inOn, inEvents) {
+ gStartDate = new Date();
+ var event;
+ if (inOn) {
+ event = new CSEvent("com.adobe.PhotoshopRegisterEvent", "APPLICATION");
+ } else {
+ event = new CSEvent("com.adobe.PhotoshopUnRegisterEvent", "APPLICATION");
+ }
+ event.extensionId = gExtensionID;
+ event.data = inEvents;
+ csInterface.dispatchEvent(event);
+ SetResultLabel("Register: " + inOn);
+function SetResultLabel(inStr) {
+ lblResult.innerHTML = inStr;
+function SetResultTime() {
+ gEndDate = new Date();
+ lblTiming.innerHTML = ((gEndDate - gStartDate)/1000).toString();
+// When an event occurs we get called here
+// It is a JSON string hidden in a string (bug in Photoshop)
+// Remove the header and make an object out of it
+// Here is an example event for when a new doucment was created:
+ { "eventID":1298866208,
+ "eventData":
+ { "documentID":1566,
+ "new":
+ { "_obj":"document",
+ "depth":8,
+ "fill":
+ { "_enum":"fill",
+ "_value":"white"
+ },
+ "height":
+ { "_unit":"distanceUnit",
+ "_value":360
+ },
+ "mode":
+ { "_class":"RGBColorMode"
+ },
+ "pixelScaleFactor":1,
+ "profile":"sRGB IEC61966-2.1",
+ "resolution":
+ { "_unit":"densityUnit",
+ "_value":300
+ },
+ "width":
+ { "_unit":"distanceUnit",
+ "_value":504
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function PhotoshopCallbackUnique(csEvent) {
+ try {
+ if (typeof csEvent.data === "string") {
+ var eventData = csEvent.data.replace("ver1,{", "{");
+ var eventDataParse = JSON.parse(eventData);
+ var jsonStringBack = JSON.stringify(eventDataParse);
+ SetResultLabel("PhotoshopCallbackUnique: " + jsonStringBack);
+ JSLogIt("PhotoshopCallbackUnique: " + jsonStringBack);
+ var uiItemToUpdate = null;
+ if (eventDataParse.eventID === eventMake)
+ uiItemToUpdate = lblMake;
+ else if (eventDataParse.eventID === eventDelete)
+ uiItemToUpdate = lblDelete;
+ else if (eventDataParse.eventID === eventClose)
+ uiItemToUpdate = lblClose;
+ else if (eventDataParse.eventID === eventSelect)
+ uiItemToUpdate = lblSelect;
+ else if (eventDataParse.eventID === eventSet)
+ uiItemToUpdate = lblSet;
+ if (uiItemToUpdate !== null) {
+ var count = Number(uiItemToUpdate.innerHTML) + 1;
+ uiItemToUpdate.innerHTML = " " + count;
+ }
+ // if you just made a text layer, let me check my object for something
+ // interesting to dump to log
+ if (eventDataParse &&
+ eventDataParse.eventData.null &&
+ eventDataParse.eventData.null._ref &&
+ eventDataParse.eventData.null._ref === "textLayer") {
+ JSLogIt("Got a text layer, trying to find paragraphStyleRange");
+ if (eventDataParse.eventData.using &&
+ eventDataParse.eventData.using.paragraphStyleRange) {
+ JSLogIt("paragraphStyleRange:" + eventDataParse.eventData.using.paragraphStyleRange);
+ JSLogIt("paragraphStyleRange typeof :" + typeof eventDataParse.eventData.using.paragraphStyleRange);
+ JSLogIt("paragraphStyleRange[0].from: " + eventDataParse.eventData.using.paragraphStyleRange[0].from);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ JSLogIt("PhotoshopCallbackUnique expecting string for csEvent.data!");
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ JSLogIt("PhotoshopCallbackUnique catch:" + e);
+ }
+// Initialize my panel for first view
+function Initialize() {
+ try {
+ document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#" + UIColorToHexString(csInterface.hostEnvironment.appSkinInfo.panelBackgroundColor);
+ Persistent(true);
+ Register(true, gRegisteredEvents.toString());
+ SetResultLabel("Initialize done");
+ SetResultTime();
+ } catch(e) {
+ JSLogIt("InitializeCallback catch: " + e);
+ }
+function UIColorToHexString(inUIColor) {
+ var s = "";
+ try {
+ if (typeof inUIColor == "undefined") return "undefined";
+ if (inUIColor.type != 1) return "type:" + inUIColor.type;
+ s += inUIColor.color.red.toString(16);
+ s += inUIColor.color.green.toString(16);
+ s += inUIColor.color.blue.toString(16);
+ } catch(e) {
+ s = e.toString();
+ }
+ return s;
+function JSLogIt(inMessage) {
+ csInterface.evalScript("LogIt('" + inMessage + "')");
+} // global try
+catch(e) {
+ JSLogIt("Global catch : " + e);
+// end main.js