>>> import libardrone
>>> drone = libardrone.ARDrone()
>>> # You might need to call drone.reset() before taking off if the drone is in
>>> # emergency mode
>>> drone.takeoff()
>>> drone.land()
>>> drone.halt()
The drone's property image
contains always the latest image from the camera.
The drone's property navdata
contains always the latest navdata.
There is also a demo application included which shows the video from the drone and lets you remote-control the drone with the keyboard:
RETURN - takeoff
SPACE - land
BACKSPACE - reset (from emergency)
a/d - left/right
w/s - forward/back
1,2,...,0 - speed
UP/DOWN - altitude
LEFT/RIGHT - turn left/right
Here is a video of the library in action:
The public repository is located here:
This software was tested with the following setup:
- Python 2.6.6
- Psyco 1.6 (recommended)
- Pygame 1.8.1 (only for the demo)
- Unmodified AR.Drone firmware 1.5.1
This software is published under the terms of the MIT License: