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247 lines (178 loc) · 7.05 KB


A tool for efficient usage of translations stored in google spreadsheet

oclif Version Downloads/week License

🚀 Usage

$ npm install -g lokse
$ lokse COMMAND
running command...
$ lokse (-v|--version|version)
lokse/3.0.0 darwin-arm64 node-v20.11.1
$ lokse --help [COMMAND]
  $ lokse COMMAND

🔑 Authentication

The last version of Google Spreadsheets API requires us to be authenticated to allow fetching spreadsheet data. Read more about authentication here

🔧 Configuration

CLI uses Cosmiconfig which means you can hold the configuration in any format it supports.

So just create lokse.config.js, .lokserc, .lokserc.yml, .lokserc.json or add lokse property into the package.json and there you can setup on of the options:


Spreadsheet id. When you open your spreadsheet it's this string


Output directory where generated translation files will be written to.


List of languages you want to generate translations for. Also names of columns in spreadsheet.


Name of spreadsheet columm containing translation ids.


Format of output translation file.


Target spreadsheet can contain more than one sheet and default behaviour is to use all of them, but sometimes you need only some of them. This option determines sheets to fetch translations from. You can define sheets you want to use or those you don't want to or combine these definition.

You can choose from various formats to define sheets to use

  1. Special value * means to include all sheets and is the default behaviour when you omit the sheets option.

      "sheets": "*",
  2. Titles of sheets to use. Can be string or array of strings

        "sheets": "Web translations",
      // or
        "sheets": ["App translations", "Legal docs"]
  3. Definition of sheets to include or exclude from the list of all sheets. Can be one of formats mentioned above

        "sheets": {
          "include": ["Web translations", "Legal docs"],
          "exclude": "CMS translations"
      // or
        "sheets": {
          "exclude": ["CMS translations"]
      // or 
        "sheets": {
          "include": ["Web translations", "Legal docs"],


Enables splitting translations into multiple files which is useful for lazy loading of some big parts of translations (eg. translation of the whole legal document).

You have two ways of how to split your translations:

  • Split by sheets - splitTranslations: true - each sheet means one translations file and name of file is determined by sheet title. Given 3 sheets in yout spreadsheet named "App translations", "Legal docs", "Landing Page" the result will be 3 files named app-translations.cs.json, legal-docs.cs.json, landing-page.cs.json (of course the language and format depends on your settings).

  • Split by domains - splitTranslations: string[] - this configuration expects an array of domain names. Domain is a first part of your translation id, given translation id news.mostRead.error.text the domain is news. The domain name determines also the filename, news.cs.json in our example.
    Translations that starts with domain news. will be written into the news.cs.json, other translations that does not belong to any other group will be saved into general translations in file cs.json.

The splitTranslations option can be provided only through configuration not inline CLI parameter.


List of plugins to use. Plugin can be either name of plugin, or object containing name and options. You must install first.

$ yarn add -D @lokse/plugin-prettify @lokse/plugin-transform-values
plugins: [
    "name": "@lokse/plugin-transform-values",
    "options": {
      "uppercase": "true"

Example of .lokserc

  "sheetId": "1HKjvejcuHIY73WvEkipD7_dmF9dFeNLji3nS2RXcIzk",
  "dir": "locales",
  "languages": ["cs", "en", "fr"],
  "column": "key_web",
  "format": "json",
  "sheets": ["App translations", "Legal docs"],
  "splitTranslations": ["news", "documents"],
  "plugins": []

🕹 Commands

lokse help [COMMAND]

display help for lokse

  $ lokse help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

lokse init

create a new config file

  $ lokse init

  -h, --help  show CLI help

  $ lokse init

See code: lib/commands/init.js

lokse open

open localization spreadsheet in default browser

  $ lokse open

  -h, --help   show CLI help
  -i, --id=id  spreadsheet id

  $ lokse open -i 1HKjvejcuHIY73WvEkipD7_dmF9dFeNLji3nS2RXcIzk

See code: lib/commands/open.js

lokse update

update translations from localization spreadsheet

  $ lokse update

  -c, --col=col                    column containing translations keys. For example key_web.
  -d, --dir=dir                    output folder
  -f, --format=(json|android|ios)  output format. Default is json.
  -h, --help                       show CLI help
  -i, --id=id                      spreadsheet id

  -l, --languages=languages        translation columns languages. Multiple values are comma separated. For example

  -s, --sheets=sheets              sheets to get translations from. Name or list of names, comma separated. For example

  $ lokse update
  $ lokse update -i 1HKjvejcuHIY73WvEkipD7_dmF9dFeNLji3nS2RXcIzk -d locales -l cz,en,fr -t key_web

See code: lib/commands/update.js