Provide a document name and receive XML file in full. The path should be retrieved from the information sent in the version index. The path must be URL encoded before sending.
##Success response
Code: 200 OK
Content: XML file
##Error response
Code: 404 Not Found
Code: Cannot find document
Incorrect filename submitted
##Sample response
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml"
<TEI xmlns="">
<title>Pakistan (draft: M1)</title>
<author>Moniza Alvi</author>
<authority>Poetic Transformations Project</authority> ...
Get an index of all poems stored and how many versions of that poem are available to view. The poem ID can be used to view all versions. The <exist:result>
tag contains a 'exist:hits'
tag that describes the total number of hits.
##URL /index
##Success response
Code: 200 OK
Content: XML file
##Error response
##Sample response
<exist:result xmlns:exist="" exist:hits="2" exist:start="1" exist:count="2"
exist:compilation-time="6" exist:execution-time="6">
<author>Moniza Alvi</author>
<poemID>Alvi2 TEST</poemID>
<author>Moniza Alvi TEST</author>
Get an index of all versions of a particular poem (using poem ID from the poem index). The <exist:result>
tag contains a 'exist:hits'
tag that describes the total number of hits. The filename can be used to view a single version in full. If details are missing only the closing tag is provided.
##URL /index/title
##Success response
Code: 200 OK
Content: XML file
##Error response
##Sample response
<exist:result xmlns:exist="" exist:hits="2" exist:start="1" exist:count="2"
exist:compilation-time="2" exist:execution-time="2">
<poemID><idno xmlns="" type="PTpoem">Alvi1</idno></poemID>
<versionID><idno xmlns="" type="PTid">B</idno></versionID>
<versionTitle>Must We Go?(published: B)</versionTitle>
<author>Moniza Alvi</author>
<authority>Poetic Transformations Project</authority>
<source>Alvi (Moniza) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections, GB 186 MA/5.</source>
<poemID><idno xmlns="" type="PTpoem">Alvi1</idno></poemID>
<versionID><idno xmlns="" type="PTid">M1</idno></versionID>
<versionTitle>Pakistan (draft: M1)</versionTitle>
<author>Moniza Alvi</author>
<authority>Poetic Transformations Project</authority>
Search across all poems and return key details and a snippet surrounding the search phrase. Search phrase should be surrounded by double quotation marks and URL encoded. e.g.
the phrase 'the apple and the pear'
should be submitted as "the apple and the pear"
thus after URL encoding %22the%20apple%20and%20the%20pear%22
. Searching is non case sensitive and searches for the whole phrase submitted. The exist:result tag contains a 'exist:hits' tag that describes the total number of hits. The filename can be used to view a single version in full.
It is possible to use wildcards. In future this endpoint could be developed to cater for more sophisticated and/or queries.
##URL /search/searchphrase
##Success response
Code: 200 OK
Content: XML file
<exist:result xmlns:exist="" exist:hits="24" exist:start="1" exist:count="24"
exist:compilation-time="56" exist:execution-time="56">
<span class='previous'>{text prior to search phrase}</span>
<span class='hi'>{search phrase}</span>
<span class='following'>{text after the search phrase}</span>
<span class='previous'>{text prior to search phrase}</span>
<span class='hi'>{search phrase}</span>
<span class='following'>{text after the search phrase}</span>
<title>{title}</title> ...
##Error response
Code: 400
Likely to be caused by an invalid search term e.g. search/"
Code: 404
Likely to be caused by a call to search/ with no search term
#Lines with shared spine index Get a list of lines that have the same spine index as the one submitted. If the line is unique then an empty array will be returned.
##URL /spine?lineID={lineID}
##Method GET
##Success response
Code: 200 OK
Content: []
##Error response
Code: 404
Indicates the line index is incorrect.
##Sample response
#Compare two poems Get the cosine similarity index between two versions of the poem as a decimal point between 0 and 1 to 2 decimal places, with 1 being identical texts.
##URL /comp?one={filename1}&two={filename2}
##Method GET
##Success response
Code: 200 OK
Content: integer
##Error response
Content: ENOENT: no such file or directory
Code: 500
Content: error in calculating cosine similarity