Title: GRAPH process
Status: Active
Author: Bryan Nonni <[email protected]></[email protected]>
Created: 2023-09-15
License: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal (CC0)
- Abstract
GRAPH stands for Guidelines and Resources to Advance Protocols for Hackerspaces
- Alternatives
Possible alternatives to the GRAPH spec:
- Bitcoin Hackerspace Network Improvement Proposals (BH-NIP)
- BitHackNet Improvement Proposals (B-NIPs)
- Documents, Outlines and Code Upgrades for the Management of Entities on a Network of ThirdPlaces (DOCUMENTs)
- Third Place Improvement Proposals (TPIP)
- Third Place Network Improvement Proposals (TP-NIP)
- Global Recommendations and Proposals for Hackerspaces (GRAPH)
- Hackerspace Identity Credential and Key Schema Suggestion (HICKS)*
- Hackerspace Identity Schema Suggestion (HISS)*
TODO: Finish this GRAPH
- Copyright
This GRAPH is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal (CC0) license.