- sync updated azure-devops-sync.yml
- Merge pull request
- UDS Button: add optional aria-label
: create admin-core-scripts bundle for page editor- enqueue lodash with admin script
- stop cookie consent init on edit page
- update bs5 collapsed default, aria updates
- update component-header v2.3.3
- Font awesome updates - fix styling, update to v6.6
- unity-bootstrap-theme v1.14.2
- Update GFL logo with latest registered tm
- README update, dev instructions
- add Changelog
- reorganize src/ and dist/
- refactor gulp tasks
- fontawesome v6
- UDS Background Section block - new patterns
- Update Accordion, tabbed panels, side menu, horizontal card
- Update to unity-bootstrap-theme-v1.13.0, sass tokens update
- component-header v2.3.0
- 404 page searches search.asu.edu
- delete legacy/unused JS, PHP
- interactive cards
- glidejs ASU sass styles