Releases: ARM-DOE/pyart
Py-ART Release v1.10.3 Impressionism
Minor release of Py-ART, updates include:
Fix in grid to_xarray code
Fix in cfradial code that was breaking with newer version of netCDF4
Py-ART Version 1.10.2 Impressionism
Fixes warnings for colormaps and other minor bug fixes.
Py-ART Version 1.10.1 Impressionism
Version 1.10.1 is the result of a year of work by 16 contributors.
Thanks to all contributors, especially those who have made their first contribution to Py-ART.
Highlights of this release:
* Updated graphing modules to use cartopy instead of basemap (basemap can still be used in radarmapdisplaybasemap and gridmapdisplaybasemap modules).
* Fix for nexrad NL2
* Added cartopy examples.
* New Velocity Azimuth Display and Quasi Vertical Profile modules
* Default colormap is now the HomeyerRainbow color vision deficiency friendly.
* Unit tests are now geared towards pytest
* Steiner classification in full Python
* Add VRADH and VRADV quantities to ODIM H5 decoder
* New Py-ART cheatsheet.
* New differential attenuation code
* And much much more.
Contributors to Py-ART 1.10.1 Impressionism:
Gama Anderson
Jason Hemedinger
Jordi Figueras
Jussi Tiira
Kai Muehlbauer
Nathan Goldbaum
Nick Guy
Robin Tanamachi
Rish Shadra
Robert Jackson
Scott Collis
Tarmo Tanilsoo
Timothy Lang
Valentin Louf
Zachary Sherman
Py-ART Version 1.9.2 Picasso
Py-ART Version 1.9.1 Picasso
Version 1.9.1 Picasso is a micro release to fix an import error involved with the netcdftime module now being called cftime.
Py-ART Version 1.9.0 Picasso
Version 1.9.0 Picasso is the result of 12 months of work by 13 contributors.
Thanks to all contributors, especially those who have made their first contribution to Py-ART.
Highlights of this release:
* Allow graph titles and filenames to use time at beginning of sweep.
* Addition of a faster calculation of texture of the velocity field.
* Addition of a raster keyword to plotting functions.
* Addition of a alpha keyword to the PPI map plotting function.
* Contributors guide was added to help guide developers.
* Updated dealiasing code that corrects for over/under folded regions.
* Gate filter option has been added to VPT plots.
* Nearest neighbor weighting function was added as an option to griding.
* Two new KDP methods (Vulpiani et al., 2012) and (Schneebeli et al., 2014).
* Various bug fixes and minor enhancements.
Contributors to Py-ART 1.9.0 Picasso:
Chris Nardi - csnardi
Daniel Wolfensberger - wolfidan
Jonathan J. Helmus - jjhelmus
Jordi Figueras - meteoswiss-mdr
Mark Picel - mhpicel
Ramesh - goharkay
Robert Jackson - rcjackson
Scott Collis scollis
Sean Freeman - freemansw1
Steve Nesbitt - swnesbitt
Timothy Lang - tjlang
Valentin Louf - vlouf
Zachary Sherman - zssherman
Nothing was deprecated by this version.
Py-ART version 1.8.0
Version 1.8.0 is the result of 5 months of work by 9 contributors.
Thanks to all contributors, especially those who have made their first
contribution to Py-ART.
Highlights of this release:
* Reading for ARM sonde files.
* Improvements to the GAMIC reader.
* Support for plotting radar data on maps using Cartopy.
* Hydrometeor classification routine.
* QPE routines.
* Support for Python 3.6.
* Various bug fixes and minor enhancements.
Contributors to Py-ART 1.8.0:
Jonathan J. Helmus
Jordi Figueras
Julia Signell
Kai Muehlbauer
Kirk North
Martin Rugna
Norm Wood
Scott Collis
Tulipa Silva
Nothing was deprecated by this version.
Py-ART version 1.7.0
Version 1.7.0 is the result of 7 months of work by 8 contributors.
Thanks to all contributors, especially those who have made their first
contribution to Py-ART.
Highlights of this release:
* Reading of Rainbow files.
* Reading of Argentinean H5 files.
* Optimized reading of NEXRAD Level II files.
* Better support for reading ODIM H5 and GAMIC files.
* Grids can be output to GeoTIFF files.
* Support for creating and reading horizontal wind profiles.
* Simulated radial velocities from a wind profile.
* Pseudo-PPIs from RHI volumes.
* Computation of secondary moments.
* Noise correction of RhoHV.
* Gatefilter based upon the texture of polarimetric variables.
* The region based dealiasing routine may use a wind profile for reference.
* Variational KDP retrievals.
* Routine for despeckle fields.
* Example showing how to overlay contours on radar plots.
* Various bug fixes and minor enhancements.
Contributors to Py-ART 1.7.0:
Cory Weber
Jonathan J. Helmus
Jordi Figueras
Kai Muehlbauer
Kirk North
Scott Collis
Steve Nesbitt
Timothy Lang
The following have been deprecated and will be removed from Py-ART after
one additional point release (included in 1.8.0, removed in 1.9.0).
- The sounding_heights, sounding_wind_speeds, and sounding_wind_direction
parameters of the pyart.correct.dealias_fourdd function. These parameters
should now be specified in the sonde_profile argument. - The pyart.correct.find_time_in_interp_sonde function. With the availability
of the function this function is no longer
Py-ART version 1.6.0
Version 1.6.0 is the result of 5 months of work by 7 contributors.
Thanks to all contributors, especially those who have made their first
contribution to Py-ART.
Highlights of this release:
* Support for writing Universal format (UF) files.
* Support for reading NEXRAD Level 2 message 1 format files.
* Specific field and scans can be specified when reading NEXRAD files.
* Support for reading dual PRF information from Sigmet files.
* Function for extracting azimuthal cross sections from a PPI volume.
* Hildebrand-Sekhon noise level estimation.
* Better error messages when an optional dependency is missing.
* Additions to the Radar class for accessing the location of gates.
* A new layout for the Grid class.
* Time-height plots (thanks to Nick Guy)
* Functions for antenna, geographic and Cartesian coordinate transforms.
* A norm parameter can be used to specify the luminosity in plots,
allowing for the use of non-linear or categorical colorbars.
* Large grids can be created without distortions.
* Field specific colormaps and luminosity limits are used when plotting.
* Various bug fixes and minor enhancements.
Contributors to Py-ART 1.6.0:
Anderson Gamma
Cory Weber
Jonathan J. Helmus
Joe Hardin
Kirk North
Nick Guy
Timothy Lang
Please note that this will be the last release to officially support Python
2.6 and 3.3. The next version of Py-ART will support Python 2.7, 3.4
and 3.5.
The following have been deprecated and will be removed from Py-ART after
additional point release (included in 1.7.0, removed in 1.8.0).
- The 'axes' attribute of the Grid class, the elements found in this
can now be found elsewhere in the Grid class. -, the information provided by this function is
now available in Grid attributes. - The Grid class is initialized using a new set of parameters. Support for
creating Grid instances from using the older parameters is available using
the from_legacy_parameters method, which will be removed in Py-ART 1.8.0. - The function was added to read in netCDF files
containing gridded radar data as produced by Py-ART 1.5.0 and prior.
This function will be removed in Py-ART 1.8.0. - pyart.graph.RadarDisplay_Airborne, now pyart.graph.AirborneRadarDisplay
- The 'grid_lons', 'grid_lats' and 'proj' attributes of the GridMapDisplay
class. This information can be found in the Grid attributes. - The 'starts', 'ends', 'time_begin', 'radar_name', 'x', 'y', and 'z'
of the RadarDisplay class and subclasses. This information can be
found in
attributes of the Radar class. - pyart.core.corner_to_point, use pyart.core.geographic_to_cartesian
- pyart.core.is_vpt, now found at pyart.util.is_vpt
- pyart.core.to_vpt, now found at pyart.util.to_vpt
Additionally the following portions of the non-public API are also
in the same manner.
- pyart.graph.common.corner_to_point
- pyart.graph.common.radar_coords_to_cart
- pyart.graph.common.sweep_coords_to_cart
Py-ART version 1.5.0
Version 1.5.0 is the result of 3 months of work by 7 contributors.
Thanks to all contributors, especially those who have made their first
contribution to Py-ART.
Highlights of this release:
* Support for reading NOXP files. (thanks to Tim Lang)
* Support for reading ARM KAZR files (thanks to Kirk North)
* Support for reading EDGE NetCDF files.
* Support for reading Universal format (UF) files.
* Refactor plotting code (thanks to Anderson Gamma)
* Improved support for the Windows operating system.
* Gatefilters can be used as a selection method in many additional cases (thanks to Kirk North and Nick Guy).
* Routines for calculating circular statistics on radar fields.