This repository provides a ready-to-use visual geo-localization (VG) pipeline, which you can use to train a model on a given dataset. Specifically, it implements a ResNet-18 followed by an average pooling, which can be trained on VG datasets such as Pitts30k, using negative mining and triplet loss as explained in the NetVLAD paper. You will have to replace the average pooling with a GeM layer and a NetVLAD layer.
We provide the datasets of Pitts30k and St Lucia
About the datasets formatting, the adopted convention is that the names of the files with the images are:
@ UTM_easting @ UTM_northing @ UTM_zone_number @ UTM_zone_letter @ latitude @ longitude @ pano_id @ tile_num @ heading @ pitch @ roll @ height @ timestamp @ note @ extension
Note that some of these values can be empty (e.g. the timestamp might be unknown), and the only required values are UTM coordinates (obtained from latitude and longitude).
To get started first download the repository
git clone
then download Pitts30k (link), and extract the zip file. Then install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
and finally run
Runs command BRB