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Installation Process

Miepee edited this page Aug 3, 2022 · 9 revisions

How to setup the AM2RLauncher and install the latest Community Updates



For Windows, first make sure that you have .NET Framework 4.8 installed. If you're on Windows 10 or later, this is already preinstalled.
If you don't have it installed, you can get it here.
You also have to own a copy of AM2R 1.1. It has to be 1.1, no other version will work! Assistance with locating it will NOT be given, but the AM2RLauncher has a few checks to make sure it is the original one.


  1. Download the latest Windows release from the release page. It's named with X.X.X being the version.
  2. Extract the zip you download to some folder. This is usually done by right clicking the zip -> Extract all
  3. Navigate to the folder you extracted it to and double click the AM2RLauncher
  4. Click the green DOWNLOAD button and wait until it finishes downloading the patch files
  5. Click the green SELECT 1.1 button. Navigate to the folder where you have your AM2R 1.1 copy, and select the zip. If you get an error here, look at FAQ#im-getting-an-error-code-when-providing-am2r-11.
  6. Click the green INSTALL button and wait until it is finished.

You can now click the green PLAY button in order to launch the latest Community Updates.



First, you have to own a copy of AM2R 1.1. It has to be 1.1, no other version will work! Assistance with locating it will NOT be given, but the AM2RLauncher has a few checks to make sure it is the original one.
Also make sure that you have .NET Core 6 or later installed. You can find installation instructions for most distros provided by Microsoft here. If you can't find instructions for your distro, search your package managers repository for it.
NOTE: Do NOT install .NET Core as a Snap! This will not work!

Now make sure that the following dependencies are installed (names may differ depending on the distro):

  • .NET Core 6 (see notice above)
  • xdelta3
  • gtk3
  • libappindicator3
  • webkitgtk
  • openssl
  • fuse2

As well as these dependencies to run AM2R:

  • 32-bit version of libpulse
  • 32-bit version of openal
  • 32-bit version of your graphics drivers

Below are some instructions on how to install the dependencies for some distros. For other distros, please refer to your local package manager.

Flatpak/Steam Deck

For a universal installation of dependencies (except AM2R 1.1) and the AM2RLauncher on all Linux Distributions, including the Steam Deck, you have the option to install the AM2RLauncher via Flatpak:

  1. Follow the instructions for your Distro to install Flatpak if don't have it installed already. Steam Deck users can skip this step.
  2. Install the AM2RLauncher Flatpak. This may be from the linked site, or your software center, such as Discover on the Steam Deck.

After those are done, you can start the AM2RLauncher from your desktop menu and skip to step 4 of Installation-Process#installation-of-am2r-distro-independent


On Ubuntu based distributions (such as Mint, Zorin etc.) you can install the above listed dependencies by following these instructions:

  1. Follow the instructions here to download and install the .NET Core Runtime
  2. Enable the i386 architecture if you haven't already:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update && sudo apt install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
  1. Install the rest of the dependencies with
    sudo apt install libappindicator3-1 libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 xdelta3 libgl1:i386 libopenal1:i386 libpulse0:i386 default-jre

Arch Linux

On Arch Linux based distributions you can install the above listed dependencies by running this command:
(Multilib repositories are required, instructions on how to enable them can be found here on the ArchWiki)
sudo pacman -S --needed dotnet-runtime fuse2 gtk3 libappindicator-gtk3 openssl webkit2gtk xdelta3 lib32-mesa lib32-openal lib32-libpulse jre-openjdk


On Fedora based distributions you can install the above listed dependencies by running this command:
sudo dnf install dotnet-runtime-6.0 libappindicator-gtk3 xdelta mesa-libGL.i686 pulseaudio-libs.1686 openal-soft.i686 java-latest-openjdk

Installation of AM2R (distro independent)

  1. Download the latest Linux release from the release page. It's named with X.X.X being the version.
  2. Extract the zip you download to some folder. This is usually done by right clicking the zip -> Extract all
  3. Navigate to the folder you extracted it to, set AM2RLauncher.Gtk to be executable (right click -> properties -> permissions -> check "mark as executable") and then start it by double clicking the AM2RLauncher
  4. Click the green DOWNLOAD button and wait until it finishes downloading the patch files
  5. Click the green SELECT 1.1 button. Navigate to the folder where you have your AM2R 1.1 copy, and select the zip. If you get an error here, look at FAQ#im-getting-an-error-code-when-providing-am2r-11.
  6. Click the green INSTALL button and wait until it is finished.

You can now click the green PLAY button in order to launch the latest Community Updates.

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