- read papers
- Mann paper regression of indices on OHC change
21.01.: OHC calculations and analysis; Mosaic application
22.01.: TPI timeseries and OHC/index relationsships
23.01.: pattern correlations and analysis
highest priority
- OHC calculations for low res runs
- PDO timeseries to compare with TPI index
middle priority
- POP output to .nc
- OHC transport across basin boundaries
- AMWG (and other) package results
- MPI GE dataset
lower priority
- fix SHF calculations
- calculate SOM energy pathways
- OHC in 200-400 m in the SO for Sybren
technical issues
- code coverage (especially in xr_integrate)
- tests:
- physical consistency
- testing functions
- apply same methodology to
- hiatuses in the future, both in CESM and CMIP5, maybe sea ice changes will change the OH uptake
- linear regression model of OHC changes on index timeseries
- index to dOHC (lagged correlation)
- combine to multivariate linear model maybe we can show that the skill improves when we incorporate the SOM (Mann et al. did a hiatus / indices model)
- regional change vs. global change (video of SST trends; safe havens)
- dOHC: forcing vs response under climate change