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Server Administration

JasonFJ edited this page May 7, 2021 · 27 revisions

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Managing the server

Seeing which players are online

Use the @pop command to see the number of players online (including yourself).

  • @pop
Use the @listplayers command to list all players currently on the server, and the total number of connected players.
  • @listplayers
You will see:

+ExampleAdmin : 12
Total connected Players: 1

Send an admin broadcast to all players on the server

Use the @gamecastlocal command to broadcast a message to all players.

  • @gamecastlocal This is an example of a broadcast message.
Players will see the following in green text:
Broadcast from +ExampleAdmin> This is an example of a broadcast.

Opening or closing the server to players

  • Use @world open to allow players to log into the server (default).
  • Use @world close to prevent any new logins to the server only.
  • Use @world close boot to force all players to logoff immediately (it is better to warn players of this with an admin broadcast first).

Restarting and Stopping the server

1. Enter the @pop command to see if there are any players online (including yourself).

If there are NO PLAYERS ONLINE, you can shutdown the server IMMEDIATELY without warning using the @stop-now command.
  • @stop-now

2. Use the @set-shutdown-interval command to set how many seconds until the server should shutdown.

@set-shutdown-interval 600 will set the shutdown to occur in 600 seconds, or 10 minutes.

2. Use the @gamecastlocal command to broadcast a message to all players about a pending server shutdown.

@gamecastlocal The server will be going down for maintenance in an hour. A 10 minute warning will proceed the server shutdown itself.
Players will see the following in green text:
  • Broadcast from +ExampleAdmin> The server will be going down for maintenance in an hour. A 10 minute warning will proceed the server shutdown itself.

3. Use the @shutdown command followed by a message to inform players of a shutdown with the amount of time set above using set-shutdown-interval.

@shutdown The server will be coming down in 10 minutes. Please find a safe place to log out.

4. To CANCEL a shutdown, issue the @cancel-shutdown command.

Managing Accounts

Renaming a character

Enter @rename OldName , NewName. Be sure to include a SPACE before and after the comma.

Toggling admin on an account

Run the SQL client and enter the following SQL commands:

use ace_auth;

then enter:

  • UPDATE account SET accessLevel=5 WHERE accountName='{the_account_name}' (enables admin mode and puts a + in front of character name}
  • UPDATE account SET accessLevel=0 WHERE accountName='{the_account_name}' (removes admin mode)

Move a character to a different account

1. Ask the player for the SOURCE and DESTINATION account names.

2. Run the SQL client and enter the following SQL commands:

 USE ace_auth;
 SELECT accountID,accountName FROM account WHERE accountName='{source_account_name}';</code>. Write down the {SOURCE_accountId};
 SELECT accountID,accountName FROM account WHERE accountName='{destination_account_name}';</code>. Write down the {DESTINATION_accountId}.
 USE ace_shard;
 SELECT account_Id,name FROM `character` WHERE name='{character_name_to_move}';</code>. Note that backticks (`) is used around the word `character` and apostrophies (') are used around the name of the character to move.

The accountID shown of the character being moved should match the {SOURCE_accountId}. if it doesn't, something is wrong and you need to go back a step.

3. Assuming they match:

  1. Ask that BOTH accounts are fully logged out, and the clients have been shut down.
  2. Run the SQL client and enter the following SQL command:
    • UPDATE `character` SET accountId={DESTINATION_accountId} WHERE name='{character_name_to_move}';

Here's an example of moving a character called 'Mule' from account 'exar4' to account 'exar5':
MariaDB [ace_auth]> USE ace_shard; 
Database changed
MariaDB [ace_shard]> SELECT account_Id,name FROM `character` WHERE name='Mule';
| account_Id | name |
|         11 | Mule |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [ace_shard]> use ace_auth;
Database changed
MariaDB [ace_auth]> SELECT accountID,accountName FROM account WHERE accountName='exar4';
| accountID | accountName |
|        11 | exar4       |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [ace_auth]> SELECT accountID,accountName FROM account WHERE accountName='exar5';
| accountID | accountName |
|        12 | exar5       |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [ace_auth]> USE ace_shard;
Database changed
MariaDB [ace_shard]> SELECT account_Id,name FROM `character` WHERE name='Mule';
| account_Id | name |
|         11 | Mule |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [ace_shard]> UPDATE `character` SET account_Id=12 WHERE name='Mule';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

Managing Characters

Helping Characters as an Admin

Becoming immortal

Use @neversaydie to make yourself un-killable.

Becoming unattackable

Use @attackable on to make yourself no longer attackable by monsters. Use @attackable off to reverse it.

Running fast

Use @run to make yourself run very fast.

Becoming invisible or appearing as a player

Use @cloak on to become invisible, and @cloak off to become visible again.
Use @cloak player to appear without a + in front of your name.

Teleporting to a player

Use @teleto {character_name}.

Teleporting a player to you

Use @teletome {character_name}.

Insta-killing monster(s)

If you need to kill a monster or all monsters on radar range to help a character, use the following commands:

  • @smite kills the targeted monster.
  • @smite all kills ALL monsters in radar range.

Opening locked items

If you need to unlock something that is locked, click on the object and enter:

  • @crack

Disruptive Characters


  • Use @gag {character_name} to prevent a character from being able to speak.
  • Use @ungag {character_name} to allow a player to speak again.

Booting a player off the server

To boot a character from the game enter @boot char character_name.

  • The player can log back in again unless you ban them first, however booting can be a good form of warning.

The player will be immediately logged off and the client will show a blue window with a message box. The message box says "You have been booted from Asheron's Call for Code of Conduct Violations."


To see all banned accounts enter @banlist.

To ban an account do the following:

  1. Use @finger {character_name} to get the account name.
  2. Use @ban {ACCOUNT_name} {days} {hours} {minutes} {reason}
    1. e.g. @ban their_account 1 0 0 You have been banned for 24 hours because of X reason
The player will be immediately logged off and the client will show a blue window with a message box. The message box says "You have been booted from Asheron's Call. - You have been banned for 24 hours because of X reason".

To unban an account do the following:

  1. Use @finger {character_name} to get their account name if you don't have it.
  2. Use @unban {ACCOUNT_name}

Spawning items

Introduction to Spawning

All objects, whether they are clothing, weapons, jewelry or even portals are known as "weenies".

  1. To edit an object you firstly need it's wcid.
  2. To locate an items wcid, search for it at

Spawn an Item

To spawn an item using the wcid or classname you have obtained in the previous section, enter: @create <wcid or classname> (amount) (palette) (shade)

How to spawn 1 unit of Aerfalle's Pallium (robe)... it will spawn on the ground in front of the admin.

  • @create 8133 1

Editing items

Introduction to Editing

All objects, whether they are clothing, weapons, jewelry or even portals are known as "weenies". To edit an object you firstly need it's classId.

To obtain the classId you can:

  1. Search for it on
  2. Select it ingame and enter the @getinfo command.

Portals (making a portal tieable/summonable)

With the classId you obtained from the Introduction section

  1. From the server console enter @export-sql {classId}
  2. Edit the extracted file and go to line 10 (or whatever line has "PortalBitmask" mentioned on it).
    1. change the value from 49 (not tieable, not summonable) to 1 (unrestricted). For a list of all bits see PortalBitMask reference
  3. From the server console enter /import-sql {classId}
  4. To make the change immediate instead of rebooting the server, a character near the portal can enter in the ingame AC client command@reload-landblock

Managing Events

Send an event text to all players on the server

Event messages do not include any information about the admin sending it... it literally sends the text as it is typed. Use the @we command to broadcast a message to all players.

  • @we There is a disturbance in the lands of Dereth.
Players will see the following in green text:
There is a disturbance in the lands of Dereth.

Generating a monster spawn

  1. Go to and search for generator to list different monster generators and their unique wcid identifier.
  2. Go to where you would like to spawn the monster class and enter @addenc {wcid}
  • You can generate one encounter per cell, where a cell is about 20 feet by 20 feet in size.
  • Once the encounter is created, defeated monsters will keep respawning there until the server is restarted.