I implement the simple DQN algorithm to play Openai-retro Airstriker-Genesis game to studing basic deep reinforment learning.
Here is pseudo-code of Deep Q-learnig with experience replay.
Here is the neuron network portion of DQN-v2013, it has three convolutional layers and two ful-connetion layers. The input is the original image from enviroment itself, and ouput is propability of each action of action space.
- Python 3.6+
- openai retro
- tensorflow 1.5.0
- numpy 1.14.0
First, install all requirements.
To train a model:
$ python main.py --train True
To test your model via play the game:
$ python main.py --train False
Currently, our best model can play the game warping to level 2.
History graph of loss.