This image is based on our base Linux image providing Java JDK 1.8.181 and contains Wiremock extended with our JSON body transformer.
To build the image locally run:
$ mvn clean package
To push the image run:
$ mvn clean deploy
It is possible to add predefined JSON stubs and response files by mounting the directories containing the files to the image like so:
# example
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 \
-v /path/to/external/mappings:/home/wiremock/mappings \
-v /path/to/external/__files:/home/wiremock/__files \
Beside that it is also possible to further extend wiremock as described in the Wiremock - Running as Standalone Process by mounting a directory containing the extension jar like so:
$ docker run \
-v /path/to/external/extensions:/var/wiremock/extensions \
--extensions custom.wiremock.ExtensionClassName
e.g. in a pom.xml file for integration tests
<log>The WireMock server is started</log>
<cmd>--verbose --disable-banner</cmd>
When used for integration testing with SQS message publishing to an Amazon SQS-compatible interface provided through another docker container the other and the wiremock container must share a network for a proper resolution of getQueueUrl()
The example below shows the maven docker configuration to use wiremock container alongside the fully functional local AWS cloud stack (localstack) container with SQS enabled.
💡 the wiremock port is exposed on the localstack container and the wiremock container configured its network.
<!-- note the wiremock port is exposed on this container -->
<log>initialization finished successfully</log>
<!-- note wiremock uses the localstack network -->
<!-- note wiremock uses port 8090 as default port occupied by localstack dashboard -->
<cmd>--port 8090</cmd>
<!-- note wiremock defines the localstack SQS messaging port - not the mapped port -->