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analyze-sgf analyzes SGF and Tygem's GIB format by KataGo Parallel Analysis Engine to generate the win rate graphs, label the good and bad moves, propose the variations, and save them as new SGF files.

You can analyze an SGF/GIB file one by one in real-time by linking Sabaki or Lizzie and KataGo. But with analyze-sgf, you can analyze many SGF/GIB files all at once, and save the KataGo reviewed SGF files automatically. If you open these with Sabaki, you can analyze them with the help of the overall win rate, good and bad move labels, and proposed variations.

analyze-sgf also gives you a way to specify a very large number of visits and let KataGo analyze several hours, then save and recycle the KataGo analysis data (not reviewed SGF). This provides a whole new level of depth compared to using KataGo in real-time.


You can download the executable binaries from analyze-sgf releases. To install analyze-sgf from source code, please follow the steps below.

First install Node.js and KataGo, then install analyze-sgf. In Mac or Linux, run the following from the terminal.

npm install -g analyze-sgf

In Microsoft Windows, run the following from the Command Prompt or PowerShell.

C:\Users\hcho> npm install -g analyze-sgf

The upgrade command is the same as the install command.


The first time you run analyze-sgf, it generates a .analyze-sgf.yml file in your home directory and prints out the usage as follows:

$ analyze-sgf
generated: /Users/hcho/.analyze-sgf.yml
Please specify SGF/GIB files.
Usage: analyze-sgf [-a=OPTS] [-g=OPTS] [-k=OPTS] [-s] [-f] FILE ...

  -a, --analysis=OPTS     Options for KataGo Parallel Analysis Engine query
  -g, --sgf=OPTS          Options for making reviewed SGF files
  -k, --katago=OPTS       Options for path and arguments of KataGo
  -r, --revisit=N         For variation cases, Analyze again with maxVisits N
  -s                      Save KataGo analysis as JSON files
  -f                      Analyze by KataGo JSON files
  -h, --help              Display this help and exit

  analyze-sgf baduk-1.sgf baduk-2.gib
  analyze-sgf ''
  analyze-sgf -a 'maxVisits:16400,analyzeTurns:[197,198]' baduk.sgf
  analyze-sgf -f baduk.json
  analyze-sgf -g 'maxVariationsForEachMove:15' -r 20000 baduk.sgf

Edit ~/.analyze-sgf.yml for default options
Report analyze-sgf bugs to <>
analyze-sgf home page: <>

In Microsoft Windows, it should be run with analyze-sgf.cmd rather than analyze-sgf, but for convenience, we'll call it analyze-sgf. Now let's look at how to use them one by one.

To run analyze-sgf, you need to set the KataGo path in the .analyze-sgf.yml file in your home directory. The contents of the .analyze-sgf.yml file is as follows. Among these, you need to modify the two values "KataGo path here" and "KataGo arguments here" to suit your installed KataGo. Please refer to the example.

# Please visit <>.
# Options for path and arguments of KataGo.
  # e.g., "C:\\Users\\hcho\\KataGo\\katago.exe"
  path: 'KataGo path here'
  # e.g., "analysis -model C:\\Users\\hcho\\KataGo\\katago-best-network.bin.gz -config C:\\Users\\hcho\\KataGo\\analysis_example.cfg"
  arguments: 'KataGo arguments here'

# Options for KataGo Parallel Analysis Engine query.
# <>.
  # e.g., "korean", "tromp-taylor", "chinese", ...
  rules: 'tromp-taylor'
  # If input SGF/GIB has no komi field (KM), then uses below.
  komi: 7.5
  boardXSize: 19
  boardYSize: 19
  # Maximum number of root visits.
  maxVisits: 1600

# Options for making reviewed SGF files.
  # SGF can put good/bad/hotspot labels on moves for coloring game tree.
  # ......

Now, run analyze-sgf with SGF/GIB files, for example, shin-vs-lian.sgf, the simple analysis result will be printed out, and a file shin-vs-lian-analized.sgf is generated.

$ analyze-sgf shin-vs-lian.sgf
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 100% (208/208, 6.4k visits) | ETA: 0s (20m52s)
generated: shin-vs-lian-analyzed.sgf
# Analyze-SGF Report

13th Chunlan Cup, semi-final, Komi 7.5, B+R, 2021-01-20

Shin Jinseo (Black)
* KataGo top choices (54.81%, 57/104)
* Less than 2% win rate drops (75.00%, 78/104)
* Less than 5% win rate drops (88.46%, 92/104)
* More than 5% win rate drops (11.54%, 12/104): #39 ⇣6.32%, #69 ⇣7.03%, #105 ⇣18.34%, #109 ⇣18.41%, #121 ⇣6.67%, #133 ⇣5.92%, #141 ⇣20.10%, #161 ⇣15.17%, #165 ⇣5.78%, #173 ⇣17.48%, #179 ⇣15.75%, #183 ⇣13.84%
* More than 20% win rate drops (0.96%, 1/104): #141 ⇣20.10%
* Top 10 win rate drops: #141 ⇣20.10%, #109 ⇣18.41%, #105 ⇣18.34%, #173 ⇣17.48%, #179 ⇣15.75%, #161 ⇣15.17%, #183 ⇣13.84%, #69 ⇣7.03%, #121 ⇣6.67%, #39 ⇣6.32%
* Top 10 score drops: #141 ⇣35.84, #143 ⇣10.06, #173 ⇣4.93, #171 ⇣3.14, #145 ⇣1.49, #105 ⇣1.43, #179 ⇣1.25, #109 ⇣1.20, #165 ⇣1.14, #69 ⇣0.88

Lian Xiao (White)
* KataGo top choices (52.43%, 54/103)
* Less than 2% win rate drops (74.76%, 77/103)
* Less than 5% win rate drops (81.55%, 84/103)
* More than 5% win rate drops (18.45%, 19/103): #64 ⇣11.43%, #96 ⇣5.20%, #102 ⇣7.88%, #104 ⇣8.71%, #106 ⇣9.51%, #108 ⇣6.93%, #114 ⇣9.05%, #116 ⇣11.45%, #120 ⇣8.97%, #138 ⇣7.90%, #146 ⇣15.73%, #150 ⇣9.34%, #166 ⇣5.62%, #172 ⇣14.41%, #174 ⇣54.39%, #176 ⇣20.59%, #180 ⇣14.40%, #184 ⇣19.62%, #190 ⇣6.76%
* More than 20% win rate drops (1.94%, 2/103): #174 ⇣54.39%, #176 ⇣20.59%
* Top 10 win rate drops: #174 ⇣54.39%, #176 ⇣20.59%, #184 ⇣19.62%, #146 ⇣15.73%, #172 ⇣14.41%, #180 ⇣14.40%, #116 ⇣11.45%, #64 ⇣11.43%, #106 ⇣9.51%, #150 ⇣9.34%
* Top 10 score drops: #146 ⇣52.72, #174 ⇣7.14, #172 ⇣4.61, #176 ⇣1.93, #116 ⇣1.38, #64 ⇣1.25, #140 ⇣1.21, #186 ⇣1.13, #166 ⇣1.13, #102 ⇣0.99

Analyzed by KataGo Parallel Analysis Engine (6415 max visits).

Cyber ORO's 기보 감상 and Tygem's 최신기보 provides SGFs of almost all Korean Go professionals. analyze-sgf automatically downloads and analyzes the SGFs from the URLs of the matches.

$ analyze-sgf ''
downloaded: [제22회 농심배 12국, 2021-02-24] 이치리키 료 vs 신진서 (135수 흑불계승).sgf
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 100% (136/136, 2k visits) | ETA: 0s (6m23s)
generated: [제22회 농심배 12국, 2021-02-24] 이치리키 료 vs 신진서 (135수 흑불계승)-analyzed.sgf
$ analyze-sgf ''
downloaded: [제22회 농심배 12국, 2021-02-24] 이치리키 료 vs 신진서 (135수 흑불계승).sgf
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 100% (136/136, 2k visits) | ETA: 0s (6m23s)
generated: [제22회 농심배 12국, 2021-02-24] 이치리키 료 vs 신진서 (135수 흑불계승)-analyzed.sgf

The screenshot below shows the file opened in Sabaki.

Sabaki Variations Screenshot Exploring a variation with Sabaki

If the win rate drops by more than 5%, the node of the game tree turns to a red dot, if more than 20%, turns to a red ribbon, and if within 2%, turns to a green dot. This criterion can be changed by specifying the minWinrateDropForBadMove, minWinrateDropForBadHotSpot, and maxWinrateDropForGoodMove settings in .analyze-sgf.yml file.

The comment of each move contains information about win rate and score, whether it matches KataGo move suggestions, as well as links to the moves with huge win rate drop, so you can quickly analyze your game.

If you hover your mouse over a proposed variation in Sabaki, the sequence of the variation is automatically played as shown in the screenshot above.


The .analyze-sgf.yml file saves all the default settings for analyze-sgf. You can either modify the .analyze-sgf.yml file to modify the default settings or specify it when running analyze-sgf. For example, to adjust maxVisits of KataGo Parallel Analysis Engine, you need to change the maxVisits value in the analysis section, which can also be specified at run time, as follows:

analyze-sgf -a 'maxVisits:5000' baduk.sgf

The maxVisits value determines how many visits the KataGo Parallel Analysis Engine will do when analyzing a move. The larger it is, the more accurate the analysis, but it takes more time. If you have maxVisits set to 10000, and want to analyze up to 20 variations for 174th and 176th moves, run:

analyze-sgf -a 'maxVisits:10000,analyzeTurns:[173,175]' -g 'maxVariationsForEachMove:20,showBadVariations:true' baduk.sgf

The -a and -g options stand for analysis and sgf, respectively. Due to zero-based numbering of KataGo, we need to request 173 to analyze the 174th move.

If analyzeTurns is specified, only the variations of specified moves are saved. If analyzeTurns is not specified, all the variations of the moves whose win rate drops greater than minWinrateDropForVariations are saved.

Komi is automatically set using the information in the SGF/GIB file even if the -a 'komi:6.5' option is not specified.

Anything with quotes in the .analyze-sgf.yml setting must be quoted at runtime. That is, you should run it like this:

analyze-sgf -a 'rules:"korean"' baduk.sgf

Advanced Options

Saving analysis data with -s

It takes quite a long time to analyze with KataGo. However, in the reviewed SGF, not all pieces of information of KataGo analysis are stored. It would be very frustrating if you had to take the time to analyze it again with different settings (e.g., minWinrateDropForVariations, minWinrateDropForBadMove). So analyze-sgf can save and recycle the KataGo analysis data with the -s option.

$ analyze-sgf -s -a 'maxVisits:30000' baduk.sgf
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 100% (136/136, 30k visits) | ETA: 0s (1h15m43s)
generated: baduk.json
generated: baduk-analyzed.sgf

If you specify a large number in maxVisits as above, it takes a long time to analyze a lot. And the result is saved as baduk.json by -s option. If you run it as below, the analysis is finished at the same time as it is executed using baduk.json, not KataGo.

analyze-sgf -a 'analyzeTurns:[170,171]' -g 'maxVariationsForEachMove:20,showBadVariations:true' -f baduk.json

Now you can see up to 20 variations of the 171th and 172th moves including the variations of bad win rates. Please note that -a option values such as maxVisits, komi other than analyzeTurns are ignored with -f option.

If you can wait a few hours, give it a very large number of visits and save the analysis data with -s -a 'maxVisits:100000'. This provides a whole new level of depth compared to using KataGo in real-time.

If you want to see all the variations that exist in your KataGo analysis data, do the following:

analyze-sgf -g 'minWinrateDropForVariations:-100,showBadVariations:true,maxVariationsForEachMove:100 -f baduk.json'

Revisiting with --revisit

While specifying a large number in maxVisits can increase the accuracy of your analysis, it also takes a lot of time to get finished even when a small number of moves are interesting. --revisit option allows you to analyze a game with two different visits based on win rates drops of the moves. minWinrateDropForVariations is the criterion. For example, if you run the following, you can analyze the variations of the moves whose win rate drops greater than 5% with 50000 visits and the variations of the moves whose win rate drops less than 5% with 1000 visits.

$ analyze-sgf -a 'maxVisits:1000' -g 'minWinrateDropForVariations:5' --revisit 50000 baduk.sgf
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 100% (136/136, 1k visits) | ETA: 0s (3m43s)
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 100% (18/18, 50k visits) | ETA: 0s (19m23s)

Please note that if the win rate of the 60th move drops by 6%, then the 59th move will be analyzed again with 50000 visits because that way we can explore the variations of the 60th move more broadly.

When you run analyze-sgf --revisit 50000 baduk.sgf, analyze-sgf refers to maxVisits and minWinrateDropForVariations in .analyze-sgf.yml.