This is a simple Python library which adds the ability to create "feature rich encodings" which were described by Nallapati et al(2016) and is built ontop of scikit-learn
The key idea is to concantenate word embeddings for:
- Word2Vec
- tfidf
Each of word2vec, POS, and NER were converted to a word embedding using word2vec module within Gensim.
Usage can be viewed from
, and can easily be implemented into your sklearn.Pipeline
from FeatureRichEncoding import FeatureRichEncoding
sentences = ["It is not known exactly when the text obtained its current standard form",
"it may have been as late as the 1960s. Dr. Richard McClintock, a Latin scholar who was the publications director at College in Virginia",
"discovered the source of the passage sometime before 1982 while searching for instances of the Latin word"]
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
feature_rich_all = FeatureUnion([('w2v', FeatureRichEncoding()), ('pos', FeatureRichEncoding(mode='pos')),
('ner', FeatureRichEncoding(mode='ner')),
('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer())])
combine_feats = feature_rich_all.fit_transform(sentences)
: you may need to download some of the relevant corpus as well.scikit-learn
python install
Nallapati, R., Xiang, B., & Zhou, B. (2016). Sequence-to-sequence rnns for text summarization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.06023. Retreived from