Releases: 6pac/SlickGrid
Releases · 6pac/SlickGrid
Release 2.4.40
release v2.4.40
Slickgrid 2.4.3
Fix a number of scrolling issues with frozen pane mode.
SlickGrid 2.4.1
- update because 2.4.0 was accidentally allocated on NPM 12 month ago due to a wrong release version
SlickGrid 2.4.0
Introducing: Pinned Rows and Columns
- this was integrated from X-Slickgrid by @ghiscoding
- it integrates a large amount of new code so please post any issues you may encounter
- there are new example pages for pinned rows and columns here
SlickGrid 2.3.16
- remove header scroll handling as it is interfering with the horizontal scroll of the grid
- reverse the recent change to the multicolumn sort indicator span location in the DOM
- add getHeader() and getHeaderColumn() functions. Add these to public interface. Change getHeaderRowColumn and getFooterRowColumn so that they accept either a column id (text) or a column index (number) as a parameter
- Detail view update (#202)
- Fix various issues with tristate and multicolumn sorting, including #211, #212
- in measureScrollbars(), use $viewport variable instead of looking it up in the DOM
SlickGrid 2.3.15
- Add A key as keycode
- headerMenu: move the CSS min-width into plugin code
- headerMenu: autoAlign left if header drop menu is outside viewport
- add emulatePagingWhenScrolling option so when scrolling down with downarrow, we have a choice about whether, when we reach the bottom row in the viewpost, to scroll a whole page down and relocate the active row to the top line (true) or just to move the viewport contents up one row (false)
- deal with empty cacheEntry.RowNode in removeRowsFromCache
- changed signature of sortedUpdateItem() to be the same as updateItem()
SlickGrid 2.3.13
Major addition:
- add Row Detail panel plugin
- add example: example16-row-detail
Minor enhancements:
- add OnColumnsChanged event to columnpicker and gridmenu
- misc small changes to GridMenu control
- require newRowCreator() function for new rows to be created in cellexternalcopymanager plugin
- add grid parameter to Formatter call
- add option to hide 'Force fit' and 'sync rezise buttons in columnpicker and gridmenu controls
- widen drag areas for columns #184
Bug fixes:
SlickGrid 2.3.12
- add empty label on checkbox selector for styling purposes
- handle home/end key and the ctrl variants
- add customizable picker title for i18n purposes
- add customizable pager text
SlickGrid 2.3.11
SlickGrid 2.3.10
Update version numbers