不知道什么时候开始 play 会检查窗口遮挡了,由于我日常开着 FV 悬浮球之类的工具,在 play 里面总是被弹提示,而且不能执行安装等操作,非常烦人。
反编译 + 搜索了一下,发现这个窗口遮挡的信息是从 MotionEvent 里面来的。
Android detect or block floating/overlaying apps - Stack Overflow
如果 View 设置了 setFilterTouchesWhenObscured
这个 flag , View#onFilterTouchEventForSecurity
会返回 false 。自定义 View 可以重载这个方法,调用 super 看是不是 false 来判断是否被遮挡。
public boolean onFilterTouchEventForSecurity(MotionEvent event) {
//noinspection RedundantIfStatement
&& (event.getFlags() & MotionEvent.FLAG_WINDOW_IS_OBSCURED) != 0) {
// Window is obscured, drop this touch.
return false;
return true;
在 XML 中就是这样:
如果把这个过滤属性放在父 view ,可以阻止被遮挡的窗口下的点击事件向下传播
对应用来说,隐藏的最简单的方法就是 hook View#onFilterTouchEventForSecurity
,让它返回 true 。
如果从系统层面下手比较困难,因为 input 模块主要在 native 代码里面。
处理输入的代码被编译在动态库 libinput.so
中,input 事件通过 socket 传输(似乎是 binder + socket pair fd)。
// frameworks/native/include/input/InputTransport.h
status_t InputPublisher::publishMotionEvent ->
status_t sendMessage(const InputMessage* msg);
// 13
status_t publishMotionEvent(uint32_t seq, int32_t eventId, int32_t deviceId, int32_t source,
int32_t displayId, std::array<uint8_t, 32> hmac, int32_t action,
int32_t actionButton, int32_t flags, int32_t edgeFlags,
int32_t metaState, int32_t buttonState,
MotionClassification classification, const ui::Transform& transform,
float xPrecision, float yPrecision, float xCursorPosition,
float yCursorPosition, const ui::Transform& rawTransform,
nsecs_t downTime, nsecs_t eventTime, uint32_t pointerCount,
const PointerProperties* pointerProperties,
const PointerCoords* pointerCoords);
// 12.1
status_t publishMotionEvent(uint32_t seq, int32_t eventId, int32_t deviceId, int32_t source,
int32_t displayId, std::array<uint8_t, 32> hmac, int32_t action,
int32_t actionButton, int32_t flags, int32_t edgeFlags,
int32_t metaState, int32_t buttonState,
MotionClassification classification, const ui::Transform& transform,
float xPrecision, float yPrecision, float xCursorPosition,
float yCursorPosition, uint32_t displayOrientation,
int32_t displayWidth, int32_t displayHeight, nsecs_t downTime,
nsecs_t eventTime, uint32_t pointerCount,
const PointerProperties* pointerProperties,
const PointerCoords* pointerCoords);
// 12
status_t publishMotionEvent(uint32_t seq, int32_t eventId, int32_t deviceId, int32_t source,
int32_t displayId, std::array<uint8_t, 32> hmac, int32_t action,
int32_t actionButton, int32_t flags, int32_t edgeFlags,
int32_t metaState, int32_t buttonState,
MotionClassification classification, const ui::Transform& transform,
float xPrecision, float yPrecision, float xCursorPosition,
float yCursorPosition, int32_t displayWidth, int32_t displayHeight,
nsecs_t downTime, nsecs_t eventTime, uint32_t pointerCount,
const PointerProperties* pointerProperties,
const PointerCoords* pointerCoords);
// 11
status_t publishMotionEvent(uint32_t seq, int32_t eventId, int32_t deviceId, int32_t source,
int32_t displayId, std::array<uint8_t, 32> hmac, int32_t action,
int32_t actionButton, int32_t flags, int32_t edgeFlags,
int32_t metaState, int32_t buttonState,
MotionClassification classification, float xScale, float yScale,
float xOffset, float yOffset, float xPrecision, float yPrecision,
float xCursorPosition, float yCursorPosition, nsecs_t downTime,
nsecs_t eventTime, uint32_t pointerCount,
const PointerProperties* pointerProperties,
const PointerCoords* pointerCoords);
// 10.0
status_t publishMotionEvent(
uint32_t seq,
int32_t deviceId,
int32_t source,
int32_t displayId,
int32_t action,
int32_t actionButton,
int32_t flags,
int32_t edgeFlags,
int32_t metaState,
int32_t buttonState,
MotionClassification classification,
float xOffset,
float yOffset,
float xPrecision,
float yPrecision,
nsecs_t downTime,
nsecs_t eventTime,
uint32_t pointerCount,
const PointerProperties* pointerProperties,
const PointerCoords* pointerCoords);
// 9.0, 8.1
status_t publishMotionEvent(
uint32_t seq,
int32_t deviceId,
int32_t source,
int32_t displayId,
int32_t action,
int32_t actionButton,
int32_t flags,
int32_t edgeFlags,
int32_t metaState,
int32_t buttonState,
float xOffset,
float yOffset,
float xPrecision,
float yPrecision,
nsecs_t downTime,
nsecs_t eventTime,
uint32_t pointerCount,
const PointerProperties* pointerProperties,
const PointerCoords* pointerCoords);
// 8.0
status_t publishMotionEvent(
uint32_t seq,
int32_t deviceId,
int32_t source,
int32_t action,
int32_t actionButton,
int32_t flags,
int32_t edgeFlags,
int32_t metaState,
int32_t buttonState,
float xOffset,
float yOffset,
float xPrecision,
float yPrecision,
nsecs_t downTime,
nsecs_t eventTime,
uint32_t pointerCount,
const PointerProperties* pointerProperties,
const PointerCoords* pointerCoords);
上面的 publishMotionEvent 符号在 libinput.so
被导出,且被 libinputflinger.so
引用,可以考虑用 plt hook 。
// frameworks/native/services/inputflinger/dispatcher/InputDispatcher.cpp
static bool canBeObscuredBy(const sp<WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle,
const sp<WindowInfoHandle>& otherHandle) {
// Compare by token so cloned layers aren't counted
if (haveSameToken(windowHandle, otherHandle)) {
return false;
auto info = windowHandle->getInfo();
auto otherInfo = otherHandle->getInfo();
if (otherInfo->inputConfig.test(WindowInfo::InputConfig::NOT_VISIBLE)) {
return false;
} else if (otherInfo->alpha == 0 &&
otherInfo->inputConfig.test(WindowInfo::InputConfig::NOT_TOUCHABLE)) {
// Those act as if they were invisible, so we don't need to flag them.
// We do want to potentially flag touchable windows even if they have 0
// opacity, since they can consume touches and alter the effects of the
// user interaction (eg. apps that rely on
// FLAG_WINDOW_IS_PARTIALLY_OBSCURED should still be told about those
// windows), hence we also check for FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE.
return false;
} else if (info->ownerUid == otherInfo->ownerUid) {
// If ownerUid is the same we don't generate occlusion events as there
// is no security boundary within an uid.
return false;
} else if (otherInfo->inputConfig.test(gui::WindowInfo::InputConfig::TRUSTED_OVERLAY)) {
return false;
} else if (otherInfo->displayId != info->displayId) {
return false;
return true;
// frameworks/native/services/inputflinger/dispatcher/InputDispatcher.cpp
static bool canBeObscuredBy(const sp<InputWindowHandle>& windowHandle,
const sp<InputWindowHandle>& otherHandle) {
// Compare by token so cloned layers aren't counted
if (haveSameToken(windowHandle, otherHandle)) {
return false;
auto info = windowHandle->getInfo();
auto otherInfo = otherHandle->getInfo();
if (!otherInfo->visible) {
return false;
} else if (info->ownerPid == otherInfo->ownerPid) {
// If ownerPid is the same we don't generate occlusion events as there
// is no in-process security boundary.
return false;
} else if (otherInfo->isTrustedOverlay()) {
return false;
} else if (otherInfo->displayId != info->displayId) {
return false;
return true;
// frameworks/native/libs/input/InputWindow.cpp
bool InputWindowInfo::isTrustedOverlay() const {
return layoutParamsType == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD || layoutParamsType == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG ||
layoutParamsType == TYPE_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY || layoutParamsType == TYPE_STATUS_BAR ||
layoutParamsType == TYPE_NOTIFICATION_SHADE ||
layoutParamsType == TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR ||
layoutParamsType == TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL ||
layoutParamsType == TYPE_DOCK_DIVIDER ||
layoutParamsType == TYPE_INPUT_CONSUMER ||
不过我日常用的 FV 悬浮球有一些 application overlay 的窗口(type 2038, 0x7f6),其中最后一个窗口覆盖了整个屏幕,而且是 NOT_TOUCHABLE 的,因此被检测到了。
# dumpsys input
4: name='Window{e79218b mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u0 com.fooview.android.fooview}', displayId=0, portalToDisplayId=-1, paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00010308, type=0x000007f6, frame=[0,908][33,1128], globalScale=1.000000, windowScale=(1.000000,1.000000), touchableRegion=[0,908][33,1128], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=5138, ownerUid=10211, dispatchingTimeout=8000ms
5: name='Window{240c017 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u0 com.fooview.android.fooview}', displayId=0, portalToDisplayId=-1, paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00020018, type=0x000007f6, frame=[971,95][972,2356], globalScale=1.000000, windowScale=(1.000000,1.000000), touchableRegion=[971,95][972,2356], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=5138, ownerUid=10211, dispatchingTimeout=8000ms
12: name='Window{a5aef30 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u0 com.fooview.android.fooview}', displayId=0, portalToDisplayId=-1, paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00010318, type=0x000007f6, frame=[0,2355][1080,2356], globalScale=1.000000, windowScale=(1.000000,1.000000), touchableRegion=[0,2355][1080,2356], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=5138, ownerUid=10211, dispatchingTimeout=8000ms
# dumpsys window
Window #22 Window{a5aef30 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u0 com.fooview.android.fooview}:
mDisplayId=0 rootTaskId=1 mSession=Session{d602148 5138:u0a10211} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@8bd48e2
mOwnerUid=10211 showForAllUsers=false package=com.fooview.android.fooview appop=SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillx1) gr=BOTTOM LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0 ty=APPLICATION_OVERLAY fmt=TRANSPARENT
Requested w=1080 h=1 mLayoutSeq=32042
mHasSurface=true isReadyForDisplay()=true mWindowRemovalAllowed=false
WindowStateAnimator{290a64 }:
Surface: shown=true layer=0 alpha=1.0 rect=(0.0,0.0) 1080 x 1 transform=(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)