Here is the sequence of Authorization Code flow:
participant EndUser as End-User
participant RP as Relying Party
participant OP as OpenID Provider
EndUser ->>+ RP: A request that needs credentials issued by Identity Provider
RP -->>- EndUser: Redirect to authorization endpoint
alt End-user is authenticated / Permission is grantted
EndUser ->>+ OP: Authorization Request: GET /authorization
OP -->>- EndUser: Redirect to callback endpoint
else End-user isn't authenticated / Permission isn't grantted
EndUser ->>+ OP: Authorization Request: GET /authorization
OP -->> EndUser: Redirect to authentication endpoint
EndUser ->> OP: Authentication Request: POST /authentication
OP ->> OP: Verify password
OP ->> OP: Save session into cache
OP ->> OP: Write session id into cookie
OP ->> OP: Verify consent
OP -->> EndUser: Redirect to consent endpoint
EndUser ->> OP: Grant permission: POST /consent
OP ->> OP: Save consent into database
OP -->> EndUser: Redirect to authorization endpoint
EndUser ->> OP: Authorization Request: GET /authorization
OP ->> OP: Generate authorization code
OP ->> OP: Save request fingerprint into cache
OP -->>- EndUser: Redirect to callback endpoint
EndUser ->>+ RP: Pass authorization code: GET /callback
alt Get tokens (grant_type=authorization_code)
RP ->>+ OP: Token Request: POST /token
OP ->> OP: Generate tokens
OP ->> OP: Save refresh token permission into cache
OP -->>- RP: Respond tokens
else Refresh access token (grant_type=refresh_token)
RP ->>+ OP: Token Request: POST /token
OP ->> OP: Generate tokens (without ID token)
OP ->> OP: Save refresh token permission into cache
OP -->>- RP: Respond tokens
RP -->>- EndUser: Respond tokens