All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. This file tries to follow recommendations of Keep a CHANGELOG.
0.5.0 - 2019-06-07
- Provider Account read
- Account read
- Application update
- Policy Registry methods
- User list
- User create
- User activate
- Account approve
- Account applications list
- Application plan applications list
- Application keys list
- Application key create
- Application accept
- Application suspend
- Application resume
- ProxyConfig show
- ProxyConfig promote
- ProxyConfig list
- ProxyConfig latest
0.4.0 - 2019-05-13
- Delete metric
- Show metric
- Update metric
- Show method
- Update method
- Delete method
0.3.0 - 2019-05-03
- List limits per plan and metric
- Update app plan limit
- Operation to set application plan as default
0.2.0 - 2019-04-16
- Proxy Config list
- Proxy Config latest
- Deprecate ruby 2.3, Support ruby 2.6
- List features per application plan
- Create application plan feature
- Delete application plan feature
- List service features
- Create service feature
- Show service feature
- Update service feature
- Delete service feature
- Show application plan
- Update application plan
env var name forTHREESCALE_DEBUG
0.1.9 - 2019-03-22
- Delete application plan customization
- Delete activedocs
- List accounts
- Delete account
- Delete application
- Show OIDC configuration
- Update OIDC configuration
- Integration tests do the clean up
0.1.8 - 2019-03-06
- Find account method
- Activedocs methods
- PricingRules methods
- Policies methods
- Support for Ruby versions 2.5.0, 2.4.3, 2.3.6
0.1.7 - 2018-12-05
- Delete service method
- Delete application plan method
- Raise error on unexpected response like 503
0.1.6 - 2018-10-18
- Expose ssl_verify http client option
- Service Update
0.1.5 - 2017-06-23
- Application Customize Plan
- MIT license
0.1.4 - 2016-05-10
- Account Create (Signup Express)
- Application Read & Find
- Application Create
0.1.3 - 2016-05-09
- Applications List & List by Service
0.1.2 - 2016-03-16
- Proxy Show & Update
- Mapping Rules List, Show, Create, Update & Delete
0.1.1 - 2016-03-14
- Added missing requires, fixes missing URI and Net::HTTP
0.1.0 - 2016-03-11
- Service List, Show & Create
- Metrics/Methods List & Create
- Application Plans List & Create
- Usage Limits List, Create & Delete